Saturday, March 29, 2008

understanding the importance of making babies

if women are smart, who want a family, they will
do it while young, ..

if a woman in her early years, have her kids, by the time she
is 30, her kids will be school age, and then she can continue
her schooling, and enter a career, and not have to then take
off from the career, to "drop" a baby, and then
set it up on a baby sitter cycle... she will have had time to be with her baby during it's
formative years, and when the child is old enough for school,
then she too will be in her school for higher learning, and
there won't be such a great loss between mother and
child, for the first 5-7 years of the child's life.

having children, young, is more suited for the live and
body mechanic's of a woman... that's why nature
made her body capable of giving brith young, and it takes
away the birth giving potential as she gets older.. by the
natural process of what is life.. even studies, continue
to point to and denote, the many problems that are inherent
in women who wait till they are past 30 to give birth, the
risk factor is high, probably more downs syndrome babies,
and surely those that have a great deal of emotional connectivity
loss.. these women drop a baby, and 3 weeks later, the baby
is with a baby sitter, and she's back to career chasing..
a baby's emotions are not developed enough to swing
between the baby sitter and the mother, and to learn and
know any nature of emotional continuity, with such a dramatic
fluxation, between so much character changes in their
lives on a daily basis.. I think it may even explain why we
have a whole society that is hung up on pills and raised with
a dsyfunctional demeanor, and claiming depression at
every turn.. they never had the experience of stable bonding
as a baby... they were bounced from pillar to post, and treated
like a sideline ornament, that was put on some achievement
measurment track.. status equating things, before it
can even find out how to natural love and interact in a family..

Truth is many of the young mothers, may not find divorce,
so readily, if they care and think about the greatness of
rasing a child, as being more important, than daily sitting
at home, pissed off and tripping about, if she is climbing
the corporate ladder, or gaining some title in the corporate
world as her greater crown of glory.. they may be more receptive
to their mate, rather than pissed off because he is not flooding
her with material stuff, and swooning over her, like she
is the only other person on earth. by that, it simply means
raise the baby because you love doing it, not acting like
someone owes you something because you are devoting you
focus to being a good mother, a individual who is pleased
being a mother, and then you might find it easier to be as
well a woman who love the man in her life as part of that..

truth is people have forgot and lost what the meaning of
raising a child is..

this craziness of.. I'm a professional, I make a lot
of money, I have corporate power, I'm playing the game
of mens business dealings, and Oh' by the way... I have
dropped a baby, that I'm called it's mother.

What matter's ... when love is sought.

what matters and what will matter is... "simple"...

TRUTH OF LIFE IS, Loving don't care about money, and
title, it cares about the "flow of feelings being
interchanged, exchanged, and expressed with appreciation"

any and all the people who get together based on " title",
: money: educational status" and such things.. are
trying to pound love to fit within a box, that love will never
allow its nature to be contained in such a constriction,
nor under such rules of subjugation.. people had best call
that, an arrangment of " objectives prerequisites"...
love does not have an objective to be or do anything, [COLOR
darkblue]other than express its nature of being expressive....
relative to anything and everything that two
individual care to care about, of each other.

when it comes down to it.. it's simply, a matter
of being with whom you want and like being with
... that
allows love to find it's openness of expression, that
it may be lovingly actualized.

money chasers, and title chasers are simply that, "money
chasers", and "title chasers, and such ones
will forgo anything and everything of loving, to get those
objects, .. and that is, what becomes their love, the
. and they constantly fight the repulsion of
the person, whom they latched on for these objects, because
their love is more for the object or money or title, than
for the person.. so, there is no peace, between person,
only appeasing interaction.

love will survive, between people without a penny in this
world, if it's love of person..

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Maybe his personal failure, indicated he never should

have been President.