Love is… our choice to embrace..
We choose love thru its truth, or
We deny it, for the labors it brings which come forth, that it may teach temperament within mankind.
So love is.. Revolutions and evolutions within understanding ability to bring growth within infinite potentials and be far expansive as life is itself... and it does so within our awareness thru every emotion which our senses can engage,.. in series, parallels, compounds, fractions and what ever other combinations such can exist..
and we waste so much time, trying to confine and define it to fit within containments of our romanticized captions, of elations, while negating the truth that it engages equally so our deflations that we may be not unlike even the simplicity of our lungs, which .. inflate and deflate, which we call breathing, which sustains our lives..
but do we despise the deflation of the lungs, in such a cycle " so" , we call it exhaling, and we appreciate our intake, as so to say, "taking in a breath of fresh air'..
we may learn more to love, how to love the nature of love, for the fact it is love, and let it be love, comprised of all things that make life.. within the living, and such.. is the results we encounter daily.. if feeling of " hurt love and "unhurt love".. if we care to put it in that context, simple for the reflection of, "principals".. to get a summation we can digest of how might love be comprehensible in the spectrum of itself and of as well as, within function.
Love is life, and all that is comprised within the existence of life, and it includes animate and inanimate things.. our feeling of ups and downs, keeps love forever developing and morphing into, what is living... shall we confine such majesty.. to romantic consumption, or mere mating urges of arousals intensity to engage it's reproductive instincts ..and void out all else that is within the spectrum of it's fullness of encompassing.
We may even inquire, as to .. how does our vanity.. choose it's seclusions and exclusions.. and write script of omissions, and wonder why love is unfulfilling unto the individual.
In creations begin as referenced, thru the text of the Bible, does it not say, all things created by nature are of good. then what of does man choose to deny his like of such, and contain himself, within what he deems.. is his fancy only.. and call such love.. only when it yields him satisfaction... does that imply, that too.. many negates that it is by the sweat of mans brow.. that he lives.
and in doing such, it is thru the trials and challenges of his development of understanding, that mans finds the glories of love, as he so embraces its challenges and trials and tribulations....
and in such spectrum.. rendering all things as being of love.. and thus, mans concept of unhurt love, and hurting love.. Brings many maladies within the lives of mankind, till.. man.. in his doubts and despairs.. Rebuke the truth which love delivers.. in its fullness of being what is love... and we have again.. the Bible.. that advise, unto man... to have the faith of even the mustard seed, and thus walk, by faith, not so by sight alone... and such mankind.. shall see to embrace what is always "love"
We make choices of whom we will be kind unto within engaging continuing communications, and such is the pathway we choose to allow love to blossom..or wither.. into dis-concern to engage... or elatations of the options and delight in and within the opportunities to engage,.. and time finds within the mind, and the minds find in time, the nature of loves truth.. revealing the beauty of and within as true about what is loving..and we.. stand back, or stand forth.. but more so we stand true.. and proclaim.. "We Love".. and in doing so, we give testament, to say, within our declarations.. to claim.. we to be.. "in Love"... and yet.. it's simply love expressing within the engagements we makes choices to engage.. by our aim to direct kindness upon the frailties of another, to over look, that we may see their strengths within.. and we say.. by decree.. I love you, thee.. with my hearts focus, and my desires intent... that You, are to me.. my lover, of choice.
and thus is such.. bigger than a dream.. for it's simply "love expressed"..
and it is by our choices, we engage so.. to stand that love may continually reveal it's marvels and majesty, thru many thing, that may be joys as of might be too, tribulations.. and yet.. thru such.. unfolds .. love.. in it's marvels of presentations, that our awareness may .. find realisms.. to embrace.. in our presence of life...
We have but few troubles with love, but many torments we choose within vanity, for it is of certain, the vexation of spirit, as the vain nature of man, seeks others to appease and deny truth, and not push forth that truth over rides, vanity, that love may enjoy it's playground of expressiveness.. and such we .. torment our lives in a world of wants, and claim them needs, and despair our souls with measure, by things made and created by the hands of mankind, thru his love, that found it's being in the heat of labors, which brought sweat to the brow, that such things come forth.. and we.. in seeking such, forget, it is within us that desireth such thing, not such things that desire us, nor do such thing make us, except by our choice of self measure by the grasp and holding of such.. and we covet, that we smother the love.. with fear of loss, or many factions of covertness’, and in doing so, we let not go, that we may embrace the whole of loves many presentations... and we claim.. Love has gone..
shall we.. simply learn best .. to manage and understand our own vanity, that love may make us perpetually beautiful.. of such.. we then have in abundance to share.... and again.. Loving is finding it's light thru such engaging.
We who are free, choose so often to be not, by our choice to give such freedom over unto vanities hell..
Love is.. and it's everlasting within it's truth of what it is..
Shall we embrace it.. in all it's Glory and Majesty, which brings forth always the best in us, when we do so .. thru truth revelations .. of our.. real desire.. to first "Love God" .. that the way may be always revealed unto us.. for the the purity.. God is Love.. and God is All... shall we simply seek to have such faith to believe so..
Then it is.. Love.. Who’s glory we shall live in the embrace, forever..
In all our lives, those who we love, stand deep within, to last forever, for it is always of us, at part within whom we are, and all who we have loved, become part that is everlasting, in what we are, and is passed about in our sharing that such, one’s we’ve engaged in love, transpires thru us, to allow pass forth..
And such is.. EVERLASTING.
As so, too is Love is..
Written with respectful appreciation.. Of Love’s everlasting Truths.. in Loves being.. Our lives.
Shall we go further
Shall you look upon a rose with appreciation, it lives so within you, forever, and become too a rose shared by all whom share your smiles…. Even so, they know not the rose, you viewed, by what it inspired within you, is of you… a part within what brightens your smile.. And such.. is..
The look upon the beauty of a rose, and feel the love that created it, and it become so too.. a part of you.. Uniting all things.. Thru Love.
And love is… “Everlasting” !
We choose love thru it’s truth, or we deny it for the labors it brings that teaches temperament within mankind.
Faith within truths is too, love.
within what is written, all commentary of loves challenges can be found to fit within it, extracted, subtracted, added in depth of clarity of point depiction, or principal relevancy, and any array of personal reflections of it's endless variables.... and it is first, and foremost, the believe in love, that instills the belief in ones self, to feel capable of loving, that one may share.. so of and, within, as equally unto, the love, another finds so within themselves..
we each will forever remain responsible within self for and of self, and thru such we learn greater, how better, to share.. we who, find such, may expect less, and respect more, and find there is an abundance that over-flows.. yet.. We choose reasons, that wade thru fear, and some find reasons to reason fear to make them more fearful.. and claim .. Love to precious, to reach beyond their fears to engage.
Now .. we are at the point to discuss, the " waterloo's of life.. and we must be fordable lovers, to engage the en’actions to make it thru( the elations), with maintenance ability to manage a continuation of interchanges, with progressive results, that meet and meld understanding, to accept the distinction within each other as man and woman, to not be, so lost in the infatuation of the distinctions and forever trying to recapture that first feeling, (like a junkie chasing its first high), but the let that mellow into understanding so that appreciations has it's foundation, to sustain all the dreams and desires, that two seek to share, they may be better equipped to deal with the trial and challenges, when each will not be at their best, and not loose view of appreciations, when they are standing on their high grounds of individualized appreciations joy... and as such, each has become a true soldier of love, army.. they may face any battles, and understand the mandate of their cause.. and know each has themselves to be of care for as well as to watch the back, of each other..
In many cases... because people are not prepared, it's like two soldiers, being each, shot in the heart, wondering why the other is not trying to help them.. as they each are simply gasping for breath,.. while screaming at the other.. when instead, at such a crucial time... it is such, they may be of best, to tell each other simply of their love for each other, as their means to comfort each other.. and miracles have been known to happen.. they may just , find themselves rescued... or some stroke of life's grace.. may spare them each, to live another day.. together..
Have.. We all not heard the phrase, that a woman who may not have had a father may try to find one in her mate, or the man who has not had a mother may try to find one in a mate..
And the same goes for those who may have had a father, and not learned to let go, may try to find still a father in a mate, and vice versa for men.
built the parents who teach their kids, to love and how to let go of the parent, because the parent, gives them independence, and teaching them of differences, and how to respect individualism, as well how to distinguish between wants and needs, and teach them of self reliance..
such one's may well grow.. with much to share, and great understanding in how to do so,... and they may love.. Greatly doing
the problem with people and relationship.. they are not of many, who seek to understand these depth.. “they are stimulation seekers" .. Like junkies chasing one high after the next", never knowing they are simply "Addicts'.. and such functions in a cycle of "insanity".. Doing the same things over and over and expecting different results"..
and they cycle in and out of one marriage behind the next, with the wrong frame of mind about what is love, and how best is loving achieved and maintained.. they .. chase the quick fix, of a sensual high, driven by their lusting, of which, they have nothing of depth in self that is trusting, in anything, beyond .. what of stimulations, come to encapsulate them within. and when it's not such.. it's like a junkie on a rampage... they will disrespect themselves and steal from even their own self, in ways they choose to be less than, and dubious and devious, thru devise.. trying to "cop a fix".. and when the drug of choice( person).. is gone, they don't go into remorse to learn their faults, they go into anguish, slinging blame on anything but themselves... and what they expected and how much of it they did not get.. and the other person.. they so once claimed to love, is then considered lower than a snake.. while they paint in their minds, themselves a "god" of sorts.
Now you may not or you may, "regard God" I don't know.. but anyway..
if man first loves God, and woman First loves God, and they meet each other.. then God is between them, as their "FILTER".. helping them manage good will unto and with each other.. but when they remove God from his place.. they are then .. naked, and shall so point fingers at what they understand not.. and speak of their differences, rather than see how their distinctions compliment each other and fit in perfect harmony, to the high esteemed level, they can procreate, and in doing so, if they have the "God Essence" between them, they will too raise their offspring's, that carry forth such values of how love lives .. Harmoniously.
Is love a cause for happiness or a consequence of it?
It is of potential to do both, and it is by both, that it serves both, "cause and consequences".. and having relations.. is the "subsequence"...
and.. thus so, all things communicated by all posters, are within what and how that subsequence.. is .. Of resulting composure.
We should aspire to make
[(cause =happiness) + mate (consequence=love)+ mate] = (subsequence = loving mates)+happiness = Happiness Within a LOVING RELATIONSHIP
Now think of your learning of "Adam and Eve"... and ask yourself some questions.
is this relative to how the serpent enticed Eve,
the problem with people and relationship.. they are not of many, who seek to understand these depth.. " they are stimulation seekers" .. like junkies chasing one high after the next", never knowing they are simply "Addicts'.. and such functions in a cycle of "insanity".. doing the same things over and over and expecting different results"..
and they cycle in and out of one marriage behind the next, with the wrong frame of mind about what is love, and how best is loving achieved and maintained.. they .. chase the quick fix, of a sensual high, driven by their lusting, of which, they have nothing of depth in self that is trusting, in anything, beyond .. What of stimulations, come to encapsulate them within? and when it's not such.. It’s like a junkie on a rampage... they will disrespect themselves and steal from even their own self, in ways they choose to be less than, and dubious and devious, thru devise.. Trying to "cop a fix".. And when the drug of choice( person).. is gone, they don't go into remorse to learn their faults, they go into anguish, slinging blame on anything but themselves... and what they expected and how much of it they did not get.. and the other person.. They so once claimed to love, is then considered lower than a snake.. While they paint in their minds, themselves a "god" of sorts.
Then God came forth and said to each.. Man and Woman.. Put no thing before me..
if man first loves God, and woman First loves God, and they meet each other.. then God is between them, as their "FILTER".. helping them manage good will unto and with each other.. but when they remove God from his place.. they are then .. naked, and shall so point fingers at what they understand not.. and speak of their differences, rather than see how their distinctions compliment each other and fit in perfect harmony, to the high esteemed level, they can procreate, and in doing so, if they have the "God Essence" between them, they will too raise their offspring's, that carry forth such values of how love lives .. harmoniously.
and it is by the sweat of the brow,( which means they need to think) that Love is their work, work is Love..
and such was cast from the garden.. with such knowledge, .. and we let infatuations, continue to try and deceive us that we have not such work to do... as a result we try and rely on "vanity"... to catch, hold and control.. each other.. and such become the nature of fight which rages thru the sexes... for each .. shall not be caught, held and controlled... they are meant to share.. as HELP MATES.