Monday, September 22, 2008

Fire Sale

"another one bites the dust", Morgan Stanley.. sells 20% to Mitsubishi ... the Beer makers is gone, and China, Japan, Canada, and the Nordic Regional countries, owns a greater % of the rest of it..

"Fire Sale"

The "good ole boys".. finally ripped it good, and sold everything they could get their hands on, and made shell games of everything they could not get their hands on..

they rode it like a broken down horse, until it's hoofs were frayed and it's backbone swayed, till it's belly scrapped the ground...
and all the while they sit atop it.. like a warrior straight out a a battle, when the battle ended 50 years ago... and they paraded about.. as if they were still the victors of a world war. never paying attention.. the war had long ended, and the glory of the parade was only meant to last for a day.. and they did the ticker tape parade for 50 years... and now the streets are littered with confetti.. and when the wind blows it away.. they find the streets filled with pot holes.. and the store fronts.. have "gone out of business " signs all up and down the street... and they traded companies that had no foundation, and no product.. but they had desktops full of paper.. with a stamp and a seal... they played it, making deals with each other.. creating delusions that wealth backed the front.. and the back overcame the front.. and there was nothing left in-between...and the paper.. crumbled into dust and blew away in the wind..

For years before they learned so little.. maybe nothing at all.. as they left spread across the landscape of the Texas desert lands.. steel icon's of days of old, when they pumped black gold, thinking it would never end.. they drove battle ships and tanks and called them automobiles.. they built homes bigger than hospitals.. and found they valued everything.. above and beyond what is the basic human individual... and now.. time shows again.. the folly... and shows again the delusion.. to be hollow.. and shows again.. the same pattern they follow..

And this time... the time of all times.. it's now.. a "Fire Sale".. and the landscape of a nations goes on the auction block.. never to be again what it was.. and now.. owned by those it once thought to be lesser than themselves, while they gloated on thinking themselves above all others.. and now.. it is those others who have bought up and divvy up the spoils, left over from the "good ole boys".. squalor and glutton of self consumed rip and gloat, rob and steal, scheme and deceive.. and wade thru the muddy madness.. of their ego's ride..

NO more ... the houses made of gold, nor the hillside retreats, no more .. the greed and mis-deeds will again.. get their pathway to delude and intrude..
News makers flapping lips, and crashing lives, for the dollars from the pill pushers and quacks, dressed for media saturation.. and now.. the reality is faced... of a nation in demise... and not knowing what way to turn.. while they push and stop for another game player.. as if they have amnesia, to forget the failure of the Saving and Loan, which was but another showing of what is happing today.. more blind today, and forget of Enron, and Global Brossing, and the Keating 5 and their gang.... they felt.. what the heck.. we fleeced them once, why not again.. and again.. and they now find .. "them" turn out to be the same ones who created the game... and they find reality showing.. it is themselves they screwed... and the people of a nation they deceived..

and now.. None across the world , wants to believe in any of them .. so the BEGINS..

none can remember the electrical rip off of the 90's.. when power games were played.. and they chose to let win, one man who was within the core of the gambit .. and he proceeded to take down a nation.. and now just before the Fire Sale, is under way... the grey haired tricksters.. again.. seeks to delude and mislead.. with a six shooter on his side.. hoping to get one more chance to become a war hero once again.. seeking his own war.. at the price of anything.. that he may again pursue his glory days.. he can't fight the nats off his own ass, but he will send young men to battle when there's nothing to win and nothing to gain... while he issue his threat and tough talk.. and the world looks at him with laugher at the folly of a old man.. who is from a time before.. with a bugle in his mouth.. and veterans of foreign wars, crowing around.. seeking one more rally around the hill top.. hoping someone will loan them enough to buy another tank.. and a bag up bullet... until they can.. get the last of a nation.. sold.. in the "Fire Sale" of America.. for the sake of wild men and gunslingers.. seeking the western ways of yester-years.. unaware there are not Indians to slaughter.. and now will lay down and roll over.. and no buffalo.. to wipe out.. to starve them into surrender.. and the wooden forts will not longer protect the calvary.. who is battle weary, and cycled to fight beyond their bodies ability to even stand... and he blows taps on a rusty horn.. with a clogged tube... as he gasp for another breath... while the auctioneer... rattles off the next item on the list.... with the banners overhead.. blowing in the wind..

We the individual citizen.. will have to listen, learn and change.. if America is to regain and maintain.. what is left. Either people wake up and change.. wake up and find out, that if no equality.. there is no quality... if their is no Justice, then there is no peace.. if there is nor respect of persons, then there is no Unity... and if Unity fails any further.. there will be no Nation... and the Fire Sale.. will leave nothing to Rebuild.

"Callous Minds"

“Callous Minds”
Choose the dignity and stature of a citizen, choose the integrity of an individual, and choose to represent yourself and your belief and your hope for a better nation, in which you live.

  1. Callous Minds, don’t address the political issues.. they don’t address the natural disaster issues, they don’t address the economic issues, they don’t address any issue… other than their own personal agenda of their self encircled world…

    and they never understand their callousness .. nor do they understand how their uninvolved nature, impacts the world.. and the world will be impacted by their non interest in what matter that affect the world, and what matters which bring effect upon their lives… which affects their living.

    Abstaining.. does not make it better, you only contribute to the callous nature of .. continuing to support the break down process in all lands.. by and thru the silence of individuals.
    Nor does casting a vote, you know won’t meet with the tally of who’s elected… “why waste your vote”… when you know, it’s tossed to “a non factor” .. that is.. simply a “callous mind, making a callous choice, for the appeasming self gratification of saying they voted”.. but they voted, simply to send their vote into the abyss.. of a void.

    Think…. and consider, what matters.. and if you feel .. you matter.. “If you Do.. among the leading choices, then those are your areas of choice, which will make the difference, is whom is chosen, and what is chosen based on the Issues, each runner supports”..

    ( maybe the world needs, voter educations, and understanding what options that truly exist, and which options that will matter, in how your vote counts, based on if you feel, you matter, enough to make your vote count … equals - “THINKING” )

    Sitting around, thinking, everyone else will act.. and you will just ride the tide like a freeloader.. and then struggling to try and gain your footing, because you did not care to understand anything, nor did you care to address anything…

    and some are even raising children, and they sit with a callous mind, doing nothing, saying nothing,.. and many won’t even go out and vote… many won’t support the factions in their countries which build unison across continental borders…

    You may need to find out what is within the political climate of your lives and your surrounding.. and whom you can support, and what issues you can support.. and what is of a matter to your lives and the lives of your children.. or even you potential children..

    you know whom you are… and if you do nothing, say nothing and support nothing.. then … what do you expect.. other than to ride on what other’s have supported, and what other do support..

    if you vote on race.. then you are already missing the point of an Election… if you vote on Gender you are already missing the point of the election..

    Age matters.. because of the pressures of the job.. and the nature of who comes next, what comes next.. so there are elements that matter.. when many say they don’t… but you had best know what matters to have discerning considerations to consider.. it matters more in this situation, than maybe any other situation in life and our policies of a nation.

    but either way… Vote on the Issues… but first Learn and come to terms with what the real Issue are… not the melodrama, in the Media.. but the Issue that Govern a Nation.. and Impact other Nations.

    Take time and consider what .. a Vote means.. and you may treasure it.. and become respectful of yourself and your enviornment and the world community.. enough to,

    Cast "Your Vote"

It most certainly Matters,
"You feel", "You Matter"

  1. September 22nd, 2008 at 2:30 pm


    Black people do not vote callously… when we vote.. we have thought about what impacts our lives.. we first had to fight for the right to vote.. and those of us who value that right, value the vote we cast..
    and we consider the issues.. not the personality.. but the issues..

    Society has for so long .. left out the black mind, and the person in many things.. and left out the program that push ahead to uplift people.. to provide the American Ideal.. and we among the many.. are well aware of what has been denied, held at a distance and what has been dangled before us..

    We are well aware of the slander that is pervasive which impacts our lives.. and we are well aware of what is promoted and supported that is a detriment to our lives and our progress not just as individuals but as people… and as a race of people.. but also how that disparages the nation of America and skew it’s stature…

    We are not callous voters…

    We need not get lost in melodrama.. nor the 15 minute circus acts of the Media.. we need to keep our focus on the Issues.. and stand behind the Issues…

    And the matter is… go to your friend.. go to your associates.. and go to any congregation you can find.. and seek out people.. and push them to consider their right.. to Vote, and help them understand their need to Vote… and help them understand how to invest in their civic pride.. thru their vote.

    We are not .. a Callous People… nor shall we be .. kept to such confinement by any who would seek to diminish our stature of person or individual being…

    Stand up… and count that you may be counted.. in what matters.. to your lives and the life of a Nation.

  2. POOR PEOPLE - Vote... black or white, black and white... this nation is now about poor and rich, and when it comes to poor.. it matters not what your color is.. your job has been lost just the same, it matters not what color you are.. your retirment has been stripped just the same, it matters not what color you are you still have economic challenges..
  3. The only people who think America is doing well are those who have the money to do well, the rest live a different reality.. which many rich .. have no ideal
  4. Vote.. to insure that you don't see another melt down as we face now.. Go and Read and find out who was a party to the Keating 5, and the Saving and Loan crash.. and you may find Republican and you will also find another name mixed in .. the mess.. John McCain..
  5. People who live in a world where they are in possession of 100 million dollars, may not know much about your struggles, nor do they have the same reality to know your challenges.. and they may not be the one's who can represent you..
All Persons Matter
  1. In this nations.. Latin People, Asian People and People from all places.. have a vested interest in this election.. We can no longer have states where Latin & Asian people feel they need to hide to keep from being harassed, or being unfairly targeted and pushed to the side... when they make contributions to this nations and take their stand to be as much concerned about the progress of a nations, and they are as much a part of this nation as any other people who claim themselves Americans.
  2. We don't need any more Arizona styled situation where 10's of thousands of Latin people had to flee the state to avoid being treated unfairly.
  3. we don't need Bay areas where the Asian population feel they are ignored and have not voice..
  4. we don't need .. the biases that have dominated the landscape of this nations for decades and centuries.. and oppressed a many people.. for the sake of others,.. this is a time that has met the future.. and it must be left in the past... as we build a better day for all .. Americans.. and work with the rest of the world.. not looking down upon them. but looking at them with equal eyes... and respect that is of equal in being and seeing and engaging as persons.. of equal dignity as human beings that comprise this earth's population..
One Nations.... of Many People... that's the 'Only America We Need"

Look carefully... HILLARY, sought to split the democratic ticket by every means she could think of, she created this divide of "white women voters"... and now she sits on her butt, saying nothing for fear she might say something that supports Obama, because she is bitter that she did not win, and then when the America people made their choice, she did not respect it.. she fought it.. because she felt she should have had a red carpet laid out and a limousine to drive her to the white House, regardless of what the American voters said..

and now... you don't see her countering anything the Republicans say.. She is the most suited person to address the Palin situation.. but she sit's idle and running for a corner to hide in.. and doing just enough to save face with a vague hope that she can stay in the shadows and again go for what she think she was entitled to have... as if she thinks it was guaranteed for her..

but she does not support the ticket of Democrats.. she supports herself.. and showed the world and America how divisive she is.. in her arrogance, and sore loose mentality.. and then her near vengeful denial of concern to pursue and support the ticket at this juncture..

she held on to delegates.. and tossed out every kind of call for craziness she could, when she even went to the insinuation about RFK.. which was about the lowest blow that any dignified person would even consider to make... She conveys a discredit to the women.. by her acting liked a "scorned woman' so much so.. she sits on her butt doing nothing and then expects Obama to help pay her the money that she wasted.. when everyone told her it was time to go sit down... she was not willing to see a black man beat her at anything.. and that is something that she is yet to digest..

she brought silliness into the arena.. long past the time her assocciate Senators put out the call for her to bow out, accept her accolades and move along with dignity.... she fought like a wild person unable to accept the reality of the American peoples vote... and her non visible stance now .. tell more than any thing else... and she is not now.. nor in 2012 nor any other time.. what this nation needs in the Highest Office... There are the clear cut display of her current actions which shows she is not the material for this Office.. they took out vengeance upon Bill Richardson, when he did not endorse her.. and many others they put their little attach log book... and she and bill set out to engage it at any chance they could..

she wanted to run in open campaign.. but then expecting to be given leinency of scruitny because she wanted to claim.. "female"... as if that was suppose to exempt her.. from reality..

people... America chose the Candidate they wanted.. and we not have to take it to the next step and put him in the Office.. we made the choice to do..

  • Vote.... for what you believe ... and vote to make America Change it's Course..
  • Vote that America Includes All Persons...
  • Vote that America respects and work with World communities.
  • Vote that America moves away from a War minded mentality.. Vote that we choose Peace as our pathway.. and diplomacy as the greatest tool within the Human Model of Blending Societies.
  • Be not deterred by rhetoric... and be not swayed by disingenuous motivations.. Nor be mislead.. by the delusions.. that you don't matter...