Posted 12/17/2009 7:33 PM CST on
"Hugs and Kisses"... and attention of many sorts, is often times given when babies are born- it should be the beginning of showing and teaching love, not just an episode, which fades away as the years come and go...
YES, it runs the gambit...of life, and the benefits to your child and the world are multiplied when your love does not cease to be shown, and nourished in the years upon years of not just their life, but your life as well. but what is fact and what is truth - "As a parent, your child is your responsibility".. regardless how anguished you may be about that fact.
It is a "Fact"... Facts Represents "Truths"...about people, places and things, and it certainly is a Fact,... your child is your responsibility- to nurture, to love, to teach and to discipline as well as educate them to be themselves, disciplined as they grow.
"What works in your life, works in their life .. it's COMMUNICATION... you like it done to you in a respectful and reasonable manner, and yes... your children, being as human as you are, want the same. They already understand you are the parent, but they become angry and unruly, when you stop being the parent, who shows and share love, or when you become the parent, who has not guidelines for discipline, which you hold them to. they resent it, as time goes on...
( you as an adult, hear it all the time, of people either speaking with pride about the discipline their parents taught them, or they are complaining about the lack of discipline they did not get ).. Men, Women, Boys and Girls, all remember the good things their parents teach them, and those things guide them in their years of living.
Choose not to fail your child- nor yourself - if you praise them for learning, they will embrace learning, if you give them acknowledgment for their positive efforts, they will work hard to produce positive results.
If your child is unruly, and seems to fail at trying to get a education, the problem began long before that child entered school. It began at HOME. and its AT HOME, those problems need to be addressed.
If your child is always in detention, or sent to the "last chance school".. its as much to do with the parent as it has to do with the child.
If you lost the ability to manage discipline, it may mean that you need to re-discipline yourself as a parent, in order to manage disciplining your child.
Don't Run to the Parole officer, or the Schools Administrators, or the Court house, screaming at the staff, because if your child did not cause ruckus that involve legal issues, or do things that have placed them or parole, or had gone to school and followed instruction and did their study to prepare for school.. then they would not have a problem to begin with. So before you run to the organizations with a boisterous mentality, you may want to look at your home life and that of your child. and what results will generally be found, is the same child is unruly at home, and undisciplined at home, they are irresponsible at home, as well as they become when at school.
Yes, young people will be young people, but they also set limits within themselves, about what they do, if there is a guideline set for them early in life. some may do things, of various sorts, but in the over-all they will be good natured people and respectful of others, if that has been taught to them.

Any parent who buys their child a Uniform for school, should make sure it fits before they spend their money on it, then there would be no boys walking around with their pants sagging, or girls in skin tight uniforms. "This is a result of poor choices and poor actions by the parent". and its followed by the parent, ignoring the fact they are wearing their clothes falling off their bodies.
When they are out of school.. then what ever fashion or style they want.. do it... but be mindful this city has legal ordinance regarding this matter. Now the question is, do you as a parent request your child to live within the ordinance of the city ?
Their Guidance for a Future is within your role as a Parent.... How much that matters to you will reflect in your child's "GENERAL OVER-ALL CONDUCT"...
un-real expectation within relationships, break up couples, and separate children into a divided family. If parents fail to communicate with each other, the result is a broken family...
effort to work to understand, is equally so, in need of effort to work to be understood.
These are solid choices-- before anyone chooses to become a Parent, and once you are a parent, by the fate of life...
Effort to work to understand, is equally so, in need of effort to work to be understood.
Its not our needs, that bring us troubles, its when we as people choose and allow our wants, to get out of control and become exaggerated. ..... and that... becomes many things, which produce many dysfunction which impact your children .... as well as you as a parent.
Effort to work to understand, is equally so, in need of effort to work to be understood.
"Hugs and Kisses"... and attention of many sorts, is often times given when babies are born- it should be the beginning of showing and teaching love, not just an episode, which fades away as the years come and go...
YES, it runs the gambit...of life, and the benefits to your child and the world are multiplied when your love does not cease to be shown, and nourished in the years upon years of not just their life, but your life as well. but what is fact and what is truth - "As a parent, your child is your responsibility".. regardless how anguished you may be about that fact.
It is a "Fact"... Facts Represents "Truths"...about people, places and things, and it certainly is a Fact,... your child is your responsibility- to nurture, to love, to teach and to discipline as well as educate them to be themselves, disciplined as they grow.
"What works in your life, works in their life .. it's COMMUNICATION... you like it done to you in a respectful and reasonable manner, and yes... your children, being as human as you are, want the same.Effort to work to understand, is equally so, in need of, Effort to work to be understood.