Friday, September 25, 2009

The NAACP... could really boost it's power and presence

The NAACP... could really boost it's power and presence, if it spend some effort to push an agenda that has a "integrating" message. many people are trying to climb either corporate ladders, or within some corporate structure, be it entertainment of other professions.
and that means they have to work in a fully "mixed" enviornment, and they have to present a fully integrating mindset.
that does not mean, abandon the causes that help black people, but do it in a way, that simply helps people, who share the commonest of 'CONDITIONS".. and "commonest of challenges based on conditions".. and it will be seen, that the issue of the challenges, have yes, black components, but many components, beyond the skin matter, meld into "conditions of integrating capability, not just ethnically, but economically, as well as socially, even within races, as well as across racial distinctions.

It's time for the Organization to Evolve, in its core manner of promotion. It does not have to abandon any causes, but it does have to open up, its ability to invite and embrace people, and conditions, with less dominance of skin matters.

As a low cost way to change its message without changing it's Acronyms... could be:


There is a certain level of ( perceived concepts of ) militancy, [because of the historical pursuit and engagements that were undertaken in the pursuits of equality and recognition for and of equality, when faced with a opposition that was set on denying equality,] now we have legal equality, we may seek to expand and find collaborating means far and beyond, in just fighting for one cause of one people based on "COLORED", as the original premise mandated at the time of its inception, which was then highly necessary... Today, with the diversity, post Civil Right Act, its far too POLARIZING of a denotation( as its perceived by those we have to work with and bond as a one nation conceptual realization), we understand, based on where it began and within the history in which it began,it needed to be singular in pursuit.. but today.... Time have changed, and we have to change how we engage our actions within the times of change. and what is needed is the push of integrating collaborations, of many colors, and ethnic make up of people, as the population integration is now far different than it was and continues to change daily.

Too many white people as well as Asian, Latin and others, would connect with the organization, but when it pushed a segregated nature of imagery and cause.. it only breeds contempt, and that subtle contempt, alienates many people, who are within the corporate loops, as well as the mass of people, who depend on an audience of the public that has not segregating color divide. and they can't afford to alienate their fans or their supporting public.

We have tot hear too what white people are saying, and be aware of how outraged we'd be if they created a group, called anything of "white people".. so its time, to make a change. We engaged that hurdle, during the 1960, with the passing of the Civil Rights Acts.. and now our next phase is to be "AS WITH ALL PEOPLE, AND MIXED WITH ALL PEOPLE, AS SIMPLY A WORLD, AND A NATION, OF "COLLABORATING" PEOPLE.. that is how we forge ahead to build and inspire the promotion of and "American people as a whole" which includes all of us.

the longer we push black organizations as being black organizations, we push a contextual nature of segregation, which is something that was fought against, yet, we continue to enforce it, when we once detested the mere concept of segregation. So we must advance... as simply people, when we denote an Organization, and be as Dr. King... He fought for EQUALITY', for ALL PEOPLE, yes, we may have been the catalysis, but the result is, equality must be for all people, or none can claim it.

consider what good this organization can do, and it will be clear it can multiply that good, by enjoining people as people, who simply live in collaboration for the simply advancement of PEOPLE.

IT'S TIME... What more does it take other than the dwindling numbers, to denote the fact that conceptual image change is needed.

let's not whip a dead horse, when we can nourish a spirited pony, and ride into the light of change.

[[[[ Too many white people as well as Asian, Latin and others, would connect with the organization, but when it pushed a segregated nature of imagery and cause.. it only breeds contempt ]]]

this concept of contempt .. does not mean the organization is contemptuous.. it means the perception by non colored, who are not a participating member, feels the same nature of contempt, that we as black people felt when the nations system, denoted, a manner and sense of "segregating premise"..
Therefore, we must be with a sensitivity, to be beyond, any inference which can be interpreted as being "segregating", when we fought so hard for an integrating society, where all could interact with all, and all could join in any organization, without bias, or perceived bias.. Let us.. not create what we fought to dismantle.. but let us, find ways to push forth with what we first fought for..
and that is organizations, that had not stigma which infers any segregated mantra or interpreted composure.

Shall we simply, consider this carefully.. to expand, grow and meet with the change.. as we first pursued to invoke change.. where bias, and the perception of bias, was removed from any an all organizing bodies.. where any people.. feel EQUALLY, welcome to be a participating member.

REMEMBER THESE WORDS... the are in the History of America, which began a NEW AGE of GROWTH... as a Nation... it was a turning tide in what is considered America, and where it needs to be.

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# The marvelous new militancy which has engulfed the Negro community must not lead us to a distrust of all white people. For many of our white brothers as evidenced by their presence here today have come to realize that their destiny is tied up with our destiny and they have come to realize that their freedom is inextricably bound to our freedom. We can not walk alone."
# "I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: 'We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.'"
# "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character."
# "I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at a table of brotherhood."
# "This is our hope


We can't breed nor promote the full reality of equality, when we attach, "Black" after everything.
We can't continue to push ourselves, as special, and then complain when other groups do the same.

We need to push for the same INCLUSIONS we first sought, and be equally so, INCLUDING, in the things we push for, to invite and blend others into what we do and how we present what we do.
or we create a faction of what we fought against, and make ourselves, the same thing we once detested.. and that is a image of "better than"... others...


If many want to help the President, then do it by not being so quick to denote everything as some black affair, or black organization, but simply as an organization FOR PEOPLE.

Even with the so called . BLACK COLLEGES, drop the "Black" from it and make it simply a college and let it stand on its own functioning prestige as a educational institution that seeks and supports 'excellence in education"...
enrollments may spike, and the stature may elevate, to not only be multi integrated, but the graduates will have a better platform to be a integrating part of the corporate world, not as a secular entity, that gets propped up, based on skin color as a denotation, that over-ride the basic premise of Educational success from a quality institution which has the highest standards of Academia ... That nature of generic denotation is what is needed..

and many of these colleges, can get the universal accolades as of parity with the other Ivy League educational institutions.

Let's move into the 21st Century... of the same Unity we first sought.