How do we win- as A City- how do we connect the dots of district lines-

{ yes--- its by and through "ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT'" and Making use to build - a different model of education facilities, for the challenged Youth, as well as the over 40 population which has been devastated by unemployment and other matters.. ]
I've before advocated a staffing team for Council Member - it is not only a necessity but a critical component, to assist council members in their ability to work with city divisions - "project- research- coordination and departmental support processes" . The council needs to become not just a protagonist organization. but a collaborative support mechanism bi-laterally with other districts- to build a cohesive unit of city.
We went through a system of mayoral leadership before our current mayor was elected to office - where whole segments of the city were flat out and brazenly ignored, neglected and written off. We stat idle and allowed such poor mayoral leadership in the mayoral office during the previous mayors term, to strip, rip and neglectfully allow business in far too many districts to just be devastated. Our city must move from the bias mentality of the old ways of thinking about people, skin color and ethnicity, and see to critique based on performance not ethnicity. there is so much consending commentary directed at some city positions and its far too much based on the old "Jim Crow" mentality that griped our region for far too long, which was to immediately try and discredit people or color and claim them incompetent, We need to grow past that embedded mentality of community of city defeating ignornace. and Respect position and People- without readily claiming them non competent based on race and ethnicity.. and acknowledge what is real and what is fact, that people are people and color does not regulate competency. "that is purely ignorance of an era gone past, that we need to leave in the past". Our Growth, is to be built upon and Beyond anything remotely to do with skin or ethnicity, if truth focused on the performance of the previous Mayor - it would denote the downward spiral he sent this city as a whole, with only focus on the parts he frequented as to familiarity. and it was an injustice to our city as a whole. The results are highly visible. We have areas that simply are flat out devastated, we have commercial zones that were catapult into dire erosion, we have street maintenance that went neglected and no support for community development which left community after community to simply deterioate, and people neglect to realize this is a result of top level leadership which was the stature of the Mayoral spectrum. Our city suffers still from the resulting impacts of such poor performance and neglectful actions. It will take us years to mend the mess that was created by and throught selective neglect. This is not just related to ethnic areas but areas based more on the poor of our city and the working poor, both black and white. May we never again sit idle and think we are helpless to allow such a madness to devastate such a magnificent city. He set us years behind where we could be. We have a half hearted gaming district, sitting next to a ghost town of downtown commercialism. What a travesty !!! We have a riverfront, that got no more than tokenism development where all the focus went strictly to building gaming building, but not the attributes that make the area robust.
Policies were put in place that allowed the gaming to invoke 'no competetion" implication within their inflfuence spectrum, which cost us as a city and our citizens a great cultural depletion of a blend and mixture of robust growth.
Unfortunately we had passivity in the council that did not research and oppose the actions of the previous mayor, as he constructively devastated this city's districts; in favor of moving things to one or two regional areas. We allowed the city boundaries to expand, when we were unable to support and maintain the existing district city sectors.
What resulted is a city, that suffered deprivation natured shock waves. What are some of the vivid signs. (1) a loss of civic pride, (2) a diminished motivation modeling to show and support sectors and in some cases entire district regions. We regressed to the modeling of a time before, instead of building for a unification of city and a modeling of cityscape that has equilibrium in regard for city sectors.
Streets deteriorated, business faltered, and it was escalated by the unreasonable choices to allow Mega Wal Marts to devastate local business by boxing in the city, not just with Wal Marts, but we allowed Mega Wal Marts. As a result the city suffers, communities have lost the small business that support countless programs and generated volumes of tax revenue which once made us a vibrant city. Instead, the summation of result is we have in some sectors, nothing more than sprawling and crawling ghetto natured environments.
How does this impact. - It impacts because "hope is diminished", the image of hope", the image and reality of prospering business, was demolished. Invariably- this has given our young people a hopeless sense of future- We failed tremendously to respect what is Economic Development, and we gave that role over to the Casino's and Wal Marts.. as we diminished it, because the power of Casino Cash and their executive influence, made roads to insure that economic development was a neglected department of the city function.
Until we gain the grit to take back our city, and regard what is the benefit of Economic Development, our city and its citizens suffer a tremendous dis-service.
Our council districts, each should have a pro-active economic development program- Our city, has functioned without a leader in the capacity as Economic Development Director.. which is not only an unreasonable but unconscientiously reality default.
Poor Performance of SBA- and Economic Development:
We sat idle, and neglected to fight for, the mandate to make use of the money the President nearly a year ago, slated for SBA to provide to business, and we allowed banks to hi-jack the process with unreal expectation of credit scores, in a climate when credit damage is a common reality impacting all but the wealthy. Yet we let banks hi jack this funding, and hoard it and only provide it to the well to do, when it was designed to assist and support the needs of the struggling business. SBA sit idle and did not mandate nor did it even pursue the role to be the dispenser of funds, nor did it seek city support to develop an apparatus where they could provide these funds to the business public.
Economic Development was missing in Action, which could have pushed for congressional or other support to gain control over those funds, and make them available.
All the while we watch as banks hold our nations progress hostage.
We see nationwide that the banks are the culprits with the expectations of high and escalating interest rates, when the economy is devastate, yet, nothing was done locally nor nationally, to force and mandate that the interest rates be dropped and froze the meet with a high unemployment rate and a diminished income generating base- and as a result we have foreclosure which impact and devastate the business community, all for the sake or our leaders playing patsy to banking. We remain unaware while we sit idle and listen to banks making multiple billions of profit per quarter, while the American people suffer, hardships, losses and constructive robbery at the hands of banking policies. While bankers and others of sorts in the money game program, pay themselves bonuses upon bonuses as American people continue to loose their principle investments.
Poor State Level Leadership - We need to learn how to be distinct in grasp for means and extend our reach for ways to grown
Medical care madness
Sadly, we have Politicians, especially such as Sen. ---- who is so unconcerned about the welfare of the people, that he follows the script of big hospital medical money which pushes propaganda and infuriate and delude the people. all the while children die for lack of options in medical services, senior and the working poor, go untreated. because he supports the madness of the medical business to extract high profits at the expense of the populations health. He is unaware that insurance companies have guideline, but he thinks the government programs should not. Yes, everything has guidelines. but one fact is certain.. We need programs that do not deny coverage to people with pre-existing conditions. Now think what you will about what you will. But you may need to think carefully about the many loved ones of many people who have passed on from the denials by insurance companies, or the families that have been ripped and left with massive bills because of insurance denials in the private sectors. Yes, you could be next... so before you follow the mob script led by big business dollars, you may need to grasp a concept that exposes reality, as to what may be when it personally confronts you.
I lost a sister behind insurance companies dropping coverage, while she was hospitalized,
I had another relative, who had insurance after his retirement, and due to prostate cancer, it did not pay what it needed to pay, and then when he died the hospital put their goons to take his property., claiming his insurance was not covering the over charged cost they imposed .
While these politicians are spreading all this negativity that is not beneficial to the public, do you see any of them developing a intra state program to create an organization that can restructure the crazy mortgage interest, do we see any of them, making effort to create a program that targets and converts every variable mortgage? Do we see them trying to develop a state back plan that can convert the mortgage plans to a fixed 4-5% interest rate, and allow this nation to heal. No... they can't even think that far, for being mob rousers, behind their bought mentality to pander to big business. all the while looking for campaign contributions. instead of doing the job of serving the people and the community of cities and states.
How do we elevate tech-pertiese proficiency.
Where is the program, to develop minimized tuition to Trade Tech, for each of these schools that have "hard to place children' or from the sectors where schools are located in poor communities. It simply does not matter to them. We have closed Building that once use to be schools, they can easily be converted to "certificate program institution" that gives citizens a leg up where they can again feel they have means to present their value as a person and individual.
But these politicians have absolutely no foresight in how to uplift people, but they are skilled in created controversial drama making madness trying to keep name recognition alive. for the sake of their self concerned political careers.
We need nation building mindset in our political sphere, and we need city building mindset in our political arena. but that is the core factors to a failing nations, is the lack of such regards.
It all revolves back to us becoming an Economical Development hub, with an understanding of the importance of
Economical Development.
I've posed the question: Why are we not seeing "SISTER CITY" commercial networks, not just as a city, but council districts can equally so build interwoven Sister City networks within their District - to make us the hub model of a new understanding of the benefits of Sister Cities program. The funds that are allocated for this is astounding, but overtly ignored and not addressed.
Programs are many and plentiful:
There is not only and economic infusion potential, but a cultural explosion which brings us to be truly expansive in multi cultural growth.
A Beneficial Program - 945 EB-5 immigrants invested more than $400 million in U.S. ventures.
Sister City:
Sister Cities International is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting and fostering sister cities, especially between cities in the United States and cities in other countries.
How to connect as a Sister City