or will we continue to watch Corporate American and Big Banking take down its more of its citizens with extorting rates, and denials, while they gobble up anything in its pathway, and ship it to foreign shores. Bankers, Investment Houses and Lawyers, were the only beneficiaries of "outsourcing" and "corporate take overs".. and we stood by idly and watched as helpless masses.
Today many find Thinking as a chore, and claim bored, or become consending at the thought of engaging to expound in perspective investigation, and slap stick 'comical rebuttal", is the new, in thing, with "two liner comments, and a claim as being the wit masters, all the while a nation struggles- for lack of public support for what work must be done, such as to reform a nation. and the massive spread of attention deficit, finds anything and everything boring, unless its strictly remains as "side line entertainment" to titilate the sense.
We are simply Sleep Walking and unaware -
Sadly, the Traning class skims subject material, and the bosses, don't want to hear anything but praise from themselves. and the ignored details continue to be what takes down a nation. Details full with collusion in contracts, and details that are purely ignored in everyday living. America Falls, while once struggling nations, embrace the details we found to boring to deal with, they turn it into major industrial enterprise.
Our tech may have developed the computers but other nations has turned it into a thriving industrial complex- while all we do is want to play games on it.
We don't make Televisions, but we spend all our time watching it, We don't make computers, but we spend time on it, we don't make cell phones but everyone has one and the only one in america making money from it, is the network providers, who gain a fortune from people talking. We don't make refridgerators,but people like their beer to be cold, we don't make microwaves, but people want a ready to heat and eat dinner, we don't even make the beds we sleep on, nor the chair we sit in, nor do we make the clothes on our back within this nation, we may next import the toilet tissue to wipe our buts, because the commode we sit on is already imported. If you use it daily, it was probably foreign made. Now how has such reality ever produced a great country and kept it as being great, when it can't produce the things it utilizes. the delusion of the land of luxury, has made us into a land of the homeless, and a land of the unemployed.. and yet,
UNLESS WE LEARN- TO RE-LEARN - THE BENEFITS OF How to Grow a A NATION, which REBUILDS ITSELF by 'BUILDING UP SMALL BUSINESS"... We MAY FIND, challenges we never even dreamed to be part of being an American.
One day, maybe the force of situations, may make the inhabitants of this Nation,
Re-learn the Value of Small Business,
and how it supports
The Growth of a Nation,
provide opportunity unto it's people.
Thank Goodness, we have today, A President, who is trying to impart this Wisdom unto the People
How Unfortunate, many people, fail to grasp the value he seeks to teach and inspire, as well as the efforts he engaged to create a Re-birth of this nation, to regard itself, its citizens, and embrace the regulatory reforms, that make it strong and sustainable.
In an effort to give back American to the common citizens that make up its populations.
We Probably should be busy embracing a plan, which seeks to uplift American, from the bottom up, and get away from being contained from the top down. by corporate influences and greed policies that seek to prey upon and against the common decency and human stature of quality of life, by trying to extract a fee- simply to be considered a viable human being.
It's unfortunate we lost the ability to respect Persons, and turned our decency in such regards over to judging people based on "titles" - which led to us judging each other by material measures, instead of the quality of our own individual character and integrity as a human being.
No degree can make one greater than the integrity and character of a person is. and no Title on any job, can replace integrity and character as a human being, in what value it is within humanity. We unfortunately fell into the trap of "idolatry".. and lost the regard for the individual human being as "Person". We can't even love now days, without claiming what title one or the other has, or what degree one or the other has, and its made us more barbaric, the more the obsession of such assessments do to consume people into idol worship states of being.
Today, the common workers, was treated like a pestilences has been sprayed on them, and the title claimers, have declared themselves the most valuable component of companies. Yet they do the least of work, and understand the least of what it takes within the dignity of people, to embrace that work. No person in higher positions have a higher responsibility than to serve the employees, who perform the production function that provide the products or services a company markets.
This ethical premise has been lost, in a world that worships titles, and has resulted to produce poor quality products, while using the quality labor of individuals, for the sole sake, to skim profits to glorify the title of the executive, while providing the public with low grade and non quality products and extracting a cost greater than a kings ransom in doing so. Its quite amazing-
We must flip the script - and again embrace small business, which produce quality, and the executives have a vested interest in the integrity of the products and respect the integrity of their employee base, Then American can again, began to build products and provide services which will be highly desired Globally.
We lost that sense of value- and we must regain what it means, and how to respect all that makes it possible.
This was when American was Great- It respected its people, its employee force and it respected to produce products that provided quality and was supported by superior service.
History will record us as a Once Great Nation.....
We now have a President who is aspiring to Make us Again a Great Nation, with Sustainable Potential to Remain a Great Nations
Fixing a Nation that was robbed and looted by greed, is a big job, but fighting the expense it takes to Regain our stature's, is choosing self defeat,
We must bear our expense,
Build ourselves from the bottom up if we expect to again be and become again,
A Great Nation.
You cannot repair a broken Mansion, thinking in minimal terms, as if its simply to build a outhouse.
It cost the acquisition of debt to build and rebuild a Mansion to its State of Glory.
and it must rebuild the craft services into order to take on the task, which is Building Small Business.
Or Else
It will be left "to import" what is needed to rebuild the Mansion. and yet, if it chooses, to Import; rather than Build Small Business..
It will be left with no small business to maintain the upkeep and generate capital, to pay down its debt.
- Otherwise -
We MAY FIND, challenges we never even dreamed to be part of being an American.
When companies can operate on Foreign Soil with this type of "containment of employee's".. They will not move back to American, where people would not accept this kind of life, to have a job with a factory ?
(From News)
Example: The massive manufacturing complex in the South China city of Longhua resembles an industrial fortress. To enter the facility, workers swipe security cards at the gate. Guards check the occupants of each vehicle with fingerprint recognition scanners.
Inside the walled city -- one of several compounds run by Foxconn International, a major supplier for Apple Inc -- employees are provided with most of their daily needs. There are dormitories, canteens, recreation facilities, even banks, post offices and bakeries.
The rank-and-file within the compound have little reason to venture outside. That reduces the likelihood of leaks, which in turn lessens the risk of incurring the wrath of Apple and its chief executive, Steve Jobs, whose product launches have turned into long-running, tightly controlled media spectacles.
Many of Apple's finished gadgets, from iPods to iPads, are assembled at industrial compounds like the one in Longhua. And when it comes to guarding Apple's secrets, Foxconn, a unit of Taiwan's Hon Hai Precision Industry, and other suppliers throughout the region leave little to chance.
"Security is tight everywhere inside the factories," said a uniformed worker outside the Foxconn factory in Longhua, about an hour from Hong Kong. "They use metal detectors and search us. If you have any metal objects on you when you leave, they just call the police," he said.
( End of New Article)
The next time you buy these product, - Know what you support - and know, it's not American's having jobs - is what you are supporting, but American buy up the products, and keep the "Containment Farm Factories", operating in South East Asia, and The Chinese Mainland.
yes, it does cause American Jobs, and many walk around with the Proud symbol of their product name- never realizing, it symbolizes why, American’s are unemployed, and why cities are faltering, and schools budgets are being cut, and why every program in the nation is suffering.
Even the likes of Wal-Mart and all others that mainly focus on Foreign Products- represent how we have chosen not to have products manufactured in the USA..
But Unfortunately, now, it's too late to change the tide. Unless we come up with a whole new set of products that can be produced on USA soil, we are now the best market place for foreign produced products. I guess we have to live with the reality we created..
And we created it, all in the name of " low cost production", and we created it listening to "so called "Free Market" commentary, and We created it by, our disdain for regulatory controls, and we embraced the concept of "outsourcing" so much so, it was the number one "Buzz word" of the chic'.
So, we reap the reality, From that, which we put all our efforts to sow. and that was to insure we created every reason imaginable, to insure and even demand, that no products be produced on American Soil.
If the clothes did not claim to be designed in Paris, we did not want it, if it was not claimed as designed in Europe, but produced in China, We did not want it.
We don't even use John Deere to cut our State and Federal Grass, if its not made in Korea, or Japan or China, we did not want it. If our Buses were not made and designed in European Nations, we no longer wanted to to fill the public transportation system.
America's college groomed children of American families, head the divisions, and lead the board rooms, as well as provide the reports, which all state, "get the production unit's out of America as quickly as possible, and make sure that nothing is left to assemble anything", and bring everything by ship or plane, and set up, low pay sales clerk jobs, to dispense it, and then pay yourself a bonus, for insuring that your own families are unemployed. And the colleges did such an excellent job, of this training, and awarding degree.. It set up to insure, that no one, absolutely no one, is given a job, that has any decision making, unless they hold a certificate to state they have been groomed, in the process of "insuring American's does not produce anything".
It does not matter what your degree is based, it will get you a job, because you have been trained in the system -'to make decisions that support 'non-production units or facility" in America. They trained them so well, it will dismiss any employee who slips through the cracks, and even remotely suggest that something be built on American Soil, and the un-spoke policy is, Fire them Immediately.
America Leads the World in how its Education System, in the higher educations ranks, train and teach, how to insure that American Citizen's don't prosper, and to make sure, that as many remain un-employed and in sub-servant positions as possible.
That was the structure that existed for hundred of years, and it has found a new way to continue its process. As the old saying goes, "A Leopard can't change its spots"... and American seems to be the Leopard in this case, that can't change it's spots.
Today, we have indentured servants to the banking industry, we have share croppers, who bring their bounty to the stock market and have it taken, and their principal reduced until, fee's eat away at what's left. Those whom though about having a Pension, found their pension funds to be looted and under-funded, to insure they do not rise above being economically contained even in their old age. and if they have anything left, be sure that the medical premiums, feed the Insurance Agencies and take the rest from them.
Yes, the Foreign localities, have compounds of containment, not unlike giant Plantations, whee the people are fed, housed, and given a controlled environment, all in the name of having a job.. but insuring that it will never be any different than how the model of containing "indentured servants" was managed, or share croppers were supervised.
An Un-changed Nation.... 500 years later, operating the same as it did in the 1500-1600's
unless you become a shop keeper, or hit the ranks of a profession that is mandatory in necessity - then you may find much challenge, beyond, the basic labor jobs, which modern machinery has diminished the need of a large work force. just a few machine operators, and a finish up touch crews.. And the situation is contained.
UNLESS WE LEARN- TO RE-LEARN - THE BENEFITS OF How to Grow a A NATION, which REBUILDS ITSELF by 'BUILDING UP SMALL BUSINESS"... We MAY FIND, challenges we never even dreamed to be part of being an American.
One day, maybe the force of situations, may make the inhabitants of this Nation,
Re-learn the Value of Small Business,
and how it supports
The Growth of a Nation,
provide opportunity unto it's people.
Thank Goodness, we have today, A President, who is trying to impart this Wisdom unto the People
How Unfortunate, many people, fail to grasp the value he seeks to teach and inspire, as well as the efforts he engaged to create a Re-birth of this nation, to regard itself, its citizens, and embrace the regulatory reforms, that make it strong and sustainable.
In an effort to give back American to the common citizens that make up its populations.