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you said:
Buckwheat your view does not grasp the nature of the Civil Right Act.. that's a fact...
My Reply:
maybe not the fact of realization that it was 100years over due when it was passed.. and lots of damages were done in between those 100 years.. and that' is a great expanse of thoughts.. we surely cant expound on the many details in this small space.
if you note the act was passed and the minds of people created havoc and would not embrace opportunity for all .. equally and took their oppressive aim and actions to the street and the barring of doorways and all else. .. and they fought and fought at every turn to deny, circumvent and any other means not to embrace equality in opportunity.... and what resulted was controlled and managed Oppression.. and what we are living in.. is the outgrowth of oppressive developments.. of what oppressive breeds.. when people are despaired to get what is visible in their view and the manners and methods are with a different nature of challenge.. and realize these are the kids who are the offspring's of the people of the 70-80 and early 90s.. who's grooming came from the high of having manufacturing family jobs that were shipped away during the latter 70 and 80-90's.. .. to no jobs and substandard jobs.. and the anguish within the ranks .. created a greater class of dsyfunction in a wide breadth of society.. and then during the mid 80's drugs was high speed interjected as the way out of this despair.. so the cycle is doing what cycles does and that's unfolding it's outgrowth of what it created.. if you care to understand the drugs the how s and why .. read up on " freeway Rickey Ross and the drug highway... to see who and how those drugs were strategically feed into the communities.. and at the helm of that you will find Ronald Reagan and his Iran contras and the drug machine. aided by the higher services of the task forces that were suppose to fight this, but instead played into the game for the feeding of a private war in the Central American Jungles.. ". as war which congress would not fund, and thus they turned to drugs for gun, and the dispensing point was in the lower economic neighborhoods all Across America..
now as to the civil right acts.. consider it the 1864 freedom act of slavery's abolition had given the free opportunity with open equality...
Imagine if the school and jobs had been made equal before and after 1964, and the hatred of oppressive acts had not further been imposed upon people.. then we'd have a different america today.. we have one that all people would have had a different brand of opportunity and options and education... what we are dealing with "is the results" of what oppression brings, even when it's continued far and beyond the laws that were suppose to stop it. Oppressive acts.. that it took riots.. to get people to back off.. and they only backed off in many places for fear of prosecution.. but they did not become non oppressive in their hearts.. and we see that still existing here in this commentary site.. remember it took 100 years from 1864 to 1964.. when the act of 1964 should never have been necessary if people had respected what the actions of 1864 stated.. as free .. then all constitutional rights should have been afforded.. but they were not... and it took.. going thru Jim Crow and all the tragic oppressive acts prior to that.. but until you see that aspect of things.. you may be mis informed and maybe even care not to be informed to see the broader spectrum of the what and the why.. of how and what oppression leads to..
it's like a cycle of things that have culminated into the chaos.. because we still have so many imbalances which were created by the many acts of oppression... it's quite a extensive subject to deal with the details of the elements... but if you understand what oppression does and what are the results.. then look around .. and you see it vividly..
it's so far out of hand now.. that it may have taken this nation to have the economic crisis that it is now having.. to turn things around and make some nature of level playing field to a degree... becase now it's not just one segment being physically and systematically oppressed.. the nature of economic oppression is now making all feel the same pains to a degree..
and this is thrusting us to one thing.. if we are smart enough to grasp it.. and that's the fact that we now must all work together.. and that may be the only spirit of understanding that can fix the multitude of problems..
lest we become under totalitarian rule and dictatorial mandates on what and how we live and our mobility controlled..
but the have and have not's have found their waterloo... and if we are to endure then we will have to do it where the new wave of opportunity will have to find a way to be open.. and equally inviting to all..
or we may find ourselves as a nation in the midst of anarchy.. it always starts with the riling of the disadvantaged and the violence of many sorts that become the spread like a wildfire into the grip of a nation. it does not take very much to kick this powder key over... of which we are standing upon...
on one had yes.. I'd like to see them lock up the criminals, but then we'd be nothing more than a nation of prison system, with 10's of millions locked up.. and then I'd like to see the near police stance patrols of areas, but that is not going to work for constitutional reason as well as we can't muster the economics to deal with what it would entail nor would we manage the process to create any good out of it.. so the vague ponders of thought which I might speak about of such.. are more venting frustration than pratical applications in such thoughts of policing to that degree.
so our most viable options is working together.. embracing each other as people and moving ahead as a unified people without our thoughts of our skins color.. but realizing we are bonding with our hearts beat.. which means our lives.
Bin Laden's family have 400-500 billion dollars invested in America and other out of the country interest along with america investments tied together..
now you don't think they are going to capture these people's son.. and risk pissing them off, and then pissing the Saudis off who are funding this fool..
there's a great deal of profit in this for many people... Hell.. if they mess with Bin Laden.. Halliburton may attack America.. and we know this has been a win fall to Haliburton... you don't think they want to move their headquarters to Dubai for nothing.. they need to be where the machine that supports them is centered.. so they can help coordinate the attacks.. to keep their affiliate .. raking in near 100$ a bbl... Besides .. Haliburton does not want to miss out on it's stake in the Iraq oil.. so they want to move and keep an eye on what they have bought along with the Saudis thru this conflict.
every place they bombed , "they waited" till they got the whistle sound that Bin Laden "was gone", then the attack could be called in... if you can find Saddam who was a country leader hiding out in a hole in the ground.. but you can't find Bin Laden.. then that should tell you.. the game is on higher level of coordination.. Saddam did not have enough money behind him, after they knocked him out of his seat... Bin Laden has OPEC money behind him... you think these Arabs who have made all this money, don't feel they owe allegiance to Bin Laden.. when you go from under 20$ a bbl to over 80$ a bbl... that alone tells you.. they will give him what ever he ask for... he's made then "4 times the profits" they would have otherwise made... it's business and he's the market maker for them.. they could not have gained that if they had hired the best PR and Advertising firm to increase their profit margin... and he did it for them, by blowing up a few building and inciting the erosion of Iraq... he never could have gotten away with this is Saddam was still there, because Saddam did not like the game that OPEC played.. and He also did not like that they were stealing his Oil, and that they knew Iraq has the thickest crude, and everyone wanted it.. so the first step after the conflict was engaged ,.. was first order of business.. "remove Saddam".. then the shuffle to divvy up his country's oil could get under way.. come on people ... it's about "Oil" the life blood of the world energy... and "ENERGY is King. !!!!!!!!
Bin Laden probably visit his palaces when ever he wants.. and dine on what ever he chooses and probably has his harem that he has to come and attend on a monthly baisis and watch them ... while they watch on CNN, as the forces blow up rocks and dirt, talking about "they almost had him".. while he and his bevy of beauties lay back and laugh about it.. and he makes a call to Haliburton, and tell them.. """"Hey, you guys made that look realistic, now , the courier will be there with the cash within an hour, so.. Hey, let's stage another event say... maybe a couple months.. I got a couple of stoolies, I'll sacrifice to make it look good.... but wait till I call you, I got to draw up the documents to make them look like they are high level leader in the organization..that should give them some PR.... to appease the people..
hey call me in a week.. let's have dinner..
Haliburton and the cronies reply : no problem "bin baby".. .. great show.. see ya in a week or so...
bush and his family knew this long time ago, back when Reagan first spoke of the world order change.. and Bush the first talked about New world order.. and long prior to that, when Nixon knew it was time, to go into China and get them to start opening their doors... he knew.. then .. they had too much of a disciplined society in too vast of numbers, and their competetive power would dominate.. and the time frame is about as they expect .. between 30-40 years.. that's about the time frame for world leadership changes... in where the power centers are.. it's history repeating itself..
thse people know .. we as a public .. are far less informed that we think, and in the end result the public is going to do nothing but talk among themselves, and then shut up and adjust as best they can... when they have to worry more about milk and bread, than what's happening to the world position of a nation... We've always lived like sheep.. and they shave us any time they think the new coat of wool has grown.. and send us back out to pasture.. shivering.. and our only concern is to keep warm and have some hay or maybe on a good day.. some grain.
that's more likely the game plan.
think global and then think about what this world is dependent on " ENERGY" OIL... everything would grind to a immediate halt without "oil" and the economy would collapse.. worldwide... then the game may have a more clear view of how and why and what of importance it is in the big picture ... then you can add in the puppet driven manipulations that are being exercised thru the religious extremist... as most of their following in many of their regions are of the least educated , lead by the most educated.. and whipped into a frenzy.. in their world wide hide outs.
and none of them think america should rule .. since it's oil has long been glutton driven and used up in a fit of gluttony.. since the early 1920's and by the 1960's we were on the decline.. and that came to head in the 1970.. when OPEC organized.. and the foreign cars took over the Big three.. and we've been downhill since then.. playing commodity games.
we used up everything, an our last strong hold was the equity in people's home and we sucked that away to give the delusion of a robust economy, and now the truth is seen that the economy is faltering and has no value left... and what is .. is leveraged by the Chinese.. we are bankrupt.. and riding on the fact the world is afraid to quickly convert to another currency as it's peg.. but they are certainly looking for something else to peg their currency to other than the dollar... it's value is fast eroding, and has nothing but printing presses to back it up... with a 9 trillion dollar debt, who do you think is funding this tax give away to the public.. Saudi and China.. only for the sake their money is pegged to the dollar..
did you notice .. this tax give away was not announced until Bush came back from the Gulf..
this is suppose to clear his slate and take the focus off of him and the haliburton saudi connection and all else that has gone on.. till he can get out of office.. and When Saudi and China take their turn to call in their debt or raise the interest payment or increase the oil cost.. it will be done on the next Presidents watch.. as America become the next Britain.. falling off the chart of leadership... down to third tier as a nation..
we as black people make up what.. maybe 12% of the population of the US.. so it's highly unlikely that if all of us got good jobs, it would not be a threat to the position of anyone... having opportunity to engage opportunities will not suddenly make that 12% any higher.. it would only mean that 12% or a % of it, are making good contributions to the over all..
we also have only had 47 years of open opportunity, it's not even pratical to expect that the whole of the 12% could have become wildly successful..
imagine the other 73 % or more of white, population and the more than 12% of them who have not done anything with the opportunity and they've always had it as an open option.. and in over 300+ years, they have not achieved 100% of their population being function.. so why expect that in a mere 47 years that the whole 12% of blacks would have transitioned to high level status.
actually we've done well. considering that there are still in many regions and sectors many black people of which we are still not afforded the open flow of unbiased options to engage opportunity.. so our % are good.. in those who have gained some progressive goals. as to showing progress.
see when we look on a broad scale.. we are doing very very well in progressing as comparison to the fact of where some are still after 300+ years of history of open opportunity..
for the KKK and such to be so hung up on holding us back, judging us and trying to downrate us.. they should be trying to uplift and educate the people of their own ethnicity to be more progressive and more supporting of all people progressing.. but they can't think that far nor that deeply..
they are hung into something of self delusion of some vain concept to want to be superior, and they are the most inferior group within their own ethnicity.. whom many of them look at them as the lost duck of the ethnicity who is living in the past and can't see anything beyond their hate...
they hate the Blacks, they hate the Asian they hate the jews and they hate the Indian and everyone.. and while they are spinning in a circle of hate trying to figure out how to insult others.
these same groups whom they have such hate for. these groups are working on progressing themselves.
and all these groups can do is think to cover their heads in sheet, burn crosses and inbreed and claim everything is against them .. whining about what is their rights.. and they don't engage the right to the opportunity they have right before the... to share with everyone else..
they want it all for themselves.. at the expense of other..
now that's greed, hate, ignorance, stupidity and nothing of such has anything to do with being a God respecting individual.. so .. this is the symbol of the anti christ.. in ever manner and mode and surely the KKK is just another distortion of what actually means 666...
this kind of hate is a sin against the world, life and God.
they are like a group of fools , standing beside a clear mountain water stream, and they are claiming thirsty, to stupid to drink from the stream, they piss in their boots and drink each other urine. and then claim theres' no water anywhere close.. and revel as they swallow of the urine of each other.. claiming they are resourceful.. then gather in darkness burining cross as if .. to simulate the imagery of "hell" as a dark place with fire all about... yelling like wild savages.. ready to kill something... pumping each other up into a mania of hates drive.
other whites who care to live in a harmonic world, should themselves be in masses, protesting against them, lest they leave their kids to be left to drink from the boots of fools... pulled into hates. grip of evil..
in this world of today... it is a wise thing to know what evil looks like when it displays itself in open view.
I think Obama becase he is about change.. and he is not some rich person who is not aware of what is life challenges. and he is not out to make contempt with the middle east but to talk with people from all places.
we can no longer be a nation that stomps about trying to force the world regions to change faster than they can change.
I personally think if the US had really taken time to understand what Saddam was dealigh with of the factions that were continually trying to overthow him they may understand his strong arm brutality tactics more.. I'm not saying it was right.. I'm saying if we look at the situation now.. that should give us some indication of what kind of factions that Saddam was fighting on a daily bais.. but in ways he was slowly trying to develop Iraq.. the same as the Shah of Iraq qas doing back before Kohemeni .. and many others... I think the US did not work with him beyond using him.. becase when they were working with him he was working with them.. and the US and the rest of the world gave a blind eye to the gassing of the Kurds.. but now they see that was near the region of the Taliban and the other factions that have been breeding in that region for many years... the US did not stop to think about that stuff.. they were looking at the Oil.. and thinking after they rescued Kuwait that the Arabs would just let them take over Iraq.. and manage it's oil.. but they never thought the Arabs would use the US to remove Saddam becase he would not go for their policies of trying to dominate the world with their radical motives. If people payed attention to the dignity of Saddam during that trial they may have learned something about the man..
but I think Obama is someone that has seen enough diversity in the cultures of life to know that we all have many struggles and it takes a lot for all of us to work together.. and he understand the needs of this nation to heal itself and rebuild itself and not turn it's back on the world in the process. He has never backed off his disdain for the some of the stuff the GBush has done..and he was not a supporter of it when it started. WE are so far behind in Arab relationshs since the removal of Saddam that they just don't want to admit it.. but if the US had understood the radical factions of the region they would have known better how to work with Saddam.. and reel in his cronies and sons and put them on a track that had some other progressive factions.. but the world has to remember for nearly 10 years they did not let the man sell his oil to prosper his country.. and tied his hands in many ways... which made him have to fight with his people in ways that maybe he would not have had to fight if he had the resources to address their concerns.
but some of the other canidate have very good points.. I think.. the economic administration of the nation would do good with Romney working within an Obama administration with, Huckabee working on federal tax reforms, Hillary working on social program, health care and schools and Edwards as Attorney General.. McCaine working on Military reform..and vetrans rights and international military coordinations.
Richardson working on south american relations and the American Hemisphere unity and Guiliana working with the nation of governors for State unity and reforms in our interstate reforms that are sorely needed.
now if that came out as a Cabinet line up for Obama.. that would be great.. maybe as a headline ticket of Obama/Huckabee and etc.. that would be a ticket that would meld the parties and make things prosper with bi partisan unity.
--------- are you willing to help with this conceptual development --------
Id like to develop a team for consulting and document's preparation.. and develop a network to help make this functional.. and then have a means for the small business to come and uplift their business, build a structure that is viable and competetive. and all the talent that is necessary is right her in this city. if anyone is interested.. I can set up an e-mail on this site at the bottom of my posting that we can coordinate and develop something to start a great dialog on what can be done.. if people are interested. or we can create a post on this site.. and talk about it.. or I can set up a blog.. on blogger... that this can be a forum for such.. but they have many program that I'm sure are already in place....
if someone that reads this has a construction or work in the investment sector would be a good start...
but "be organization minded, and team spirit driven, not control minded.. and then good collaboration can be engaged".
there are many people in this city.. which would work with it. and these business then can set up a co op fund that contributes to youth programs.. and this will be a city help program that can then garner city support in so many ways that we can change this city for both blacks and whites and be a one people city.. that is not despised by some but embraced by many.
truth is... nothing changes till we as people make the changes. or we can just gripe about stuff and go on spending our money in ways that does not promote the city and attract the resources to the city that makes us a prospering city.
multi ethnic... is the only way.. .. I'm not interested in any all black or all white anything..
but more in a people unity organization that can actually be productive.
we have people who will hold other back and harrass them with silliness of saying they are trying to be white.. because they focus on being conservative and not flamboyant and or various flairs of sorts. but those are many time the people who prosper.. because they realize that the world does have order and it does have a standardized format.. and it's not just in america but world wide...
look around.. when we see Asian that come to this country.. they are not in sports attire every place they go and big giant sized logo's on everything they wear, they are conservatively dressed generally or somewhat general format stylish.. and they excel, they integrate without much of the stereotype being imposed upon them.. but we have blacks that go into places with flaming red and orange hair, and leopard print stuff and high fashion stuff in office that does not necessarily command such attire.. and what we see as a result there is limits to their ability to excel.. some may not like that comment.. but .. it matters... it matters more than many care to consider..
in foreign locations.. people aspire to a more traditional and conservation business image presentation format as well.. and they build their business enviornment to meet this standard of appeal and presentation.
We have ministers who buy the suits that have the elongnated suit jackets that resemble the 1930's zoot suit... and the baggy pants suits.. and the 1 inch apart pin stripes and various types of flamboyance.. and they are not taken serious when they enter various business environments.. but some never look at this and see it as a deterrent..
some people in some situations, wear gaudy designer custom made watches that look more like entertainment blingthan professional accessories to their attire, and some even think that the jogging and sports attire is suitable for various level of business meetings..and some even wear casual wear of some sort to semi high level business meetings, or meeting that are dealing with factors where a more formal presentations will be more suitable for the nature of what's being discussed. where others may come in with sleek movado and other style type of watches and attire.. it's important to pay attention to these things.
.. and beyond their concept it's does impact how serious they are taken and it does have an impact on what type of big ticket contracts they are allowed to participate in.. because they give off the peacocked effect.. and people ""don't "" trust their money to such... except in the entertainment media of on-screen stuff but the behind the screen stuff where the real money is made.. they don't get to become an intergral part of that.
We have now every place we go people with a mouth full of gold teeth, it may work in the confines of the black community as style and fashion.. but you are not going to see anyone at a board room table or in a position of power and prestige that will allow this to be in their midst when they discuss policy and big ticket progressive models of anything.
People did the gold teeth thing in the late 1940's and early 50's and by the time the early 70's came around these people were loosing their teeth because of decay.. that developed behind the gold casing.. Gold in people mouth, who have power and prestige and big business connections is mainly used as molar crown material which is generally to the "back of their mouth" and not visible in a casual smile..
There is down town a store on Texas street that sells mens clothing.. it's nearly empty of flow thru customers, and it's customer base is more black than generic well mixed of ethnicities.... because of the styling of it's offered clothing. it will probably not survive another year... not next to the entertainment plex they are building.. it just does not fit. there are other places that have lackluster sales because it either features hip hop clothing or 1930's zoot suit and some even have the $10 fake patent leather lizzard and gator which cracks right across the bridge of the toe...if worn more than a few times... and have the rubber soles that leave black marks on tile floors from cheap rubber.. this stuff will eventually fade away or be relegated to the areas that cater to it..
and then there are people.. who buy suits right off the rack and never have it tailored even for the pants length... and thus it becomes more of a deterrent to wear an ill tailored suit as it is not to even wear a suit to a event that requires a suit. so these things have to be considered... as well even managing the color and patterns that we choose for certain settings..
We have a long way to go in what will bond us in the economics of America, to prospers as a people and a community. so many things we have to think and rethink and look beyond.. just our right to wear and do as we please.. is fine .. but at what cost ?// and it may well be important to know what that cost is to you to be against conforming to some standard? if and when people factor that they may not be so quick to talk about what is their right, as much as they think about what functions for their progress.. but how to manage that to taper and tailor it to meet with what will be the most productive for us in the over-all... and that's a bitter pill that many care not to swallow.. Kids now want to go to interview wearing the same stuff they put on to hang out, and pants sagging , and their so called stylish hip hop costume.. and then when they are relegated to the lowest job available even if they get the job.. then they can't factor in why??? and they cry discrimination on color.. when it's really the image the project that detracts from what they may be capable of doing, or what they could be considered for.. so if it's more important to you to wer your sports stuff and sag your pants and look like some rapper and hip hop imagery.. then you pay the cost for it over and over and if you are happy with that.. then pay and shut up about what you loose out on as to what opportunity could provide you if you payed attention to the tradition that is part of the business community of what is America and the business of the society.
and if you continue to go to court wearing this grab then you will get treated with the image justice has of the image you bring into the courtrooms.. and you will get time dispensed to you accordingly... and you will have various stuff made inadmissible in the court proceeding.. because your image negate it more than you think and it can influence how the law is selected in the frame of interpretations.. you may not like it but that's how it is. the laws are for and of and handled by a lot of how it's interperted.. and you have a part to play in that as it applies to you... it can be your friend or it can be your worst nightmare.
this regions has many blacks that are wealthy in the sense of land ownership.. and various other things.. but they become poor when they don't gain the greatest benefit of it.. yet they may not be dollar poor.. they are business unity poor in what they loose out on based on opportunity profits that could be gained.. they don't connect into the machine of economics... of what is the american model.. and as a result they miss out on the big ticket projects.. and some that try and keep it as a all black enterprise in things they do.. loose out by not integrating... yet will turn and complain that white don't integrate theirs.. but the fact is whites do integrate theirs which is how and why they get business from both blacks and whites... We have to think in broader terms and when it's done in and thru the manner of business and the legality of business. then we don't have to be afraid that some white person will rip us off because they will be as tied into the process and any default or failure will equally affect them and they are not driven to struggle for the sake of loss or failure.. be it their or something they are a part of..
We have much to put many thoughts into.. and we can build..
We have small law firms that are black which would prosper ten fold if they partner with other ethnicities ... as well as construction companies and other things.. which are highly qualified and do excellent work.. but their all black status and drive to remain all black become their acts of segregation which cost them by making them segergated by their own doing.. something that people may not know.. but white enjoy working with blacks.. and blacks enjoy working with whites when each do so by the legalities of the states and nations systems.. not by buddies handshakes but by handshakes that are backed by the legality of contractual agreements.
We have to not be reverse racist... in our ways, nor in our thoughts.. and that is something that exit that we have to face the fact it exist before we can overcome it... and that includes many thing.. on many levels and many factions of what is life.