you said:
Buckwheat your view does not grasp the nature of the Civil Right Act.. that's a fact...
My Reply:
maybe not the fact of realization that it was 100years over due when it was passed.. and lots of damages were done in between those 100 years.. and that' is a great expanse of thoughts.. we surely cant expound on the many details in this small space.
if you note the act was passed and the minds of people created havoc and would not embrace opportunity for all .. equally and took their oppressive aim and actions to the street and the barring of doorways and all else. .. and they fought and fought at every turn to deny, circumvent and any other means not to embrace equality in opportunity.... and what resulted was controlled and managed Oppression.. and what we are living in.. is the outgrowth of oppressive developments.. of what oppressive breeds.. when people are despaired to get what is visible in their view and the manners and methods are with a different nature of challenge.. and realize these are the kids who are the offspring's of the people of the 70-80 and early 90s.. who's grooming came from the high of having manufacturing family jobs that were shipped away during the latter 70 and 80-90's.. .. to no jobs and substandard jobs.. and the anguish within the ranks .. created a greater class of dsyfunction in a wide breadth of society.. and then during the mid 80's drugs was high speed interjected as the way out of this despair.. so the cycle is doing what cycles does and that's unfolding it's outgrowth of what it created.. if you care to understand the drugs the how s and why .. read up on " freeway Rickey Ross and the drug highway... to see who and how those drugs were strategically feed into the communities.. and at the helm of that you will find Ronald Reagan and his Iran contras and the drug machine. aided by the higher services of the task forces that were suppose to fight this, but instead played into the game for the feeding of a private war in the Central American Jungles.. ". as war which congress would not fund, and thus they turned to drugs for gun, and the dispensing point was in the lower economic neighborhoods all Across America..
now as to the civil right acts.. consider it the 1864 freedom act of slavery's abolition had given the free opportunity with open equality...
Imagine if the school and jobs had been made equal before and after 1964, and the hatred of oppressive acts had not further been imposed upon people.. then we'd have a different america today.. we have one that all people would have had a different brand of opportunity and options and education... what we are dealing with "is the results" of what oppression brings, even when it's continued far and beyond the laws that were suppose to stop it. Oppressive acts.. that it took riots.. to get people to back off.. and they only backed off in many places for fear of prosecution.. but they did not become non oppressive in their hearts.. and we see that still existing here in this commentary site.. remember it took 100 years from 1864 to 1964.. when the act of 1964 should never have been necessary if people had respected what the actions of 1864 stated.. as free .. then all constitutional rights should have been afforded.. but they were not... and it took.. going thru Jim Crow and all the tragic oppressive acts prior to that.. but until you see that aspect of things.. you may be mis informed and maybe even care not to be informed to see the broader spectrum of the what and the why.. of how and what oppression leads to..
it's like a cycle of things that have culminated into the chaos.. because we still have so many imbalances which were created by the many acts of oppression... it's quite a extensive subject to deal with the details of the elements... but if you understand what oppression does and what are the results.. then look around .. and you see it vividly..
it's so far out of hand now.. that it may have taken this nation to have the economic crisis that it is now having.. to turn things around and make some nature of level playing field to a degree... becase now it's not just one segment being physically and systematically oppressed.. the nature of economic oppression is now making all feel the same pains to a degree..
and this is thrusting us to one thing.. if we are smart enough to grasp it.. and that's the fact that we now must all work together.. and that may be the only spirit of understanding that can fix the multitude of problems..
lest we become under totalitarian rule and dictatorial mandates on what and how we live and our mobility controlled..
but the have and have not's have found their waterloo... and if we are to endure then we will have to do it where the new wave of opportunity will have to find a way to be open.. and equally inviting to all..
or we may find ourselves as a nation in the midst of anarchy.. it always starts with the riling of the disadvantaged and the violence of many sorts that become the spread like a wildfire into the grip of a nation. it does not take very much to kick this powder key over... of which we are standing upon...
on one had yes.. I'd like to see them lock up the criminals, but then we'd be nothing more than a nation of prison system, with 10's of millions locked up.. and then I'd like to see the near police stance patrols of areas, but that is not going to work for constitutional reason as well as we can't muster the economics to deal with what it would entail nor would we manage the process to create any good out of it.. so the vague ponders of thought which I might speak about of such.. are more venting frustration than pratical applications in such thoughts of policing to that degree.
so our most viable options is working together.. embracing each other as people and moving ahead as a unified people without our thoughts of our skins color.. but realizing we are bonding with our hearts beat.. which means our lives.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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