Friday, August 15, 2008

"God is Supreme"

any can say what they like.. but none of them can create anything
... as they say.. the scientist want to challenge God..
and say they can make this or that better.. and God takes
the challenges...and man reaches down and scoops up a hand
full of dirt.. and claim he is going to make something..

but God steps back and say... since you are so good and so


"make your own dirt"

and man is stumped !!!!!!!

mankind does nothing but study what already exist.. he has created nothing.. !!!

and he continue to try to throw about justification about what something is, and how it came to be.. and none of his resolves prove anything other than a summary about what he thinks something is.. because it existed before he was even aware to study it... and he can come up with any theory he chooses to claim it happen this way or that way.. the point it .. it exist, and he can't make it not exist.. and he can't claim it just happen out of nothing.. because it took something to make it happen and exist... and the general realization is there is something far greater than all things, for the things to exist and have arrangment and order and structure..

Now for me.. "God is " !!!!! just as good and to me the best summation to get to a point that there is a source to creation..

now what created God.. may be a matter we may then ponder.. and no matter how it goes, or how deep the pondering goes.. we don't know!!

and I doubt that there will be any knowing. therefore .. it comes down to a matter of what do you believe ?? and still.. man can't prove anything.. in the matter. he either has faith to believe in this way or that way... this reason or that reason.. and that's about the extent of what man will get.." the choice to believe" and God ask, only that Man believe .. "In God"... The supreme of all things, known and unknown, all things to be and that was, and that is.. and within what is mankind's, body is.. "a Spirit" ..
that should let us know, that God can manifest itself how ever it desires, and when its task is done, it leaves that body and the spirit becomes back part of the universal spirit of all.. and man can't control that process .. no matter how he tries or what he devises.. Nor can man, move the order of the cosmos.. he can barely navigates the waters and the Airs that are a part of his realization... nor can he control the winds.. man is such a slave to economics, that he can't survive and help other man without first seeking profit, or he will leave man to live in despair.. by hording what God created for all mankind... now the vices of man, gives mankind the illusion of being powerful.. but man cannot will himself back to life when his body dies.. nor can he enter into the kingdom of God without Gods grace to allow him to enter.. and no matter what thing man assimilates, he can take nothing with him, his fortunes will not go with him when his body dies, even if he buries them in the grave with his coffin.. it will simply be there to be dug up by other man, if he knows it's there.. we see that in the continual digs of man, to rob the graves of the ancients and claim it artifact for his museums, yet.. is it any less than robbing the grave of the departed.. for things man call his items of "value"... and yet.. God created those substance long before man could know how to find them, even in the raw earth, before he dug it up and molded it into shapes and claimed it be of his asserted sense of "value"

Philisopher have come with all kind of categories to try and define man.. yet.. none of them can say anything about man, that the bible has not already discussed and shown thru parables of expressions about the ways of mankind and what are the results his ways will bring.. but the bible has shown man, how man can live, in respect of himself and other man, that the works of gifts within man.. can be made manifest.. if man..seeks not to usurp other man and then tries to usurp God.. with his claims of being another man answer.. when Gods works of the Bible.. being mans manual for how best to live with other man and all things... and yet.. so many ignore so much, in their claim to crown themselves victor of something. and yet.. no man can restore the life of any man, when death claims the spirit to be released from the body.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

"A Gift"

" a gift".. given through the truth of such, as being a gift.... is a "sharing" .. it needs no measure, it has found such already, which that prompted it to become a "gift".. otherwise there would not be a considered reasoning, to exist...

anything other.. is a bargain offering, through the barter of what is being sought for what is being given.

now, this is what I write about, which people seem to not get the point.. but few seem to gather it, for getting caught up in the their anguish of its revelations... when, it's intent is a showing these distinction.

it matters much, to truly grasp the depth of the meaning between sharing, and bartering..

many of the todays' claimed relationships, are "bartering arrangments", people have simply chosen to become, each other's best customer..

It takes people to learn more about what is sharing, if they care, to find the relationship they claim to want..
what many pursue and find.. is " mutually agreeable " bartering arrangments", they are each other's customer, who gets first option to purchase.. what the other has to barter..

fewer today, ever get to a level to learn how to share... many get too pissed off, the very minute, they did not get what they "bartered for"... and hell in the bubble, kicks them both out.. and they go about and seek to find another "bartering partner"...

and the truth comes out in the end, in most of those situations..

because they first thing out of their mouth, is what they gave, and did not get what they wanted in return.. and they are pissed at the way the bargain turned out..

people who learn to share, learn how to appreciate far and beyond, and hold no ill trips about what was shared.. nor is there a measurment about it..

many of these today style " barter arrangments' they measure everything, even to the point, of pre-mental descriptives, of what is suppose (expecting) to come back as their compensation.

people many times don't even care to think beyond their emotions, nor to put thought into their emotions, and search deep enough, to get a grip on even themselves.. they just "expect " ... but what may be brought forth, that one can expect, is thru the regard of respect for and of, and within, and unto, as well as about, what they are dealing with... and suddenly.. "life becomes more than a series of whim, and wants, but a matter of doing and being, and becomming to be...

One who has LEARNED, to share, and learned how to be a sharing individual... and that .. is one who has given into the respect of being, one who can "love"

love is sharing... and for sharing to respect itself as being sharing, it will be nothing less... in respect of what it is.. as being " sharing"

we, as people in our environmental grooming of buy trade, barter and bargain, mindsets, seek too much outside measure.. when the "gift is within us"...

all we have to do, is find what it takes to learn how to "share it".

God has give us an operators manual, to learn how to utilize the "gift" within us, and it even teaches how to find and understand the gift that is within us.. it teaches what and how to manage one's self that one may be able to give and share of this great gift..

"Every person" is a book, of many chapters, and many volumes.. lest we respect such.. we may never find the treasures of being, hidden within the pages of the chapters, nor will we find the dimensions, hidden within the volumes.

and by the ability of being "reasonable"... to consider the many ways that are ways... that are of many... expands our ability to be "reasonable".. and in being reasonable .. translates within the core composure of what is respects greater glory.. to be "just"

and in being "just"... man seeks not man to yeild that which he choose not to yield... for mankind as the being of self... is given free choice.... and the stand of another's claim of respect, cannot take such choice from another..

now if that choice in to encroach upon your same rights of self.. then is when man.. goes to defend himself, in respect of and for himself..

therefore, one may care to "respect self" enough to be "aware".. that he may pay attention to that which surround and is within his surroundings, that his respect for and of himself.. is not in a situation where harm is highly prone to be the make up of his pathway..

it's like water.. water won't drown you.. but it can, simply by being what it is, bring you to drown yourself.. by not respecting yourself to understand "you as a being" cannot breathe in water nor breath through water, and if man has not respectful regard of water nor the properties of himself within water.., then it will remain being water, and may do what it does..and that's flow into any opening that it can and will manage to find, within it's flow.. and unguarded man of his own choice to disrespect himself, by ignoring the properties of water, and the capabilities of himself... will drown..

and such people, make either themselves to be foolish, or they are in a daredevil mode, to defy his own properties and that of the water as well.. and he shall drown, without mercy from the water.. nor from himself, because his disrespects has make him unable to even save himself.
man may find.. "the ability to be of reason, to be reasonable".. may serve him far better than to have th haughtiness of pride, to claim his stand to respect, to out weigh his ability to be "reasonable".. to seek reasonable accords... such may even bring a man, to ask even unto himself, in such new found wisdom... what of, composes his own expectations.

nothing is free... even the condition of ones being at the time of receptions is not how they got there for free.. if a bum, is on the streets, and they are in dire need,.. they paid a price for being that "bum".. and it is the pity or care that another sees which may bring one to give the "bum" a dollar.. but that does not mean the "bum", got it for free, they still have to pay the price of being a "bum", they have to pay the price of finding the humility to humbled themselves to the degree it takes to be a "bum" ...

there's nothing free..

if one gives their love to another, it's what work that other has put into themselves, that makes another want to give their love to them..
they pay the cost to be that person and they pay the cost of what it takes to maintain being that person, who is given this love..

our minds measure much before we even know it, say for instance, the speaking of words may be what, 60-80 per minute, but the mind can think 10 times that, and maybe more.. the mind thinks in whole captions which can contain thousand even millions of words to describe what it has surmised.. in a thousand different ways, depending on how feeling impacts it..

Respect never needs to demand respect.. "Respect is such a profound things" it's mere existance "commands" respect.. whether others bring it in equal or not.. it still commands it, because it settle for nothing lessor than what it is.. it can understand many things, that may not be all that it cares to be, but that's why we have such a thing as, "compassions"... an innate care within mankind for and of mankind... and thus.. it invokes us, to use understanding, and we express to evoke communion within expression to find that understanding.. and it can be as simply done as thru a smile, or even the body language of a non contest composure..

We are of much, and it's all composed within who is us, the individual as being the "you" of self.. ( years of unfolding)

mankind gives and with-holds, to manage himself.. in within living.. "seeking"... a level of " sharing"... that is suitable that he or she can live with... because none of us, can be everything another wants, thinks or imagines "we" to be... so we have the graceful ability to "be with the capacity to utilize reasoning, that we may find our pathways and interactions as being ... "reasonable"

otherwise.. we may become a "tyrant".. and then we have tyrannical motivations and intentions, with an urge to be dominating, and thus to usurp, other man... and one may claim their respect of self so high, they give themselves the unjustified right, to assume, others must be of submission or yielding, as they have determined others should before they claim it being respected... and such .. can be a very confounding position even for one's self.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

paying for dinner

If he feels he wants to then he can.. but it may well be a matter
of discussion, and she may accept the COURTESY of him paying..

this is not the 1800's , when women could not work and
were not allowed to work.. MANY WOMEN HAVE GREAT JOBS, why
not pay attention to who the colleges say are the highest
in attendance and completion, 'IT'S WOMEN"
in some sectors.

PEOPLE REFUSE TO CHANGE, and cling to the old psuedo romantic
captions, No body owe's the other anything, "it's
a date", and both of them are on it, and it one accepts
the courtesy of the other to pay, then that's fine that's
their agreement, but not as if it's some prescribed
mandate.. if it's dinner , she eats just like he does,
and that old saying may be more true than not.. " there
is no free lunch or dinner".. now, it may be given and
shared as such as a COURTESY, but never as a mandate..

but any man can set what ever he considers to be his level
of Chilivary, based on what he expects to impress, upon
whom ever he's trying to impress.. but often times, this stuff serves as a entry level program,
that soon as they relax with each other it's not forth
coming, and the stage has been set for it to be expected and
life situation does not make it always so.. and such stuff
just becomes another element that leads often to that trip
saying " you don't love me anymore, you USE TO,
do this or that..

but to each his own..

I'm not looking for a handicapped woman...Nor one
that chooses to act like she's one when she is not..
(now if it's a natural handicap, then I can accept that)..
but for this madness of Chilivary, programming, he has
to open the door, pull out her chair, and act like he can't
say what he thinks, he just as well grab the spoon and feed
her too, and then break his neck trying to get over to pay,
and then make sure he leaves a tip big enough for her to swoon
over, that gives the impression, that there's even
more money that may be forth coming to her.. ( what is that
saying, " a big tipper will spend lavishly and without
reserve on a woman).. well.. if that's the impressions
that he seeks to make.. then by all means .. have at it..

I prefer to deal with kindness that I can manage, as being
kindness, not set up impressions.. and if a woman don't
want to accept the nature of such, then she is free to go find
the script that suits her best.. I personally, don't want anything from anyone that
is given to me as part of some script, in such nature of relations..
I prefer that it is given in kindness because they have considered
my realism, and have thought what might best be their manner
of sharing..

I often pay because it's my choice to want to do it..
and it's not a question about it if I know the woman has
no money, but I also don't have a problem saying how
we can manage it, maybe I may pay for the meal, and she covers
the tip.. and if she's a nut case, who always want to
order the most expensive thing on the menu, then I will let
her know, we just as well go dutch, and she can order what
thrill her most.. ( but most women, who respect the man,
does not order the most expensive stuff just because she
can, to make him pay for it, they manage it with more dignity)..

From the way many people seem to view things, all a woman
has to do is show up, and a man suddenly wants to assume all
responsibility for her.. and if that's what make some
feel like a man, have at it..

I prefer a MUTUAL sharing relationship,

I see many relationship, where it appears, and yes I did
say appears.. as if the whole meaning of love is based on
"what the man is giving, how much, how often and how
much he spends, and how often he spends, and how much he falls
over himselfe, to not let her be responsible for anything"..

We again, if that's what desire, have at it.. but most
people have kids, and that's more how they may deal
with their kids, than sharing as two responsible mutually
relating EQUAL individuals.

Kindness is it's own natural manner of treating people,
scripted stuff based on some folklore pass along tradion,
forgot that times changed, situation changed, the regard
between, who is a person has changed, there was a time women
were not even counted as maybe then such stuff
may have been the script.. but now women are counted as person,
they vote, they work, they earn and they save, and they own
stuff and they utilize stuff...

I bet when two lesbian go out, they pay equally, they pay
their own part when they go on vacation, they pay their own
part for what ever they do, unless, one decides to OFFER
to treat the other to something at their full expense..
or they are out trying to impress the other, with how much
they will spend on them if they stay... ( which is just another
manner of offer and bargain) done thru a covert
manner, without identifying it for what it is..

Love never meant that one needs to buy the other, nor pay
the way of the other.. it simply means they share, and the
make agreements, within sharing, and develop understanding
of what they are sharing, and can share the whys they feel
their motivations of sharing and within sharing..

and again, to each his own...


what we need know.. is

We as people man and woman is..

( man is, as strong as a man, but weak as a baby. )

( woman is, strong as a woman, but weak as a baby. )

for those who don't get it.. "" it means
we need each other".. no matter how much of a man, or
how much of a woman you trip yourself to think and believe...
the rule applies to all.

and all these people, with their haughtiness, of talking
about what they don't need, and how they don't
need a man, and men talking about how he don't need a
woman.. are fools, unaware of even themselves, because
they measure themselves by "material things"..
and have no awareness of their emotional and physical self
and the needs which each fills within and thru sharing each

so they barter, bargain, tease and temp and, appease and
claim it's effort to please.. all to get what they want..
but not to engage to share what they can share..

and truths remain truth...

the more you share the more you learn to care, and the more
you learn to care .. the more you share..

if you are not in that act of process... you are probably
full of Bulls$!t... now dress it the way it appeases you
most , if you can't digest it for the truth it is..


sx is for sale by as many means as anyone can
.. and some find more sharing of the bedroom
activity by paying for it, than many find in what they call
relationships.. NO.. I know no one wants to deal with that.. some like to buy it thru romance games, and some do it thru
straight bargains.. flat out.. "this for that"

if anyone wants a relationship.. Go build one..
person to person, both giving as much as they expect to get..
and both putting in effort, and not measuring how much they
value their effort and how little they value the other person
effort.. you either like the person or you don't. you either want to make a relations with them or you don't..

but if you are just chasing some romantic illusion making,
you problem will find the same disappointments the you
found before..

Most of the guys, who talk about truly loving their women,
who passed away.. they grew that to be that.. they did not
buy it with games of flash and dash... and how much they can
show and flaunt..

and it was their women.. who shared with them and used thrift,
not spend thrift.. chasing delusions.. and they accumulated
what they attained.. as two working together..

" don't ask what you can't give equally or
meet it by some measure".. and "don't go
about thinking that someone owes you something to relate
with you".. because the only thing people if anything
owe each other is the right to be honest with each other,
and let honest bring it's truth, and let kindness be
a product of truth..

anything else is "bullsh*t".. and both of them
will find themselves covered in it.. crying their eyes
out, asking where did their "ILLUSION GO"..

MAYBE if people spend time being honest with each other
they may find they enjoy sharing truth, and appreciating
kindness, and when they look back over it.. then it shows
what of romance it was...

but this pre-scripted chasing of delusion.. find few finding
honesty, and they avoid the truths of each other, and sell
and bargin kindness.. and later fight like two wild dogs..
and when they part, one wants both dog houses, or they sell
the dog house, and end up in the street.. and the puppies
they had, don't know which direction to go, if it cared
to visit it's parents.. and that.. wide spread and
becoming more wide spread...

and all the stuff they chase, gets old, needs repair and
become obsolete.. and then they got a house full of old junk,
they threw their lives away and beat the hell out of each
other about. then they whimper.. when wisdom knocks them
on their posterior, because they did not pay attention..

that old saying holds true.. people doing the same things
over and over and expecting a different result.. is claimed
to be the definition of insanity.. but in street lingo,
people call insane people, a fool.

Ignorance is an interesting world...

it's find everyone is ignorant about something...

but to be ignorant because one is just unaware or did not
know, is respectable to a degree.. but to be ignorant and
not care about being ignorant.. is the worst form of ignorance..
because thing one is ignorant to the fact they are ignorant
and have care about being ignorant.. they just follow the

" thinking, it's one of the great gifts we were
bestowed with".. but we rather let.. emotions govern
reasoning, and claim it love, rather than let reason manage
emotions so emotions does not consumes us beyond what reason
could prepare us to deal with..

but here .. so many are concerned about getting their "fix"..
of emotional consumption.. as if they chase.. being overcome
by their emotions, .. rather than learn to appreciate
thru managing their emotional sharing.. and learning
how to share more of their emotional self. and it's
work... but people don't want that..they want the
quick fix.. of illusion, and then whine and cry about the
delusion they find themselves.. and they are ready to kick
each other's posteria and take from the other anything
they can get as revenge for their own trip... they blame
on the other.. because life awakened them from their illusion
and presented them with reality of actuality.. which command..
that people learn and grow and work for what they want.

soft talk anything that delights.. but truth comes are
raw as life.. and it may have a costume of your choosing,
but if it's going to get real.. it will have to shed that
costume.. or nothing is happening.