... as they say.. the scientist want to challenge God..
and say they can make this or that better.. and God takes
the challenges...and man reaches down and scoops up a hand
full of dirt.. and claim he is going to make something..
but God steps back and say... since you are so good and so
"make your own dirt"
and man is stumped !!!!!!!
mankind does nothing but study what already exist.. he has created nothing.. !!!
and he continue to try to throw about justification about what something is, and how it came to be.. and none of his resolves prove anything other than a summary about what he thinks something is.. because it existed before he was even aware to study it... and he can come up with any theory he chooses to claim it happen this way or that way.. the point it .. it exist, and he can't make it not exist.. and he can't claim it just happen out of nothing.. because it took something to make it happen and exist... and the general realization is there is something far greater than all things, for the things to exist and have arrangment and order and structure..
Now for me.. "God is " !!!!! just as good and to me the best summation to get to a point that there is a source to creation..
now what created God.. may be a matter we may then ponder.. and no matter how it goes, or how deep the pondering goes.. we don't know!!
that should let us know, that God can manifest itself how ever it desires, and when its task is done, it leaves that body and the spirit becomes back part of the universal spirit of all.. and man can't control that process .. no matter how he tries or what he devises.. Nor can man, move the order of the cosmos.. he can barely navigates the waters and the Airs that are a part of his realization... nor can he control the winds.. man is such a slave to economics, that he can't survive and help other man without first seeking profit, or he will leave man to live in despair.. by hording what God created for all mankind... now the vices of man, gives mankind the illusion of being powerful.. but man cannot will himself back to life when his body dies.. nor can he enter into the kingdom of God without Gods grace to allow him to enter.. and no matter what thing man assimilates, he can take nothing with him, his fortunes will not go with him when his body dies, even if he buries them in the grave with his coffin.. it will simply be there to be dug up by other man, if he knows it's there.. we see that in the continual digs of man, to rob the graves of the ancients and claim it artifact for his museums, yet.. is it any less than robbing the grave of the departed.. for things man call his items of "value"... and yet.. God created those substance long before man could know how to find them, even in the raw earth, before he dug it up and molded it into shapes and claimed it be of his asserted sense of "value"
Philisopher have come with all kind of categories to try and define man.. yet.. none of them can say anything about man, that the bible has not already discussed and shown thru parables of expressions about the ways of mankind and what are the results his ways will bring.. but the bible has shown man, how man can live, in respect of himself and other man, that the works of gifts within man.. can be made manifest.. if man..seeks not to usurp other man and then tries to usurp God.. with his claims of being another man answer.. when Gods works of the Bible.. being mans manual for how best to live with other man and all things... and yet.. so many ignore so much, in their claim to crown themselves victor of something. and yet.. no man can restore the life of any man, when death claims the spirit to be released from the body.