Saturday, February 28, 2009
careful about what they choose to believe
mankind has every kind of devise imaginable in what is said and how its said, our realities are different, and what matter is the principles .. not the emotions that are spewed but the raw principles.
if you doubt that, then you may ask how did Hitler convince a nation to sit silent while he killed all thos people. How did this nation convince its whole population to accept segregation and fight to try and keep it. and how did it convince so many to support such racism
People are far too power hungry
Each person knows its the truth, sure, I can bet 60% who read this has tried to share an idea or thought about improving the operations at their job, and have been shut out and shut down and some maybe even ostracized and relegated to an areas where their silence will be assured.
but until we become a society that faces its own reality.. the cycle won't change.
We got a massive society, even refuses to acknowledge the damages that resulted from generations of segregation programs", but they will run to a shrink in the flash on a moment, when there are some hinderer in their pathway of life.. and claim depression and ever other psychological challenges..they will not regard, consider nor respect the damaged done within segregation, nor its current results
what if...
Even Bill Gates and Steven Jobs after he got function information and knowledge, got away from around those types, for if he had not , we'd probably still not have desktop computing and surely no I phone, because Phd's would still be doing a study on if it is even possible or as they say, practical.
what if these two people had listened to PhD... we'd be still unaware of desktop computing as a mainstay in our lives.
confusion within systems
we have a society now that hires based on degree, it does not even matter that the degree has nothing to do with the job.. and we have functional illiteracy in classification position, they are unaware of the dynamic of it.. because it has nothing to do with their course of degree study. They are claimed to be dedicated people..
but how dedicated is a person, who goes after a specific degree, and then when they get it, they abandon that field entirely, and trade that degree for a pay check totally unrelated to what they claimed to be so dedicated to ..
this is what our nations problem is.. false illusion of dedication, and mis understood application of what dedication is.
if you owned a cleaning company, would you choose a person with 20 yrs experience in the cleaning business, or a person with a bachelors degree in English Literature to manage and run it ?. "That's America choices which creates its decline, by choosing degree rather than function and common sense"
Cities Fail - into expanding ghettos
Why does no one like to engage dialogs on these variables within our society ?? We as people can't find answer's lest we make subject matter of these things. in as simple term items.
Anyone can drive and look and see, it does not take a PhD study or a year long task force of a 100 meeting to determine the erosion and expanding ghetto's some areas have become. common sense , eyes open awareness shows reality, in everyday realism. Go to some parts of the city that are overcome with much despair and people are simply lost within a loop of a deteriorating community, Look at our areas of despair - Motown, Cedar Grove, Queensborough, MLK- Cooper Road Area, Ledbedder, Area around Woodlawn High, Lakeside around Booker Washington, North Highland. Look at the demise of Southern Hills when the population became mixed, its commerce fell like a giant rock, with the removal of major commerce.
People caught in the waver of a nations pursuit of everyone being an elite executive, in process of administration elitism, they forget about basic and simple function of modifying policy so that it functions with common sense doctrine, and simplified navigation and proactive movement's of rebuilding with equality in premise and equality as its principle concern in how it does so - not like before of a biased and segregated program and policy of which many policies were constructed in the ages before, which many still exist in today's systems. but to go in and redesign policy, to deal with 'full circle equality" and how the policy is structured and how it is designed for general interpretation's.
Anyone who pretends to be unaware of the fact our past policies which still exist in the way policy is managed, as designed in a time, when equality was not a vague concern to be afforded city wide. Our past policies were designed in the middle of a segregated society, and nothing about a policy that was designed in a segregated society, had a concern to deal with full circle equality, they were designed with the slant for general interpretation to follow the process of separate but unequal.. and that runs the gambit from how things are funded, to even the considerations of what will and will not be funded, and the resulting disparity and imbalance and bias, in which area could and could not get funding. Those are models, created and designed for the quick super-imposing of unspoken redlining policy, which was and is done by "implication" and that implication has influence current day attitudes, to be "denial to consider", obstinacy to invoke change" and selectively blindness to the reality of the resulting distress, and lack of consideration of how it results to simply, expand the nature of what is considered ghetto, by the conditions and appearance which results.
How people choose to selectively ignore this and pretend it is not so, is the most absurd things imaginable. $10 dollars worth of gas, a car and 2 hours of riding around, can reveal more things than any administrative task force with its choice of selective blindness and skim over and diminish reality factors, will uncover or even address if they task it for a year. By the time they finish their meetings, the nature of the ghetto expansion will have spread 10 block or more in every direction, eventually connecting them into a mass multi area connected ghetto..
Some how people in general society, all over this nations, got hung up into trying to fit image models of elite politically correct administrators, more than a functionally pro-active leaders in getting things done. The result is nothing gets done but a lot of meeting are held- and the bottleneck process continue, while the city spread into a wider ghetto with inter-connections to other areas, resulting in an expanded ghetto by its conditions and appearance.
And everyone of these areas are minority dominant populations. We as a city have not arrived at any level of achievement as a city in these areas, We have seen more and more of these mentioned areas, simply deteriorate and fall into ghetto status, by its conditions and appearances. Unfortunately, beyond having access to have some minorities appointed and elected to positions, but that has failed to change the dynamic deprivation of these areas. If anything by some means, some of these areas have simply become worst in conditions and imagery, leaving reality in the over-all process. which is a very perplexing set of reality variables to consider.
Unfortunately they get the same neglect as they received in times and ages before- instead of change, not only do the people see these areas as hopeless, even the people in charge of them have a hopeless mindset about them, to the point there are no proactive highly functioning programs, that truly reach to address much of it, and not even to seek out ways to make dialog about what are the issue and how can the issues and challenges be approached to find ways to make change.
The city made more progress in these areas in the late 1960's and it simply stopped flat in its tracks by the mid to late 1980's. the only gains has been in seated position, but has not resulted to show any gain in area enhancements or improvements- but anyone can drive their car down any street in any of the aforementioned areas. and all that is seen is an expanding ghetto environment- which results in areas getting a "don't go there label" attached to them. now any who care to dispute this, all you need do is ask yourself, where do you go and where it is that you do not go? and then ask yourself what is the perception as to why you don't go to the areas you avoid ? then in basic simplicity, does that not imply that failure is at some multiple levels in our system and process of city concerns.
I try to read the internet news - but I've not seen not one council district proposal of what their needs are posted: Not one proposal that outlines what kind of stimulus these individual and distinct districts need. From the State Reps of the districts as Representative districts, why is their proposals not published in the paper ? Even from a Parish stand - where are their proposals and why no media print of these proposals? Surely Economic Development should have had a proposal published as to what they want or need or aim for as to stimulus programs, and Community Development, should have had a proposal published as to what they want or need or aim for as to stimulus programs - but none of this stuff has even been vaguely mentioned- not even considered to be published for general consumption. Should we all not find that to be a very curious situation that begs for inquiry ??
Everything President Obama outlines, these areas are prime locations to implement these rebuild programs - from retro fitting homes, to every category of program that one can imagine, these areas are ripe for the creation of it.
Nothing in the Stimulus Budget addressed anything beyond roads, airport , parks and water and sewer -- but the Presidents plan made note to speak about the winterizing of homes - our area never even considered to jump on the wagon and denote that need in our areas, but each year.. we have peoples homes burning down from trying to figure out how to heat them and keep the heat in.
Our city functions with the same principle of being re-morphed into a separate but unequal environment, and no one addresses it, and if its even mentioned , suddenly no one wants to talk.. and immediately flee from anyone who even remotely mentioned these things need to be addressed. I don't get it..
Even the recent article about moving a dump to MLK area, and claim it is good for factory jobs.. why does no one consider the ramification of a dump being in an already devastated community. If they want to build a re-mold and re-process of raw material into usable commodity, the dump does not need to sit right next door to the plan; We have more trucks in this area than many area have in an entire region. and we have more remote locations to build a landfill and surely not in an area that has that proximity to the same lake we get our water from- in 10 years the plume from such a landfill will probably cause toxins in the water, and with the shallow water table of the south, it may happen before 10 years.
If they want a Factory in MLK, what is wrong with working with the glass factory, and finding out how to make glass suitable for solar panels, and have a solar panel plant placed in MLK area. then it has jobs that have progressive and respectable function to show people industry that meets with the future in a better way. now combine that with factory that re-mold and re-cast raw materials.. but in now way does a dump need to be there. the people have been dumped on enough over the ages..
Look around our city, they turned away from small business and turned our city over to Wal mart.. and every place there is a wal mart, there are closed and abandoned grocery stores, and small business with closed signs, or they are simply abandoned building. and no one seem to see the realism of it, yet there are cities that turned away Wal mart because they did the study and found those fact to be true.. but instead Shreveport Bossier, allowed 5 of them to decimate a region with only a fraction over 1/4 million people. and wal mart pays low wages and cheap under performing benefits. and they cart the money out of our region before we even get a chance to recirculation of any generated income whicht the area produces. Continually big business show the power they have to control neighborhoods, by the fact of their closure, when they leave the area is devastated.. and still it can't see that it can only support and maintain itself with stability by supporting the re-creation of small business, which keeps its money circulating in its own communities.
We have a state willing to pump millions to beg corporations to say, and they turn it down and close shop anyway.. and yet we can't see the need to use that same offered money to support small business and change the policy and actually respect the support of small business as start up, as well as ongoing. We have a anti start policy, that does not support start ups,.. and then we wonder why there is slow to non existent new business.
Its pretty certain no one will address anything with a response, because I see even the articles in the paper. don't garner much commentary that addressed the need for this city and region to invest in its own people. or to see all it's people with equal eyes of regard as persons.
Why Schools Fail and Droup-out Rise
Why are the drop out rates so high - look at the neighborhood, and your answer is highly visible if you care not to deny and blind yourself from the truths you see.
Hopelessness - WHY, because all people see is a broken down area, closed business, and nothing of new innovation, nor do they see even basic upkeep and maintained appearance even of their schools - they see nothing but closed down factories that dominate the landscape- and their reality shows them what? a future maybe as a factory line assembly worker, cutting lawns, or working in a fast food establishment, or maybe a job at wal mart. To kids, they don't see a need where that requires any improved education. these jobs seek mostly a body, that can move its arms and legs. Media shows them the same, nothing but reality shows, either of overly rich people with too much money playing ego games on national television, laugh a minute skit shows, or movies about murder, mayhem, robbery, theft and corruptions by every means imaginable. and when they go out in the streets, the despair of their community, reflects the same things.
The games they play are about grand theft auto, shoot to kill, and attack without mercy, and take what you want by any means available.
This is the America that our system pushes via media, and the neglect to maintain and support communities, this is the result of communities that ignored small enterprise development, and turned itself over to corporate stores, as the marquee of the city, money no longer circulated in communities, small business closed, and the banks left. society forgot, that it was small business that supported the little league teams, and other youth functions, it forgot that it was small business, that gave the youth summer and after school jobs, and it was small business that gave them a sense they could achieve something. and it was small business that had vested interest in the communities of cities.
We have to this date never seen a community survive and thrive without its own small business, the only ones that do, are the communities where the executives of corporations live- and the elite of administrative systems. and the result is the area of the working citizen simply shut down.. "out of business signs, not only meant the business closed, it meant the community closed".. and the result is expanding ghettos.
The more the ghetto expands, to show no sign of hope - drop out rates increased, because they cannot connect the need for education with the imagery of their environment. it does not show symbolism that anything can be accomplished. Now they are impacted with the closure of corporations, and what do they see- the once educated now out looking for jobs, that are not available.
This is the result of our society relying on Big corporation to be the answer all - and we gave up on our communities for this. the few people who are in business. moved to the gated community on the outskirts of town and moved their business to the area of Big Box corporate stores. and they struggle to stay afloat- unable to compete, when we have to community killer business that dominate our commercial atmosphere- if walmart does not get the money, then sam's club gets it.. and the communities suffer more closure. and the result is.. ghettos continue to expand.
How does it impact - first the tax revenue of community circulated dollars diminish, then the how ownership fades, and abandoned properties litter the landscape and that destroys the tax base- which also impacts the school tax, and the arts programs are closed, the cultural literacy programs are closed, then the sport programs are closed, there are no field trips, there are not community professions that come and speak, nor contribute anything to the schools- finally, the state does not even fund the school enough to fix it's lawn or improve its appearance. and the schools itself look like desolate building, that reflect nothing more than a ghetto school that matches the image of ghetto the neighborhood shows.
And the I don't care imagery, translates into the youth, even making their appearance reflect what their environment reflects, which is an I don't care attitude- society is always a product of its environment as a bulk mass, and only few escape this cycle. but the mass of those that can't escape it continues to expand. Parents can barely keep food on the table, so college saving is not even an option to consider, they struggle to get a kid simply to attend basic school, and the kids are despaired because the schools teach at a low level, that they cannot connect to how it can help their condition. Craft classes are gone, arts programs are gone, they have nothing more than basketball, football and maybe soccer if they are in the right neighborhood, they can have a soccer team, but if they are in a deteriorated neighborhood, soccer is not even an option.
They can't get Lawn cutting jobs, because the group of society that would have never cut a lawn 20 years ago, now have multiple truck and have over-taken that option. there are no more neighborhood business, that offer them evening jobs, where they can learn skills, learn how to aspire to greater things, because they closed, and now the only option is big business, which will not hire them, so we all settle for goods made in China- at the expense of small business owners, who made and created and sold things. we don't even have repair shops, because society opted for the "disposable products from China", where every 3 months, just go buy another one, to last 3 more months. and this is conducted in the bigbox stores, that won't pay their parents enough to keep the lawn cut, let along to try to progress in any meaningful way, without working two and 1/2 of these jobs.. and society wonders why there are absentee parents. they can't be parents, only food and shelter providers, with hope they can at least keep the lights and heat on.
Blind yourself to this reality as you choose..but when the ghettos expand to encompass your neighborhood.. maybe only then, will you awaken.
It's fast approaching with the demise of the corporations you placed your life dependency upon.
People became so dependent on corporations, they took their money out of banks where they could manage it themselves, and turned it over to corporate investment businesses - they took their money from investing in emerging business in their own community, and gave it to mutual fund and hedge fund managers, they sold out their soul to big corporation as their main savior.. and now reality has shown, not only are their jobs, gone, their pensions are gone and their savings have been made into "0" sums, for an alarming number of citizens. thrusting them back into poverty after a life of work, and what they thought were smart investments, in turning their money over to corporations.
Maybe society will now awaken, and began to invest in their community, build investment pools that deal with their own community, instead of nation investment firms which pay their operations multi million of dollars a year, and send out to the investor checks for a few hundred dollars, which is heavily taxed into being "0" gain. only to result every 8-10 years, to be a crashed and bankrupt company and wipe out all their assumed gains. and they again end up with "0" sum ...
today.. we have many people starting over at near the age of 55, unable to compete for jobs, when the employers only want to hire people from the age of 23-48.. anyone over 48 is considered more a liability than an asset. because they are aware of what benefits are, and the corporations of today, do not want people who care about benefits. so the nation canceled pension programs, and now, you get a 401K, which locks up your money for institutional usage, and penalize you when you need it, or tax it away if you want to use it for anything else.
but people forgot, they can save their own money, and they can do it in commodities that give them access without penalty. buy a saving bond, for 25 dollars you get 50 dollars, and you only have to hold it for 6 years. but you can cash it in when and as needed. No 401K will give you that option, to manage and control your own money. You have no control over the companies they invest in, and the people who gain are the commodities traders, not the actual investor. Such programs are good for people who make and earn a disposable % of income, they can afford the plan, and they can afford the penalty, or the interest they pay to use their money, the average working person cannot . People must learn to think, and stop relying on corporations, because corporations now function like plantations of the old slave days, and everyone knows a plantation was not designed to allow its workers to gain a living wage, nor to accumulate equity.
see it any way you choose, that suits your life.. but the main point is.. BECOME AGAIN, PEOPLE WHO LEARN TO THINK, we have become a society that refuse to think, we look for corporations that do it for us.
Can you be sure you won't get a "Pink Slip"
We see a cycle of continually eroding communities- and the worst they look, the more hopeless the concept becomes and people back away from it because they are overwhelmed at the decay. Result is 'neglected interest feeds continued deterioration' and we simply become more in the production as a city of an expanding ghetto, than one that is showing progressive community development. When that happens. then the denial for funding for any commerce is nearly a guarantee of end result. so its a self defeating program as it currently exist in such categories. and community after community is written off.. and the only push it gets, is when a few charitable entities come and do a few token homes in the area , which results to look like an out of place creation in the midist of decay.
Progressive involvement in being the catalysis, is to design the program - which puts people to work, improves the condition and appearance of the neighborhood, restores value to the property, and circulates those funds within our city and the citizenry and other small business. and not having it - a massive fund to support home improvement loans, and provide employment, while it fixes its areas, afford small business -curb appeal funding, as a business image improvement loan. this puts construction people to work. and the result is the image of the neighborhood changes.
I know people don't like candid terms, but as a society and as a city and as a nation- we can't talk about this stuff in patronizing terms as if we have to protect the power people's ego more than be concerned about the squalor that is engulfing our city. there are many many countless youths future which is the resulting damage of the present cycle and process.
Kids don't progress when their whole community becomes a continual declining ghetto - they do just what people do.. and that is; they become a product of their environment. they live with nothing that resembles hope, they see despair and nothing improved, and in the middle of the squalor, up pops a park with bright color toys in it, and they are afraid to go there, because the trek to the park becomes a element the parents don't feel comfortable to allow their kids to go to it.. so it becomes more a sight to drive by and look at, than something that is actually engaged. Its a stark reminder that, the parks looks better than their own street, they live on, or the house they live in. and that in and of itself does not promote positive confidence, nor does it improve the community uplift.
We have more park projects in the Stimulus bill, and no programs to fund home improvements backed funding. the irrational of that is astounding. When the community and it's housing is improved, the sense of a more safe community develops. "Remember the "BROKEN WINDOWS" program in New York.. it stated, that when the community has broken windows, then the invitation of crime is increased, because the imagery shows despair; and despair in the environments image is a promotion of increased crime. any people, regardless of race, or culture - when their environment shows nothing but broken down homes, closed business, and unkept school facilities, and streets with pot holes and every other result of neglect- crime will increase, as despair is heighten, just in a walk to a corner store- the area become a detriment to itself- thus becoming written off, for any form of investment or progressive input. they become nothing but areas ripe for news fodder, which further decimate the area by the imagery it depicts to project.
but currently my primary focus now is about - community based commerce.. economic opportunity and the means of creating small business - because it is an essential component of Community Development- it is essential to promoting Economic Development, surely both and all go hand in hand. and it must be a 360 degree program.. but .. the interest and patience of people to engage the concepts is the greatest deterrent to addressing the matter. One department does not work with the other and they are more secular than cross platform bi-laterally engaging.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
China and the change to come
"DEBT" - funding the future
any corporation creates when they want to raise capital-
and they either pay those based on future earnings, or they
pay them at their maturity by the gained capital holding,
which represents value, they can convert to payment or
other stock options to satisfy that debt.
people in the country are tripped about a bit of money, but
they said nothing when GBII doubled the national debt,
and never created one job, nor of the 10 billion probably
15 billion a month it cost to fight the wars he created..
but Americans squak like mad about anything that helps
this country, because its filled with a bunch of people
who hate to see anything help their neighbor or their family
members.. Mostly this nations is full of grandstanding
people, with a "look at me, I got mine attitude",
followed by, Hell no I'm not helping anyone unless
they live outside the borders of this nation.
People should have seen the level of intellect that is lacking
during he campaigns, even McCain had to tell some of his
back woods mentality support to basically shut up with
that ignorance they spew.
This nation is only spending a fraction of what it needs
to spend, with a world of nations having their currency
pegged to ours, we should be out spending them 10:1
but also this nation failed to make adjustment to its import
policies for all those years, when it had record proof,
that china was showing consistently a 23 or more billion
dollar a month trade deficit, and they did nothing, because
the lobbyist for all the American companies who operate
on chinese soil trying to take advantage of labor at slave
wages, did not want to obstruct their easy flow to flood
these markets with goods, this country did nothing but
go off shore, and create systems to build monopolies because
they know it was illegal to do so here, and they sought to
capture and decimate any market in this country for the
self gain, which belonged to the corporate head and CEO,
it showed in how they paid themselves, and the lavish waste
they engaged.. generally American knowledge can't
digest that much information in such a broad spectrum,
because here peoples minds shut down if you speak about
details and compounded functions, they nearly fall asleep
and their first impulse is to go find some entertainment,
get some drugs, get a drink and tune out. this is justified
by the stats that show we are the major consumers of drugs
from south of the border, and the volumes of consumption
only get larger ever year. American care about which entertainer is sleeping with
the other, and gloating about which CEO can live the most
lavish and extravagant lifestyle. It's why other countries rise faster, they are more
committed to learning and they are more devoted to their
business and work details, here people can't wait
for Friday, in other countries people will work 6 days or
7 and be ready to do extra hours. they invest to build not just buildings, but they build
some the pedestrians can navigate their landscape, here
they only care about the building, .. The delusion of the
land of leisure has come home to roost, and the chicken coop
is in a shambles. and what has unfolded of which the world
is seeing, is that many business are a sham and a shell, over
leveraged and only riding on what America use to be.. and
other countries are not buying the delusion any more..
some have been calling for the un-pegging of their currency
to the US dollar, and some trade now in Euro based increments
of value. The US tried to ride too long on World War II glory,
and did not pay attention to the fast rise they supported
by sending their labor away, and then sending their dollars
away to buy what the offshore labor produced, so when you
labor is sold away and then you buy goods from that labor
you purchased over season, then logic would show clearly,
not only do you not generate products anymore, you don't
employ your people, so where are they getting the money
to shop.. and truth showed .. it came from massive borrowing..
to the tune of nearly 5 Trillion of borrowed money over the
past 8 years, and then they sold out all the value of the property
and consumed it up in more lavish living.. and now its time
to face the reality, and we as a nations of people are in shock..
the result of a nation that groomed and built itself with
slave labor, and it has scanned the globe looking for new
slaves, and when it can't capture and import them,
it exported it's labor to where ever it could find them..
for over 50 years, everything has tried to get this country
to share equity, but they did the same thing they did in the
1800's.. and that is let the plantations close because
they refused to share the equity gains of it, by refusing
to pay for the labor so all people could earn and share in
equity in this country. It remained a nations that will
cut off its own nose before it would share equally with the
people in this nation.. When women and minorities got the
right to join unions and earn equal pay, they dismantled
the unions.. but have the audacity to go to other nations
and tell them how they should address, human rights. it
will take another 25 years before those type of mindset
die out, and a new generation emerges, we've already
started down the pathway of change, but it will take years,
because a lot of the people from the old era have to die away
first. If we notice, since the 1960s, the more of the jim
crow era babies that die, the more we move toward a nations
that learns to respect all people.. and there are 20+ more
years of them that have to die off.. because they are not
going to change.
this nation can bear the debt, because the system set up
by the Bretton Woods act, assured that the country would
never go bankrupt completely and financially collapse,
because the currency is pegged to the US currency, as part
of the agreement set up with the World Bank back in the 1940's
- China was not a party to the program, so it never cared to
make any adjustments to its currency when their industrial
capacity increased to astronomical levels, they took
to dealing with a different framework of agreement. and
when the US had borrowed so much, they had no room to tell
China anything, China simply told him to go home, and leave
them alone or they would not loan anymore money. then the
more they loaned, the less of US backed securities they
would buy, and the imbalance began to show up even more so,
add that on top of wild war spending and corporate theft
and waste.. its a guarantee of financial challenges..
President Obama, has a massive task, which the average
American has no idea, they are worried about if their neighbor
gets help, and they don't even see the bigger picture.
"grand natural resource"
GBush I saw the change coming, and GBush II tried his best to assure that the US, capture the prize fuel, to support the continual dominance of the US, by securing this fuel resource.. people don't get it.. "ENERGY IS KING".. and as long as any nation tries to gain dominance of that oil, they will fight.. the matter is so deep, that now, other nations have bought their influential piece of accessibility thru their favor given for funding the fight. and it won't be until nations reach an accord of how that oil will be managed, and dispensed, before the fighting stops.
on an everyday level, this is so much bigger than people conceptualize, because we are busy bickering about if our neighbor will be helped in our small community of cities.. across the entirity of the nation.. when the big picture program is far greater in scope of concern..
This nation, understand "NOW", There will be no quick grasp of that oil resource and control of the accessibility to it.. so the nature of now forging ahead with investment in new energy resources, and new means of how energy is used, and new means of how a nation can fuel itself, by its own renewable energy is paramount, but it can't work until you fund and support all the collateral program that it takes to change the dynamic of how the nations uses fuel, and find higher efficiency in how it functions on an over-all scale. We bicker in petty day to day terms, which on a International scale, the nations of Nations governments deal with it on a much bigger scale,.. and it is always about Natural resources...and accessibility. If this nation does not FORCE the forge of change, within its own borders, by funding and supporting the change, then it dooms itself to resort to the later bullets and bombs.. but someone has to lead nations to think on a different paradigm, of the need to make conversion to other sources of energy creation.. People don't care to see the big picture, they care about their person conveniences, and their ego of outdoing the Jones, the Nation could care less about such stuff. it knows its future is tied to its accessibility and acquisition, and usage of energy.
the minuscule dollars that have people in an uproar.. equates to nothing on the longevity scale of what is money..
where we failed, and all other nations failed is, we did not adopt a process of change.. and we rode on simply cycling credit and borrowing from each other nations to nations.. trying to maintain a standard of living. and elevate others.. rather than to use all that capital to invest in energy modification. but Oil and the king of Oil companies, lobbied those programs into demise, because Oil does not want to be dethroned.. and the funding to support the denial of research and the denial of alternative changes resulted in the pursuit by war, to try and capture more oil.
Now the world has a leader who is say.. enough is enough !!! let's turn the page and invest in rebuilding based on different energy paradigms, and sources to fuel those paradigm shifts..
Compensating parallels
other countries are infusing their nations with capital.. Nations currency values changes as their rate of GNP increases and their capital gains increase ?
This is why the nations, not just America has been pushing for the Chinese to change their currency, because their production volume is so high, they can no longer claim the status of being undeveloped in economic output.
The world order of power house nations, was changed at the last summit which deals with such matters, but some nations have not stepped up to the place to take on the bigger role in contributing to the Global initiatives which come along with status change. Markets crashing on a global scale.. even thought we may not like it, but its the only process that will re-set the counters of the world currency equations.
Our task as a world.. is to find ways to meet this change, without the need of War... and that is the over-riding matter, that most nations are not willing to discuss because they don't want to feed the flames of war.. History has always had that process being engaged based on War, but now we have to do it based on diplomacy.. and it is very much a challenge to change a system that has been fueled by money, where the one with the money partake in the wars as the means of resolve, to secure what they need as resources.. Let's hope our world has evolved where the men in power can use diplomacy, not the fight of currency which leads to the fight with guns.
The nations of the world are in a midst of re structure.. and so far we can be thankful that our world in thinking more in terms of meeting minds than meeting fist... so the currency matter will work itself out, with the right infusions, on the compensating parallel as nations must do to sustain their roles in the new world order.
Saturday, February 07, 2009
Understanding World Agreements
for the people who are interested in seeing how the Economies Evolved Post World War II
Vitter already shows the Thieves are Lining up.
Republicans are a very vile and vicious bunch, I'm so pleased the world is getting to see they are more anti-American - when it comes to anything for the people.
Why would anyone want to cut anything out of the bill if it all puts money into the economy and society. Every program that was proposed puts money in society or it would not be something that requires funding.
I do wish President Obama and the Democrats would have stated, this is Bill Installment #1 - because 700 billion cannot fix a 7 Trillion loss, it's only a down payment of Installment #1 one
but Republicans are so Anti-People- they would have all had cardiac attacks to try and expand their minds to even remotely wrap around that concept.
This is the same group who ripped America's pockets for 8 years, and still all they want is tax cuts while the working poor support the nations tax contributions.
I can't wait for the day, the Independent Party Rises to power, and take and relegated Republicans to the unmentioned party.. and that day is certainly coming. And all these Jim Crow groomed Republicans become replaced with people who embrace 21st Century American life.
American can no longer support a Republican Agenda - In simple terms President Obama summed up their level of ignorance, when he said:
"Stimulus means Spend to Stimulate"
some Republicans simply want to stall the bill, until they get their cronies lined up, for contract bids, they have scanned the bill, and they have made their phone calls to tell their buddies how to position themselves for the theft they plan of rip off contracts.
people simply need to look deeply at what we are dealing with, these people have practiced this kind of theft for generations, and they will be opting to but in criteria for contract awards which favor their cronies and good ole boy networks, so... people need to be very much aware of what is taking place.
Anything they think they can't dominate as to having their people in line to get contracts, they want it taken out of the package.. You, and Me and everyone need to pay attention, and talk about this stuff, and get it exposed before it become another robbery of the decade.
Far too much of the reporting follows convention, thinking it will gain favor of these corporate people and lead to a offer of some sort, and they don't open the can, and see all the worms they fails to report about. Hoodwinked mentality- and the result is 'reporting as usual'.. which feeds into the same games of the old.
If you have a platform- you may want to think change - and that change may need to be about how your report and what you report- because many question that need to be asked are not, and many of the inquiring question are not considered, and many of the investigative question don't even come in the arena of thought.
Republicans run for cover when the Reporters began to ask the right question, and when they see questions that lead to investigation, they cower for cover, but our reporting people don't have a clue of this nature of approach, and until they get the clue.. they can't be effective, all they can do is write to create drama impact.. and it serves no purpose other than make America look like its foolish.
They know they could not get 'earm marks in" so the next best thing for them is to figure out how to get in position for their "good ole boy network" to get the contract money, it's no different than being another way, to insure they get money, that is a "by way process" - that function just like it was "Earmarked"
I'd like to see you post some blogs that probe into things, and take the dare of doing so - but that must not be your program of manner.
but when you addressed the fact about getting a nod for white House correspondence, I'd think, in an agenda as President Obama, his administration may favor people who help with change, but addressing things that are of such nature, that opens up probing, it helps him, by bringing things to the surface so he can address it, He can't bring everything to the front by himself. But if there were reportes that put the word out on some of the stuff no one wants to talk about- then he can address change.
he has to deal with it on a top shelf level, but he need dynamic reporters, who ask the right question.. and all this stuff about him is not what he is interested in - he needs people who ask question about the stuff he is trying to "change"..
Sadly, it will probably take the Commedians to truly ask the right questions, because script reporting- does not have the guts of dare to do so... they play into the "politically correct posturing".
I like Vanity Fair's Investigative reporters, they go into it and get the truth out of the matter by peeling the layers of fodder back.
Soledad, is more daring than a lot of the reporter, because she took on projects that got to real people and asked real questions, and put to the nation a reflection of what people really think. not just the preppy version.
I think you could go far, if you push CNN to give you some projects but you design the projects and present them- but projects that go to the heart of the matter- you'd probably do good in self elevation of your aims in reporting to do so. It could give you more air time, than the general split screen sound bit seconds they current give..
A good projects would truly be- to find out who gets the contracts, and how and whom are they connected to - you might find.. it can propel you, by such exposure of the collusion that will come forth. but it also helps President Obama to have this information disclosed, and he can move to curtail the pending rip off that is sure to be forthcoming. that would be some good responsible journalism.