people need to be careful about what they choose to believe, and the wise of any nation, will keep their mind open to learn more and be willing to change when they learn better, and do so with heart, not with surface level pagentry. What is read in the internet, needs to be understood and to do that it is necessary to seek out clarifying information before you swallow anything that is written... regardless who writes it. Thought should simply provoke thinking, not be spoon fed digested - as if it is the gospel.
mankind has every kind of devise imaginable in what is said and how its said, our realities are different, and what matter is the principles .. not the emotions that are spewed but the raw principles.
if you doubt that, then you may ask how did Hitler convince a nation to sit silent while he killed all thos people. How did this nation convince its whole population to accept segregation and fight to try and keep it. and how did it convince so many to support such racism
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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