What does it truly mean??
Can we bear to take a hard honest look at our conditions as a nations
Are we as a nation, really and truly open to face what it takes, to make "Better Days" a reality ?
Shall we bury this blog quickly " before someone reads it", and take a minute to actually think about this stuff, surely to hide it away, into the hidden annals of a blog script, which does not provide an access to its archive. will we share it, or do as we have done about much, As we have for years swept much under the rugs of life, but now that rug has lumps and trip hazzard in nearly every place- shall we simply bury reality and increase the lumps under the rug ? or take a minute and talk about what is truth in the reality of the landscape of our lives, our communities and our cities, which has swept our nation from Coast to Coast - as the real reality we face?? Only you know, which you will choose ?
The nations will limp back to some level of function, and began to build progress, The months since the stimulus was passed, has to began to show some progress and development- As a nation, we may well learn ways of being more expedient in the processes, we may learn more ways to provide the system with authority at the levels it truly need to provide it, to promote function- and then we may began to see progress. it quite sad, that months before the stimulus program was enacted people knew it was proposed, and still were not ready to go into immediate action. Now, what do you suppose could be the reason for that ? it not like the breakdown of the economy and the industry was a mystery.. its been an progressive element in our society since what mid 2006, but truly did it start years before- but certainly by late 2006, the cracks were nationally evident. and here we are in 2009 - still unprepard for swift actions. Now what does that say about us as a nation and our systems? does it imply that not only the economy broke down, but our system are stagnated in old processes and clogs of every sort, and the lack of expedient decision making, and push to action. We simply have become a nation which has fallen in love with "meetings' - when all else fails, have another meeting, and conduct another nor true result producing study, that does not want to really address what is visiblity evident. the tax revenue decline shows its reality, when everything has to be cut, that alone states without the vagues doubt, that industry has collapsed, small business has collapsed, and home ownership is collapsed and employment has collapsed. do we really need another study to accept the reality of what is evident ? do we really need another meeting, to address what the whole communty can already see. do we need another meeting to understand that despair ravages our cities ? But unfortunately in a society obsessed with political correctness - which covertly means, " don't make a decision, that you will have to be responsible to uphold", and don't stick your neck out with an idea.. because at all cost.. protect the image of a being a buck passer, and only a ardent supporter of someone who has a sure thing, until you find its not sure, and leave yourself a way out.. That what our sytems have become, from industry to localized government processes. and the fact of delegation on goes as far as , the cover my butt concept can envision. so the lack of trust of people put in positions, shows in its means of denying them decision making authority.. so things move at the pace of snails.. We probably have more work to do than we are willing to consider that needs to be done. And to recogonize that work, and speak of it, become a no no.. because to speak of it means the person at the top gets anguished because its brought to the attention, they are not taking proactive action.. and by golly, no one is about to address that... so the situation crumbles.. and anyone with a voice is banished with a negative label attached..
Here's the Irony of it all : In a nation that proclaims "Free Speech"- the quickest way to loose a job, be denied a promotion and to not be hired, is to have an opinion... this is a nation that despise 'opinions', but claims to be a supporter of free speech, and creative thinking, but its such a nation with a high degree of vanity, the people will prefer to protect their vanity, rather than to engage free speech, and sharing opionions and indulge creativity.. that is the result of a title oriented socity- which feel threatned by any ideas beyond their own.
here's what is funny- the old saying of "what goes around, comes around".. well, during jim crow, the rule was, no person of color, ( which really included poor people of any and all colors).. are never to tell the wealthy they are wrong about anything, nor is to ever to mention or make regerence to any idea ot thought different from what wealthy people assert".. and that principle.. has now dominated a society, without regard to color.. its now.. the principle used.. as, it related to "title" - how dare anyone.. even imply, that "title" is not the sole decider of what works and what needs change ... and by no means, should anyone suggest anything, which is not suggested by "title".
therefore by no means, shall any employment be retained, nor gained, nor shall any promotion be forth coming by another with an opinion. ( laugh).. its more true than not.. in the world of today.
The economic challenges and system erosions, have been filled with many things, We've seen an escalation in families being killed by family members, and crimes of every sort, and our nation can't simply erode into such a cycle and nature of despair, there are far too many people being harmed and lives that are wiped out, and anguish in places that it has not existed before. signs of Hope must come to began a crawl across the nations. We have young people who can't get to colleges, and college people who can't find work, and business closures- and all those things indicate the nations is in need of a mindset change about how it conducts business.
We have to find a way to become a nation that does not choke itself with red tape, and can look at the basic simplicity of objective and act to engage the objective, more than it engages the drama surrounding the shock, of the massive downfall of a nation that claim to be the most prosperous and most innovative. and we have not lived up to that claim- in the past year or more. It has to become to be a nation that is wise, and choose not to play collusion games, not within the nation, and surely not selling colluded products of financial instruments to other nations. We have not seen the full change of the global community, which ultimately may not be willing to buy further colluded products, until our financial community begins to return to market - simplified products, with full transparency. We can be thankful, the times of today, are not as it was years ago, otherwise, it would be nations at war, behind the massive default this system invoked with its creation of products that has not solidity. Other nation that played into it, may well have been our only saving grace from global calamity. Many nations hold anguish at the demise of their economy- and they are facing the challenges of how to avoid the instability of Wall Street and the Markets of financial matters, from causing massive losses on a global scale.
Maybe we've reached a time where understanding will prevail and wisdom will take root,
and over take the spin a tale and grab a buck systems, will fade into the past. Bringing a more honest business process to a nation, which can no longer look upon the global sphere as an easy mark, and they too have to change and not look to the US as easy dumping grounds. It should usher in a time, when nations began to respect the integrity of other nations, and engage the global financial matters with a dignity that reaches for stability, rather than the 'spin the buck" cycles which has been decades of spike and crash. Fast talkers in shiny suits won't prevail in the new era, nor will fresh out of college kids be in control of the nations economic welfare- We need congressional over-sight on what financial markets do, and what instruments they create- because the nation as a whole of taxpaying citizens were left hold the bag, for unchecked greed and games of malicious cycles of greed natured games. Not only can the nation not afford it, nor can the people within the nations afford it.
America has to accept other nations will manage their business, and the US can no longer thing it can prosper for only the wealthy by pushing paper, claiming to manage the money of other nations. at the expense of being and becoming a nations that has no industry and assuming it was simply the executive branch of global economies. We have to respect other nations, and their choice and their ability to manage their markets, and their industry. But we have to become a nation that has to learn, it has to regain its industry, and actually become a producer, rather than a consumer.
The era of seeking new slave labor pools around the globe, hould have taught a lesson, but the true wisdom should have provided the understanding over 100 or more years ago, which was ignored. through a sense of global arrogance and self consumption not only in one dimension but in many. The era of Plantation falling, due to the unwillingness to pay the labor, a decent living wages, which would have kept the plantations producing. but it was a nation that refused to share the wealth of what it could earn, and chose to collapse the plantations rather than share equity earning with the labor it needed to survive. Now again, this nation did the same thing to its industry, unwilling to share the equity earning, and ultimately shipping the jobs across the ocean as if to seek out new slave labor pools.. and the result is the same as what happen to the plantation.."collapse"
Are we awake yet... is the ultimate question ? have we changed our ways from seeking out slaver labor pools, who work for next to nothing ? have we finally realized, we can't stake a claim that we are a working nation, and then turn and sell off the labor to foreign nations- and think we can simply market what others produce- and manage their money, and sell them fake bonds? The sad thing is the nation, not only sold its industry, and decreased its production, it leveraged the value from even its home, all for the sake of trying to live without productive production taking place upon this continent. The process is finally broken, with the robbery of the valuts of the nations banks and rip off from its industrial coffers, but now the matter is, will this nation become wise to know, the power elite who were the descendents of the same enslavers mentality, who wanted to gain without actually doing the work.. has to come to an end. Life cycles... and truth reveals all things. and time has shown the gains attained by ill means, were also the gains that vanished in the cycle of abusing the global system. Now we have to become again a nation that works. and build, and create and operate industry. The days of claiming everyone an executive, and everyone living from the labors of others. is at an end.
We gave away every industry, from steel mills, to automobiles, from making furniture, to making toothpaste.
College was never meant to produce a nation of paper pushing people, but people who gained information and acquired knowledge to better improve out ability to be producers and manufacturers, but we someone how lost out step, and assumed that college was to produce an office full of paper shufflers, and semi decision makers. It became so prevalent until we simply forgot that the nation can't survive without actual industrial productivity. We lost our way, to assume the corporation existed to pay the people in the office, at the expense of the people on the production floor. and executive pay became simply absurd.
Cut the workers benefits, and raise the CEO's pay, until we have executives making 100 of millions of dollars, and the public resulted to get cut benefits and lower grade products, that came with no service, we became so arrogant, that we did not even want to handle customer contact, and moved that offshore to call centers in other countries. We put automated phone systems, that assumed pushing buttons would resolve the matter, and yet corporate executives paid themselves again. They went from yearly bonus, to getting quarterly bonus, to get bonus based on the basic job they were suppose to be paid to do.
Everything became, who's got the biggest house, who has the largest private jet fleet, and who could throw the most expensive and lavish gathering at some opulent retreat. The Executives considered themselves kings, and used lobbyist to buy away any concern the people proposed to their congressional people. The lobbyist simply bought and silenced the voice of the people. And we became an autocratic system, that function with the delusion that our industry was run by a monarchy. who considered themselves the true monarch, over a nation claiming itself as a democracy. Our global relations moved from being a democracy to a totalitarianism system, issuing orders to the world rather than engaging them in dialog.
We preached to the world, a spill about workers rights, while our industry here was again enslaving people and robbing their benefits and paying them less than a living wage, in a nation that claim to have the highest living standard, but its minimum wage, allows them to live not different than what it would cost to maintain a slave force- substandard housing, substandard food, and limited amenities, and no medical care.
That is the nature of "What our minimum wage creates"
Yet we claim, everyone should own a home- with a days pay that equals $60.48 . which is then taxed- so the employee earns maybe $42 , but the rent eats up $20 for a 600$ apartment or home, both of which has to be in the poorest section of town, then you are suppose to take the remaining $20 of which $10 goes to cover car payment, gas, and insurance, so from the remaining $10, it is suppose to cover utilities, food and medical - no thought of anything for personal self maintenance, kids lunch money, kids clothing, cost to upkeep a house or apartment, and definitely not thought to improve one's lot, or paint a house, or anything that may need repair. and planning for higher education does not even become a vague consideration. If this does not create a "third world environment", based on what we consider third world.. then maybe its even more a 4th world environment, we certainly created it "again" in this country.
America showed it could put people in homes, but it did it with a system of collusion, they put the people and families in homes, and set them up to have a increase rate to be there- it was no different than - offering a family to be a share cropper, then billing them for more than their crops could produce. Setting up delusions- an taking the lives of individuals and making a nation of homeless people.
escalating home payments, while creating a declining income base- and the wealth masters take back the homes, after they have profited from the claimed equity rise of it, and the people remain unaware, that the only people who profited were the wealthy, who ultimate , simply sold out the value on the land and homes of the nation, for the sake of their own greed. The result is.. devalue of the nations property, and a nation, where the paper which backs it was sold to foreign nations,.. in the ultimate rip off and selling of a nation. for the sake of a few... and Americans remains unaware to see the truth and acknowledge the reality of what has taken place.
No different than the world America was turned into at the advent of slavery. it ignored its own constitution at that very day, and has contorted much to delude the masses, but they simply find and found ways to recreate over and over, the same cycle, to maintain an imbalanced system. We had the wealthy and well to do - the indentured servants forces, and the slave forces.. it is likes wise so, recreated today, in the actual reality of the state of the nation.
yet- we talked to other nations about human rights, and workers rights, when we are more guilty of abuse of those same elements, when we still have racism which infest our nation, both in social segments, mental bias, and within the corporate structure; we have workers rights violation, which gives not quarter to equitable earning, benefits and long term retirement planning. No person can save for a 401K, when their minimum wage does not cover basic living expense. and we were forced to become "indentured to banks", and put upon with high interest rates, to insure we could not buy our way out of indenture. and again, it created simply a new form of enslaving a nation, only this time, color was not the only force used to enslave people. it became a matter of simply ' Over-come and contain the poor" without regard to color. and the only way one could buy their way out, is to purchase a degree from an institution, they could not afford to attend, or become further indebted to banks to by a pass, to earning a living wages, thru the purchase of a degree. We need to get back to learning the basis of attaining information and how to use it for more than status and personal gain, and learn how to use it to promote a society, and uplift the conditions of life. unfortunately, with the status pursuits.
What resulted is a nation, that lost its ability to be creative, it lost its ability to be innovative, and it functioned on a false sense of elitism, where no one wanted to get their hands dirty once they bought their way to a higher pay check. it did not matter if a person got a degree for studying how ants build a ant hill- that was considered payment to attain a job that has a living wage attached to it. and then came the despise of the factory worker, or the persons who actually did the work.. because everything was all about status and title, and which degree one had purchased dictated their claim to status.
The purpose of education has always in principle been to learn,
not just in and within a college, but to learn within living, how to contribute, and how to take information and translate it into knowledge to find a way to improve situations, performance, and productivity, But we got lost into worship degree so much, that nothing mattered but degree, and we end up with people who studied to be art history, running corporate divisions, when they ignored the people who had 20 or more years of actual experience. we opted for degree over the actual ability and performance of individuals. When that happen, we departed from taking in honest terms, to playing "talk in political correct terms", which simply meant, "take no responsibility, commit to nothing, and don't make a decision that you might have to become responsible for", and line yourself with a layer of minions whom the blame can be thrust upon. this is the same process and mentality of a slaver nation, that wants to gain by self acclaim, more than productive engagement of actually working and investing labor to perform task. The world became simply a cycle of " he or she is in a meeting"...
Truth is the secretary knows more about the company than the CEO, the office workers know more about the operations functions than the managers. but they are not regarded, and remanded to simply be silent, and push paper, and have no voice, and share no thought.
We are a nation that forgot- EVERYONE GETS OLD, if they live..but we made not consideration for the seniors, we simply allowed systems to rob their pensions, over-tax them for medical, and reduce any payments from their earned social security, to the lowest factor possible, where they could live no better than a non performing slave.
But no one wants to see reality- and fight to support a delusion, and ignore the mass of our society who suffers, which is dominant in the groups of the youth and seniors, and our young people are left without hope- as the greed masters, in the hey day of their lives, from 26-48 wreak havoc on a nation.. claiming themselves the only people, worthy to pay themselves kings ransom, at the expense and demise of a nation.
We send soldiers to war, and no veteran, or active Military Person should ever pay a mortgage greater than the rate we give to refugee's from foreign lands. refugees can get 3% home loans, and business loans, at the lowest rate possible, yet the military mans family has to live in a near project housing environment waiting on an allotment of food stamps- unable to even consider the thought of home ownership. Then they are subjected to have their medical issues downgraded to insure that as least of it is covered as possible, by false labels which deny the damage they actually incurred- the result is . we have a mass of homeless veterans, who are unable to get help, and too sick mentally or physically to seek and maintain a job, without proper treatment.
yes.. we need a better day in America- and America has to remake itself, to be what it claim, not just as an image of illusion, but as a place of realism and reality- in being what it claims itself to be.
We've become lulled into a state of apathy- shell shocked from the collusion within the delusion- unaware of which way to turn- and how to address the matter, and pushed to ignore the truth, and buy into the illusion- will we become interactively responsive and , or will the result be simply, a nation wallowing in despair, without a voice. afraid to think of a dream, and seeking simply some entertainment to avoid seeing the truths. The more the truth seeps across the color lines , the more people are now beginning to become aware, as the accessibility of those who once had a pathway, are finding now they too have to deal with what many have dealt with since the days of slavery. Low pay, no medical, no means to be gainfully paid for their labor, substandard community conditions, and collusive process, that have a built in catch 22, cycling people back into one process of denial behind the next.
The unfortunate side effect of this, is we see masses of media depiction of families killing off families, from situations of pure hopelessness, being ostracized from communities, because of no means to maintain even putting dinner on the table, and this has continued to become an escalating cycle. and people put a blind eye to its reality-
and think its just a fluke, but the fluke seems to keep repeating itself all across the nation. and we being a nation eager to deny what is evident. continue to make excuses to support our denial. We see the ravage of drugs as the escapism, consume more of the young, we see alcoholism consuming more of the women and the aged, and people being pushed to a cycle and mass of drugs to a claimed depressed nation. and yet.. the simplicity of awareness is diminished by false reports, that seek to deny the truths that are apparent.
But - to speak of this.. the outcry of the masses become - " Oh... you are just tripping" , Oh' its not really that bad", and anything that will support the denial of seeing the realism. Reality TV is filled with crime and criminals, or people making fools of their own dignity, for the sake of entertainment. While we eat, foods void of any concern for health, and the nation become obese. between despair, desperation the search for entertainment to distract, food that lost the natural taste over 20 years ago. a tomato is no more a tomato, and onions have lost even their pungent odor. and we remain silent and acting unaware.
Here we are .. closing schools in some states, cutting education programs, cutting public services, and cutting medical services, and watching our streets become filled with pot holes, and empty building, with out of business signs, and corporations closing, and a collapsed industry and a collapsed financial system. We lived as a nation from foreign borrowing for 2 decades, and now, we are waiting of subsidy stimulus, to hope it can rebuild us. but we are unwilling to change the system of greed at the top rungs of this nation. Still worshiping the wealthy and in aware of the business suit, and the imagery of the opulence the wealthy consume themselves with. all while the nation decays into a mass of peasants by the conditions and circumstance.. which dominate our landscape.
Its like decay of an apple .. its gradual, and by the time its recognized, it has consumed the apple. and we are told to make apple sauce to avoid the detection its actually decayed.
Better Days - Will come with a Remaking of A Nation
Are we up to the task, and can our eyes open to truly see the needs of national reform in how we conduct ourselves as being a nation.
Will we seek to deny the realism, or will we face the hard truths and for once learn to address what we so often deny?
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