The madness of the Hiring Process!
It is designed and now even set up for a cycle of lying.
People are having to omit the reality from their Resume', just to get a job.

There should be no such things as "OVER-QUALIFIED"
today people need to work, if anyone thinks someone is over-qualified, it should
signal to the potential employer, they are getting a person, who is capable and can bring additional knowledge, information and potential progress growth to their company. We also need to be willing to give young people a chance, and not deny it to them claiming no experience, - the absurdity of that is, how do you expect them to gain any experience if no one is willing to give them a chance.
Have we become a society that is so lost in scripted framework, we have lost the capacity to even accept people, can we learn to respect the fact.. people have a variety of experiences, or maybe have achieved many varieties of performance functions. Yet, on one hand jobs claim they want people with good work ethnic, But the mindless manner HR people are ignoring reality, and looking for people now to come in and simply "lie", pretend, and deny their ability, just to get in the door. the absurdity in the process is more astounding, and cripples a nations even more so, and devastates its people, without a second thought.
We've even become a nation that has no regard, for human natural potential, nor to even give opportunity to the youth, or young people. We have ignored the fact that over 65% of America has worked jobs, for 10-20-30 years, which gives them functional ability, learned experiences, and the ability to work in a structured environment, and nearly 70% of Americans are not people with degree's, but they are people who worked to build what is America.
America has gone stone nuts. The hiring process is now more a cycle of scripted shams, that deny the same company that seeks to hire, the ability to simply hire people to do the work, we are criteria stricken like a vain sickness, which denies individuals jobs, simply because they have a history of performance, and work place achievements, and in many cases, because they don't have a piece of paper which says they took some classes, of which many times, many classes have less to do with actual work, and more to do with a pumped up curriculum. Een now some universities, are finally learning, that it does not take 4 years to learn- and now they want to consider as some have to trim the course down to things which actually relate to a field of focus, instead of being set up for universities to simply extract payment for un-needed classroom process, which border on non applicable time indulgence. But, we are and have become simply a nation, slow to change and thus curtail, our own ability to evolve, where we do so with respect of the individual human being. Our system are in need of transformation and modification, but it also needs to regain the regard for the human being.

What will it take for us as a nation, to learn again to simply respect people? so many jobs deny people, not because they can't do the job, but because someone in the chain is afraid and function in a protectionist mode, afraid someone my bring new ideas,new thoughts, new ways of doing things, and maybe even the ability to inspire and uplift the workforce. So people are afraid not only of themselves being faced with a a equal employees, some are afraid they may have to learn something that may take them out of their comfort zone, but also, if they truly look objectively, it may be a matter, that not on will they be inspired to grow, but the whole operations can be inspired to grow.
We as people, should be with no doubt that we need to grow, are we aware, as America we are running in the lower ranks, of productivity, innovation, and growth and change in how our business need to grow. Are we aware, we are not longer the industrial leaders, are we aware we are no longer the corporate powers we use to be.
Our companies are being
bought up by "foreign countries citizens and foreign countries business" -

How can that not open peoples eyes.
Are we to blindly accept that all other nations can do business better than us, are we aware they have managed their resources better than us, are we are they have run their companies better than us. We should think about it, because if they can bail out our companies, and buy them up. Then that implies their performance is far better than ours.
Maybe we need to consider, they treat their people with a different accomodating regard as individuals- Maybe, they win because, they are not just hung up on degrees, and hung up on buzz words,
but deal with people, as contributors, deal with people by providing opportunity without all the trips we continue to conjure up. Maybe they operate without having a structure that fears ideas, and fear those who have ideas. Maybe they still embrace new people, without mandates of criteria we seem to have become hung up on. In America, we talk only about degree's, but if that was the sole premise of progress, then our companies would not be failing, but what is truth, is our nation, has fallen in every category imaginable.

& still ..... We import everything,

We have to add to that, the unspoken of, more than 20 Trillion in additional debt
from the Bush Era neglect of this nation, all magnified over the past 8 years,
to have the cost to rebuild Iraq looming,
the cost to rebuild Afghanistan looming, and
the cost of countless medical issues for all the military people who have been maimed, a crumbling infrastructure, and yet, to date, we have achieved nothing, from all the loss and damage to life. except mounting debt, shipped away corporations, sold away the value in the land, now selling away the marquee properties, looking for foreign people to buy in just to prop up our auto industry. Yet, we sit back and hail degree's, but life is showing us, what??? Degree'd people have been the ones selling off jobs for 30 years, they are the same ones, who followed the "buzz word" OUTSOURCING, to the level of absurdity, now we can't keep schools operating, we are 26th on the world stage of educations, Our communities, look like a mass of "closed for business storefront", foreclosure signs little the nations, homeless people, and every city and state in the nation is closing down services, our roads are crumbling, and some cities look like ghost towns. America sold away its jobs, and now its is holding a "fire sale", to sell even more. the past 45 years, has sold everything it could, and devastated the American landscape and made us a non productive country, living on imports and borrowed money from foreign nations, the same nations we once tried to call, third world, and now our landscape looks worst in many places than a third world nation. We are simply riding on the "has been illusion", unable to even produce our own consumer goods on our own soil. All for the sake of a few wealthy people, living like the nations, servant masters, and we the public, become the indentured servants. Yet, people remain un-aware. we've become simply a
Plutocracy... from what was once claimed to be a democracy, but capitalism usurped democracy, and converted us into a Plutocratic system.
"Buzz word madness", took down a once productive nation, Maybe it times we get off the "buzz word" bandwagon, and simply get back to respecting people, innovation and performance happens on the work floor, not in the executive suite, innovation happens from the people actually doing the work, because they know what are the challenges and what are the issues, and how to modify the process, they generate the ideas that help efficiency progress. but they are the most ignored groups in American business. Learned knowledge, even entry level ingenuity, and fresh eyes, fresh ideas, and new thoughts about how things can progress, but these groups are ignored, and looked down upon, because our nation has claimed degree, to be as it we classify it to be some delusion of Royalty- and for the past 30 years, with that mindset everything in America has declined.
We've become a nation that despise people and individuals, and only respect titles, by any and every title label- and we see the workers and the people without some certification stamp as if they are the lowest element on the face of the earth. and the results are showing us continually.. the opposite is proving true.
Workers perform, the executive suite, cuts product quality, cuts services, cuts manpower, and ultimately, they cut so deep, they kill the corporation. and we wonder why we can't succeed.
We forgot, that education must transform itself into common sense, or it mean nothing but programmed destruction. did we not understand this, when the mathematician created the CDO's, they use their classroom formulas, which resulted to be nothing more than the greatest Pyramid scheme the world has ever known, and it simply left, America homeless, and sold out the value of equity in the homes of the American people, and collapsed the economy. We forgot that the education of professor based theory, created " outsourcing", which set us up as a nation that is now jobless, because it claimed such high intellect, but it forgot the common sense - and simplicity, that if you don't have employment and production on your shores, the only thing you can become is a debt ridden nation, borrowing from the world, for basic survival.
This is what status and title has given us. Saddled with debt, with a hope that China will buy our debt. Yet, 30 years ago, we as a nation looked at China as the least likely to progress, and now it is now the world leader, because we shipped everything there. and they beat us. because they work with the common sense everyday people, whom they employ, and they are now the best producers on the planet. And still we sit back as a nation, worshiping title, and claiming degree- and our result is a nation riddled with debt, and with daily closure of more corporate doors.
We claim to be so politically correct, we can't tell the truth about anything. for trying to sound clever, and hoping and over-priced Chinese made attire will create a delusion to get our title worshipped. Until we have lost the ability to respect people and have regard for the simple reality of the human being. We can only consider title - and the nation falls further, unable to even fix the pot holes in its streets, or even acknowledge the massive closure of business along our city streets.
We longer can make cars, we don't produce steel, we have no textile, even our ability to farm is not in demise, we can't grow livestock, we simply inject it with chemicals and wait for it to swell up from the chemical effects, and the result is we have diseases we can't even pronounce the name of it. and what did we get in return. 'A nation, on a perpetual prescription, managed by the drug companies, which have taken over the drug trade, and now we have a nation of prescription junkies.. and by principle, we are now a drugged out nation, and claim it acceptable, because the drug makes have lobbied to claim it legal means to make a nation of drug dependent people.
What next will we adopt in the programmed process of a nation induced to lie..
It's such a sad reality, we have become so lost, that our senior citizens now live as if they have to hide in the shadows, because no one wants to give them any regard.

our media, shows only people between 14-40 yrs of age, and anyone older is treated like an after-thought.
We become a society- that has a disposable demeanor.. and we have moved to allow it to consider some of our most valued citizens - as disposable commodity- hidden in plain sight.. and people now walk past them as if they don't even exist. Children now seemingly taught not even to show or have a mindset of consideration to have a second thought about senior citizens.. They can only think about Status, what gadget to get next, and pursue a title- and to heck with humanity, or the care and concern for humanity..
There should be no such things as "OVER-QUALIFIED"

With the mass of work we have to do in this nation,
We certainly are not a nation of over-qualified people
We should be a nation who respects people and the gained, and learned
information, which we can simply be put to use, to improve our over-all conditions.