Sunday, May 31, 2009

I think President Obama will get the ship turned,

I know President Obama had to deal with the system which is in place to avoid total collapse, unfortunately it was and is very costly. But the first wave is now done, and these criminals have assumed they can continue the same game, Their toxic assest were taken, and their folly funded and yet they choke the system, so.,. when the tide comes around, we should hope to see many of these thieves fall and do so with a domino effect, that will knock half the republicans to their knees, and many of the right leaning democrats, because they filled their pockets from these thieves, by every means they could conjure. Republic as a whole, do not want much investigation into this arena, because they know they are in up to their necks. they were the Administration in charge to not only allow it, they aided the process with silence, and denial to make issue or present proposals for 8 years to curtail any of it.

I think President Obama will get the ship turned, but it will be by the beginning of his 3rd year, before he can get the heads whacked that needs to be whacked. He simply has to guard against the republic diversion machine, because they are smoke and mirror masters, sitting back looking like greased mannequins. But when he gets the ship turned, we will see him also be poised for an even greater landslide victory for a second term, because now America is awakening.
Its unfortunate, but truth is this has been a nation in shock and asleep for 8 years, for 5 years this nation was lead by "fear tactical drama by the Bush Administration" he only knew two words, and one was "Saddam" and the other was "Iraqi Insurgents"... but Americans have finally learned how to think beyond the propaganda machine. Idiots like Rush Limbaugh, will eventually fall like humpty dumpty, because he is a fool living in a fools dream, he thinks America can be lead by the "mob mentality drive", which much of America has functioned on for over 400 years, they did not care about truth, they only followed the mob, and mob mentality led them to slavery, it led them to segregation and led them to fight even a constitutional right of civil equality, now they can't fight against economic equality, because poor and once middle class whites have found out they were sucker played in the games, and ripped and stripped by the same process that was once directed only at denying and insuring there were no jobs for minorities, but now that process has circled back and is taking down whites with the rest of the minorities the process was designed to do.
America only shipped jobs, because it was never interested in paying black people a functional wage, and when that time came to do so, they shipped jobs away, looking for a new slave pool of labor, but now .. the reality is, the process has enslaved America.. We work now, simply to buy Chinese goods, so China can loan us money to support us buying more of their goods. So America with it's roots in slavery has finally enslaved itself. It grew by the sword of injustice, and injustice is the same sword that took it down to its knees. and the same people it held down, which is black people, and poor people of all ethnic make up, will be the only people who can lift it up..
this time it will be done by and thru equality.

If people listen to President Obama, he continually is focused on the constitution rights, and the constitutional realism of abiding by the constitution and returning this nation to one that lives to regard its constitution. America departed its constitution, only 20 years after it was established, and that was the day it started slavery, and now after nearly 500+ years, We have a leader that is working to take this nation back to what it was originally designed to be.. and to live true to it's own constitution.
many don't understand it, but it was no other means this nation could start that turn. It had to become broke, to break the grip of capitalism dominating democracy, it had to have its industry to fall, to break the cycle of being a plutocracy, which function by the dictates of the wealthy who acted like a monarchy..

In 100 days, he has made a godly stoke in breaking the cycle, and he will get the process more invigorated in the program to turn this nation back to respecting its constitution. He is doing it on International grounds and levels, as well as many other things being engaged. At the End of 8 years, he will have re-cast this nation into one that has regard of fairness of the human ideals and of equity in respect for its own constitution. It's a massive job, but one thing is relevant also, other nations applaud the work he is doing, and the mentality that drove the Republican for so long will continue to fragment and fall apart, because they live a lie, and a lie cannot stand when truth is present.
God knows more than man, and the truth of regard for the human being, cannot be over-come by the devise of man, even when ages of such has been the process, the demise of the exclusion party, is true and evident.,. People are simply not paying attention, to truly see how low the republican party has fallen and they will fall further, and those who support it with fevor, will fade like those who supported segregation, they fade in numbers and fevor, when the truth of civil rights was undeniably the reality of change..
many power brokers will find themselves broken, their money is only symbolism, and it is fast eroded, and a new manner and structure of wealth making will take them down, the same has history saw, the Getty, Duponts, Rockefeller's and others of the early American 19ths and 20ths Century, they faded into near obscurity by the late end of the 20th century, and now they are not even a discussed group in the 21st Century.. but 65 years ago, no one would have thought they could ever fall, but they did.

I'll wait, because I want to see the Bankers in Jail, and The heads of Wall Street, and the Heads of the SEC fall, and the dust growing on the Republican apparatus.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

There should be no such things as "OVER-QUALIFIED"

The madness of the Hiring Process!

It is designed and now even set up for a cycle of lying. People are having to omit the reality from their Resume', just to get a job.


There should be no such things as "OVER-QUALIFIED" today people need to work, if anyone thinks someone is over-qualified, it should
signal to the potential employer, they are getting a person, who is capable and can bring additional knowledge, information and potential progress growth to their company. We also need to be willing to give young people a chance, and not deny it to them claiming no experience, - the absurdity of that is, how do you expect them to gain any experience if no one is willing to give them a chance.

Have we become a society that is so lost in scripted framework, we have lost the capacity to even accept people, can we learn to respect the fact.. people have a variety of experiences, or maybe have achieved many varieties of performance functions. Yet, on one hand jobs claim they want people with good work ethnic, But the mindless manner HR people are ignoring reality, and looking for people now to come in and simply "lie", pretend, and deny their ability, just to get in the door. the absurdity in the process is more astounding, and cripples a nations even more so, and devastates its people, without a second thought.
We've even become a nation that has no regard, for human natural potential, nor to even give opportunity to the youth, or young people. We have ignored the fact that over 65% of America has worked jobs, for 10-20-30 years, which gives them functional ability, learned experiences, and the ability to work in a structured environment, and nearly 70% of Americans are not people with degree's, but they are people who worked to build what is America.

America has gone stone nuts.

The hiring process is now more a cycle of scripted shams, that deny the same company that seeks to hire, the ability to simply hire people to do the work, we are criteria stricken like a vain sickness, which denies individuals jobs, simply because they have a history of performance, and work place achievements, and in many cases, because they don't have a piece of paper which says they took some classes, of which many times, many classes have less to do with actual work, and more to do with a pumped up curriculum. Een now some universities, are finally learning, that it does not take 4 years to learn- and now they want to consider as some have to trim the course down to things which actually relate to a field of focus, instead of being set up for universities to simply extract payment for un-needed classroom process, which border on non applicable time indulgence. But, we are and have become simply a nation, slow to change and thus curtail, our own ability to evolve, where we do so with respect of the individual human being. Our system are in need of transformation and modification, but it also needs to regain the regard for the human being.

What will it take for us as a nation, to learn again to simply respect people? so many jobs deny people, not because they can't do the job, but because someone in the chain is afraid and function in a protectionist mode, afraid someone my bring new ideas,new thoughts, new ways of doing things, and maybe even the ability to inspire and uplift the workforce. So people are afraid not only of themselves being faced with a a equal employees, some are afraid they may have to learn something that may take them out of their comfort zone, but also, if they truly look objectively, it may be a matter, that not on will they be inspired to grow, but the whole operations can be inspired to grow.

We as people, should be with no doubt that we need to grow, are we aware, as America we are running in the lower ranks, of productivity, innovation, and growth and change in how our business need to grow. Are we aware, we are not longer the industrial leaders, are we aware we are no longer the corporate powers we use to be.

Our companies are being bought up by "foreign countries citizens and foreign countries business" - How can that not open peoples eyes.
Are we to blindly accept that all other nations can do business better than us, are we aware they have managed their resources better than us, are we are they have run their companies better than us. We should think about it, because if they can bail out our companies, and buy them up. Then that implies their performance is far better than ours.

Maybe we need to consider, they treat their people with a different accomodating regard as individuals- Maybe, they win because, they are not just hung up on degrees, and hung up on buzz words, but deal with people, as contributors, deal with people by providing opportunity without all the trips we continue to conjure up. Maybe they operate without having a structure that fears ideas, and fear those who have ideas. Maybe they still embrace new people, without mandates of criteria we seem to have become hung up on. In America, we talk only about degree's, but if that was the sole premise of progress, then our companies would not be failing, but what is truth, is our nation, has fallen in every category imaginable.

We carry 11 TRILLION IN DEBT, & still ..... We import everything,

We have to add to that, the unspoken of, more than 20 Trillion in additional debt obligations, from the Bush Era neglect of this nation, all magnified over the past 8 years, to have the cost to rebuild Iraq looming, the cost to rebuild Afghanistan looming, and the cost of countless medical issues for all the military people who have been maimed, a crumbling infrastructure, and yet, to date, we have achieved nothing, from all the loss and damage to life. except mounting debt, shipped away corporations, sold away the value in the land, now selling away the marquee properties, looking for foreign people to buy in just to prop up our auto industry. Yet, we sit back and hail degree's, but life is showing us, what??? Degree'd people have been the ones selling off jobs for 30 years, they are the same ones, who followed the "buzz word" OUTSOURCING, to the level of absurdity, now we can't keep schools operating, we are 26th on the world stage of educations, Our communities, look like a mass of "closed for business storefront", foreclosure signs little the nations, homeless people, and every city and state in the nation is closing down services, our roads are crumbling, and some cities look like ghost towns. America sold away its jobs, and now its is holding a "fire sale", to sell even more. the past 45 years, has sold everything it could, and devastated the American landscape and made us a non productive country, living on imports and borrowed money from foreign nations, the same nations we once tried to call, third world, and now our landscape looks worst in many places than a third world nation. We are simply riding on the "has been illusion", unable to even produce our own consumer goods on our own soil. All for the sake of a few wealthy people, living like the nations, servant masters, and we the public, become the indentured servants. Yet, people remain un-aware. we've become simply a Plutocracy... from what was once claimed to be a democracy, but capitalism usurped democracy, and converted us into a Plutocratic system.

"Buzz word madness"
, took down a once productive nation, Maybe it times we get off the "buzz word" bandwagon, and simply get back to respecting people, innovation and performance happens on the work floor, not in the executive suite, innovation happens from the people actually doing the work, because they know what are the challenges and what are the issues, and how to modify the process, they generate the ideas that help efficiency progress. but they are the most ignored groups in American business. Learned knowledge, even entry level ingenuity, and fresh eyes, fresh ideas, and new thoughts about how things can progress, but these groups are ignored, and looked down upon, because our nation has claimed degree, to be as it we classify it to be some delusion of Royalty- and for the past 30 years, with that mindset everything in America has declined.

We've become a nation that despise people and individuals, and only respect titles, by any and every title label- and we see the workers and the people without some certification stamp as if they are the lowest element on the face of the earth. and the results are showing us continually.. the opposite is proving true.
Workers perform, the executive suite, cuts product quality, cuts services, cuts manpower, and ultimately, they cut so deep, they kill the corporation. and we wonder why we can't succeed.

We forgot, that education must transform itself into common sense, or it mean nothing but programmed destruction. did we not understand this, when the mathematician created the CDO's, they use their classroom formulas, which resulted to be nothing more than the greatest Pyramid scheme the world has ever known, and it simply left, America homeless, and sold out the value of equity in the homes of the American people, and collapsed the economy. We forgot that the education of professor based theory, created " outsourcing", which set us up as a nation that is now jobless, because it claimed such high intellect, but it forgot the common sense - and simplicity, that if you don't have employment and production on your shores, the only thing you can become is a debt ridden nation, borrowing from the world, for basic survival.

This is what status and title has given us. Saddled with debt, with a hope that China will buy our debt. Yet, 30 years ago, we as a nation looked at China as the least likely to progress, and now it is now the world leader, because we shipped everything there. and they beat us. because they work with the common sense everyday people, whom they employ, and they are now the best producers on the planet. And still we sit back as a nation, worshiping title, and claiming degree- and our result is a nation riddled with debt, and with daily closure of more corporate doors.

We claim to be so politically correct, we can't tell the truth about anything. for trying to sound clever, and hoping and over-priced Chinese made attire will create a delusion to get our title worshipped. Until we have lost the ability to respect people and have regard for the simple reality of the human being. We can only consider title - and the nation falls further, unable to even fix the pot holes in its streets, or even acknowledge the massive closure of business along our city streets.

We longer can make cars, we don't produce steel, we have no textile, even our ability to farm is not in demise, we can't grow livestock, we simply inject it with chemicals and wait for it to swell up from the chemical effects, and the result is we have diseases we can't even pronounce the name of it. and what did we get in return. 'A nation, on a perpetual prescription, managed by the drug companies, which have taken over the drug trade, and now we have a nation of prescription junkies.. and by principle, we are now a drugged out nation, and claim it acceptable, because the drug makes have lobbied to claim it legal means to make a nation of drug dependent people.

What next will we adopt in the programmed process of a nation induced to lie..

It's such a sad reality, we have become so lost, that our senior citizens now live as if they have to hide in the shadows, because no one wants to give them any regard. our media, shows only people between 14-40 yrs of age, and anyone older is treated like an after-thought.

We become a society- that has a disposable demeanor.. and we have moved to allow it to consider some of our most valued citizens - as disposable commodity- hidden in plain sight.. and people now walk past them as if they don't even exist. Children now seemingly taught not even to show or have a mindset of consideration to have a second thought about senior citizens.. They can only think about Status, what gadget to get next, and pursue a title- and to heck with humanity, or the care and concern for humanity..

There should be no such things as "OVER-QUALIFIED"

With the mass of work we have to do in this nation,

We certainly are not a nation of over-qualified people

We should be a nation who respects people and the gained, and learned
information, which we can simply be put to use, to improve our over-all conditions.



Saturday, May 23, 2009

the real truth unfolds, as I said it would

another "mini book" series

The Ballroom

" The Dance of The Titans- in The Ballroom of American" ... is closing, the ice carving has melted, and the table is strewn with the left overs, of a gluttons feast.. and the flies are gathering over the table... and the drunkards.. who have consumed their own concoction, are led from the room.. and the mess.. is now being found in the foyer, and the parking lots are filled with pot holes, as the help can't be paid, and the room can't get cleaned.. and the stench of the rotted remains, litter the landscape.. The Titans are shown to be, actually only minions, who masqueraded as titans, who were simply minions walking on stilts.. with long silk pants, and one tripped and they all fall like dominoes..

They partied so long, they never recognized the ballroom was crumbling and the paint on the ceiling was falling, while they thought it to be confetti, in celebration of themselves, being spew about. now they see it's the same asbestos, they refused before to remove, and they are now whining about cancerous infections.. and wanting to blame everything, for the removal expense they would not pay... and rebuked even the idea, that it should be removed in the first place..

We as a nation.. spent a few trillion dollars, chasing a 15 cent criminal... and he's still running, and we have borrowed from the world, to claim.. "we can't find him".. while we occupy a land... only months ago, claiming we'd not leave, and we have to win... "while at the same times saying .. It's for the people of Iraq".. well.. how do you "win an occupations of a soverign nation".. and what is there to win... it already belongs to the people who live there. and they are not accepting colonization, nor are they accepting puppet governmental structure.. and they will not accept Christianity to become the dominator over their Islamic roots.. they may have been thankful.. to have a dictator removed.. but then was it the nature of dictator needed, to maintain civil order, among factions who are by their differences orderless in principal, because, they aspire to different concept within belief. You can't fight that with a bullet, nor can a bomb destroy that.. it's ideological realism, that has many supporting cast.. by and thru it's neighboring countries.. and they pump the fuel that keeps the world moving, so they have a cash flow that moves and grows as long as the world is in motion by the mechanical creations of man...

"Sun Tzu" .. warned based on his study of history, even hundreds of years ago.. the nature of war, and the pitfalls of the war makers.. and all was ignored, and considered nothing more than a novel of Ancient people who happen to be Chinese... but reality, shows now... " who's not got the money", and who now, can put their people to work.. and who now is uplifting their nations, and has in the things they build.. more advances uses of the technology which exist..

We stand here claiming to be the most advanced nation... but we can't get our internet system transitions to Ipv6, and we are working on Ipv4, that is two generations behind the standards which provide the ability to have a effecient system.. and then we run it thru phone lines that are 80 years old, when fiber optics has been around for nearly 2 decades.. but all the money ripped off by the Titans, could have rebuilt that network, and brought our electricity grid up to the 21 st century standards.. but we have a Pre-world war 11.. electrical grid.. that if the wind blows, the lights go out..

We are flying Airplanes with 1960 set ups, that have a video monitor placed in them.. we can't even get a 25 year old technology of providing in flight computing systems within the planes.. when it could have been done 15 years ago.. with on board servers.. and a on board data storage system, that could have programs installed.. where any softwares that business and society uses could have been isolated and utilized on board... and a managed IP system set up, to run thru a system, that manage internet access and filtering to in flight travel.. but even sadder than that.. we have corporations that can't even see people as people and still have levels and processes that have factions of elevated segregation process still in place and people in place who support and carry on such a mindset in covert means...

and Yet..people won't stop and see... How did Rome Fall... it was a process.. not an action of a moment.. it fell in and thru a process.. not un-similar to what we live within today.. as America, is far from what it was, and further from being again what it once was... the rest of the world will not dumb down, to allow it to regain it's footing.. it squandered its lead.. thru arrogance and resistance to change... and think .. itself above all others and beyond reproach..

It tried to ride on yesterdays glory, and not let go of yesterdays system that created false glory.. by the shams and the use and abuse of others, and then the rip and strip.. snatch and grab.. and glorify one's self beyond the stature of even being mortal... and now .. mortality is .. facing it square in the face..while at the same time.. the plants have withered, the flowers are now shrubs, and the rose bushes have died, and the grass has over taken the gardens... as they exist the ball room.... and find, the nation in squalor.. as they drive Downtown Main-Street.. which now, is lined with closed shops and the street now has barricades which create a dead-end at Wal-Mart.. and the people run about buying shiny plastic and cardboard pressed to appear like wood.. screaming they finally are able to afford a dining room table and a plastic lamp.. to light the room.. while they eat the TV dinner.. made from the spoils and left over.. after the main trimming have been carved away... so they cover it with salt and sodium.. mixed in oil.. to give it a taste... and tell people they are nourished.. while their body shows blotches and blisters.. from the infections that have no cure... from meats.. they haul around with fork lifts, because the animals can't even walk to the slaughter room, because the hormones they were fed to fatten them up, did not let their bodies develop nor their brains grows to process what it was fed..

The New Owners.. from Foreign Lands.. Gather at the gates.. Waiting for The Fire Sale... to capture the spoils.. and claim their stake...

" The Ballroom is Now Up For Auction"

shall we learn, how better and how best to rebuild the ballroom, and not constrict it to a few, but build it to benefit all
how now.. is it not the time.. to find equality, and meet the equilibrium of justice for all
and began now.. before the final sale.. to make anew what we respected so little when it was once new..

another great "mini book", by: "touch"

"coming soon" the mini book "Fire Sale" in the "life series"


another "mini book".. in the series of life

"another one bites the dust", Morgan Stanley.. sells 20% to Mitsubishi ... the Beer makers is gone, and China, Japan, Canada, and the Nordic Regional countries, owns a greater % of the rest of it..

"Fire Sale"

The "good ole boys".. finally ripped it good, and sold everything they could get their hands on, and made shell games of everything they could not get their hands on..

they rode it like a broken down horse, until it's hoofs were frayed and it's backbone swayed, till it's belly scrapped the ground...
and all the while they sit atop it.. like a warrior straight out a a battle, when the battle ended 50 years ago... and they paraded about.. as if they were still the victors of a world war. never paying attention.. the war had long ended, and the glory of the parade was only meant to last for a day.. and they did the ticker tape parade for 50 years... and now the streets are littered with confetti.. and when the wind blows it away.. they find the streets filled with pot holes.. and the store fronts.. have "gone out of business " signs all up and down the street... and they traded companies that had no foundation, and no product.. but they had desktops full of paper.. with a stamp and a seal... they played it, making deals with each other.. creating delusions that wealth backed the front.. and the back overcame the front.. and there was nothing left in-between...and the paper.. crumbled into dust and blew away in the wind..

For years before they learned so little.. maybe nothing at all.. as they left spread across the landscape of the Texas desert lands.. steel icon's of days of old, when they pumped black gold, thinking it would never end.. they drove battle ships and tanks and called them automobiles.. they built homes bigger than hospitals.. and found they valued everything.. above and beyond what is the basic human individual... and now.. time shows again.. the folly... and shows again the delusion.. to be hollow.. and shows again.. the same pattern they follow..

And this time... the time of all times.. it's now.. a "Fire Sale".. and the landscape of a nations goes on the auction block.. never to be again what it was.. and now.. owned by those it once thought to be lesser than themselves, while they gloated on thinking themselves above all others.. and now.. it is those others who have bought up and divvy up the spoils, left over from the "good ole boys".. squalor and glutton of self consumed rip and gloat, rob and steal, scheme and deceive.. and wade thru the muddy madness.. of their ego's ride..

NO more ... the houses made of gold, nor the hillside retreats, no more .. the greed and mis-deeds will again.. get their pathway to delude and intrude..
News makers flapping lips, and crashing lives, for the dollars from the pill pushers and quacks, dressed for media saturation.. and now.. the reality is faced... of a nation in demise... and not knowing what way to turn.. while they push and stop for another game player.. as if they have amnesia, to forget the failure of the Saving and Loan, which was but another showing of what is happing today.. more blind today, and forget of Enron, and Global Brossing, and the Keating 5 and their gang.... they felt.. what the heck.. we fleeced them once, why not again.. and again.. and they now find .. "them" turn out to be the same ones who created the game... and they find reality showing.. it is themselves they screwed... and the people of a nation they deceived..

and now.. None across the world , wants to believe in any of them .. so the BEGINS..

none can remember the electrical rip off of the 90's.. when power games were played.. and they chose to let win, one man who was within the core of the gambit .. and he proceeded to take down a nation.. and now just before the Fire Sale, is under way... the grey haired tricksters.. again.. seeks to delude and mislead.. with a six shooter on his side.. hoping to get one more chance to become a war hero once again.. seeking his own war.. at the price of anything.. that he may again pursue his glory days.. he can't fight the nats off his own ass, but he will send young men to battle when there's nothing to win and nothing to gain... while he issue his threat and tough talk.. and the world looks at him with laugher at the folly of a old man.. who is from a time before.. with a bugle in his mouth.. and veterans of foreign wars, crowing around.. seeking one more rally around the hill top.. hoping someone will loan them enough to buy another tank.. and a bag up bullet... until they can.. get the last of a nation.. sold.. in the "Fire Sale" of America.. for the sake of wild men and gunslingers.. seeking the western ways of yester-years.. unaware there are not Indians to slaughter.. and now will lay down and roll over.. and no buffalo.. to wipe out.. to starve them into surrender.. and the wooden forts will not longer protect the calvary.. who is battle weary, and cycled to fight beyond their bodies ability to even stand... and he blows taps on a rusty horn.. with a clogged tube... as he gasp for another breath... while the auctioneer... rattles off the next item on the list.... with the banners overhead.. blowing in the wind..

We the individual citizen.. will have to listen, learn and change.. if America is to regain and maintain.. what is left. Either people wake up and change.. wake up and find out, that if no equality.. there is no quality... if their is no Justice, then there is no peace.. if there is nor respect of persons, then there is no Unity... and if Unity fails any further.. there will be no Nation... and the Fire Sale.. will leave nothing to Rebuild.


Here is the Reality of it unfolding..

(from the news)
NEW YORK - The 40-story skyscraper sits on a prime corner in the country's wealthiest commercial market, steps from the Museum of Modern Art and a few blocks from Rockefeller Center and Central Park.

It recently sold for $100,000.

The 1330 Avenue of the Americas building — which sold for close to $500 million three years ago — was auctioned last month for the minimum to a Canadian pension fund unit after owner Harry Macklowe defaulted on a $130 million loan.

A month before that, the John Hancock Tower — Boston's tallest skyscraper — sold at auction for just over $20 million. The 33-story Equitable Building in downtown Atlanta is set to go up for auction next month; its owners owe more than $50 million to the bank and have only half of the building leased.

Loan defaults in the worst commercial real estate market in decades have created tens of billions worth of distressed properties across the nation, sometimes forcing cut-rate auctions of landmark skyscrapers. Developers are falling behind on mortgages as tenants leave and can find no financing to cover payments, analysts say.

So they are selling skyscrapers at a drastic discount, with the condition that the new buyer take on the enormous amounts of debt connected to the properties.

"Just imagine in a residential market, if there weren't 80 percent loans available for everyone. If everyone had to buy their houses in cash, the values of houses would plummet everywhere," said Dan Fasulo, a managing director at Real Capital Analytics. "That's happening on a massive scale on the commercial side."

Saturday, May 09, 2009

building a new nation

BANKING - The one's that are failing should be let to fail.

these banks are still trying to gouge people for high interest rates, using taxpayer money to do it. and then claim a loss, so they won't have to pay tax. This criminal enterprise should be allowed to collapse some of its factions, and add in some government intervention.

Its crazy to allow banks to run the country, "GOVERNANCE".. if that means nationalize them, then do it !!! If I was a foreign country, I'd not trust the banks, unless they had some government intervention, and some government over-sight even if it means nationalizing them.

You don't leave the cash management system of a nation in the hands of criminals, and then the public still has to bear the debt for their theft.

These banks have robbed the public in this nation and swindled half the world. It always starts where money flows, and if the current Administration is going to win, it has to take control of running the country back, from the hands of banks. Unless it does so, the banks will continue to control the country, as it controls its economy, and they will wreak havoc, just as they have always done, with spike and crash, every 10 years. Its time the world wakes up. and stop trusting banks, when the government ends up liable for their thievery.

These trained thieves, come with just what they are taught in school, is how to steal with a white collar and a piece of paper. and society is still foolish enough to worship these goons. they play not only on the ignorance of American people, they play on the generalized ignorance of the world. And even after crashing the world economy. People are still un savvy in their understanding, to call for a national management of banks. People don't seem to get it, The FED's bear the burden each time these criminals steal, and you are part of the FED's because its your tax dollars that cover these thieves, and they know it. So they continue to steal and bleed the people, and 90% of American's are indentured servants unto banks.

most people don't like the truth about things, and society is still chasing fairy tales. Even investors, who were thrilled to get a few $100, unaware that the criminals used their money, paid themselves, and tossed back crumbs to the investors. and then they figured out how to sell the value out of the land, once they had stolen everything else they could and sold off all the corporation, there was nothing left but to sell the property, they stole that, and now they have figured out how to loot the FDIC. Its purely time to put a HALT to it.

President Obama did not have a choice but to try to work with the system, but now that he is seeing they are not going to be honest, He has to circumvent them. Its such a simple processs, because Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae, can handle mortages, and do it at a flat fixed rate, and stabilize the property value, and put it in a frame work to begin to regain equity, We have Economic Development and Community Development, and the SBA, which can become direct lenders, and do so at fixed flat rates, and all of them will earn a profit for the nations Federal system, and people can be funded and business can flourish. When they get to the point to make this choice, then the nation will prosper. But it cannot continue to let banks handle this where they rip those gains and steal it for themselves, at the expense of a nation, its industry and its property valuation.

Right wings want to call it socialism, because they don't want to see their gravy train become regulated and GOVERNED. But if the nation is to stand and prosper, it has to become the Governing Body of the nation. Not allow banking system to do it.
We also should beef up the SEC, and provide them a lending arm, which manages margin selling, and no derivative can be created unless it has 100% equity to back it. No more 60/30 and such madness.. 100%, and it has to be managed from a fixed point, not scattered into a billion pieces. It needs to be able to be converted back to its original components instruments, and that should be with the capability to do so within less than 30 days. Then there is always manageable financial instruments. Short selling should be banished from the face of the earth. and no stock should be allowed to trade at more than 30% above their actual equity potential ratio's. No more of stocks trading at 200-300% of their ability to earn.
Never should fresh out of college kids be allowed to handle multi million dollar accounts. NEVER !!!!
they have nothing to loose and no understand of actul real world work and labor and whats at stake. they only care about getting a pat on the back, a bonus and pushed up the ladder, and will do anything to get it, If they contain those things, we won't have any more of these eloborate GIANT pyramid schems.. and that is precisely what has been engaged for the past 8 years, is simply giant pyramid schemes, probably for maybe the last 25 years.

America thought it could survive, managing other nations money, and being a marketing dump for cheap products. because it took the world as the new slave force, and the rich felt there was not need to work in this country, because they had found new slaves to do it for 35cent an hour.. and the pursuit of slave making, is part of the crash of this nation. Now we have a new administration and hopefully we get a whole new system of how to live life, where America is not scouring the world looking for a new slave pool, then it can start to respect people, and in doing so, it also learns to respect other nations.

The first step in this change, President Obama has engaged by opening up diplomacy, not being a dictator as the past 8 years showed this nation to be. Now we work with other nation, not try to make them do the work. Maybe this time America learns its lesson, and finally let go of it's historic mentality of being a slave making nation, turning people into indentured servants. Hopefully now, we move to become a real democracy, where capitalisms does not over shadow democracy. If we accomplish that, then we have moved into a new era, and finally leave the slave making mentality in the past.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Do we have it backwards ??

Maybe society has twisted so much, until it has made life backwards.

maybe it should be older men, with younger women:
1.younger women like to do things, they like to try things, and they like to have independence and be interdependent in certain things.
2. Older man is more settled and more likely to be home after work, he is more stable in his earning, and he is less likely to try and rope or corral the young women, and he lets her grow as she envisions, while he provide her confidence to do so.
3. Younger women like to try things in bed, and older men like young women who like to try things in bed. but younger women want a man who is more patient in bed. and create more sensual settings and moods.. and work up to the dynamics.
4. younger women, want him to get it, but she don't want him to get it all the time, she is trying to figure out how to weigh meanings, vs sexual activity. and older many is willing to give her more coaxing.

maybe it should be older women, with younger men:

1. Younger men, are more willing to adventure in some things, which older women have become more confident and want to adventure different things.
2. Older women are more settled in their home life, and don't care as much if the younger man goes about and do his adventuresome things,
3. Older women, want more robust sex, and they want to try stuff with as much dynamics as she can get the older she gets, and they want it more readily than young women do with young men. They like setting up a surprise with some bedroom dynamic which is a standard of young men ways.
4. older women want him to get all he wants, and she is ready many times before he is, for another round. The older woman, is more geared to do it with more sense of freedom and openness, and is less reluctant to give him pleasure.


Maybe they would not be like this if the age things was wider and maybe flipped from the current format

Young women, always want young men, to have the traits of older men, and older women always want older men to have the traits of younger men.

Young men, want women to have the stability of mindset and confidence of older women, and older men, want older women to have the enthusiasm's of younger women.

Is it all, simply out of balance and maybe it's upside down ??

Maybe there should be at least a standard of basics which is at least 10-15-20-30+ year age difference in mates.

With the cycle of life and death being a reality.... imagine..

1 Then when the man dies, the younger women is then older, so she gets a young man,
2.If the woman dies, the young man is then older and he gets a younger woman.

It balances out because everyone gets everything.. and the circle continues, with more connectivity.. as it cycles.

Not only that, they transfer wealth in a cycle that continues to function.

It's maybe far less conflicting than the current process.

It's far more logical than our current system.
Even some things I read about early Taoist, who consider that the younger woman with a man keep his life invigorated, and we can think about the history of ancient times, which surely the historians omitted by choice, I'd think those during and before early era's took younger men, as their companions, maybe secretly ,

It's like paring youth with wisdom, it produces good growth..

but youth with youth, seem to make chaos, and they endure far more stumbling blocks in living.

There's probably more that should be questioned by the current models that exist of claiming how things should be.. when it seems to do more to divide people than it does to unite people.

many young women like older men, older men like young women, older women like younger men, and many younger men, like older women.

It appears far more natural and normal than it is abnormal... young women with older men, seem to be more confident women as they grow, and young men with older women, seem to be more confident men as they grow.