BANKING - The one's that are failing should be let to fail. these banks are still trying to gouge people for high interest rates, using taxpayer money to do it. and then claim a loss, so they won't have to pay tax. This criminal enterprise should be allowed to collapse some of its factions, and add in some government intervention.Its crazy to allow banks to run the country, "GOVERNANCE".. if that means nationalize them, then do it !!! If I was a foreign country, I'd not trust the banks, unless they had some government intervention, and some government over-sight even if it means nationalizing them.You don't leave the cash management system of a nation in the hands of criminals, and then the public still has to bear the debt for their theft.These banks have robbed the public in this nation and swindled half the world. It always starts where money flows, and if the current Administration is going to win, it has to take control of running the country back, from the hands of banks. Unless it does so, the banks will continue to control the country, as it controls its economy, and they will wreak havoc, just as they have always done, with spike and crash, every 10 years. Its time the world wakes up. and stop trusting banks, when the government ends up liable for their thievery.These trained thieves, come with just what they are taught in school, is how to steal with a white collar and a piece of paper. and society is still foolish enough to worship these goons. they play not only on the ignorance of American people, they play on the generalized ignorance of the world. And even after crashing the world economy. People are still un savvy in their understanding, to call for a national management of banks. People don't seem to get it, The FED's bear the burden each time these criminals steal, and you are part of the FED's because its your tax dollars that cover these thieves, and they know it. So they continue to steal and bleed the people, and 90% of American's are indentured servants unto banks.most people don't like the truth about things, and society is still chasing fairy tales. Even investors, who were thrilled to get a few $100, unaware that the criminals used their money, paid themselves, and tossed back crumbs to the investors. and then they figured out how to sell the value out of the land, once they had stolen everything else they could and sold off all the corporation, there was nothing left but to sell the property, they stole that, and now they have figured out how to loot the FDIC. Its purely time to put a HALT to it.
President Obama did not have a choice but to try to work with the system, but now that he is seeing they are not going to be honest, He has to circumvent them. Its such a simple processs, because Freddie Mack and Fannie Mae, can handle mortages, and do it at a flat fixed rate, and stabilize the property value, and put it in a frame work to begin to regain equity, We have Economic Development and Community Development, and the SBA, which can become direct lenders, and do so at fixed flat rates, and all of them will earn a profit for the nations Federal system, and people can be funded and business can flourish. When they get to the point to make this choice, then the nation will prosper. But it cannot continue to let banks handle this where they rip those gains and steal it for themselves, at the expense of a nation, its industry and its property valuation.
Right wings want to call it socialism, because they don't want to see their gravy train become regulated and GOVERNED. But if the nation is to stand and prosper, it has to become the Governing Body of the nation. Not allow banking system to do it.
We also should beef up the SEC, and provide them a lending arm, which manages margin selling, and no derivative can be created unless it has 100% equity to back it. No more 60/30 and such madness.. 100%, and it has to be managed from a fixed point, not scattered into a billion pieces. It needs to be able to be converted back to its original components instruments, and that should be with the capability to do so within less than 30 days. Then there is always manageable financial instruments. Short selling should be banished from the face of the earth. and no stock should be allowed to trade at more than 30% above their actual equity potential ratio's. No more of stocks trading at 200-300% of their ability to earn.
Never should fresh out of college kids be allowed to handle multi million dollar accounts. NEVER !!!!
they have nothing to loose and no understand of actul real world work and labor and whats at stake. they only care about getting a pat on the back, a bonus and pushed up the ladder, and will do anything to get it, If they contain those things, we won't have any more of these eloborate GIANT pyramid schems.. and that is precisely what has been engaged for the past 8 years, is simply giant pyramid schemes, probably for maybe the last 25 years.
America thought it could survive, managing other nations money, and being a marketing dump for cheap products. because it took the world as the new slave force, and the rich felt there was not need to work in this country, because they had found new slaves to do it for 35cent an hour.. and the pursuit of slave making, is part of the crash of this nation. Now we have a new administration and hopefully we get a whole new system of how to live life, where America is not scouring the world looking for a new slave pool, then it can start to respect people, and in doing so, it also learns to respect other nations.
The first step in this change, President Obama has engaged by opening up diplomacy, not being a dictator as the past 8 years showed this nation to be. Now we work with other nation, not try to make them do the work. Maybe this time America learns its lesson, and finally let go of it's historic mentality of being a slave making nation, turning people into indentured servants. Hopefully now, we move to become a real democracy, where capitalisms does not over shadow democracy. If we accomplish that, then we have moved into a new era, and finally leave the slave making mentality in the past.
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