Yes, there's any skin color one can imagine to exist.... and its all members of a Family...
this is only one part of it...
Their sense of Love and Family is Very Strong and quite a powerful Force of Unity.
The American Truth of Family
A Mixture of Many
Now take each other, and extend their family spectrum, and it may be easy to see, the blend and mixture of the American Make up of the Family units.
This is no different than how family mixture existed over 400 years ago, and it's how it exist today, in the 21st century..
Over all those "hundreds of years, the blend and mixture became even more blended and mixed, and spread across this nation, and into other nations all about this world.
so when people think to be prejudice, they may simply not be aware of what is the make up in the entirety of their family.
When people consider the lying and denying, the slipping around in the middle of the night, and the many bedrooms that were shared but never discussed and avoided as being subject matter, people may began to understand many things, and within those things, they can't be certain of what mixes exist within the bloodline of their lives.
Now add in the many ethnic groups that came to America between the 1700 and Today, and the many bedrooms they jumped between, and the offsprings they produced, some hidden from view, some denied and shipped to other places, and some passing to fit in where it most suited economic opportunity. And the Puzzle then becomes very detailed with parts that have unknown compositions.
some even acted racist, to protect their sense of passing for a race that could get options of opportunity, some simply just blended where they chose, and the cycle and mixes compounded more and more and more.
some had babies, and some made babies and when they were born were sent to orphanages, adopted away, and groomed into a variety of family models..
beyond all of that... We have anthropologist, who tell us, that the human being can be traced back to the African continent, but we also know, in the regional expanse of the continent, the skin color of people span the whole spectrum, as well as it mixed with the middle east, the European and the Far Eastern cultures over many generations and centuries of generations of people.
That's why today, people are quick to say, oH' on my great this or that, there is this blood and that blood, and they had a bit of this blood and that blood, and only my other parents side, they had this blood and that blood, and etc...
What is real in America is one simple thing..
"Economic Divides", that seek skin tone as the segregating motivation, which carried forth for years, and yet that was not as solid in fixed frame as one would assume, because Indentured Servants, were too of a wide spectrum of blood mixture and they too mixed to further the mixture, but were afforded some level of economic gain, based on the lightness of their skin.
The American Melting Pot... is exactly what is implies,.....
A mixture of many bloods, into the whole of the people.
If we as a Nation ever face that reality and fact.. and learn that economic status does not make one of any greater integrity than another, nor a person above another in the eyes of Gods creation of the human being.
Then, Prejudice of race, ethnicity and skin color, would quickly become a thing of the past.
We could face the culprit of "economic disparity" and work to be less quick to think ourselves better than other's based on material matter.
See this country went though the fight to adopt "equality of person as a equal human being", but we have yet, to come to terms with "Economic equality", where nothing of economic opportunity is denied, deferred nor colluded with conjured criteria, to support an old system of maintaining imbalance in Equality in and of Economic Opportunity.
It's so pathetic.. that white people putting down white people, because of difference in economic measurement, black people putting down black people because of economic measurement, and black and white putting each other down because of economic measurement.
When the truth is, We fell from being the greatest producing economic machine and standards of provision, when we denied opportunity to others, because of their skin color, or their economic means status, and what resulted was, poor whites and black or poor economics, were pushed back, and jobs sold away, that denied them the ability to be economically upward progressive.
so what do we see, poor white living in deteriorated communities, and poor blacks living in deteriorated communities, and no jobs that can afford them to uplift to even maintain or upgrade their community, nor plan to save to send their kids to higher learning, to move up the progressive ladder of economics.
We have not , just seen Goldman Sach's, say they have set aside 16.3 BILLION DOLLARS, just to pay their compensation to each other, which, is an amount greater than the yearly total, they will declare as a profit, to give their stock holders and investors a dividend. And that results to a criminal enterprise, that uses the people money, to pay themselves, at the expense of the people, and then dish them pennies on the dollar, and expect them to be happy.
We see jobs, cutting benefits and reducing pay of the workers, and yet, increasing executive compensation, where one person in one comany is making in some cases over 100 million dollars, and the madness of it all, is they were and are a hired employee, just as any other employee who is employed by these firms.
Its no different than a slave owner, paying himself, and giving nothing beyond the cost of basic shelter and food to the slaves and demanding higher labor production, while they sit back and claim the profits, and then declare a loss, to avoid paying taxes. All the while whining and crying about public services, which help the same people, whom these titans refuse to pay enough so they can help themselves.
America, can't get the system of creating indentured servants out of its system, and the Rich refuse to live in a world where they do so with fair and respectful regard of those who actually do the work.
Long before when the actual owners who crated these companies, were alive, they re-invested to grow their business, thus to employ more people, these Gluttons who are nothing more than "hired help" and have no vested interest in the company, beyond counting their stock options, and giving themselves a bonus, and wasting the corporate money, to create an opulent environment for themselves. All the while , the product quality declines and the service is non existent.
American people... is what it will take to change the paradigm from the "slaver and slave/indentured servant program"... to become a nations that respects its people and share in the equity of the labors of the people. and realize that the people at the top, are simply hired employees, just as the person on the assembly line. and they are due not extra compensation for doing the job they were originally paid to do.
We need to go to a system where Executives are paid "fixed Salary"... just as the rest of the employees.
then company will have money to re-invest in itself, and to hire more people and pay the people a wage suitable to have and meet the so claimed "standard of living".
America wants to set itself aside of other countries and claim its standard of living is better, yet we have so much of the nations people caught in a cycle living below third world poverty levels.
When the time came that women and minorities could be paid the wage of Union scale, The rich shipped away the jobs, to maintain the same thing they created 100's of years ago.. and that was the denial of women and minorities, equality. and in the process of trying to deny women and minorities, it too sold away the productive capacity of this nation, and thrust everyone into the abyss of spiral down, decline as a nation.
This is the premise of .. live by the sword, die by the sword"...
which is to say, this nations was built up, by using and abusing people, and its down fall in its economic stature, fell for the very same reasons. using and abusing people.
Because it can't respect the true make up of the American Families, from the generations expanse and mixture.