Hasn't this country had enough of trying to justify racism, and covert racism with fictitious logic that results to be nothing more than a contorted illusion as if one has the right to control and regulate people in their choices to live. Goodness.. Racism is so deeply rooted in the core of this nations, that some people simply can't get beyond trying by every desperate means to justify it. How much insanity of such sorts will Americans tolerate, after 100's of years, the ignorance still infest some to the point that not only has ignorance prevailed, it has elevated itself to the level far beyond stupidity,
The vile nature of this mentality, is the curse that continue to plague American, and insult the very premise of the constitutions aims.
It is purely amazing that in this day an age, that the ingrained stupidity of racism, still tries to find fools logic to justify the level of insidious actions and contorted logic, which results to do nothing - but Insult what is America.
Sadly, some people are so self invested into this ignorance, they’d disown their own children because they can’t control whom their offspring chooses to love. The madness is astounding….
Which one would upset you most, or would you be upset at all ??
Say its Thanksgiving Family dinner.. and you are a white male /> or white female [Parents]: and your (son /daughter), brought Either an Asian mate, black mate, Latin mate, homosexual mate, or transsexual mate for dinner, and announced they were getting married.
Which one, if any would you objects to most?? And Why ??
Say its Thanksgiving Family dinner.. and you are a black male /> or black female: [Parents] and your (son /daughter), brought Either an Asian mate, black mate, Latin mate, homosexual mate, or transsexual mate for dinner, and announced they were getting married.
Which one, if any would you object to most?? And Why??
Can you accept your child -- being with whom ever they choose?? Who are you to determine whom your child chooses to love? Why do you think you have the right to interfere?? Does your child’s life belong to them, or to you?
funny, but people contort this, in the same ways, so much was "CONTORTED" to maliciously trying and justify the vile ignorance of segregation... and time proved all those who supported the contortion to be not only entrenched in supporting an ignorant premise, but doing so with a malice of motive, from a prejudicial bias, and a delusion of being better than, and the result they were not even being up to par, as a constitution respecting individual in these United States..
Mob natured ignorance has never stood the test of the law nor the constitutional provision, no matter how many ways people tried to twist the law, or distort history, and make many baseless studies and claim them as fact, which times showed them to be bigoted fallacy.. And it's sad, that today in the South, the same nature of mentality continue to prevail in some, who simply can't get over themselves, to respect the nature of human beings, nor the fact that God created all people, to live as mates, as they want
The best thing may be simply
"A wish for everyone" ...
May your sons and daughters, relatives and friends, ex-mates, and associates, "choose whom they want to". May they mix and match across any skin color, ethnic make up and cultural blend, if that is their desire, and may they blend ethnicities, cultures, and skin colors, making babies if that is where their love and or their desire leads them, and may they marry at will, "who they choose", without feeling pressured to deny whom they want to love, for the sake of appeasing some family member, friends or groups bias.. May they love fully and freely.. May they, enjoy the life God gave them, to be the Individual they want to be, and share it with anyone, they want to share their experiences and their living with.
Thank God for making that possible for people to love whom they choose as each being simply human beings, and surely, in the truths of Gods grace, many may be damned of the man or woman, who tries to usurp Gods creations, of the human being, and demean it with biased ignorance.
May your sons and daughters, relatives and friends, ex-mates, and associates,
"choose whom they want to"
As long as people are happy with each other, its no one else's business
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