We got "a thug" in the White House... with Gansta Boss Bush better known as ( "GW2" ) and his thug handler Cheney...aka "DickieC"
the only difference is (GW2) is a terrible rapper.. he can hustle but can't flow, saying stuff about thangs he don't know.. he can't get his lines to flow, and ( "DickieC") don't do the mix and keep the beat tight.. shot gun slanging, now say he aint right,... bust a cap.. and the victim say he's in his right... they can't dream and sho they can't tha'nk"" ... But they got Bank !!... .. they hold the ledger and push the line.. roll out a humvee.. blast em with a tank... claim whats his.. is now mine. .. they drawn the curves and place their line... say this oil is mine... or i'll cap your behind... Gw2 and dickieC... the gansta's of our time... oil is all that on his mind.. swiggning liquor and drinking fine wine.. strip down bunnies.. hidden behind the curtain.. while the guest sit and dine.. he'll tell you ..go git yours.. cause I got mine...
here we are... " thuggin in American.. Thugging, layn and playn.. thiggin in America.
Gw2 and dickieC... it's only free if I say it to be... What constitution.. this is GW2's instution !!!
thuggin in American.. ... gansta style..
They "thugged" their way in the White House ... then Bum Rushed' Saddam... they wanted the oil.. they din't given a damn..they been pushing up on all the Arab people.. pushing over statues hanging flags on every steeple.. busting caps like stomping peanuts.... defaming and claiming.. call em insurgents..then busting butt...
He's been dis'ing congress and pimping and playing like a street roller from nation to nation, taxing and maxin' with the huff and bluff.. slanging mud and takin tuff..
We got the American Gansta, in the big house "jetting and L'zine'ing".. while they lay back crusing with a lean.. hustlers and hoodlums..cuttin new ground, "blackwater henchmen".. slanging bullets layn em down..
Gansta Style... Bush and Cheney..,.. boasting and bragging, . after hrs sheddin the suit and gettin with the saggin...
Pimps players, hustles and deal makers and puppet slayers,, Texas slim and them,... GW2 and DickieC
"American Gansta"
Busta Move ... they win u loose ... DickieC. with his. hand guns, bombs and a shotgun ... he holla.. somebody better run.. it's "DickeC".. blasting away with his shot gun...
"BigG" was playing the role of AG... cutin heads and slaying justice.. "Thug patrol" .. on a roll..
American style ... the 21st century Gansta..