Sunday, October 21, 2007

Thuggin in America

We got "a thug" in the White House... with Gansta Boss Bush better known as ( "GW2" ) and his thug handler Cheney...aka "DickieC"

the only difference is (GW2) is a terrible rapper.. he can hustle but can't flow, saying stuff about thangs he don't know.. he can't get his lines to flow, and ( "DickieC") don't do the mix and keep the beat tight.. shot gun slanging, now say he aint right,... bust a cap.. and the victim say he's in his right... they can't dream and sho they can't tha'nk"" ... But they got Bank !!... .. they hold the ledger and push the line.. roll out a humvee.. blast em with a tank... claim whats his.. is now mine. .. they drawn the curves and place their line... say this oil is mine... or i'll cap your behind... Gw2 and dickieC... the gansta's of our time... oil is all that on his mind.. swiggning liquor and drinking fine wine.. strip down bunnies.. hidden behind the curtain.. while the guest sit and dine.. he'll tell you ..go git yours.. cause I got mine...

here we are... " thuggin in American.. Thugging, layn and playn.. thiggin in America.

Gw2 and dickieC... it's only free if I say it to be... What constitution.. this is GW2's instution !!!

thuggin in American.. ... gansta style..

They "thugged" their way in the White House ... then Bum Rushed' Saddam... they wanted the oil.. they din't given a damn..they been pushing up on all the Arab people.. pushing over statues hanging flags on every steeple.. busting caps like stomping peanuts.... defaming and claiming.. call em insurgents..then busting butt...
He's been dis'ing congress and pimping and playing like a street roller from nation to nation, taxing and maxin' with the huff and bluff.. slanging mud and takin tuff..

We got the American Gansta, in the big house "jetting and L'zine'ing".. while they lay back crusing with a lean.. hustlers and hoodlums..cuttin new ground, "blackwater henchmen".. slanging bullets layn em down..

Gansta Style... Bush and Cheney..,.. boasting and bragging, . after hrs sheddin the suit and gettin with the saggin...
Pimps players, hustles and deal makers and puppet slayers,, Texas slim and them,... GW2 and DickieC

"American Gansta"

Busta Move ... they win u loose ... DickieC. with his. hand guns, bombs and a shotgun ... he holla.. somebody better run.. it's "DickeC".. blasting away with his shot gun...
"BigG" was playing the role of AG... cutin heads and slaying justice.. "Thug patrol" .. on a roll..

American style ... the 21st century Gansta..


Louisiana's New Governor

If it's about good governance.. it should not matter about being a minority.. we also must know .. this is not someone who came from the bottom of the barrels of poverty.. he is the products of parents whom came to this country and entered graduate school programs.. so .. this is a man from a certain level of privilege.. and what we can hope is that he understand the plight of the poor in this state .. who are both black and white.. and as the state as being one of the lower ranking states in the US by income and social conditions as well as living conditions outside the prominences of Baton Rouge , and other major city high profile natures of living.

We also must know he's a Republican.. and that he support the War efforts which means he buys into the Bush program to a greater degree.. than the general public outcry states of disdain for this war.. so we got a government control person who believes in the format of the right wing republican agenda.. and that .. may prove to be more than people payed attention to..

The general public should learn to vote... and the population as a whole should take voting seriously.. lo0ok behind the candidates and look into what they stand for and what they do and what do they aspire to as relative to ideals..

Now.. that he's in office, let's hope he is youth with eyes that are open to embrace all the people, but first let's hope he has the awareness to know the state is comprised of ALL the people.. this is what will make a difference.

If he does not ave the vision to know where to cut taxes and political jumble .. then he won't attract anything to the state that prospers the state. and if he can't do that .. then he's just a wheel spinner.. who will have done nothing but secure for his family a secure life after his role as a governor.. which implies they never have to worry about what the grocery bill will be..

If corruption is not a main focus and ethic is a priority element.. then it's nothing but a figure head for the sake of filling the office seat. The rip off get my pocket full nature of political history of Louisiana,.. has for many years held this state back and insulted it's capabilities and left us 3 rungs up from the bottom of the barrel of 50..

so it may be wise for even the poorest to become more politically aware and pay attention, read and learn and become a viable citizen becase if you don't vote.. you don't count for anything.. becase you have stood to support nothing..

if we as people do not become politically literate.. we will be lead as sheep to a slaughter or to the shaving pen.. and wander in the fields of tall weeds.. not knowing what direction to move or go..

So he's in office.. it's a fact.. so now it's the attention and action of the people that will have to be engaged to.. insure he governs with the interest of the people as his focus.

it's on us... !!! now what will we do... and how will we support what we need to do ??

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Fed's facing another task for the pursuit of Civil rights and equality for all

Liked or unliked .. the racist nature of the reality of the south is evident.. not just in this site and the attitudes that can't stand the fact that racist motivations will not be allowed to remain as remnants of the Jim Crow mindset .. What ever it takes for this to be brought in the open and face squarly in the faces of all.. then that is good.. As some just can't see and some don't want to see.. but the old school of "right to racist actions' is not a format that will prevail.. not on the streets and not in the legal systems of any of the States, cities, back woods town and rural communities..
this hate based attitude of .. leinency to white and prosecution to blacks, has been pointed out in many incidents.. of the "playing off" the actions of whites as just.. "pranks", but criminalizing " the same" actions done by blacks..

the want to preserve the white status as non criminal and talk about what and how it affect or could affect their future and dismissing it, but turning the same and saying of blacks, nothing about such, but assuming them as criminal and then assuming them to a life of crime; then thinking nothing of the impact of actions will have on their lives.. yet.. with whites all the thought is to go to the impact the actions will have on their lives, then dismissing it as .. "youthful pranks"

this goes all the way back to.. the Jim Crow doctrines of thought trends..

# Never assert or even intimate that a White person is lying.
# Never impute dishonorable intentions to a White person.
# Never suggest that a White person is from an inferior class.
# Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence.
# Never curse a White person.
# Never laugh derisively at a White person.
# Never comment upon the appearance of a White female.

lynching was used as an intimidation tool to keep Blacks, in this case the newly-freedmen, "in their places." The great majority of lynchings occurred in southern and border states, where the resentment against Blacks ran deepest.

even to the concept that Fredric Douglas stated many many years ago,
" of which implies that blacks have not rights of any sort, as soon as whites declare them as not being with rights"..

"" If a slave uses his own earnings, he steals. To say his hands are his own is to place himself in rebellion against his master. This is the relation between master and slave, and in order to maintain it we have all the terrors of slavery—the whip, the gag, the chains, the thumb-screw, blood-hounds, dungeons, cat-of-nine tails, stocks and fetters, and the noose—. This goes to make up the bloody paraphernalia with which the slave is kept in bondage—. Added to this, the intellectual eye of the slave is bored out, and he is sent from time to eternity in the dark— He has no means of acquiring knowledge. If he is caught in the attempt to gain it, he is exposed to punishment. """
Jim Crow states passed statutes severely regulating social interactions between the races. Jim Crow signs were placed above water fountains, door entrances and exits, and in front of public facilities. There were separate hospitals for Blacks and Whites, separate prisons, separate public and private schools, separate churches, separate cemeteries, separate public restrooms, and separate public accommodations. In most instances, the Black facilities were grossly inferior -- generally, older, less-well-kept. In other cases, there were no Black facilities -- no Colored public restroom, no public beach, no place to sit or eat. ****Plessy gave Jim Crow states a legal way to ignore their constitutional obligations to their Black citizens.
Jim Crow laws touched every aspect of everyday life.

the Noose incident; is ... the over acts of a " Jim Crow" mindset.. that is played out in 2007.. by some whites, who can't get beyond the fact they do not have the unchallenged right to do as they please to other and, assume they have some priority place and avenue in society to exercise their internal concept of bias; to those who assume such, their want of being and assuming themselves superior..This seems to be something many of such people, cannot seem to get out of their system.. and it only amplifies their ignorance. and this ignorance exist throughout our social and legal systems of this ""biased nation"" .. which is hiprocracy amplified..

an to think this nation is out trying to tell the world how to be civil and have people rights when the ignorance is amplified right here in these United States...
stupidity to the highest order.. when blacks and white are lands away fighting a war claiming it's about people rights, and yet.. they can't come home and have unity, in the halls of the military education system they have racism, and incidents of racial intimidation.. so the leaders of that institution are too infested with the racist element... so they are unfit to lead and surely not in any battle for any people.. as they are not a respecter of the equality of person.

whites don't stand up against whites who do this stuff and then want to sweep the acts of whites under the rug, and then claim.. blacks are out of line becase we don't just sit back and take it.. but they have a history of such mindset, turning a blind eye, and pretending things did not happen.. and claiming it other than what it is when they are confronted with the brutality and malice of their acts and motivations and shown of their bias and their undertones of racist arrogance..

any time whites are confronted and called on this stuff, they try and minimize it.. by claiming someone is "playing a race card' as a method of trivializing the whole of it .. and thus imply they are innocent... it's just a cycle mindset of anything that can be imagined, enacted to keep from facing the truths of their racist.. actions, motivations, assumptions and assumption of being superior and above reproach.. the madness is unending.. in the ways they seek to cling to this delusional concept of " white is right".. it's an ignorance that has been the destructive element in this nation since it's course thru time, and even in how it plunders other nations..

the comments in this site ( shreveport times) prove this point over and over and over..

Friday, October 12, 2007

social shoppers

no matter where I am, no matter what the weather is, and no matter what the mood is.. when the image of someone whom love holds a flicker of awareness crosses my path.. I'm at full attention.

It's quite interesting, because as I look at women, and I've come to know that any one that appeals to my eyes, and has the spiritual presence of being, well maintain in appearance and hygiene and smiles.. is possible for me to feel some nature of loving, and then the allure of the physical form simply magnifies that feeling..

We can love anyone .. it's a matter of accepting the good with the bad or the not so much liked with the very much liked..

What is reality is, the relation, is built one moment at a time... and many people ignore the fact that loves can be lost in the blink of an eye, creating a crack in the bubble and the vibrations that follow causes the thing to shatter, but when those cracks are caused, we only need to step back let it heal and mend and we in the process learn .. not just of the other but of ourselves..

We walk around loveless .. mostly we are holding out for some dream that resides in our mind, and the truth is life each day present us with the potentials of which we simply have to choose..

we delude ourselves, by seeing something today, then seeing something tomorrow and then getting confused and thinking Oh' well I'll wait and see what tomorrow brings,.. so we become nothing more than "social shoppers"... and know rarely not even what we shop for...waiting for something to overwhelm us.. and we build a fantasy around it and about it.. and then engage a mission to make it or them conform into the fantasy.. and the day by day love sharing gets lost .. while we try to bend and mold it to fit some fantasy... which resides in our head of which they know nothing about.

doll pretty is really no better than everyday pretty.. each can put a lie upon their lips and swing and sway their hips in the temp and tease of allure.. but it still comes to who's real and who's true.. in simply being themselves.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

looking at assistance

I apologize if you did not have any racial inference included in your comment.. so many the minute the mentions such categories like to make it race specific.. I provided info to support the fact, that it is not race based .. upon who gets and who utilize assistance.

but again.. assistance is quite different in it's scope of being considered 'assistance".. which would be based on some impairment or deficiency that a person has, by nature, acquired or have come upon thru injury of sorts..

and that is a cost assocciated condition... which means their earing capacity has been diminished or made non existent.. therefore such person can receive assistance.

people may not like it personally that other's get assistance.. but our system of this nation which is part of what makes this nations much different from other nations. is that it has humane clauses within it's provision , that seek to remove people from dire destitution becase they have various infirmary of sorts...


Now if we think this issue is existent now.. wait till all the Veterans come back with the unknown scope and expanse of disabilities.. the system will be taxed and the government which should be stacking back money to meet this end.. is not doing so.. and therefore .. will come and state how strained the system is.. but it will not acknowledge that these multi recycle people who are put in the horrors of war.. should have funds allocated for just this purpose .. to support the unknown variable of their many damages they will return with.. and this will be compounded because many of them have families that will also have to draw upon this resource.. of which the government is not and has not planned for .. and will make it a crisis that is pushed to us as something other than to depict that the negligence of the government's concern to have prepared for this ..

right night... 100 billion dollars should be set aside for this and quarterly some figure % of billions should be feed into this type of a program.. to regard the long term impact it will have.. But our poor performance of our elected officials who can only see yesterday.. and have nothing but drama for today.. are too convoluted to prepare for tomorrow.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

what is and why is america(n)

econ mike
you said:
I see I am not going to succeed in turning you away from government solutions to these problems.


the government is as much of our problems as it is the avenue to help mend, fix and repair our problems and support the solutions thru it's investment of what will help resolve our problems..

the Government is a body that manages and utilize our TAX money.. the 'Our" is each of us.. the individuals who make up what is the public.. and the creation of government was to SERVE the people..

how it got convoluted to do so many things to avoid that .. and to curtail the doing of that.. is our fault.. for not knowing what and whom and why we elect people and then not holding them to the interest of our communities of which they are elected to represent. My point is .. NO!!! as an elected official represent the people who put you there, know your community well enough before you seek election so as not to have a doubt about what that community needs and how the government body as a whole can contribute to the support, stability, growth and maintenance of that community.. as being a part and body that helps make up what is our Union.. which is the "UNITED" states of which .. make up what is by continent know as America.. to be exact.. North America.. which is why we are considered Americans .. simply because our residency in in the continent of America

many people don't break it down to what it is.. they say it as if it's one word.. no ... it is distinct words groups together to convey a meaning of description of locality... being American is to be a citizen of America and that has the continuation to say.. as citizens we have ideal, that are of commonest to what is within America.. therefore.. we live within the ideas as Americans.

Monday, October 01, 2007


I think we need employment stability.. and a re investment in the pride in employment.. that gives the industry integrity and the people a pride in their workmanship of production.. I think this helps make industry feel strong and prospering..

"now not even the youth are taught pride in the fast food jobs.. they just go to work and not take a vested interest in their job.. they have to be told to pick up trash off the floor, told to wipe down the counters and told to check and recheck the bathrooms.. and so many things.. and this is habitual grooming that is lacking. as to good house-keeping in employment sector.. and that trans lattes into unsafe and poor performance in the expanse of the job market of employee productivity.

We need a mortgage program that helps Americans.. for example.. all veterans should be allowed to have their VA loan with 3% mortgage.. and for the working public in a income spectrum.. they could be given 4% loans, and have covenants built in that the property cannot be sold for a profit for a fixed term of 5 years. ( this increases home ownership, and makes mortgages affordable.. ) but it also conveys to the industry of finance that .. it is not chasing .. quarter quick turn bucks that make everything a disaster.. but that it is committed to long term programmed growth)..

Thus we stabilize Americans and they build equitable worth and value.. and the bonds that back it are solid investments that are suitable for retirement fund investments.. without the high risk factor of potential loss.

when that trend is set in the base of such category.. then, it's nature of positive secure investment instruments that backs it.. becomes a new industry standard.. which is built on a solid foundation.. thus capital planning is then better managed.

Now people have lost hope for so much.. and they see so many thing that are out of reach.. and the quick turn quarterly life of business is killing business and destroying the integrity of business.. there is no processed and long term growth basis..

We have cities being ran that have not expanded in concept to reach out to the inhabitants to build based on city bonds.. and city backing nor do they mandate federal assistance budgets that deal with infrastructure and family stability.. that's why the underfunding of program that have deferred loans to the elderly to fix and repair their homes.. and young starter home owners that can get the home improvment. 12.5K home repair loans that are attached to the home due and payable at the time of sale..

We live in a computer age.. and yet.. by the 4th grade all classes should have a computer bank within them.. as educational assistance aids, and produce and course resource banks. From Junior high thru high school.. schools should have programs other than sports as the dominant feature.. they should have after school programs that offer various technical application introduction and training programs..

the college level students should be integrated to work in these nature of programs.. that fresh info and knowledge is transferred across generational planes..

We take those sets'.. then we can worry less bout seeking cheap labor and get back to focus on producing quality products with quality labor and quality materials that have longevity in the life cycle... and that will sustain business that are not living and dying by a quarterly report.. becase they will re-ordered into a process of long term growth and development.

we are now a disposable society that even see people as being disposable..

and that's the sum of what we've become ... our seniors are neglected and relegated to communities left to wither and die.. as discarded relics..

because we have lost cultural intergration..

Look about Shreveport.. and look at the old churches that had full service facilities.. that are now un utilized and these use to be staffed by retired and semi retired person.. who connect with regional and city wide industry and business.

We must learn what it is to integrate all of our citizens residents. young and old black and white, rich and poor... into what is a city... and it would be ideal if we could build and set a model of a good functioning example for the rest of the country to learn from...

and we have such an ideal enviornment to create such. ... if we think, get past the petty bickering and see what we can become and work to become it.

now that's local.. and regional... we can talk about national as well.. in further post..

what do you really understand of "the act"

what men have to learn is.. any women in general with the "general" male.. can get him to a quick climax.. I think she should maybe be more embarrassed at her lack of ability to understand and put into active effort .. the ability to calm him down and help him prolong it.. as well as he should take more interest in learning to prolong his dispensing of himself..

but this is over the age.. the symptoms of .. women trying to get rid of men quickly becase of her deep resentment of him even having pleasure..

so she will invest the least amount of time to expend him.. and dismiss him... and then focus on her wants .. as by then she has reduced him to .. the level that he become with a mission simply to indulge giving her all that she wants and she in turn does not have to reciprocate.. ( it takes a lot of thought to think "through that" ).. some will and some won't think it through..

people think that what is penis envy.. is just that..but.. truth is, it's a whole psychological realm involved in that which encompasses not just the organ but anything and everything relative to the organ.. which then encompasses the whole of the man..

and this extends to the element of how women can, will and do manipulate men.. by the inferences assocciated unto this.. and within this.. that includes his.. mental diminishing.. when he climaxes prematurely... and they rely on that.. as a source of their power to influence and manipulate him.. ( but.. maybe that's deeper in the core than many want to think)..

this is a very deep and extensive subject that not many have nor consider to investigate.. so they remain... subjected to well as the confounding of much, including themselves which is reference to females also.

We all have 15 minutes of fame, according to Andy Worhol.

We all have 15 minutes of fame, according to Andy Worhol.

I think people grasp things they don't understand the meaning behind it..

Andy Worhol.. was a morbid guy..

his ref. to 15 minutes of fame.. is related to .. " everyone will have a Funeral Ceremony" .. where they are praised, the limousines come out, and they ride in the lead "limousine Hearse" , they will be adorned with flowers and eulogized..

he was great at making people make a fool of themselves.. with his satirical manner of depicting stuff.

every time I hear people repeat that thing about 15 minutes.. it reminds me how much people repeat cliche stuff.. of which they know not the meaning behind what they say.