If it's about good governance.. it should not matter about being a minority.. we also must know .. this is not someone who came from the bottom of the barrels of poverty.. he is the products of parents whom came to this country and entered graduate school programs.. so .. this is a man from a certain level of privilege.. and what we can hope is that he understand the plight of the poor in this state .. who are both black and white.. and as the state as being one of the lower ranking states in the US by income and social conditions as well as living conditions outside the prominences of Baton Rouge , and other major city high profile natures of living.
We also must know he's a Republican.. and that he support the War efforts which means he buys into the Bush program to a greater degree.. than the general public outcry states of disdain for this war.. so we got a government control person who believes in the format of the right wing republican agenda.. and that .. may prove to be more than people payed attention to..
The general public should learn to vote... and the population as a whole should take voting seriously.. lo0ok behind the candidates and look into what they stand for and what they do and what do they aspire to as relative to ideals..
Now.. that he's in office, let's hope he is youth with eyes that are open to embrace all the people, but first let's hope he has the awareness to know the state is comprised of ALL the people.. this is what will make a difference.
If he does not ave the vision to know where to cut taxes and political jumble .. then he won't attract anything to the state that prospers the state. and if he can't do that .. then he's just a wheel spinner.. who will have done nothing but secure for his family a secure life after his role as a governor.. which implies they never have to worry about what the grocery bill will be..
If corruption is not a main focus and ethic is a priority element.. then it's nothing but a figure head for the sake of filling the office seat. The rip off get my pocket full nature of political history of Louisiana,.. has for many years held this state back and insulted it's capabilities and left us 3 rungs up from the bottom of the barrel of 50..
so it may be wise for even the poorest to become more politically aware and pay attention, read and learn and become a viable citizen becase if you don't vote.. you don't count for anything.. becase you have stood to support nothing..
if we as people do not become politically literate.. we will be lead as sheep to a slaughter or to the shaving pen.. and wander in the fields of tall weeds.. not knowing what direction to move or go..
So he's in office.. it's a fact.. so now it's the attention and action of the people that will have to be engaged to.. insure he governs with the interest of the people as his focus.
it's on us... !!! now what will we do... and how will we support what we need to do ??
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