Liked or unliked .. the racist nature of the reality of the south is evident.. not just in this site and the attitudes that can't stand the fact that racist motivations will not be allowed to remain as remnants of the Jim Crow mindset .. What ever it takes for this to be brought in the open and face squarly in the faces of all.. then that is good.. As some just can't see and some don't want to see.. but the old school of "right to racist actions' is not a format that will prevail.. not on the streets and not in the legal systems of any of the States, cities, back woods town and rural communities..
this hate based attitude of .. leinency to white and prosecution to blacks, has been pointed out in many incidents.. of the "playing off" the actions of whites as just.. "pranks", but criminalizing " the same" actions done by blacks..
the want to preserve the white status as non criminal and talk about what and how it affect or could affect their future and dismissing it, but turning the same and saying of blacks, nothing about such, but assuming them as criminal and then assuming them to a life of crime; then thinking nothing of the impact of actions will have on their lives.. yet.. with whites all the thought is to go to the impact the actions will have on their lives, then dismissing it as .. "youthful pranks"
this goes all the way back to.. the Jim Crow doctrines of thought trends..
# Never assert or even intimate that a White person is lying.
# Never impute dishonorable intentions to a White person.
# Never suggest that a White person is from an inferior class.
# Never lay claim to, or overly demonstrate, superior knowledge or intelligence.
# Never curse a White person.
# Never laugh derisively at a White person.
# Never comment upon the appearance of a White female.
lynching was used as an intimidation tool to keep Blacks, in this case the newly-freedmen, "in their places." The great majority of lynchings occurred in southern and border states, where the resentment against Blacks ran deepest.
even to the concept that Fredric Douglas stated many many years ago,
" of which implies that blacks have not rights of any sort, as soon as whites declare them as not being with rights"..
"" If a slave uses his own earnings, he steals. To say his hands are his own is to place himself in rebellion against his master. This is the relation between master and slave, and in order to maintain it we have all the terrors of slavery—the whip, the gag, the chains, the thumb-screw, blood-hounds, dungeons, cat-of-nine tails, stocks and fetters, and the noose—. This goes to make up the bloody paraphernalia with which the slave is kept in bondage—. Added to this, the intellectual eye of the slave is bored out, and he is sent from time to eternity in the dark— He has no means of acquiring knowledge. If he is caught in the attempt to gain it, he is exposed to punishment. """
Jim Crow states passed statutes severely regulating social interactions between the races. Jim Crow signs were placed above water fountains, door entrances and exits, and in front of public facilities. There were separate hospitals for Blacks and Whites, separate prisons, separate public and private schools, separate churches, separate cemeteries, separate public restrooms, and separate public accommodations. In most instances, the Black facilities were grossly inferior -- generally, older, less-well-kept. In other cases, there were no Black facilities -- no Colored public restroom, no public beach, no place to sit or eat. ****Plessy gave Jim Crow states a legal way to ignore their constitutional obligations to their Black citizens.
Jim Crow laws touched every aspect of everyday life.
the Noose incident; is ... the over acts of a " Jim Crow" mindset.. that is played out in 2007.. by some whites, who can't get beyond the fact they do not have the unchallenged right to do as they please to other and, assume they have some priority place and avenue in society to exercise their internal concept of bias; to those who assume such, their want of being and assuming themselves superior..This seems to be something many of such people, cannot seem to get out of their system.. and it only amplifies their ignorance. and this ignorance exist throughout our social and legal systems of this ""biased nation"" .. which is hiprocracy amplified..
an to think this nation is out trying to tell the world how to be civil and have people rights when the ignorance is amplified right here in these United States...
stupidity to the highest order.. when blacks and white are lands away fighting a war claiming it's about people rights, and yet.. they can't come home and have unity, in the halls of the military education system they have racism, and incidents of racial intimidation.. so the leaders of that institution are too infested with the racist element... so they are unfit to lead and surely not in any battle for any people.. as they are not a respecter of the equality of person.
whites don't stand up against whites who do this stuff and then want to sweep the acts of whites under the rug, and then claim.. blacks are out of line becase we don't just sit back and take it.. but they have a history of such mindset, turning a blind eye, and pretending things did not happen.. and claiming it other than what it is when they are confronted with the brutality and malice of their acts and motivations and shown of their bias and their undertones of racist arrogance..
any time whites are confronted and called on this stuff, they try and minimize it.. by claiming someone is "playing a race card' as a method of trivializing the whole of it .. and thus imply they are innocent... it's just a cycle mindset of anything that can be imagined, enacted to keep from facing the truths of their racist.. actions, motivations, assumptions and assumption of being superior and above reproach.. the madness is unending.. in the ways they seek to cling to this delusional concept of " white is right".. it's an ignorance that has been the destructive element in this nation since it's course thru time, and even in how it plunders other nations..
the comments in this site ( shreveport times) prove this point over and over and over..
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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