the wise will look at the past and see it as the fact .. stages existed that contribute to things in life... I'm watching a show now on philanderers.. headed by President Clinton.. and they talk about the long span it takes society to transistion from one level to the next as a whole and how some move along and some don't at the same pace.. but it takes time..
now the must discussion about the past is simply to say.. in 40 some years only some will succeed but not all and it's ridiculous to think all would have.. or could have.. we still have pockets that must first change..
many many white people have made a lot of change.. and they have made broad steps.. and whites are as a whole now driven to do many humanitarian things and they do them well. I've personally not met any prejudice on a personal level since I've been back in Shreveport.. people speak, people talk, people smile they laugh and the only thing that I did encounter that I found disenchanting.. is talking to someone and as long as they felt they were with superior knowledge the conversation was fine, when I spoke in response of my awareness and knowledgeable element of the subject the conversation then found the person ready to end the conversation.. but many many whites have offered to help with many things that I've presented.. and I think if more blacks take the time to put their presentations together and show interest beyond initial enthusiasm they will find they are received well. be willing to learn, be willing to not be quick to loose the inspiration and be willing also to be informed... and this is a two way street.. but if you are going to someone who is skilled in what they do.. you got to be willing to listen to them... they've already walked thru the pitfalls..
I think it's a matter of manner and conduct as well.. talk in terms that are mutually understood .. leave the slang at home.. and the hip stuff for the streets.. there is a time an place to inject such into the humor parts of communicating but talking in street codes.. is not only unprofessional it is not conveying what is the point and the facts of the discussion and not in a manner and language that is suitable for business. many whites.. like to be a part of causes and those who have resources like to champion causes... and there are too blacks that have the means who also care to champion and be a part of causes..
the old ways of the past.. are what they were.. but there were lots of whites who did not like the Jim Crow era.. and there were a lot of whites who did not aspire to the Jim Crow era.. and there were a lot of whites who distance themselves from even their family to get away from the Jim Crow era stuff..
but the point that is important for both black and white is to know .. that we as a people have come a long way in a mere 44 years... and that's a very short time to have moved so far .. so the blacks that one poster mentioned who did succeed, are symbolic and at the same time a rational % based on the short span of time.. but it also must be remembered that there were some blacks that did in small % have a base to succeed from the old natured black community models, the son's and daughter's of teachers, the son's and daughters of various people who had means and had stability in employment and some who had one sole mission was for their kids not to have the hardships they had.. but there are a great many who just did not have the push nor the vision and many many things.. but this is conversely true for many whites.. who just could not push their offspring's thru generations into the success path. But in truth of that..
we have to know .. not everyone is going to be a doctor, nor professional.. and we should not expect such.. someone will always be there who takes pride in being that cook, that janitor and that person who digs out the plumbing and many many things that are part of the skills needed to make a society and make a society function..
now days it's hard for everyone... black and white.. when I'm in the stores .. I see white people facing the same challenge as blacks.. and that's looking at the prices and feeling stressed.. wondering if their job will be there next week.. and wanting to give their kids the best they can.. and some can meet and face the challenge better than others..
I detest those who continue to write like white people are the only ones that work and want to work.. that's the biggest crok of sh*t .. ever posted on these sites.. yes we got black drug addict s just like they got white ones. and we got white theives just like black ones..
and there are whites that see hopelessness and there are blacks that see hopelessness. .. and if you look at faces when you are out.. you will see a lot of people with a semi depression.... this is part of the condition of america.. with our jobs sold out to foreign nations... our production facilities closed down and driving down our streets and seeing one closed store after the next.. As people we have to get to our politicians and tell them.. 'No more".. and how do we make that stick.. "we stop buying until these stores can match their shelves stocking with a balance of american goods.. Our society has relegated itself to stocking our stores as if to say.. every other nation can produce better than we can.. price does not matter except for the greed of corporate leaders.. Foreign nations have always paid more for our products, becase we made better products with better materials.. but we chose to make cheap products with cheap internal parts from low wage cheap material production.... and that is how we killed the economy of this nation... No one wants to go and buy a lawnmower with hard plastic wheels that fall of in a year.. when we had metal rim wheels with rubber on them that lasted long as the lawnmower lasted.. we take our scrap cardboard aand send it to China.. why are we not recycling it and sending them ready to use boxes.. that is work in the US to build those boxes.. but we just let them create work for their people building boxes... simple stuff. but real stuff.
We buy Japanese Television .. and walk right past American Television becase it's only a name and made in Korea or Taiwan and assembled in Mexico.. It's pure madness... no country is great without it's production and it's people being busy in being industrious..
we move young kids to top position just by name sake and who's family they are from or what school they graduated.. when we need to make them work their way to the top.. learn meaning, learn value, build integrity and build the dignity thru move thru the steps.. but they have no awareness of what it takes becase they are sitting at the top making decision that avoid the work.. and they do that by outsourcing and filling their pockets and running around flaunting their wealth in extravagant silliness.. which again exemplifies their lack of awareness of the great aspect of responsibility of being and making corporate decision.. all we hve is a spike and crash economy since this trend has been in process.. every area of our economy is riding a spike and crash cycle.. and the element is the same across the board.. young fresh out of college people.. chasing their ego and lost as to the depth of meaning and integrity of the people..
they strip and rip ... and the worker is left with nothing.. this is our down fall..
we have so much to think about.. and so much to re adjust that we need to get busy..
the poster who said that intergration was not a key.. is far and away unaware..... we are a diverse culture known as Americans.. and unless we intergrate as a united culture then why and how can we be Americans..
we see one ethnic country's excelling because they have unity... if we and as we are a mixed culture then we need unity and you get unity by integrating the diverse into a unity... united we stand... do you know what that means... and divided we fall.. surely you can see that reality every place..
it's bout us.. all of us as people being A people .. not them people and those people.. but "A peopl
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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