Monday, August 17, 2009

Frustrated, Irritated and Anguished

Frustrated, Irritated and Anguished

Yes, those are certainly real feelings, and they are all across the nation.

But we still sit afraid to grow, afraid to take on the debt to rebuild ourselves, but we have no problem taking on the debt to blow up another country from one end of its landscape to the next, at the tune of over 10 billion a month, and probably another 5 billion a month to blow on a second country. We live as if we are war mongers, who have absolutely no problem taking on debt, as long as we get to blow up something. We are getting young people killed and maimed in ways they may never get to rebuild their lives, while we can't spend to even give every kid in American a school book. We certainly should insure these soldier's kids and all other kids in America, have the best and most up to date schools and technology. But we claim to be educating nations that we've blown their towns into rubble, and here we've become the drop out capital of the world in education fade out; and left our school systems void of the 21st Century Technology. How is this even possible or reasonable to accept ??

What makes us unaware to make these changes,
Why not add technology which has existed now more than a quarter of a century. Yet, here we are today, and we can't even computer equip our schools, for the students to use the current technology. This is a very very sad situation, in a world where the computer dominates and is within every business in American landscape. For what we spent blowing up the hills in Tora Bora, and still could not find one single man. We could have equipped 1/3 of the schools in the nation with computer systems for students.

Basic data processing and basic programming should have been a part of education in the Jr. high level, more than 10 years ago. Here we are today, and it still is not even a vague thought in the mind of the administrators of the educations systems to do so. They can'[t even equip schools with collective rooms with computers for the Teachers to make use of, so surely the idea to provide it to students is greatly lacking of even being a remote concept of consideration.

But we whine like babies, if the mention of taking on debt to build and repair our own cities, our own industry and our own landscape.
We pinch pennies when it come to investing to upgrade our schools, all the while we fall near 30th in the world as far as education, and we pinch pennies and whine about changing policy and implementing programs.

We see industry falling, but we won't make contracts to put computers in the classrooms and on every desk, while the same computers put people to work building them, and that make money circulate and we grow in the process. people say .. where is the money coming from, Well it comes from the same place money has always come from, and that's "from putting people to work". Money circulates and things develop and places grow. Thank God,

President Roosevelt understood that concept.. The New Deal Created some of the Greatest Building within the United States - American Regained motivation and believe in itself. $32 billion (Est), Inflation Adjusted Cost: $500 billion (Est)

Dwight Eisenhower
understood it. His task to build the National System of Interstate and Defense Highways, commonly called the Interstate Highway System
which connected the cities of this nation with expressways across the nation, estimate for the system was $25 billion over 12 years; it ended up costing $114 billion (adjusted for inflation, $425 billion in 2006 dollars) and taking 35 years to complete

Thank God, President Obama
understands that concept. To rebuild the way the economy function, and re build the infrastructure of Industry, and create a regulatory system that finally brings the financial system into respecting governance and management, while forging health reforms, along with maintaining, and repairing our aged and damaged highway systems. While make a reformed nations where all people can engage opportunity in the rebuilding of a nation, to meet the challenges of the future. Each era the cost of things increase and was not disproportionate as some would like us to believe. - The measures are nominally worth $787 billion. The Act includes federal tax cuts, expansion of unemployment benefits and other social welfare provisions, and domestic spending in education, health care, and infrastructure, including the energy sector. The Act also includes numerous non-economic recovery related items that were either part of longer-term plans (e.g. a study of the effectiveness of medical treatments) or desired by Congress

But unfortunately we have segments of American that only want to think in despair terms, and only want to see corporations profits and the people to gain nothing, We have become a nation, that let big corporations tell us that American is no good and can't do anything. Yet people are the same human beings, who still want and need the same things they wanted and needed, before the corporations told us that we are not capable of doing anything, and that we are not competent to do do anything.. and We as a nation swallowed the whole spill.

We became a Nation, that functions like the Slave nation it use to be, Only now, slavery is not based on color, its based on the Rich controlling the poor. What kind of difference is it to see. The CEO's making 10's and 100's of millions A YEAR, and we have a poverty level wage and income for the poor hovering at 10K A YEAR.

corporations cut workers and cut service and lower product quality, and the Executives give themselves another bonus and a raise to the tune of Millions upon Millions of dollars, and they have Amerian's in such a worship mode, people sit back and assume and even claim it is fair for them to make a kings ransom, while the American people are laid off and their home foreclosed. That is exactly no different than how a slave nation functions. The Slave Masters profited, but the population lived like peasants, or worst.
Now this is included in the image of a nation that has been ripped, and robbed its people, and left them in a cycle of despair and destitution.
Min. Wage equals no more than it cost to house and feed a slave, in substandard housing and substandard food, and poor or no health care. And people by right, should be angry!!! It is not possible to get nor have any better on a min wage. When the corporate executives make in 7.5 seconds, more than a worker can make in an 8 hr days work and in some cases, more than a worker can earn in a week they make in a matter of minutes. And we wonder why American has failed and continues to fail.

We wonder how 500 years of wealth has disappeared and re-appeared only in the hands of a few, while the mass of American's find themselves homeless, and politician's on the right, want to do nothing to make better or help the situation to improve. They claim they can't help people who speculated, but they help banks who speculated, and the bank speculation crashed the country and looted its industry and sold out the value of the average American home, and ripped off the saving of the working poor and left a trail of bankrupt people who worked their lives, and result to have nothing but worthless stock, and banks failure that wiped out their entire life savings.

Anguished Frustrated Angry.

And still we sit un-aware and ready to worship and continue to pay the executives, who have claimed to be the best and brightest, but they sit and claim clue-less, when the truth ask questions to reveal the truths. Yet, they sit atop bank accounts, hidden in foreign shores, with the wealth of a nation, claimed as their own.

Frustrated, Irritated and Anguished

We have a nation whining about Health Care, but willing to sit back and let insurance companies control their lives and the health of their family by crazy cost and denied service, rather than accept and support an option, that force the private companies to begin to respect people with lowered premiums and better service and coverage for those they have denied for so long. and people nit pick and claim every kind of delusion, rather than see the simplicity, that if there is nothing to force the insurance companies to change. they simply will not change, and service will be denied and the type of service will continue to be rationed out only to the wealthy, while the denial of treatment is engaged by insurance companies to save a dollar, to pay the executives more. While the lives of people are forfeited, for this end. and the cycle of despair continue to deprive the people of a nation, the old and the sick, are kicked to the curb and left to fade away.

Insurance companies only want to cover people whom they think are less likely to need the services they pretend to offer,
all the while a nation becomes unhealthy and left in despair, and people have the audacity to fight having an option and conjuring up any level of ignorance, as if they can only think to support a insurance industry, that see them as nothing but easy prey. We should be thankful we have a government which has enough concern for its people to create options and create opportunity for the average person to get coverage, and to force the private companies to respect the citizens of this nations with reasonable coverage, that is better than being just a sham. people are so busy talking about what we can't afford, they have lost faith in the ability of the human being. all because they have been told, that we are despaired and worthless and can't progress.. and people have bought the whole line, as if they have submitted to become indentured servants to corporations that seek them as indentured minions.

America has seemingly become a nation that despise anything that helps its own people, and have violent anguish at the thought that our system may do anything which provides the least of help to American people.

It's sad, but the
same mindset is what kept this as a slave making nation for so many hunderds of years, It resented to do and give to help all its people, and that mindset is now today as dominant as it was a few 100 years ago, only now, it is not just against skin color, but against the status of people being poor, or the working poor, regardless of skin color.

It's almost no different than the way you groom a child, if you groom it with that kind of thoughts, then as it grows it will keep those kind of thoughts, and that is what American has and continue to show, is the bias that it was built upon, continue to reverberate in the systems and the core of its mentality, it just changed from being solely about color, to be where it includes the poor, the sick and the needy. All of whom are treated no differnt than 250 years ago the people who were in forced indenture and servititude. We need a mindset change as a nation and how our system operate and how our considerations are managed.

We are a nation that has simply become unaware, and led by the mob mentality, supported by lobbyist and big industry pushing delusion that keep itself propped up, by the mobs it can arouse to support it's continual ripping of a nation of people. And American become to be treated like a nation of sheep, lining up for the shaving on a regular scheduled cycle. This has been going on
, in a 10 year cycle and people can't and don't seem to connect the dots.

People cry about stimulus money, but none stop and think, about the bail out of the Saving and Loans, and all through history there have been bail out, even back in 1864-65, the bail out of slave holders, who demanded federal stimulus to free slaves, and some demanded the right to keep slaves, for their economic benefit as a stimulus to keep their industry going. yet.. we as a people whine when our Government makes efforts to shore up the economy and provide stimulus to create paying jobs for American people to work, and to rebuild our infrastructure of society and it's landscape.

Yes, those are certainly real feelings, and they are all across the nation.

We have outrageous cost, for Universities that boast of their multi Billion dollars in assets, yet, young people are strapped with outrageous cost to get an education, and put through a long drawn out process, to get a certification for work, while we have tech schools and other vocation specific training, that can prepare people in half the time, and provide them with more up to date training in doing so, which fits with real world applications.

Maybe as a nation we may need to come to understand more and not be manipulated through emotional mob rousing insufficient information, and then deterred from seeking out the clarity, by pundits, and radio talk people, getting paid to keep the people riled up and in a mob natured frenzy, telling us what is not good for the nations, while people continue to loose homes, and families made jobless and homeless. The vile nature of the rebel rousers, who publicly declare their aim and want to see a nation failed, simply because they don't like the leader or the color of the leaders skin. Playing Party affiliation games, with the lives of the American people as a whole.

We are running across the globe a the lone crusader, while other countries sit back, doing nothing, and waiting to flood the shores of America with cheap goods, and over saturated products of ever sort, destroying the whole concept of industry within our own shores. Result is leaving American people jobless, and we remain unaware to be aware.

Cities can't operate and can't keep basic service functioning, because they have played into the despair game, and now crying broke, but too afraid to figure out how to invest in itself to build itself back. While part of its citizens are so afraid someone may be assisted or helped, they'd rather see the city crumble, than to see the city provide any help to its own citizens to build back its own cities.

We have a mass of people who want to privatize everything, as if the American people are not unaware of the robbery and rip off that privatize has shown is not a good things for a nation to turn its operations over unto. We see the results of unregulated banks, and unregulated financial markets, and companies that sold away its production to enrich the executives, at the expense of a nation being made unemployed, and no place to even consider to seek employment. We certainly can't trust the organization which are ran by the government, to be in the hands of private industry, because it will simply rip and rob the people and hold the public hostage for jacked up prices and scaled down service. yet, those who see to gain from the masses at the expense of the progress of a people, would and do care less about the nation, but more about enriching themselves at the expense of the nations, they'd dismantle the government to fill their own pockets, and decimate the nations systems, if they can gain opulence by holding hostage a nation to do so.

Frustrated, Irritated and Anguished

Yes, those are certainly real feelings, and they are all across the nation.

yep.... I'm sure you too, have your frustrations..
whether you voice them or not...

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