Wednesday, June 02, 2010

not all men, and not all women are alike- they are.. "Individuals"

May 29, 2010 12:45 pm

I may discuss a lot of thing bout the human realities, but not all men, and not all women are alike, and not all women are users, and not all men are users.. individuals make those choices, as individuals, until they find the enlightenment to actually care of and about each other.

many women, have as many fears of men, and all people fear being used, or taken advantage of and /or made a fool of.
but when one encounters a situation that may have meet a user or what they feel is an abuser, that may be that persons defense mechanism, more than it is the person they want to be. Now there are people who care about nothing but self, but they are easily identified, and they generally will expose that in the most obvious way.

But, as to the psychology of people, there are many things individuals are battling with in their concepts of life and living, and dealing with relationships.

EZ, often says for example, if one goes to Thailand, take your time, and get to know the woman, before you fall head over heels, and the same thing goes for women, they must get to know the person before they fall heads over heels.
Likewise so, regardless of what country you live, take your time, if you are dealing with these internet romances, don't loose your head before you share face to face meeting, and don't try to make it more than it is, until it becomes to be what it is...

sex is what it is, but each person need to understand what they are doing when they engage it, if you are looking for fun, find someone who is looking for fun. if you know the other person is looking for love, and you are looking for fun only, then someone is going to get hurt in the exchange. People let their desires over-rule their integrity, and they either damage themselves and or others, or they make a bad situation from what could otherwise be a good situations.

many men and many women, can deal with honesty if people -make that their priority to be. but having covert motives, won't work..
don't pretend you just want fun, when you are really looking for a stable love building relationship, and don't claim you want love, when your eyes are plasters on benefits for selfish consumption...

be prepared to talk 'after sex", because much is often not said, before sex, but if you don't talk about it before, you certainly will deal with the realism of it after, so if it comes to that, then talk, but try to talk straight from the start, and you start it like you want it to be, and it works without people playing games.

some women are taught to equate a mans love by how much he spends, you can change that, by spending nothing, and showing that you care, if she does not accept it unless you spend money, then it may be best to let her go find someone who is willing to buy her openness to understanding to share care.

but no matter how many things we may know about what people do, and how people do things, we cannot claim, everyone is the same, nor is every gender the same in what they do, because if a person is alive, they are certainly and individual, and if they die, they will die as an individual. so they live as an individual..

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