Try your heart 
it may expose something wonderful in you.. we have tried devise of every sort, and we have tried manipulations with assorted tactical engagements. and each times, we find we have to unwind the strings from ourselves, which we bind ourselves within, trying to free ourselves from the binding we tried to entangle another..
If you put rules on another, you have also put them on yourself, if you put constrains on another, then you have also constrained yourself - and when two people part, they struggle trying to free themselves from that same binding they sought to bound another into.
We get angry, because the binding we sought to place, made us sacrifice our own self expression in a many varied ways. Then we think the other owes us something for the binding we placed on ourselves, in our attempts to bind and bound another. and realize that neither was free within the game of self binding and the bounding of each other.
Yet, we say, love is free, but we won't let it be- we start with a thread, and it quickly turns into a rope, and then we convert it into a chain, the minute that love is claim in mutual loving.. and wonder why suddenly the relations goes from one that people do things, to share enjoyments, and quickly become, a cycle of 'duty imposition upon each other".. until they are bound within the house looking at each other, anguished because they no longer feel free to be. then they resent sharing with each other, and hold contempt at the thought of each other having any joy, and any pleasure without a list of pre-requisits... and people wonder why their passion becomes entrapped in their emotional bubble of contempt.. and they fight like mad, each other.. yet they won't free themselves within themselves, back to learning how to simply share and appreciate the opportunity to share, and learn to go out and do things, which they can enjoy the opportunity of sharing.
When your relationship get in these doldrums, go do something together, don't sit and wait on the other to plan and suggest it, you plan and suggest things you can share, and the other will eventually do the same, and you each learn to be free in sharing with each other, the things you see and have interest to share in what is loving. Stop measuring it based on who pays, or who make the first move to plan something... that's childish and self defeating.. stop assuming, which person has to pay this or that, so you can feel comfortable to share, you have to ask yourself, are you sharing or selling, the experiences of sharing.
yes, there's much to learn in loving, and that much is within self... which is the parts one learns beyond where selfishness encircles the self... if you can't surmount that, then you encase your own love in a cage and chain it to the floor, and become anguished - but afraid to look at what you, yourself have done in caging your love and the opportunity to share it.
Growing and learning is a wonderful thing, when we accept that we've not learned everything, and that we will never grow more than enough..

Try your heart, it may just free your soul -- to share its love. |
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