I just wrote a long thing on another blog, I have been posting on, about the corporate greed, and the system of Republican and Democracy..
but what people don't talk about is what are the principles of the two.
Republic are for corporations and unchecked market, and they want the government only when they need it to benefit corporations. the Republicans want to claim - corporations will take care of the people, but they are even blind to the current model, and how the corporation take care of themselves, at the expense of the people- they seek the greatest gain for the least expense to provide unto the people
Democrats are for the people, and then they consider the corporations, and if the people are taken care of then they will take care of the corporations.
some won't like the truth, but America was set up as a DEMOCRATIC NATION, WHERE PEOPLE HELP PEOPLE, It was, TAKEN over by corporation when the country engaged slavery.. which meant, business was the basis, at the usury of people,
1492- 1776 - 284 years - a nation undergoes steps of crafting
1619 - 1789 170 (11 more years of uncheck slavery) - 181 Slavery
1789 - 1865 - 76 indentured bondage
1865 - 1964 - 99 processed servitude
1964 - 2008 "44" The fight of right to stand
now the stand of people are taking America back.. for the sake of the people.. and the drive is for the re-emergence of the small business person. corporation won't go away but we will see a big change..
many are fighting it, because the Rich, don't want the poor to rise, and the poor is made up of, White, Black, Asian, Latin and others.
the recent way people banded together to show their disdain for the machine of the Republican agenda, is very evident, in the landslide victory, to insure that Republican did not get office.
The system of people usury has reached a point the public is tired of it,
In this country, you only see the Right wing fighting trying to hold on to a system that has abused people over and over, and every 10-15 years they "crash the economy"and take back any gains the people think they have made.. it's like a cycle of madness. and people don't connected the dots to see the truth, and each cycle they crash, the pool of poor grows..
It's the Republican Stats that have the lowest wage structure, they have the greatest abuses of people, and they have the most archaic system of statues.. which are oppressive of people's liberty, with a claim of being conservative.. but people are unaware to pay attention to what they are trying to conserve.. and that is the way of life, that feeds corporations,

Another point people don't see. is. MLK fought for Civil Right, which meant the acknowledgment of people as people. which led to all people having a vote..
The current Democratic Lead, which is not just the President, but the whole of the Cabinet, is now fighting, saying, lets have Equality of Equilibrium of Equity for All..
that agenda that came from the generation of Slavery mentality leaders of States that embrace the usury of people can't stand it, they put up the same fight, the exact same fight , they put up, when people fought fore Civil Rights.. they now put their fight against, Equal Right of Equity.
That system is evil... and it is the source of the ills of this nation..
but because people don't care to think, they don't become to investigate, we live in a society that now people are catch phrase driven, they have nothing to say, beyond the utterance of a catch phrase to sound clever..
another thing is, One would not take their money and give it to a drunk and ask them to manage it, but they ignore the fact that many of the brokers, were coke head, womanizers, and playboy types and party animals.. because they has ripped so much money, people did not pay attention.. all they could see was the fancy of their clothes and the fancy places they spend the money they ripped off from the people with their malicious dealings.. and people hail them.. because this country and the world became a sucker for a suit.. and a title..

now people can't even choose a mate.. for trying to hold out for a bigger pay master to gain their payday.. this site as many others are full of women.. who are out looking for money and means, they care nothing about the man.. they car about getting their vanity fed and having access to someones money, and they will drop down on their back in a flash when they see it,.. or play the hard to get, trying to get the bargain re-adjusted.. they jump on here talking about marry them before they even know you name, thinking it will gain them a payday..
and many of the pretty faced ones, they got nothing but a bargain on their lips.. and sarcasm to try and force a deal.. other than that, they are the most anti-social gender walking this earth.. it's truly pathetic.. and that is the source of the social poverty, that has left love improvised... and they can't see it and will attack you if you point it out.. because they don't want to see it, they only want money. it is their God.. and they give their souls over unto the chase of it.. and that feeds the machinery of greed in all areas of life.
women who are good at heart are distressed, those are the women that want love and respect it, they are many out in the masses, but until they speak up about the women, who destroy their options of real love - they will find their imagery tarnished by the women who's god is money..
It' truly sad, because the good women, get buried in the mess of it all, because there are so many who are money driven that it has created a climate of untrustworthiness about women.. to a degree higher than civilization has ever known in the history of people.
Even the ages of Pharaohs and harems - women were still with a love for the man as a respected figure as a man.. but today, so many simply see money ..
and man then in turns becomes a glutton for it, trying to gain favor of such women.
what society does not see is that woman is capable of love in a variety of modes, that is why history is replete with multiple wives marriages long before many become a greed master.. every ancient country on the face of this earth had that system.. and the women during those ages, had even more liberties in the home than the single wife in todays image driven society. society could learn a great deal from the Mormons who practice multiple mate relationships as well as some of the more tribal regions about the world, the women become a power in the community, but they are not a boisterous power, they are a more collective power in their ways of living. but what they have is a tighter family unit, and they have a more unified sisterhood among their women, and that makes for a aura of peacefulness in their community, they become less vain, and less about money, but more about family.. but to some that is a challenging thought, because they don't want to think to understand the depth of it.. and it frightens many because they think more in terms of power, more than unity of man and women and the family of mankind. single mate relationship can be as good - but only among those who want it, and respect it, but the masses have multiple mates, they just lie about it, rather than live it in the open..so that mates are not put upon with lies and deceptions, when many times the mate already knows about the other.. but has to pretend not to..
and again it becomes money, rather than understanding.. that make it function.. where understanding could bring peace in the hearts of people, more than money brings appeasements of things and material matter.. "now that is a value challenging concept to many".. but will people trace back history to find the truth... which is highly doubtful.
there is a reason, why life produces more females than males.. and it relates directly to how ancient civilization functioned, to regard it..
Multiple mates has been listed through every religious text ever recorded in the life of man.. people instinctively know it, but the system design of life in the age of money.. makes people deny what they instinctively know.. as a result we have much of madness - of people seeking ways to make the connection, by every diversion they can, women in masses have a covert bi sexuality.. in numbers greater than truth wants to acknowledge.. but they want the sister hood, which is no less the ways of life before man contorted it, with the stature and system of money..
there is a reason for the so called New Age, where the doctrines of religion was changed.. and money became the master of man..
for truth in and of religion.. can bear any question .. but the new age religion does not want to be brought to question, because - some of it can't bear the truth..nor can it's claim of truth bear questions.
If people go back to historical Taoism-- as well as other religions that acknowledge the truths of mankind as physical beings.. then man understand and learns what is the needs of people and their physical realms..
go back to the times before the transition in every culture.. and you find.. multiple mates as part of the mainstay of their civil lives..
go study any group that has multiple mates, they women don't hoard in such ways, nor are they obsessively compulsive.. they have a collective of sharing within what makes family.. and they need less of what money claims.. but they embrace more of what love proclaims..
Mankind cannot find peace- because it tries to live a lie... and void out what nature has designed... and the ignorance of even seeing the principles of what nature has designed.. is the chaos builder of life itself.
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