The principles this country built its constitution are great, and they are grand, it is the generations that came forth after the declaration of this countries Independence, is when this country took its turn into malice of motive and actions. Now, people don't like it when that fact is denoted that such turn from the principle was also a wrong turn made by white men.. because they were the ones who lost not only regard for the native of this nation who helped him survive when he could not endure the winters, and in turn, time found him to slaughter the very same natives, and over take their land, and to avoid himself working he imported by force people from another land, and engaged centuries of brutality upon a people, and went about the globe, claiming and proclaiming himself superior.. For ages upon ages.. and now life has brought the truth of things to light, and what do we see, the outgrowth of such acts have brought not just this country to demise, but the global community into default, by the same greed principle.
Now that does not mean all white people are that way, but it does not remove the fact that this was created by white people, who sat in the seats of power. The Wealth sector of this society has a twisted sense of reality. Money is their God - by any means necessary.. And the sad part of that, is the average white person, who chooses to want good, who choose to want to be just a people, and who has concern for equality.. Have stood to become so and more shall stand and find and want need to become so. Many are simply groomed into a system that has a flawed logic, and they uphold it, not much different than the people who embraced Jim Crow doctrine, until time, brought those whom are good of heart, to learn and make change, yet, others fight still today, hoping for a return to yesterday, which shall never again be, nor become our ways of life. When the realism of it, has show it only produces continuance of the thing they too find themselves being the causality of. “At such point not only does change come, but the melding of people is brought together by and through purpose”.. And that purpose is the Equality and Equilibrium of Equity of People as Equals. The young people of today, many whom are of all colors and all races, see this paradigm needs a shift, and they are making it.. That is the change we see today.. the greed went so far, it not only was as it was once just based upon using people of color, it morphed itself by the design of the system which has been led by rich whites, to be come a system now, that seeks to enslave the poor, not by only color, but by the fact of being poor, and that includes poor white people as well. In this age.. Now, poor people whom are all colors, want no more of the system in the ways it has been groomed, and they take their action and use their voice for change, as a collective of people.. And no more in the world nor the future of the world will the “Rich White Agenda" dominate the landscape.. It is being changed by black and white people alike, who have found no favor to continue to give un-questioned authority nor unquestioned liberty unto the wealth, No More shall they have the power, to over take the people and cause them damage and harm and insult their humaneness and impact the lives - which is all of us, to cause further demise and greater harm..
It's not any different than how the many white changed in the wake of the Civil Rights act.. it was a hard change for some and a welcome change for many, and some even still refuse change, and that is now at a point, people again see the wrong of the system they supported, which did not and does not honor the constitution of this land.. And they speak now.. In honor of preserve of the Constitution and the uniting of people.. The Masses now – shall move even more swiftly- to embrace and make change.. To bring an age of the Equality and Equilibrium of Equity of People as Equals.
and some find it hard to break from an agenda which was against the system helping poor and minorities, they scream and swear when the system helped people of this nation who are minority, and now they scream when the system of this nation helps people who are simply poor, which include whites. And it is this point that brings unity, because of the commonality of awareness and the reality of condition that makes people see more clearly the wrong direction of the system.
It's why the Republican Party imploded, and the conservative agenda is not the American Agenda, it shall not stand, to conserve, the ways of such vile manner, and nor shall it embrace the continuance of a philosophy that aspires to such agenda, going by the banner of “to conserve the ways of usage of a people”. It shall stand no more.. And that was made evident -by a grand landslide victory, people said.. NO MORE.. And the need and want of change.. Has brought change.
What it revealed, is people like Limbaugh would rather see it fail than change and become fair.. Equal and of equity to all mankind as equals.. Not different than the same mindset came from white men of such mindset when Civil Right Laws were passed..
It's the same mindset that let Plantations of the Old South fold over, rather than share the gains with equal and equity of portion..
For the ages the same concepts of the Rich White man who sought to use other, as enslaved people for his own gain.. Time after time, has found and brought demise, to many things, from job loss to now the country crashed, to avoid being equal and being of equality in the equity of man.. And his time has come to its end.. And he finds that a bitter pill to swallow. but what he has not yet awakened to see is.. it will be his own like in kind of color brethren, who will topple him from his towers like falling dominoes, and it will be done and lead by the much of the white masses, who now have come to understand, the inequity of the system the rich has made which is vile, and defiles the very constitution this country was founded upon.. And so will other join in and a mass of people of all races, creeds and colors, shall proclaim No more.. And move to turn this nation into a sharing nation.. It's happening every day.. Within the coming months, we shall see toppled CEO's from their perch, and the Wall Street power brokers shall be brought to call for mercy, and beg to be of service seeking atonement.. As the drive of civility and for civility shall call for amends of every sort.. The society which proclaims it is the elite and they are the guard to preserve the ways of America.. Shall be uncovered and they shall be over come by those who will stand to preserve the nature of the Constitution, and call this great nation to honor the full of its own constitution. And that shall be by the uniting of people of all colors, races and creeds, and the masses who have been made poor not just in material equity, but in the spirit, by the imposition caused by the wealthy upon the masses.. And the wealthy will fight by many means but they shall not prevail.. And A New Age of A Great Nation will be ushered in.. And That is the Greatness of What is and Will be America in the time of it Rise to Mature to be what it was designed by the original crafter of the constitution envisioned.. And the barrier and the barring of color shall not become a matter nor factor, and then All men shall be treated with equilibrium of equity.. As Americans.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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