Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Blood Money - "Economic Treason"

Main Entry:

1 : the betrayal of a trust : treachery

Economic Treason

What Kind of Country Destroys the Job Market for Its Own Citizens?


wrote about it in 2005


so here we are in 2009 - feeling the full impacts of what we ignored by countless people who have addressed this matter for more than two decades.. and the public has been lulled into complacency and result to be simply unaware - Now claiming they were "bum rushed", and blindsided, when the visibility of the truth has been continually right in their face -

if only the eyes of people had been open.



Now if you think you don't have anything to worry about, you are either not paying attention, or you simply don't care.


Jan. 9 after the Bureau of Labor Statistics announced the U.S. economy lost 524,000 jobs in December


2.6 million for 2008

Fact is, it's ridiculous to compare job losses in 2008 to ones more than 60 years earlier, when the U.S. population and economy were much smaller.


Economic Treason: A Conspiracy from Within

Introduction-The Economic War

In the aftermath of 9/11, the greatest threat to our way of life is not a direct military or terroristic threat. It is an adversary that has managed to manipulate economics, and influence large, multinational corporations. Surviving in a Global Economy is not as easy as it looks, even for the last Super Power, or so it seems. Are we really a large, unwitting victim that has been duped into these grossly one-sided trade arrangements? Or have we simply not been good stewards of the US economy. While predatory trade & economic tactics, and economic espionage have existed for centuries; the overwhelming evidence suggests that the US did not take the necessary actions to prevent the economic crisis that devastated entire business sectors. Nothing is in place to protect our economy from external predatory economic tactics and trade warfare. Why was there no real attempt to assert trade measures when huge trade deficits have been racked up year after year with no end in sight? Who is profiting while literally millions of Americans struggle for financial survival? Either we do not have the political will to protect our economic independence, or the influence of international business interests at both state and federal government levels has rendered our economy completely vulnerable.

In addition, emerging economies like China and Saudi Arabia each accumulating hundreds of billions US Dollars in cash reserves, and governments that are straining to keep up with their rapidly growing capitalist economies. The harshest reality that we have to come to terms with is that we have to change our rules of engagement when it comes to global markets and economics, and the corporate push for globalization. As a nation with the most powerful military on the planet, our most exposed target and greatest vulnerability as a nation, is our economy. Consequently, a sophisticated enemy will never expose themselves to our military might. Instead, they will most likely strike at our economy by using our own open markets against us, while ensuring our full cooperation and support.
Posted by AB Hooks on Friday, September 29, 2006 8:17:32 PM


There has been countless writing about it, but we remain an un concern people, we sit back and claim our hope to be in the hands of Wall Street and corporate Entities - and they have robbed us blind, and sold off the nation, and leveraged the equity even in our homes, until now our homes are made worthless.. and yet, the build of the people of the nation remain unaware and so busy talking about fun and sports and fun and vacation, and fun and trying to emulate television characters.. until we have become the modern day Rome, spiraling downwards, and the people remain unaware. claiming bored by the conversation and filled with sarcasm when it's discussed.

we sat back as our congress gave away 350 billion dollars, to the same criminal who crashed this nation, it gave the money left them in place, and asked for no accountability- as if the mass robbery was sanction by the public through their ignorance and silence.. sitting back and all they can think about is the drama of it all.- as if it's just another Television show. Most of the general population does not even have a commentary second thought about it, yet their lives have been leveraged, the equity in their homes sold out for the greed of a few, and yet, they bleed a nation with high interest expectations, when the Federal government not only reduced their rate nearly 20 times, it then turned around and gave them 350 bill.. and now they still cry they can't support the lending within the nation.

Now an awaked America might want to ask were is all the money, but as we are a public lulled to sleep and some in a drug and drink stupor, and the rest so busy chasing external imagery of self vanity- hoping to lure each other into the delusion of a Shakespearean drama sequence, which they claim is love, but only as long as it shows obsessive compulsion of patronization.

The thieves plot and plan and seek more, they created everything shiny and cheap,

and left the products of a once great product producing nation,

to be

"now" the most denied products on the planet..

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( todays news)

Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said on Tuesday that fiscal stimulus alone would not be enough to promote a lasting U.S. economic recovery, and further steps to backstop banks may be needed.

"Fiscal actions are unlikely to promote a lasting recovery unless they are accompanied by strong measures to further stabilize and strengthen the financial system," Bernanke said at the London School of Economics.

In his first policy speech since early December, Bernanke said that while an expected U.S. fiscal stimulus package could provide a "significant boost" to the economy, the government may need to inject more capital into banks.

blog post photo the common theme of these thieves is "got those suckers again -- with the same trick"

now - ask yourself, just how could he not have asked for accountablity THE FIRST TIME he gave them 30 mountain of money, and now he is setting up to claim they need more... " they have simply created a new and improved method of "pick-pocket", they now pick the pockets of babies before they are born..." that's all it truly amounts to.


Wil Americans Awaken, or Remain in the self demise of our own ignorance- whole we chase vanity, at the expense of our nation and it's future.

Why are we accepting this as if we are blind -deaf and plain and simple unaware.

A Nation wide recall with a special election to get new people in our congress.. and we need a quick 90 process to get it done, we have all the electronic technology to get it done. but it will never happen - many people have not a second thought about it, and the half of America which blinded itself to the truth, trying to live off the glory concept of post World War II-- delusion that American was bullet proof.. have found out.. Our nation looks like Swiss cheese,with even larger holes appearing right before our eyes..

an many can think no farther than the refrigerator, looking for another beer, or to roll another join, or suck on a crack or methyl pipe and walk around looking like zombie - waiting to hit each other in the head, for a high that sucks the life out of them, while they chase it down like it's their god..

men and women can't talk, because society has told and pushed the image of seeking and measuring each other by money, or who can wear the most logo's - and the buffoons parade continues.. of a mass of people who lost the constitution of integrity of person and stature of community in what made us a Nation of Progress.

Pot holes damaging that shiny car, and the next one seeking if they can buy a vehicle twice as big as their neighbors..

all the while...



Happens at the corporate levels and above..

Bringing fast the demise of a Nation

Sadly most of the people who share in these commentary sections of the paper, will write all day to talk about the drama and sling racist innuendo left and right, but they have absolutely nothing to say about a crumbling nation, and many are in denial of what is visibly evident. Where many don't know if they will work next week, or how many will be in the next round of layoff, or what will be contracted out and shipped off shore. and some of the ones who feel they got it made, have not thought about the fact their children and grand children will suffer for their neglect, with and/or without a college degree - the sad reality is, we can hail our degrees which fill our medical fields and other technical fields, because they bring at least advances - but the problem only arises when corporations see people as an expendable sales pool, they can bleed for another penny. they won't even provide quality care, because too many doctors, soon as they get known for doing good work, become to forget about the oath, they are then more concerned about power, and how many people suck up to them, rather than to be a beacon to engage new talent and new ideas, they fight the new talent, and if the new talent does not play 'patronizing games", they are blacklisted and ignored. Pharmacy companies do to the public the same thing the Fuel oil companies do to the public, for years the oil companies fought development of energy efficient and other types of vehicle- the pharmacy companies, have turned medical treatment into "treatment income models"- they don't care about healing anymore,- they care about putting people on treatment plans, which guarantee ongoing profit- instead of supporting medical process and techniques which actually help people. Many of the drugs now have more side effect than they have focus on the cure- and we are left with no choice, but to try and anesticize one pain, at the risk of developing something which may be worst and cause other organ problems later, so it become a massive cycle of trade off- 'ease the pain now'- and wait for the onset of of the side effects to become full blow effects. It's pure insanity.. With all the claims of medical advancements we have more people with escalating illnesses which some have never been heard of before. but they are multiplying like crazy..

Food is such a mess, you eat things now, and they immediately either bloat the stomach, or fill up the body with undigested residuals. we might want to ask ourselves a question - if they inject the calf to become a full grown cow in record time, does that chemical stop accelerating body mass and break down, once eaten by us the consuming public. No one cares as long as we can put salt on it, and they inject it with their chemical in the stores, to make it appear to stay red..

an the result is.. we have a nation that has a multitude of health problems, and mental issues that seem to arise out of the longevity of our processes. but since we have not other place to go but here on earth.. It may be simply to our benefit to pay attention, and be very careful about the politicians we send to our congressional halls.

'We are now a 24/7 TV nation- lulled with the 15 second sound bites- yo-yo'ing the emotions

until people simply don't care

so ... We watch another commercial of fake people paid to smile to sell another product and we rush out trying to re-create the delusion judging and attacking each other - for not playing the script as the commercial showed it.

But the downfall of this country was done by people with their claimed financial degrees, we call Corporate heads, we see what that got us - a crashed and looted economy- while playing games of politically correct ' which mean lie while our mouth is moving, and avoid speaking honest about anything, and by goodness never say anything that implies you might have to be responsible for anything. - 500 years of value gone, by educated thieves hiding behind a piece of paper, and we are still not aware to stop worship a suit and title, and demand accountability. Education in these fields of finance and corporate management, robbed this country and sucked in the rest of the global people through their greed, to rid the gravy train, never aware the value they stole belonged to the public, and the individual working people and the people who invest and the people who save.

Blood Money

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The New American Concept at the expense of it's own children's Future

people are not just like the reality shows, they thrive on who shot whom, or what drunk idiot did something to another person, and who did something crazy on the street level, they are oblivious to the reality that breed the ignorance and mayhem - all they want is another drama show made about the foolishness of people as a nation crumbles at its core.. and unaware - the history or Rome failure is nothing but a depiction of the carbon copy we are creating of it.. Every thing which took down Rome is the exact thing that is taking this country down

History Repeating itself,

only with a different name to the Nations as the cycle is played out to emulate the past.

Yet , we are living in the age of Information - and we heed nothing.

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