Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Let us Choose - Progress, through Employing People

Surely we are of many who face this daunting task. The amazing pool of resources within individuals, who simply care to work, who care to be a contributor into the spectrum of life. Embrace opportunity and make available opportunity unto those seeking opportunity.

Skills and Abilities, are not always based on the measure of degree's, but on the drive and determination and the will to engage life as a continual experience of learning, growing and developing. The nature of self, which seeks visions to engage, of ways to make efforts fruitful.

Many ideas, which hold the great potential to be of help and service unto many, the want to see the building, and rebuilding of our city, its commerce, and more so, the high level of spirit within the people, to aspire, to reach and to achieve.

Task fit many models, expertise is not only expansive but compound, and fits many parallels. which all sum to the full effort to do a job and do it well.

What matters ? and what will be the matter - is it not always, the simplicity of opportunity. blog post photo

How much is learned, and how much is gained, over the long span of work performances, how much has found the ways to multiple duties and multiple responsibilities, is truly the level of expertise developed within the works of many. To care about progress, and pursue an ever expanding learning of the business and the business of life, within the life of a business.

The hats worn are many within the understanding of the duties which brought forth task; many of which crossed many boundaries of category function.

We live in a world sometimes of ego, that impede the nature of progress- we sometimes find people feeling challenged to the point to deny others opportunity, instead of embracing challenge which expands the knowledge base of all, and elevate the processes within business to aspire to perform, with a higher level of development.
There are no fixed frames in business, because business services life- and life if forever changing, thus- truth and reality, always supports the fact that growth- is the constant- we must all embrace. if we are to be like bridges in the development of progress. Surely we want not to be barriers that post "dead end" signs.

People and Ideas made all we know to exist in the material functions of our world, Ideas propelled the changes that brought American to grow as no other nation, over the course of many years. yet.. today... our society seem frightened of change, and we stagnate with the loss of hope, and it results in us choosing to see defeat, and despair- rather than to build new pathway, mend the bridges and fix the pot holes in the spectrum of our world, it's business and it's system we modify, we change and we grow and develop. If we take on such a task, not only do we rebuild, but we build anew, many things which take us into the future- down pathway we may never have dreamed.

But... the question is.. who chooses the embrace, and grasp the dare to be and do so ?

New models must be created to build new ways of commerce, to build new business owners, to build and expand the marketing methods and means. In doing so we enjoin and find ways- to create with the spirit that America speaks of, as being the greatest and the most progressive society to grace the earth.
Let us re-gain that sense of hope- let us relearn to embrace ideas.. and let us learn to think in broad terms, and not defeatist smallness.
for the pace of steps are always with the power of hope and the strength of determination. and we ... build what is the America of Tomorrow..

Employment Woe's.... we must see our society in terms of its reality - America is not and will not be a country of all degree holding people, even in the claim of our advanced state of being- our population is maybe at 30% who have pursued college degrees, but what we have is 70%- who have engaged labors to build what is America. Not everyone will work behind a desk, or carry a label of title, nor should we be a society that deny opportunity and diminish the creativity within people - by the pursuit of a script, as if all people will be executive capacity.

un-real is such a pursuit, because its hands that make the world function, and those hands do a great many task, and those hands are what led to this being a great nations that reached unimaginable goals as a world leader.

Our system has become one of too much denial.. and too much pageantry of process- until it has dampened the ingenuity within a nation.

What of What ... have we learned if we have not learned - the world functions always to service the people. But we must be a world that embraces its people- the hidden keys to our success lies within the confines of the men and women, who make up society.

There are professions, but there are limits to the capacity position for such title, yet, the masses still exist and still need the reality of work.

Leadership is not a element taught, it is the nature within individuals. Business and industry, must not negate the quality of people, nor should it be without a concern to afford opportunity.
We must not claim "over-qualified" as a reason for denial- but see it as the ability of one to be a contributor. We may learn greatly in the coming years, many things, which may usher in a change in the Human Relations of Employment Models - to learn it is within people, the ability to perform. Yet always it is the reality of acknowledgment which propels the benefits of individual effort ,to reach its high points.

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"Making Changes".. we improve our lives

MAKING CHANGES - Starts with the simple thoughts to do so. if its people who are negative and show no connectivity unto "hope", have a dis interest in innovation, and seem to delight in smashing ideas. -then it is certainly time to change from such circles, but before doing so, try to show such ones the beauty of hope within themselves, if by no other means, than a simple compliment of a quality within them, they may have dis acknowledge, or feel no one recogonizes.

If another has a put down comment about how another invest themselves in learning, If another has a put down comment about one seeking to speak correctly, and if another has negative comments because one choose a career path over a party mentality. then is it time to change, and find like minded people - it may even benefit to ask such ones, of their desires, and their aims. yet, bid them well, if their goals still show no harmony.

If you excel in education, and challenge the self to be the best in your pursuits, be it classroom or work, and other always have something negative to say. - Then its time to make a change, and extract such ones from your daily lives. If before such extraction, it may benefit both, to simply ask, what are the aspirations of such ones hold for themselves.

If you like to explore dreams, and design ideas, and utilize creativity, and others, put you down for it,- then it is time to make a change, and find people who have visionary ideas, who embrace the pursuit of creative learning and growing within embracing the challenging fields of expertise, to learn more and prepare to do more. Then find people who also aspire to find ways to contribute to life.
If before such extraction, it may benefit both, to simply ask, what are the aspirations of such ones hold for themselves.

Are you the type who will pick up a piece of trash paper from a neighbors yards, or remove the trash from the curbside in front of your home, then you not only serve yourself well, you make good , the efforts to support home and community.

Are you the type of person, the children in the community, enjoy and glow with delight to speak to you, and hear you call their name in your greet of them- Then you have made a good impression with the youth, and may well offer them positive feedback, to enhance their sense of self and their connection as being an acknowledged person in the community.

If you see the young people doing mischief, do you close your doors and try to ignore it, or will you address it to their parents when you see them. if you can't, then would that indicate that maybe you may seek to build a better relationships with your neighbors, to foster goodwill and community spirit.

What changes do you care to see? What changes will you make effort to engage? May well give you more understanding within your sphere of associates as well as your community.


in years to come how do you want to remember your community, how do you want to remember your neighborhood? Do you think back to happier times ? do you think back to times when people spoke to one another ? do you think back to time, people smiled and waved to one another ?
Then ask simply, why is it not so Today in the communities of America ?

What change do you see- could it be simply, the change to not wait for others to speak, but to speak unto others, could it be, the simple effort you give - to smile, you can never know that it may pass unto another and inspire likewise in many throughout the day, as they share it with another, one by one by one by one...

Would it truly hurt to say "good morning" ? Would it truly take anything from you, to ask smile a greeting to people you pass during the days of your life ?
Would it diminish your life that much, to enage others in conversation when you are out shopping or just viewing the sights of the city.
Would it cause you any loss, to simply "wish another a happy day"..

In the morning when you awaken, do you greet family members, or do you just pass each other, as if you take it for granted that both of you are alive today, only by the grace of Gods will.

Would it truly be such a disaster to ask your mate how their day is ?

When you think love is gone and the relationships has stagnated - have you considered to express kindness and find the small things to express appreciation about. When you met, you found it easy, why have you let it become so hard to do ?

Have you told the mate, your kids or your family members lately, how beautiful you find them to be, have you even looked for something to appreciate about them.

When you call and talk to your family member of your troubles, or tell your mate, or your friend, would it really hurt you, to tell them "thank you", and express how much you appreciate them for simply listening to you, and let them know how much you feel blessed, to have someone who simply cared to listen.

Would you give a stranger, that extra penny in the store, when they come up short? if so, and if yes, then would you be as kind to a family member without beating them over the head about it ?

Imagine... the small things we can change in the course of a day, that not only change and make our lives better, we have no ideas how much if can mean to those we live with, those we pass in the course of a day, those we work with, and even those we may never see again in the course of our lives.

Do we make life hard, by the anguish we carry, and the apathey we convey ? do we live with the sense of hope we are taught on Sunday Morning all across this nation, do we seek the good will, the teaching ask of us, in every word that is taught, when learning of the words put forth in the bible teaching we engage. do we have even the faith of the mustard seed, which is determined to grow.
Can we be like that rose- which endures the winters, and stand within the heat, it delights in the rain, and embraces the breezes, and flexes with the blowing wind, simply, to show and share the beauty it is, and it ask of us nothing, but to simply appreciate the nature of its existance.

have no contempt at your co workers efforts to do a job well, have no envy about your co workers who want to achieve more and do more, have no contempt at the co worker or team mate, who wants to take on new challenges, and find new ways to grow. don't fight them with anguish, arrogance, envy and purposeful distance as if to make them feel un cared for. Engage them, and seek to learn and share learning, engage them and seek to understand their goals, and their objectives. Understand, they are no less than you are - and they are simply an individual, who is seeking to reach higher.

Knock no one down to life yourself up, stand on no ones back as if to hold them down, so you can reach higher, but know, that the efforts of two or more, can achieve much great the results within the goals we engage.

When you wish others to do well, you affirm within yourself, the same for yourself- but when you wish ill for another, you create a circle of ill for yourself.

Words are many things, and each word evokes thoughts within others, be of patience to simply understand, before you make a judgments, and you may learn the meansing of words unto others, and expand the understanding unto yourself of what Words mean.

Speak no thing, which will linger in the minds of another, and diminish their spirit, if you criticize, offer a solution, offer and alternative, and offer up what of understanding you can, If you have chosen the act of criticize, then you should also choose the act to enlighten, share understanding, and convey the perspective, so that two may grow with a unity of understandings effort.. If you have not the patience for it, then, let what is silence be the choice you engage.

Shall we ... as complex as we are as people, learn to live with the simplicity of a blooming rose.

Making Changes..... We may then find the real beauty in the time, we are given simply to live and share in the world.

Who ?

who understand their own passions outside of the governance of society's claimed standards ?

We see so often judgments of every sort about the passions of individuals, yet, relationships fall apart from passions frustrations, and people compress and repress and suppress themelves in denial of their own passions, and some measure their lives by the nature of denials they adhere unto.
but what is the truth of the individual, and what is the depth within the individuals? some hide in private spaces of self indulgence, and some find absorption in gadgetry and some seek to claim they have a life void of such passion.

Yet, at the moment of a glance the minds of many think many things, and yet words will deny what the mind has thought.
We have a global sphere of community, that spend countless billions of sensual things, we have attire designed and sold for the claim to project the height of sensual attractions, and yet we as people claim denial of its importance in not just relations but in the fulfillment of self.

It shall never make the whole of relationships, but denied it shall not allow a relationship to meet the measure of its own wholeness.
For it's bartered, and bargain, bought and sold, and yet, it lacks to find its fullness of passions truths, when it engages with the lack of patience, to travel its course. But many rush as a sprinter seeking a ribbon at the end of the dash, timed by a clock, and some engage the marathon, and find, still. an unfinished course..
but have we yet to learn it is far less than an objective means, but a process which gives means within objectives, if we aim to simply appreciate.

It serves no purpose as a hash mark on a counting scale, nor does it provide a trophy of any sort, but it has all the ability to blend two into the harmony of each other.. and never is it beyond, the functions that shares what passions can engage.

It connects with the inner depths of person, and the depth of individuals find a unity that creates a shared passion, which has all the potential, to enhance even the many feeling one lives within their imaginations, but truly can be a part of their reality.

Who ???

is the ones who will find the joys of loving, and what is the realities of making love, which love makes, in making loving something shared within the understanding of individuals, who choose to engage.. the sharing of their passions.


dares to do so, with the truth of themselves forefront

Young BLACK MEN - AND BLACK WOMEN" ( Facing what no one wants to talk about)

Much Thanks goes out to the Young Black people who seek and get an education, the young black people who build business, and create opportunities. Much Thanks for the young black people, who work hard to build their character and respect their integrity, and know their true value of self is within. Much Thanks to the young black people who spend their time, thinking of ways to contribute to society, and to build a positive future, These are the masses of black people who push ahead to give their efforts to making a better world for everyone.

Let us.. keep the positive efforts filled with our spirit of progress and unity in the world, and the betterment of mankinds sense of community - and is it certainly with great regard, to say "thank you", for the respect you give to our culture and the many hardships of a people over many centuries, You are the beacon which light the pathways to respect mankind, and give honor to the lives God Gave us.



This is written for the smaller segment of black people such as :
Those involved in crime, violence, and other self destructive things.
( Facing what no one wants to talk about)

A area of subjects, that needs much discussion and great change

( Some people may not like this, but it is certainly worthy of discussion by those who actually care about how our society evolves )

This is written for :
For that segment, which is smaller than the media would like to make us belive, but that negative segment of society, which creates the mayhem, madness and community destroying demeanor, and have no regard beyond their self consumption, to the degree they become a negative impact on community, they turn the communities into unkept ghetto like enviornments, and spill blood like they ahve lost their regard for the humanity of life.

It is time, for change.. The integrity you seek is within you, the characterr you try to create with sagging clothing, and giant logos and flaming red hair, and bodies covered with tattoo's,... is within you. Your external costumes and embellishments will never give you what God has already instilled within you.. all the external garb does is blind you to the truth of self that is natural within you, if you make the efforts to discover it, embrace it , cultivate it and put it forth with efforts, to be a contributor, more than being a consumer. and you can and will achieve great things.
Stop living an external delusion, being caught by every fad, and then getting stuck in it to the point you can't even consider to see to change.

Walking around with your butt hanging out, with saggin pants, and the brightest colors and biggest logo's does nothing but make you a target to avoid, and someone to not engage. It does not attract anything to you, except false bravado, then you turn and kill each other over, the bravado talk. and still what the result is.. You have nothing, and you have contributed nothing to the community, no respect to the elders, and you mislead the young".. Ultimately, you become a "community destroyer". all in pursuit of self glory.

All these street lingo names, which some of them, insult the very name your parents gave you, it insults the very labors that generations have endured so that you can have opportunity. And far too many, lay in the dark trenches of the neighborhoods, with a pistol in hand, and gangster ways, that continually insult your own community, all for the claim of being a bad ass, and there is only one place in society for "bad asses", and that is behind prison wall, and then many of those bad asses, become whimpering minions, counted daily like sheep.. who function like a giant clone making machine, has destroyed your ability to think progressively, to communicate effectively, and your dreams fall apart like a crumbled up piece of dried bread. and you languish behind prisons wall, doing absolutely nothing to help or promote society.

Why do you turn the kids who look up to you, into future gangsters, and thugs, why do you insult the parents and grand parents who have lived hard lives with hopes you get an education and learn something, rather than you insulting every work they have done, and turn yourself into a street hoodlum, on a fast track to a prison cell or into the dire ignorance of being a killer of other men. This is no kind of concept of legacy for the same males, who should be building a solid standard as progress and learned people, as symbols to the youth in the community.

Black women, (those who do this stuff).. You don't need to be the loudest talker, nor the most contentious, nor the one with the brightest hair color, and one who talks exaggerated bravado.
What happen to women, who can have patience in their heart and temperament in their speaking. Men don't want nor needs a crap talker, not someone who has bravado filled contest to every word. Yes, by all means don't let anyone run over you, but also don't try to turn yourself into a bully with an "ill kick but mentality".. Nothing about that progresses the reality of being a woman.

You don't need to win every discussion with over emphasised crap talking".. Nor do you need to be in contest and on the edge of contempt when you engage conversations within men nor with other women.
When you give all your attentions over to your hair and your nails and what name tag is on your costume, don't forget about the condition of your body, Its purely not healthy nor is it of interest to the wellness of yourself, to see so many, that have now become a marker identity of the presumed image of a black woman, as being someone who is simply overweight and bordering on being obese.

Exercise and body mass maintenance

Get out and get some exercise, and be careful about what your dietary intake is.
Black women_ get out and get to the parks in this city. walk, run or do something that burns some of these calories. Develop groups of other women and stage your own groups to "stay healthy'. Push each other, to shed some of this weight. Going to church is fine, but how can you honor what you are learning, when you won't even exercise your own body to keep it in health, If you have such strong faith, and true to the spirit, then realize that spirit also involve your body, for it not to be content to carry all this excess weight. Its a worthy task to undertake- and to make changes so the next generation does not adopt this mindset of an ever expanding body mass. and claim it normal. Not everyone is naturally designed to be that big, nor carry such excess weight. It is certainly time to make changes in this area, without seeking excuses and seeking to try and justify something as unhealthy as being overweight and some being simply obese. If you like to eat, then learn to like to walk.. if you like fatty foods, then learn to like to exercise frequently. then you can eat, because you are burning the calories.. But you can't sit around thinking every season buying a bigger size of clothing will hide what is the reality of an ever expanding body mass. You don't need that delusion, while it tries to hide the fact of how unhealthy you are making youself, to carry that excess weight.

I would hope to see, Church Groups.. put together - "Get Healthy Programs" - there is no need for the many churches in this city and region, not to learn how to work together as churches, and have a "health program" of "staying in shape" that goes across the boundaries of the ministers ego's of how they compete as churches.. Rather.. They should be trying to find out how to United as churches, and if for no other program.. "Unite in Health".. Unite as a collective of organization, that has a non denominational promotion of "women's health"..

We also need many things as people.. and one is to teach young men, how to be men, and not macho competitor's who destroy each other.

On Language:

There is no such thing as "talking white"... wake up and realize.. what matters is to "SPEAK ENGLISH"... we have foreigners who come to this country unknowing the language, who result to speak better English than segments of the black community who have generations of history in this country, that pre-dates many of the immigrants of other cultures who only arrived here in the past few decades.


If you can buy giant wheels for a car, and paint it in a million shades.. then you also can, pay to get and learn a trade, you can pay for classes at the localized colleges and universities, you can afford Student loans, for the less of a cost than the Stereo and wheels cost you on a monthly basis. You can put that money to use, and own and learn to use a computer, you can buy educational programs, that give you the knowledge that helps you build character.
Enough is Enough, of wasting your money on stuff, hoping someone will assume it makes you somebody, to have the car with the most wasted money put into it. When all you have done is built something, which the police can identify you, for profiling, from the distance of a mile away. If you want a show car, build one as a show car.. But don't waste all your money on stuff that fades likes the passing clouds.
Don't go out and waste your money on Buffoon making hip hop attire, and then claim you can't afford to take two or three classes per semester. those over-priced jeans that contribute nothing to any black community, they only make the Chinese factors that produce it, wealthy, but they don't provide any employment opportunity, to make this stuff, they offer no job options to any black people in any location of this country to produce it.

Material things, will not make you a person with character nor will it show the integrity of you as an individual, it only shows how easily you are led and misled, and how much effort you put into functioning like sheep.. ready to line up, to be shaved on the same frequency that the seasons change.

There should not be even one person in the black community who does not vote' Every Black person who is 18 and older, should vote, both in local and national elections. You have no excuse for not voting other than plain and simple self chosen apathy and self chosen laziness. You show nothing but disrespect for all those who died so that you could vote freely, and you don't even honor that, yet you will kill each other talking about respect. Its pure insanity, when you have not given yourself respect.. Only a delusion that you can't face the fact that other don't need to bow to you, nor submit to your ignorance . If you want respect then live it, if you want respect then give it.
and don't go around with the idiot assumption, assuming that if someone does not agree to you, that you got to kill or harm them, because you can't accept the fact others don't agree to the stuff that is uttered. communication is about learning to hear ideas and thoughts and engage views that differ from your own, as well as supporting ideas that are like in their efforts to want to make a better society.
Use that energy to learn about the candidates who make choices that impact your lives, learn to understand what is taking place in the political climate in your region, neighborhood and the community. You have no reason for not voting, you have no reason for being unaware of what is taking place politically. you disrespect yourself, when you don't vote. Yet, some of the hoodlum will kill others, about trivia things. all behind some bravado of delusion of being a tough guy.. But they are not tough enough to learn, nor are they tough enough to get an education, and nor are they tough enough to respect the elders in the community, nor are they tough enough to know how not to lead young children astray.

White People:

White people will work with you, they will work in unison with you, and they will respect the individualism of you, if you do the same toward them and toward yourself. We can't have a reverse racism, where black people show more of the racist mentality that we fought as a people so hard to stop others from showing to us. addres bias as any people should, but we must also, work with and live with all people as simply being people. Those whites who hold negativity, it is theirs to learn different, and the same goes for the black people who hold negativity.. it is theirs to learn different. The world and this nation cannot progress as it should until we as people work as a united people.
Even simple things, We have to go in and blend with community, work with people and elevate the way we speak and how we communicate. Our efforts count in building teamwork across ethnic distinctions. WE live in a nation, where the whole world goes to great efforts to learn English, and yet we have black communities that avoid making it functional usage of a language which has been a part of our lives for 500 years.
Speak well, and learn the meaning within words, and the proper usage of them, and stop chopping them into fragments, which make you unable to effectively communicate.

If white people want to write about white people in their ethnic group, which there are many who does a lot of negative stuff, of killing, child-abuse and abducting women, corporate rips offs, destructions of industry and every other thing imaginable that people do, they know or should know, their ethnicity is not exempt from negativey and the needs of change in countless areas.. then let them do so as group that faces its truth, not with denials but with the will to seek change.. Mostly this writing is about how young black people can change for the sake of themselves and what they can contribute to the over-all of society, as a person, individuals and what it adds to the cultural relevancy of contributions, in the betterment of the world. making a place for all people, to live respecting each others as individuals.


Even driving down the street, many white people will yield to let others into traffic, far too many blacks don't do the same, not to other blacks or anyone else, its just a mad push ahead, when its time, to be with courtesy in the way you live, as well as how you drive, that shows the regard within, is more expanse for others. Not everyone is interested in listening to the loud noise coming from your car stereo, people to not sit and think oh', how great his system is, the only thing it evokes, is thoughts of "what kind of idiot is this with that music that loud" - and that is followed, by .. "why does everything have to be done with an exaggerated "look at me" intent.. as if one is so starved for attention, they have not limits as to what they will do to "say look at me"..


Many of the young black children who are within communities which support their learning, and support programs that provide them help, they excel, when these same kids who have parents who make every effort to be supportive of their children. They excel. There is nothing they can't achieve, many kids, do not need, negative imagery nor negative symbolism, nor do they need to be pulled into following the sheep parade of being strayed to indulge in all this "negatively impacting" buffoon costumes, and pants saggin as if they can't even find a mean to wear clothes properly. and waking up daily, to read about some idiot that shot another over something stupid.
These young kids, want to aspire, they don't want to be left behind without no mean and no support system. We need the black business people and other professionals in the community, to help support programs that build youth who want to be contributors to the world and their community. We need communities that provide things which give them a sense of pride in whom they are and what they have to offer the world.
We are not only people who excel at sports and music.. But many may need to take time, and learn of the many achievement of blacks through-out the history.. from medicine, to technology, to industrial excellence and legal expertise and any other field one can imagine, there are blacks in the history who have achieved great things which benefit the whole of society.

The black community, needs to take a stand, and make the world "Gang" something that is not tolerated in our communities.

Its time, to make changes, and those changes are not only immediately needed, they need to be ongoing changes, We have the ability to achieve anything within the sphere of society. We can ascend to any level of success and we have limitless pools of talents.

Freedom in Life.. does not mean,.. people do as they want, and screw the next person... Freedoms is about Respect, the more we respect the more freedom we have to engage living, The more responsible we are, the more freedoms being responsible provides.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

"plucked" !!!!!!!!!

no one seem to have a second thought about it.. Was it Clinton who ask the question, "what happen to 42 Trillion dollars< that has simply gone missing from the economy..

No one stopped to think of Bush Era breaking the debt clock, nor did they do a tally about the 20 Trillion he cost us, of what it takes to rebuild America..

The few Trillion President Obama is spending is only enough to try and get the wheels to turn, but not only do we have the mass debt Bush left with no industry to meet it, yet, people whine about the pittance that President Obama has had to spend just to keep the wheels from falling off the cart..

UNLESS all America is REVAMPED, and STERN AND DETAILED regulations are put into place, and we are a nation that will result to be "A has been", or people will say.. "Remember when America was Number One", and they will follow that phrase up, with _ Yea, and they stole the public blind, by allowing the wealthy to live like gluttons, and they engaged in a mass orgy of consumption, at the expense of the people of the nation..

Other nations may use that as a symbolic script to teach future generations in foreign lands, "what not to do"..

but what has resulted is the circle has encircled itself, the wealthy once used the people and paid them nothing, now the current day, is the wealthy has used the people and pretended to pay them, and stole it back..

this time they destroyed the whole nations economy and damaged the world economy... the first time they did it, they only destroyed the plantations..

there never needed to be any nation to attack this country, we have enough covert economic terrorist right in our executive suits, and those who sit behind the scenes making money games, in their private enclaves hidden in the select private communities all across this nation.
but what has been revealed is that we are not as astute people as the imagery tries to project.. our investors are not savvy, they dump money without awarenesses, and people like Madoff and Stanford, could play them for the chumps they are.. because they fell sucker behind an image and name.. and worshiped the symbolism of wealth so much, they thought it crass to even ask question or to questions these clowns, and they got played, like a dressed up Bozo played them to be.

People invested in things without the slightest clue of what they were claimed to be investing in. People settled for a few dollars on the thousand, while the thieves paid themselves millions, because they had 'chumps" wanting to be too elite to ask any questions.

The old phrase.. " if you got to ask the price, you can't afford it, mentality" made fools of the masses.. all wanting to be like kings, and became the ignorant pagans, who got clipped,... because they wore their ignorance like designer name tags... as symbols, they were ripe for the plucking..

what do we have as a result, ( years of wasted money) producing later, Old designer clothes that can't fetch more than a thrift store price for it, 80K BMW, a few years later selling for less than 20k, and and 100k benz, selling for less than 1/3 the cost in less than 8 years.. but it takes 5 years or more to pay it on monthly payments..

yep.. we had houses that once cost 30k, selling for 500k..

The once Automobile Mecca of the World now looks like a run down ghost town with decayed building. and The result is America is turned into a ghetto, with a few pockets of opulence, and over all it looks like an apple with rotten spots on it..
and the worms keep eating away at the core..

and people are playing psuedo sophistication to the degree their lips are zipped.. as they think silence will save them..

Thursday, June 18, 2009

How do we find "UNITY"

WHEN WE LEARN AND RE-LEARN the ways of "COMPASSION'S TRUTH".. we will embrace the journey into understanding graces. This is our pathway to find in the heart and put within the spirit, a sense of hope in peoples faces.

Are we up to the task.. will we allow vanity, ego and the delusions of self absorption, deny the reality that life progresses with people helping people, there is no greater task unto makind, yet, we ignore this simplicity, more than we embrace it.

We find in our system, people unwilling to be of help to other human beings, we find in our system a contempt at anything that provides help in our systems of life, and we lull ourselves into unreal expectations, placed upon some, and reason and understanding applied unto other.

This mentality cycle is prevasive in what is America, we have failed to learn from the history where the vile nature of such a mentality brought a nation to be brutal even unto fellow americans, and we supported by malice driven means a divide in person, by every means that mankind can conjure- and yet we wonder why the fall of this nation has been an ongoing escalation. Producing the decrepit condition of our economy and our city scape, which expands from cost to coast.
We walk about, and faces are filled with dispair and delusion, smiles are shallow, only on the surface but rarely from the spirit of the heart. Yet, we remain unaware, that we are the culprits of this decline in the human conditions. Some gloat on their financial standing, to try and ururp the masses, and some consider their financial gains, to be the making of their human stature, even some will kill off the entire family because they lost the economic measure of their existance. We have youth killing each other for the sake of a dollar and trinkets made of fake materials, and false glitter. We have a youth culture, that talks about being disrespected, when they have not learned to respect the civility of life itself, and they simply kill, for the sake to want their ego's stroked with patronizing submissions.

We have a nation of employers and people sitting in the seat to be the employer, with unreal criteria, and the unwillingness to acknowledte their own ability to train the force of labor they need and want. We have others, who are elated about their status and take pride and build their mental stature on how many they can deny, instead of building respectful mentalities upon how may people they can employ.

Who stand with a sense of being affirmed to enter the kingdom of God, is one who has made a false claim unto themselves, becasue it is by the sum of our life manner, its honor, its integrity and its truth of aspiration to be of service to Gods principles, as the true goals that we enter into the kingdom of God, not by the tokenism of selfish patronizing acts which are self elating symbolism, rather than acts for the true sake of human compassion and the promotion of goodwill unto and within others.

Will we first within self, seek out how we may be of service and help unto others, and what we may contribute to be good stewards unto the task we undertake. Will we find our truth of glory in the works we do to support the contributions to betterment of life and the life conditions for others as well as ourselves.

We have much to consider, and many choices to make, but we have one decision that is imminent, and that is, will our life works, be to honor the principles of God, and build with our labors, the foundations and structures which support the ongoing monument of unity without our lives and our world.

Even today, we want our business to again grow, but we have such little faith, to support and promote the ideas which breed and feed, the process of re-growth, We have sectors that have a overbrearing sense of contempt at any designs within our system to help promote the cause of growth in our economic sectors. We have a mentality that is prevasive in our communities and our cities, who think in terms of "I got mine" to heck with everyone else.
We even have segments in society that hold contempt at social programs to help the needed, the despaired and the elderly, and we make little effort to promote and support even our youth of today. We live in a system that would even deny a joint public supported health program for even toddles and the growing youth. Our sense of self glory won't diminish to bring forth a sense of compassionate support of even the infirmed within our society. Sadly some have the vile audacity to assume they made it on their own, when no one makes it on their own, the multitude of people who flow in and out of the lives of each of us, contribute to what ever level of success we may stake claim, yet, we underplay the importance of those who interact in ways to support us, even when we fail to acknowledge the support their interactions provide. This is the defiling level of our vanity, and yet we remain unaware to acknowledge such. If we did, we'd know the truth of humility in personal being.
For its the re-discovery of "compassions truth".. is the pathway to our success as a civil people, until we grasp that truth and spread its awareness... Our troubles will simply compound, and the chaotic process which bring cycles of spike and demise, which reflects in the fall of the corporate and small business stature within this nation, will continue to engulf us into a orgy of madness of our own vain consumptions. Resulting in the decaying of community, city and state.

If we seek not Unity, then we must ask, of what do we seek ?

Truth is Stanger than Fiction

Shopping Becomes a Challenge as Auto-Industry Collapse Adds to City's Woes

DETROIT -- They call this the Motor City, but you have to leave town to buy a Chrysler or a Jeep.

Borders Inc. was founded 40 miles away, but the only one of the chain's bookstores here closed this month. And Starbucks Corp., famous for saturating U.S. cities with its storefronts, has only four left in this city of 900,000 after closures last summer.

There was a time early in the decade when downtown Detroit was sprouting new cafes and shops, and residents began to nurture hopes of a rebound. But lately, they are finding it increasingly tough to buy groceries or get a cup of fresh-roast coffee as the 11th largest U.S. city struggles with the recession and the auto-industry crisis.

No national grocery chain operates a store here. A lack of outlets that sell fresh produce and meat has led the United Food and Commercial Workers union and a community group to think about building a grocery store of its own.

One of the few remaining bookstores is the massive used-book outlet John K. King has operated out of an abandoned glove factory since 1983. But Mr. King is considering moving his operations to the suburbs.

(from the news)

This further shows the criminal mindset of the American Executives, who have constructively destroyed a nations economy, sold off its production units, and it wonders why it's cities are folding over and falling into demise. The GREAT 20TH CENTURY ROBBERY.. this is what American Executive has created, is the demise on a nation, for their opulence and self indulgence. Trillions of dollars, looted, wasted, and simply robbed for the sake of a few. and these people sport their Ivy League Degree, which is proving more and more to be nothing more than a symbol of "High Level Economic Treason Authorization Documents"

Japan got wise after the rip off they endured after the 1980's, they now, dominate the auto market, and they dominate in other areas of product quality. It will take them a while to regain their ability to keep all their people working and secure jobs for them, but I think Japan will be Ahead of the US in accomplishing that, because they seem to have interest in their people as equal beings as it relates to cultural unity, as a homogeneous country,
America on the other hand, has never been a country that regarded all its people with equality, and it is even less of a move to do so. Because the wealthy have stole everything they could, living in their lavish lifestyles, of glutton and waste, and exaggerated delusion of fake royalty they claim unto themselves, at the expense of a nation of people.
The principle of life are simple.. "you live by the sword, you die by the sword" - this principle may well not change any time soon, and a Nation that rose up by the usage of people, and the mal treatment of people, is the same nation that abandoned its own constitution, when it set up to import indentured servants and slaves, and divide the nation into the respected and the disrespected. the used and abused, and the delusion of a segment claiming themselves superior, and thus separating that with the line between the one race of poor and rich, as they claimed to dominate a nation,.. and the cycle of spike and crash, take back the gains, and sell of the means for any people to even sustain the basic of home. The mentality of a nation that lived and made laws to support the slaver and the slave, the master and the indentured servant.. has continually shown, this nation cannot get that out of its system.
It sold away its industry, looking for slaves and indentured servants across the glob, and when it could not import them, it simply exported the jobs to other locations. We saw the continual fall of the economy for the past 47 years, and for the past 30 years, it has been one cycle of shams and rip off, and the collapse on one industry behind the next, until the recent, collapse of the base financial system. It sold out the value of its property, and carted away its industry, and then proceeded to sell to the world, fake paper, built on a delusion and a sham, as the greatest pyramid scheme ever to exist.
The cycle is the same, it is no different than it did when it had to face paying labor to keep plantation going, it chose to close them, rather than share the gains from the labor and production, and the South fell like a giant rock from a 10,000 foot cliff, it fell with speed and dramatic impact.
We are a nation that push education, but then deny it, by the claim that Ivy League high pay schools usurp the degree issued by other universities, and made even the nature of a college degree, "unequal"... this is the core of the mindset of a nation that rose by the usage of bias, and it is the process to support bias and denial in lieu of pursuing a continuation of seeking a slave force, that brought this country again to its economic downfall.

It is a nation that detested the mere thought of women, poor whites and minorities, to have or make any gains, and any gains that are made in economic' the system is designed to spike and crash and take those gains back, to keep the continuance of the slaver and the slave mentality of conditions ongoing.
The sad reality, is that America does not know how to change. It is trying, by the recent fall of the Republican apparatus, has shown that the people are realizing the mindset that is pushed of the exclusion directive, and the masses are aware now, but don't know what to do. Some know, our only way to change is to make the efforts to do so, which means the government now has to prop up things, and change laws, and change governance, and some fight it, but its the only salvation, to force change this nation, to be one that respects its citizens, and not worship its corporate rich and the delusional elite. Its a hard transition, but it has to be made.
We are now a monarchical plutocracy, which is far from being a democracy.. but by the process the current administration is making, to covert this nation back to a democracy, is being fought by the power elite, who want not to give up their rights of usage of the American people for the sake of themselves. It's no different than the dire battle they waged to deny civil rights, is the same mentality that is being waged to deny economic rights, even while the nations economy crumbles into decay.

But we can have hope the current Administration, who is looking not only internally, but externally, to build diplomacy to replace the dictations, and to put the governance laws in place to regulate the thieves to avoid their further abuse of the system and the people, and the reverse the laws, that were enacted to insure that indenture remains the bounds which hold the people in a structured bondage. People are finally learning that the public is who buys the debt left when banks are looted, and allowed to rip and rob and collapse, which always become the burden the people must bear. But invariably we have also an administration that is aware of the nature of this constructive robbery, and they are making efforts to change the course and re-direct our system to be accountable not only to the people, but to hold those thieves who use the language crafted by the mouthpiece accomplices , we call lawyers, who are trained to rob by the use of documents.

Our whole system has been infected with laws, that were crafted to keep people down, and insure that servitude is imposed upon the masses, This country spent nearly 450 years, devising means to insure that segments of the population remained to live as if it was a nation of peasants.. waiting for crumbs from the ruling elite.
They destroyed every field of business as well as social care all for the sake of greed for a few. they made foul even the system of our health care, with the design of a get rich quick cycle of madness, selling fake drugs, and delusion insurance policies, all the while - preying on the people, as the so claimed elite, make use of people for their own vanity, and the fall of a nation is a continuation of their madness. We have become to follow the same cycle the Romans traveled, We are no any different than the fall of the Spaniards, and the Fall of the British Empire, led by the fools who claim themselves titans of industry, paying themselves yearly a kings sum, for the demise of the social fabric and the economic function within a nation.

Our best hope is to see and support an administration that is seeking full circle accountability, and equality of persons, and understand the debt we incur, to rebuild, must be assisted with policies that support equilibrium within the governance of the mad men and fools, who dominate the executive suites of American Business.

People need to look back at the history of the nation, not only did it slaughter the original inhabitants of this nation, and force them into what it called reservations, it brought millions of white poor people and indentured them into servitude, it also raided a nation and imported slaves for nearly 200 years, and within the cycle of such, it has been an abusive regime of process for the span of the life of this nation. It certainly is in need of change, and the change not only must be at the core, but it must reverberate through-out every sector of this nation, if we are to again find means to prosper to the ability to support and make work and equitable means for the masses to live and support their families.

This transition is and will be as hard fought as the long journey to fight to make civil rights a point and fact, yet, we've only done so in law, but it must be done in the hearts of men, and history has shown that some are just not willing to live in a world which respect people as equals. and therein lies the true problems that face this nation.

As generations of the biased minded pass away and the age of the new mentality dominate where the respect of person is not based on skin, and other delusional things. Then American may learn how to truly honor the words of its own constitution. But until that day, we may need to see laws, both on the Federal Level, and the local municipalities changed and many of the constructed laws, designed to contain a segment of the people, based on who is poor and who is of assorted skin make up, then we will see the overturning of those crooked laws, and a nation may learn to heal itself and become truly a democracy, that has the ability to function with a economy system of capitalism, which does not quickly turn itself into a plutocracy, driven by its own biases against its own people.