Posted 6/28/2009 10:38 AM CDT on
Much Thanks goes out to the Young Black people who seek and get an education, the young black people who build business, and create opportunities. Much Thanks for the young black people, who work hard to build their character and respect their integrity, and know their true value of self is within. Much Thanks to the young black people who spend their time, thinking of ways to contribute to society, and to build a positive future, These are the masses of black people who push ahead to give their efforts to making a better world for everyone.
Let us.. keep the positive efforts filled with our spirit of progress and unity in the world, and the betterment of mankinds sense of community - and is it certainly with great regard, to say "thank you", for the respect you give to our culture and the many hardships of a people over many centuries, You are the beacon which light the pathways to respect mankind, and give honor to the lives God Gave us.
This is written for the smaller segment of black people such as :
Those involved in crime, violence, and other self destructive things.
( Facing what no one wants to talk about)
This is written for the smaller segment of black people such as :
Those involved in crime, violence, and other self destructive things.
( Facing what no one wants to talk about)
A area of subjects, that needs much discussion and great change
( Some people may not like this, but it is certainly worthy of discussion by those who actually care about how our society evolves )
This is written for :
For that segment, which is smaller than the media would like to make us belive, but that negative segment of society, which creates the mayhem, madness and community destroying demeanor, and have no regard beyond their self consumption, to the degree they become a negative impact on community, they turn the communities into unkept ghetto like enviornments, and spill blood like they ahve lost their regard for the humanity of life.
It is time, for change.. The integrity you seek is within you, the characterr you try to create with sagging clothing, and giant logos and flaming red hair, and bodies covered with tattoo's,... is within you. Your external costumes and embellishments will never give you what God has already instilled within you.. all the external garb does is blind you to the truth of self that is natural within you, if you make the efforts to discover it, embrace it , cultivate it and put it forth with efforts, to be a contributor, more than being a consumer. and you can and will achieve great things.
Stop living an external delusion, being caught by every fad, and then getting stuck in it to the point you can't even consider to see to change.
Walking around with your butt hanging out, with saggin pants, and the brightest colors and biggest logo's does nothing but make you a target to avoid, and someone to not engage. It does not attract anything to you, except false bravado, then you turn and kill each other over, the bravado talk. and still what the result is.. You have nothing, and you have contributed nothing to the community, no respect to the elders, and you mislead the young".. Ultimately, you become a "community destroyer". all in pursuit of self glory.
All these street lingo names, which some of them, insult the very name your parents gave you, it insults the very labors that generations have endured so that you can have opportunity. And far too many, lay in the dark trenches of the neighborhoods, with a pistol in hand, and gangster ways, that continually insult your own community, all for the claim of being a bad ass, and there is only one place in society for "bad asses", and that is behind prison wall, and then many of those bad asses, become whimpering minions, counted daily like sheep.. who function like a giant clone making machine, has destroyed your ability to think progressively, to communicate effectively, and your dreams fall apart like a crumbled up piece of dried bread. and you languish behind prisons wall, doing absolutely nothing to help or promote society.
Why do you turn the kids who look up to you, into future gangsters, and thugs, why do you insult the parents and grand parents who have lived hard lives with hopes you get an education and learn something, rather than you insulting every work they have done, and turn yourself into a street hoodlum, on a fast track to a prison cell or into the dire ignorance of being a killer of other men. This is no kind of concept of legacy for the same males, who should be building a solid standard as progress and learned people, as symbols to the youth in the community.
Black women, (those who do this stuff).. You don't need to be the loudest talker, nor the most contentious, nor the one with the brightest hair color, and one who talks exaggerated bravado.
What happen to women, who can have patience in their heart and temperament in their speaking. Men don't want nor needs a crap talker, not someone who has bravado filled contest to every word. Yes, by all means don't let anyone run over you, but also don't try to turn yourself into a bully with an "ill kick but mentality".. Nothing about that progresses the reality of being a woman.
You don't need to win every discussion with over emphasised crap talking".. Nor do you need to be in contest and on the edge of contempt when you engage conversations within men nor with other women.
When you give all your attentions over to your hair and your nails and what name tag is on your costume, don't forget about the condition of your body, Its purely not healthy nor is it of interest to the wellness of yourself, to see so many, that have now become a marker identity of the presumed image of a black woman, as being someone who is simply overweight and bordering on being obese.
Exercise and body mass maintenance
Get out and get some exercise, and be careful about what your dietary intake is.
Black women_ get out and get to the parks in this city. walk, run or do something that burns some of these calories. Develop groups of other women and stage your own groups to "stay healthy'. Push each other, to shed some of this weight. Going to church is fine, but how can you honor what you are learning, when you won't even exercise your own body to keep it in health, If you have such strong faith, and true to the spirit, then realize that spirit also involve your body, for it not to be content to carry all this excess weight. Its a worthy task to undertake- and to make changes so the next generation does not adopt this mindset of an ever expanding body mass. and claim it normal. Not everyone is naturally designed to be that big, nor carry such excess weight. It is certainly time to make changes in this area, without seeking excuses and seeking to try and justify something as unhealthy as being overweight and some being simply obese. If you like to eat, then learn to like to walk.. if you like fatty foods, then learn to like to exercise frequently. then you can eat, because you are burning the calories.. But you can't sit around thinking every season buying a bigger size of clothing will hide what is the reality of an ever expanding body mass. You don't need that delusion, while it tries to hide the fact of how unhealthy you are making youself, to carry that excess weight.
I would hope to see, Church Groups.. put together - "Get Healthy Programs" - there is no need for the many churches in this city and region, not to learn how to work together as churches, and have a "health program" of "staying in shape" that goes across the boundaries of the ministers ego's of how they compete as churches.. Rather.. They should be trying to find out how to United as churches, and if for no other program.. "Unite in Health".. Unite as a collective of organization, that has a non denominational promotion of "women's health"..
We also need many things as people.. and one is to teach young men, how to be men, and not macho competitor's who destroy each other.
On Language:
There is no such thing as "talking white"... wake up and realize.. what matters is to "SPEAK ENGLISH"... we have foreigners who come to this country unknowing the language, who result to speak better English than segments of the black community who have generations of history in this country, that pre-dates many of the immigrants of other cultures who only arrived here in the past few decades.
If you can buy giant wheels for a car, and paint it in a million shades.. then you also can, pay to get and learn a trade, you can pay for classes at the localized colleges and universities, you can afford Student loans, for the less of a cost than the Stereo and wheels cost you on a monthly basis. You can put that money to use, and own and learn to use a computer, you can buy educational programs, that give you the knowledge that helps you build character.
Enough is Enough, of wasting your money on stuff, hoping someone will assume it makes you somebody, to have the car with the most wasted money put into it. When all you have done is built something, which the police can identify you, for profiling, from the distance of a mile away. If you want a show car, build one as a show car.. But don't waste all your money on stuff that fades likes the passing clouds.
Don't go out and waste your money on Buffoon making hip hop attire, and then claim you can't afford to take two or three classes per semester. those over-priced jeans that contribute nothing to any black community, they only make the Chinese factors that produce it, wealthy, but they don't provide any employment opportunity, to make this stuff, they offer no job options to any black people in any location of this country to produce it.
Material things, will not make you a person with character nor will it show the integrity of you as an individual, it only shows how easily you are led and misled, and how much effort you put into functioning like sheep.. ready to line up, to be shaved on the same frequency that the seasons change.
There should not be even one person in the black community who does not vote' Every Black person who is 18 and older, should vote, both in local and national elections. You have no excuse for not voting other than plain and simple self chosen apathy and self chosen laziness. You show nothing but disrespect for all those who died so that you could vote freely, and you don't even honor that, yet you will kill each other talking about respect. Its pure insanity, when you have not given yourself respect.. Only a delusion that you can't face the fact that other don't need to bow to you, nor submit to your ignorance . If you want respect then live it, if you want respect then give it.
and don't go around with the idiot assumption, assuming that if someone does not agree to you, that you got to kill or harm them, because you can't accept the fact others don't agree to the stuff that is uttered. communication is about learning to hear ideas and thoughts and engage views that differ from your own, as well as supporting ideas that are like in their efforts to want to make a better society.
Use that energy to learn about the candidates who make choices that impact your lives, learn to understand what is taking place in the political climate in your region, neighborhood and the community. You have no reason for not voting, you have no reason for being unaware of what is taking place politically. you disrespect yourself, when you don't vote. Yet, some of the hoodlum will kill others, about trivia things. all behind some bravado of delusion of being a tough guy.. But they are not tough enough to learn, nor are they tough enough to get an education, and nor are they tough enough to respect the elders in the community, nor are they tough enough to know how not to lead young children astray.
White People:
White people will work with you, they will work in unison with you, and they will respect the individualism of you, if you do the same toward them and toward yourself. We can't have a reverse racism, where black people show more of the racist mentality that we fought as a people so hard to stop others from showing to us. addres bias as any people should, but we must also, work with and live with all people as simply being people. Those whites who hold negativity, it is theirs to learn different, and the same goes for the black people who hold negativity.. it is theirs to learn different. The world and this nation cannot progress as it should until we as people work as a united people.
Even simple things, We have to go in and blend with community, work with people and elevate the way we speak and how we communicate. Our efforts count in building teamwork across ethnic distinctions. WE live in a nation, where the whole world goes to great efforts to learn English, and yet we have black communities that avoid making it functional usage of a language which has been a part of our lives for 500 years.
Speak well, and learn the meaning within words, and the proper usage of them, and stop chopping them into fragments, which make you unable to effectively communicate.
If white people want to write about white people in their ethnic group, which there are many who does a lot of negative stuff, of killing, child-abuse and abducting women, corporate rips offs, destructions of industry and every other thing imaginable that people do, they know or should know, their ethnicity is not exempt from negativey and the needs of change in countless areas.. then let them do so as group that faces its truth, not with denials but with the will to seek change.. Mostly this writing is about how young black people can change for the sake of themselves and what they can contribute to the over-all of society, as a person, individuals and what it adds to the cultural relevancy of contributions, in the betterment of the world. making a place for all people, to live respecting each others as individuals.
Even driving down the street, many white people will yield to let others into traffic, far too many blacks don't do the same, not to other blacks or anyone else, its just a mad push ahead, when its time, to be with courtesy in the way you live, as well as how you drive, that shows the regard within, is more expanse for others. Not everyone is interested in listening to the loud noise coming from your car stereo, people to not sit and think oh', how great his system is, the only thing it evokes, is thoughts of "what kind of idiot is this with that music that loud" - and that is followed, by .. "why does everything have to be done with an exaggerated "look at me" intent.. as if one is so starved for attention, they have not limits as to what they will do to "say look at me"..
Many of the young black children who are within communities which support their learning, and support programs that provide them help, they excel, when these same kids who have parents who make every effort to be supportive of their children. They excel. There is nothing they can't achieve, many kids, do not need, negative imagery nor negative symbolism, nor do they need to be pulled into following the sheep parade of being strayed to indulge in all this "negatively impacting" buffoon costumes, and pants saggin as if they can't even find a mean to wear clothes properly. and waking up daily, to read about some idiot that shot another over something stupid.
These young kids, want to aspire, they don't want to be left behind without no mean and no support system. We need the black business people and other professionals in the community, to help support programs that build youth who want to be contributors to the world and their community. We need communities that provide things which give them a sense of pride in whom they are and what they have to offer the world.
We are not only people who excel at sports and music.. But many may need to take time, and learn of the many achievement of blacks through-out the history.. from medicine, to technology, to industrial excellence and legal expertise and any other field one can imagine, there are blacks in the history who have achieved great things which benefit the whole of society.
The black community, needs to take a stand, and make the world "Gang" something that is not tolerated in our communities.
Its time, to make changes, and those changes are not only immediately needed, they need to be ongoing changes, We have the ability to achieve anything within the sphere of society. We can ascend to any level of success and we have limitless pools of talents.
Freedom in Life.. does not mean,.. people do as they want, and screw the next person... Freedoms is about Respect, the more we respect the more freedom we have to engage living, The more responsible we are, the more freedoms being responsible provides.
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