Things seen ... of such a challenging devastation of many sorts, and broken lives in fragment pieces, hope spinning in a circle chasing modes of despair . People wondering what is life, and what is fair, and why situation seem as if there is so little of care.
People who see images on the media from movie to movie - yet feel it is a life on a foreign stage from their own, and they grasp not the identity of growth, to see there is more, and come to know, one can achieve greater.
When means seem to be a challenge, and the feeling of destitution is not only self encircling, the environment of the community, paints so much of the same. Then many find themselves caught within the cycle of decline, and see nothing but the circle of habits, which dominate the neighborhoods, and they are unable to surmount the challenge to rise above.
This is the time, to reach out to learn, ask questions, and seek out the will of others who are available to offer help - As to see a job counselor, ask to see an education counselor, and if you need help coping, go and ask for help from the public service facilities, who can provide counseling on any number of things. Never allow yourself to feel bad, to ask for help, and always know, it is a step in the direction to help yourself, when you seek out asking for the help you want, and the help you need. summon the courage within, and hold your head high and ask with the sincerity of your life, and you will find, there are many avenues to provide you words or encouragement, words of hope, and a listening ear, to hear you share your thoughts, and give you the care to listen to your challenges.
If you are feeling anxious because of a fractured love relationship, or situation of any type, call a help line, and talk about it, go to a church and talk about it, and seek out the listening ears of those avenues that provide you a means to express the feeling. there are countless Churches, there are countless options at the LSU or any college center, who can help you find a counselor. If you run out of options, "Call 911 as an emergency in search of help, if you feel, you will do something wrong, or violent. they can get you help. Don't hold it pent up inside and let it become a raging fury, for it will simply destroy you, or cause you to do things that destroy much more than yourself. when you have the choice, if you take the control, to simply "Seek out Help". It takes more strength of self to seek out help, than it does to act out in fits of violence.
Don't allow yourself to live a small life by letting anxious feeling, anguish you and overcome you with violence, because then you have lost the temperment of self, and you act in ways that weaken yourself even more. If you have the energy of anger, then turn it around and let it become the passion which seeks out help. You will find you are "respected for the choice of doing so". It will help you regain balance within yourself.
The Hood mentality, seems to be a thirst of its own, ever so quenched by identifying with the hood, not only in mindset of despair, but in the dispensing with what is taught in the classroom, and reverting back to the habit of the community. Learning then fails to achieve what it might.
One of Many, become Many who influence each one, and the cycle is like a suction hole, pulling people who have found nothing to grasp on to for the uplift out of the madness.
- Start -- with getting up in the morning and groom ones self, it does not matter if you have no designated place to go, you groom yourself to meet and greet the day.
- Choose the clothes that fit properly, it matters not if you go to a job that you get dirty, by all means, leave home clean.
- If you sleep in pajama pants, when the morning comes, put them away, and dress for the day, you never know, if today will deliver your dream, or God will smile a blessing to go along with the blessing of life, you receive each day.
- Don't develop a lazy mind, not fall helpless to a lazy tongue. You make those choices, and liefe gives much of grief to those who challenge not themselves. Life will give you many challenges, lest you choose challenges that will uplift yourself, open your mind to learn more, prepare yourself to do more, and see yourself growing toward the dreams you hold.
- If you find the people around you want to languish sitting under a tree all day, or laying on the porch watching the traffic go by, then you need to know, they will frind themselves day after day, sitting under a tree or on the porch watching traffice go by, until time finds them to have aged, and accomplished nothing more than, watching traffice go by.
- If you can sit all day, with nothing to do, and no thought of anything you could do, and no motivation to try to do anything. Then go and volunteer yourselfto help someone, and you may find you are also being helped in the process.
- If your assocciate want to do nothing, or they have put down comments about everything, and want you to languish in doing nothing, then it is time for you to find new friends.
- Go to the local college, call them up, make an appointment, they can show you how to get a grant to go take some classes, they can show you how to get into the habit of school, and you will find your life changing day by day.
Spending your days looking for something to excite you, rather than to go pursue the excitement in yourself by investing your mind, into learning. You may find the excitement of knowledge may bring your to see more of how to appreciate the gift of your life.
Many young women are outpacing the men, in learning, they are filling the classrooms of the centers of education, they are growing and learning how to better develop themselves, and pursue the dreams, they are not sitting around hoping without putting forth effort. Some young women, care for a child, work a job, and still pursue education.
Too many young men
are out looking for a fast dollar,
Why have so many young men, become so lazy, and so un-caring about self development. Your days will come and go, so you just as well spend part of it in a classroom, because the time will pass anyway, you just as well be working on self development and growth. instead of thinking you will make fast money and end up and find yourself in a hell hole of a situation with no way out.
Hustling, is nothing but a person being hustles and running a game, that encircles themselves. it cost you 10 times what you think you gain, and you can't afford the expense of hustling, if you think and become aware of what you give up, for the delusion of being a hustler. You simply make of yourself a fool, who waste his time, and gain so little.
many have made dollars, in the game, but they can't buy anything in their name,
People.. look around.. there are many of those who are healthy, they can walk freely, talk and utilize their 5 sense and use their ability to mobilize themselves.. If they knew what a blessing it is, they'd do something to learn to be a contributor in life, If they fail to see the gift they have naturall, then they should go visit a hospital and see the sick, or go to a nursing home and see the aged, who can no longer mobilize themselves. If you have not a penny in your pockets, you still have each day..
The breath of life..
Don't waste it,