Sunday, December 30, 2007
your buying power "2008"
if you eat snacks buy them in bulk, if you smoke mini cigars buy them in packs not wasting gas buying them one at a time.. if you buy gas.. why nit pick yourself with 3 dollars and 5 dollars.. either fill the car up or buy you 20$ of gas.. and then manage how you drive.. but you beat yourself to death with 2,3 5 6 dollars of gas... it's not even logical considering you will drive your car daily.. why buy gas daily.. it's a waste of time and a squander of your money and surely it's havoc on a home budget..
if you use debit cards.. then take out 20$ and have it available to get what you want, not using it to charge a pack of gum or soda and cigarettes.. you only cause the banks to charge higher fee's becase of the excessive usage..
people who buy phone cards.. figure out what you actually need, and how you actually use the time.. buying 15-20 dollars at a time, three times a month is much more than a regular service will cost you... MOST ALL OFF MANAGE YOUR PHONE USAGE.. not just talking just to talk.. it's not logical nor is it economical.. just to call people simply becase you have a phone..
if you are in a business.. get off the phone and conduct the business.. it makes you look crazed with a phone glued to your ear from the time you enter the store till the time you leave..
and PAY ATTENTION when driving, not lost in the usage of your cell phone.. the fad of the cell phone long played out.. it's now a tool, use it accordingly.. not as if it's some status item.. and the people with the bluetooth glued to their ear.. does not look cool.. there is nothing about your life that requires you to be readily available 24/7... it's a fake concept of importance and it cost you money to trip on it as such.
Ask yourself .. do you need the latest phone just becase it's been advertised and heavily promoted by the marketing agencies.. ??
think about the buying power you have and how you nit pick your money away.. spending a few pennies here and there.. and then wondering what happen to your money..
if you can't pay off your credit card within 3 months.. don't use it.. !!!!!!!!!!!
letting bills linger past 3 months become a negative to you and your credit .. becase it's communicate your inability to meet your obligations.. 3 months will help you establish good credit if you pay it in 3 equal payments as paid in full.. it gives you 1/4 with good payment track record.
shop for quality household products, not the cheap plastic stuff that requires replacement every month. Just be3case the dollar store sells it for a dollar.. do you really need it , will you actually use it, and will it last??
there are good products made in china but you have to learn to select between the good product and the fancy packaging and the loud colors and painted on chrome look... and if you want furniture, check it.. laminated particle board is .. not going to be worth anything if you try to re-sell it later to upgrade.. all you can do it put it in the trash or give it to some second hand store and they will pile it up as junk.. which no one wants..
Let's think people...
I would like to talk about property purchases. ( at another time).. and many may care to look into it when I discuss the positive aspects of what's available... you will find that you can afford to be a property owner.. and as a property owner .. it helps change your mind about the nature of the enviornment becase you have a vested interest in the city community..
Sunday, December 16, 2007
let's talk about "A crutch"
down and use it as a crutch every other day of their lives,
I don't like this comment for the reason you said. " crutch".. if you know what is racism and that it still exist and that it functions live and well in America and the world... I can't stand it when people say it's used as a crutch.. any and every time racist things are depicted.. that's like saying the racist stuff don't exist.. and we know DAMN well it exist..!!! calling the mention, reference or pointing out of it's existence is always thrown up as being "a crutch" ... I wonder if the comment of calling it a "crutch".. is other-ways of copping out and skirting the issue or the fact of the matter..
Racism found it's challenge of what it takes to remove it thru communication, not avoidance.. It found it's progress in its effort to over-come and work on removal, by and thru discussion, and conversational as well as debating the factors..
for understanding.. think deeply.. when the acts of segregation was alive and functiong at it's peak, none who uttered or implied and overtly exercised racism.. thought it was wrong nor did they give a second thought to how offensive it is, was and might be.. so now, when anyone of color point's it out.. it's always called.. using it as a "crutch"... Well that comment of implying someone is using it as a crutch, can very well be seen as other's not wanting to acknowledge they may be, or that they are being with racist demeanor in their actions.. and they rebuke being called to review.. so it's easier to just say.. another is using it as a "crutch", than to review self and consider how ones actions impact others..
Now further into the realism of the American brand of racism.. people may consider blacks to be this or that.. but even the historical commentary of how blacks, talk.. especially in regions of low economic's and rural sectors, they really don't talk any worst than many whites who are in the same conditions and circumstances of life... and it also is a fact that the poor language of the old era .. was taught to black by poor speaking whites..
the streets of life always go both ways.. and that crutch you mention seems to have potential to be used both ways.. I'd be careful before I say someone is using racism as a crutch.. unless I know what the situation, actions and issues that are being addressed actually contain..
Telling someone that it's used as a "crutch" ... is not much different than telling someone to "shut up, and don't question me" it's very arrogant and as if one has some irreproachable entitlment to do and be and act as they please against and upon another.. and that person .. has no grounds to say anything..
that's how racism finds its continuation in some situations..
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Punks by the 1000's and hood rats chasing them- "will they ever awaken to what is life" beyond their self imposed ignorance..
women have more power than they think.. if they ignore and refuse to talk to or date these saggin pants lowlife mentailty hoodlums who can't open their eyes to see life and see the reality of the enviornment.. and all they think as acting what they think is cool.. but really only shows them as a fool even unto themselves..
and many of them are violent to the woman.. becase they are weak.. they are so weak they wear their pride on their sleeve, which is why they are so eager to fight and kill... afraid someone may find out that deep inside they know themselves they "aint about sh*t".. !!!!!!!!!!!
a man who is a man... does not need to bully, thug, and act like some showboat idiot.. and they don't rush to fight ... and anyone who knows what self respect is.. is not too worried about someone "dissin" them because they know whom they are .. and respct their own self worth..
but these worthless .. lame physical images of male nature.. is not a man..
the difference between a man and a boy... is a sense of "RESPONSIBILITY" and that includes the responsibility to be a civil individual and a social respecter of others.. They don't need to wear.. stuff with that " look at me" neon light like" crap..
half of the one's faking and shaking... not only do they not own a home, they don't even know how to process the paperwork or engage someone who can process paperwork..
they wear what could have been a down payment for a house around their neck and in their mouth and name tag wasted money up and down the streets..
they try to identify with anything and everything but whom they are within.. they wear name tags outsied and upon themselves as their source of self idenity..
so when you see it.. you can see what of a fool ... you may be investing your time in... so... women.. you need to know the signs..
and take a stand and back away from this..
and for men.. if she looks like a thug, act's like a thug, and dresses like a thug, and talk like a thug.... then you probably should accept that she is a thug..
and a thug.. even if dressed in an evening gown, is still just a thug.. in an evening gown..
it's their mindset... which is thugged out... and no... you won't be making a princess out of her.. she is the only one that can transform herself by learning how not to be a thug and then working to not be a thug.
I see so many women accept this stuff in men... but you will not see a man who is trying to be a "man".. with a thug woman... he has not time for it... and you will not see a woman who wants to be and do something with life and even be a good mother.. will not be with a "thug man"..
but for some reason you see a lot of these couples.. where the thug hook up is visible.. now what women in her right mind would want to be with anyone who claims to be a man.. walking around advertising his butt, like he's a prision house pass around" .... and if you look at many of these.. they have a anal fixation.. and what you might be getting is a "closet ___ "
That's all these saggin people are doing .. is beneath it all.. advertising their butt, to other men... and they think the average person don't know.. they are into such.. but it's evident to anyone who pays attention... 90% of them will probably bend over .. in a corner... if they think no one is looking.. that's that prision mentality and prision habit that started the saggin... and butt exposing habit.
is it a man or what??
women have more power than they think.. if they ignore and refuse to talk to or date these saggin pants lowlife mentailty hoodlums who can't open their eyes to see life and see the reality of the enviornment.. and all they think as acting what they think is cool.. but really only shows them as a fool even unto themselves..
and many of them are violent to the woman.. becase they are weak.. they are so weak they wear their pride on their sleeve, which is why they are so eager to fight and kill... afraid someone may find out that deep inside they know themselves they "aint about sh*t".. !!!!!!!!!!!
a man who is a man... does not need to bully, thug, and act like some showboat idiot.. and they don't rush to fight ... and anyone who knows what self respect is.. is not too worried about someone "dissin" them because they know whom they are .. and respct their own self worth..
but these worthless .. lame physical images of male nature.. is not a man..
the difference between a man and a boy... is a sense of "RESPONSIBILITY" and that includes the responsibility to be a civil individual and a social respecter of others.. They don't need to wear.. stuff with that " look at me" neon light like" crap..
half of the one's faking and shaking... not only do they not own a home, they don't even know how to process the paperwork or engage someone who can process paperwork..
they wear what could have been a down payment for a house around their neck and in their mouth and name tag wasted money up and down the streets..
they try to identify with anything and everything but whom they are within.. they wear name tags outsied and upon themselves as their source of self idenity..
so when you see it.. you can see what of a fool ... you may be investing your time in... so... women.. you need to know the signs..
and take a stand and back away from this..
and for men.. if she looks like a thug, act's like a thug, and dresses like a thug, and talk like a thug.... then you probably should accept that she is a thug..
and a thug.. even if dressed in an evening gown, is still just a thug.. in an evening gown..
it's their mindset... which is thugged out... and no... you won't be making a princess out of her.. she is the only one that can transform herself by learning how not to be a thug and then working to not be a thug.
I see so many women accept this stuff in men... but you will not see a man who is trying to be a "man".. with a thug woman... he has not time for it... and you will not see a woman who wants to be and do something with life and even be a good mother.. will not be with a "thug man"..
but for some reason you see a lot of these couples.. where the thug hook up is visible.. now what women in her right mind would want to be with anyone who claims to be a man.. walking around advertising his butt, like he's a prision house pass around" .... and if you look at many of these.. they have a anal fixation.. and what you might be getting is a "closet ___ "
That's all these saggin people are doing .. is beneath it all.. advertising their butt, to other men... and they think the average person don't know.. they are into such.. but it's evident to anyone who pays attention... 90% of them will probably bend over .. in a corner... if they think no one is looking.. that's that prision mentality and prision habit that started the saggin... and butt exposing habit.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Functional Family Planning
if you consider that when one finishes school at 18 and do 4 years of college, they are around 22.5 yrs of age.. they have their choice of education gains.. of direction .. and the gained skill to manage her employment if needed.
but then she can take the time out to have her family structure created..
if a woman has a baby at age 22.5 by the time she is 26 she can have
3 kids..
which means by the time she is 30 her youngest is 4.. and then
she can then be free do many things... and all kids are in pre-school and
above.. which gives her days free. she can either take a corporate position, pursue her masters degree, or higher, or many things which may be for her career choices.. and her family is at a age rage that can be managed without such closeness that a new born requires.
life has many systems... if we think or understand formulas that provide function and a nature of perspective about balance.... and
understand life processes.. and age frames.
but surely there can be many thoughts for and against this
.. but to see the logic in it .. it is functional for a woman who
wants a family but sill want to do things, be able to have a career if that's her choice..and not wait till later years ( 30 and so on )and such cause her to try compress herself with conflicting objectives... that cause her to be lost as to how much time to spend with the new babies or work..
22.5 is equal to the same age that one would graduate from
4 years of college if she entered college at 18..
so systematically the numbers work..
but so much stupid stuff tries to tell women.. they should be out playing the same games they played in high-school till they are near 30.. and you find more women playing "modified" high school
up to the time they are 30 or near to 30 and some play it even up to near 40... and want to act and expect people to treat them like some sparkle eyed teenager.. who has become terrified that she has to realize that she is older and can't be 17 again. but people are forever talking that stupid stuff.. of .. go have fun, you have not lived and etc.. and all it means it go screw around and test and tease anything and everything and delude yourself that you are hotter than you are ...
but many women find that their greatest joys in life are found in their kids and the nature of family life they create... but far too many... find it out too late, when they are too old to get down and play with their kids and do fun stuff with their kids.. more than sit on a park bench and watch the kids.. the younger mother's can actually interactively play with their kids.. and not have such a huge generation gap between mother and child.. and even when their kids get to be teens.. the mother still have nice shapely form and a youthfulness to do things with them.. instead of .. the way the corporate culture has tried to make people into working machines.. to the point.. by the time their kids get to be teens they are burned out corporate chasing mania.. who has a dysfunctional family... who has probably in many cases ran the husband off with their dire chase mentality of not being satisfied with anything and expecting the world...
people forget so much.. that we don't live forever... !!!! that reality of mortality comes to the awareness of people far too late in many instances... and the look back saying is what..
I should have done this when I was younger..
but these young mother,s ..not only get to know their grand kids, their grand kids even get to know who their great grand parents are..
now how many 40 year old new mothers can say their kids know or even have seen or remember their great grand parents..
it's really much more to think about .. than how many of the dating wheels, one has spun around on.. which is hollow pleasure.. that are gone.. once they are had.. but kids live on..
so it's much more than a thought to dismiss.
but... to each his own.. as we are most certainly individual who have many ways to see and do things.
I would hope that a writing as such would help women to think.. in terms to put things into perspectives so they can figure out ways to make their choices less of a turbulent thing.. and they may then become less with a dis-satisfied concept about their lives.. which many have so many broken relationships.. always thinking their lives should be more than it is.. to the point that so many let it slip by and even make it filled with contentions.. chasing dis-satisfaction to the point they are utterly dis-satisfied and then they make criteria that even unreal in and of their own lives and as a result many end up .. alone thinking it's the world but .. not knowing it may well be their manner of how they made their choices and how they made themselves unable to be satisfied with anything
Monday, December 03, 2007
we've got to learn a different way
maybe people should take a look at some of the crime shows and forensic shows.. just to get a glimpse, or actually just read the papers.. it's some of the most bazaar things imaginable .. that I would not even consider to allow my mind to contemplate doing.. and surely not have a drive to act it out..
so we can let go of the racial element being a thing... and put it into context.
In the City of Shreveport.. and this crime that we have.. which is crimes of ignorance.. by people who have no concern for anything but themselves..
that are too many as mentioned by Beeps and shortygirl
there are many dysfunctional families with drugs and alcohol and just lack of educational background.. and the "wanna be something" boaster in the neighborhood, seeking notoriety as being something, because they can't and don't see anything other to be , than what they idolize of ignorant characters.. and there are so many people in this material world WE ALL live in ... who equates material things with being somebody..
blacks kills for that delusion and whites kill for that delusion..
and thru education we all learn that it's the quality of one's character which makes one be somebody.. which is themselves... which is a person who respects others, life and the god given graces of the virtues of goodness.
We have a society that moved so far from religion principals .. when they first removed prayer from the schools, they even removed the pledge of allegiance from the schools.. all because of some fanatics.. and now we have fanatic running the yard.. of life.
even in this life.. our currency says.. IN GOD WE TRUST" but our kids can't say it in school... and humble themselves before the Lord and give thanks and praise and show grace... how sad and pathetic.
we let evil motivated people who despise god... direct us.. why and how.. by sitting on our butts and letting them pass such bills and legislation.. and they legislated god right out of the lives of our youth.. and our community and our educational realities..
and man has become wiser and wickeder... and too stupid in general to see it..
We need to back up... and get our affairs in order.. and the first affair needs to be to bring the children back to God and God to the presence of the environments where the children are gathered.
Protest the schools till they bring back the prayer.. as the churches to open their doors to let the teachers who would like to see prayer in schools to come to the 1000's of local churches in the neighborhoods and teach until they legislation allow prayer back in schools. and if this happens and people push to get a bill on the floor and support the bill for them to divert funds to these church schools who are supporting prayer in schools.. then people will wake up.. but it takes the whole of the mass in majority numbers to see, think and feel this way and then to act on it.
now how can the school board stop that if the majority of the parents support it. WE MUST NOT FORGET WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY.. WHERE THE POWER OF THE "MAJORITY'.. CAN CHANGE THINGS..
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Be "4"

how many sides does a dream hold.. ?
Regular polygon
Equilateral triangle
Isosceles triangle
Scalene triangle
Acute triangle
Obtuse triangle
Right triangle
what figure/shape does your dream take.. ?
if you look at a circle or a square.. does it matter if you measure it for SIZE.. they both equal 360 degrees..
it matters of the application and the objective ? they can fit .. one within or around the other..
beyond the square.. each shape upwards, becomes 180 degree larger.. up to a maximum of 4 times 360..
could that be relative to the the 4 dimensions of life .. mind, body, spirit and inter-actuality .. implying that .. when inter-actuality engages.. the shape can change thus can increase the sum of the degree. ?
now add in the factor of another( person ) .. the variables become very complex .. but they have the common denominator of for sure.. 90 degree and/or 180 or 360 or 1440 degrees has a constant of 4 .. thus making 22.5 a very significant number. divide it by 4 enough times it becomes 4.
the WHOLE consist of 4.. ( the inside, outside, topside, and bottom side )..
Most constants, either in mathematical or physical, are mysterious, beautiful and fascinating.
A quote from English mathematician J. W. L. Glaisher (1915)
There are four human blood groups (A, B, O, A
There are four basic states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
# The Square of Opposition, in both its Aristotelian version and its Boolean version, consists of four forms: A ("All S is R"), I ("Some S is R"), E ("No S is R"), and O ("Some S is not R").
# Aristotle held that there are basically four causes in nature: the efficient cause, the matter, the end, and the form.
# Immanuel Kant expounded a table of judgments involving four three-way alternatives, in regard to 1. Quantity, 2. Quality, 3. Relation, 4. Modality, and, based thereupon, a table of four categories, named by the terms just listed, and each with three subcategories.
# Arthur Schopenhauer's doctoral thesis was On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
# C.S. Peirce, usually a trichotomist, discussed four basic methods of seeking to settle questions and arrive at firm beliefs: the method of tenacity (sticking to that which one is inclined to think), the method of authority, the a priori method, and the method of science. (See "The Fixation of Belief," 1877, Eprint.)
# Jonathan Lowe (E.J. Lowe) argues in The Four-Category Ontology, 2006, for four categories: objects, attributes, kinds, and modes (by "modes" he means property-particulars,
* Most vehicles have four wheels.
* Most furniture has four legs - tables, chairs, etc.
* Four horses (quadriga) is the maximal number of horses in one row for carriage.
* The four color process (CMYK) is used for printing.
* Four rules : addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
* Greek classical elements (fire, air, water, earth).
* Four seasons : spring, summer, autumn, winter.
* Four parts of a day : night, morning, afternoon, evening.
* Four cardinal directions : north, south, east, west.
* Four Temperaments : sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.
* Four Humors : blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm.
* Four Great Ancient Capitals of China
* Four corner method
* cardinal principles
* Four Evangelists : Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
* The four canonical Gospels, which are attributed to the Four Evangelists: (Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John)
* Four horsemen of the Apocalypse : war, famine, plague, death.
* Four suits of playing cards : hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades.
* Four US time zones: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern.
* The number of tines of most forks.
* Four nations of the United Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
* Noble Truths in the Buddhist faith.
* Four estates : politics, administration, judiciary, journalism. Especially in the expression "Fourth Estate", which means journalism.
* There are 4 theme parks that make up the Walt Disney World resort in Orlando, Florida: the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney-MGM Studios, and Disney's Animal Kingdom.
* Four Corners is the only location in the United States where visitors can be in four separate states at one time: Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
* There were four Superman movies starring Christopher Reeve.
* The Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and The Thing.
* The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo, Donatello, Rafael, and Michelangelo.
* Typically there are four movements in a classical symphony or string quartet.
* The Beatles were also known as the 'Fab Four': John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Paul McCartney.
* The Gang of Four was a group of Communist Party leaders in the People's Republic of China who were blamed for the Cultural Revolution.
* Gang of Four is a British post-punk rock band formed in the late 1970s.
* There are also four members in a quartet. See also List of musical quartets.
* The arcade game Pac-Man, the main character is constantly on the run from four ghosts named Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.
* Similarly, in the sequel to Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, there are four ghosts named Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Sue.
* No Doubt has four members: Gwen Stefani, Tony Kanal, Tom Dumont and Adrian Young.
* Four food groups (Meat products, dairy products, grain products, and fruits/vegetables). Note that this traditional model is falling out of favour, as fruits and vegetables became separate groups in the 1992 USDA food guide pyramid. Also, refined fats and sugars constitute another group (traditionally considered non-essential).
* Four rivers in the Garden of Eden:
= 4
1.Food ,
2. water,
= 4
to be successful in life... we have to engage , 1.mind
3. spirit,
4.individual effort. (self)
1. SET
4 divided by 4 = 1
Be 4 before trying to be 1
and 4, will make you 1 comprised of 4.