how many sides does a dream hold.. ?
Regular polygon
Equilateral triangle
Isosceles triangle
Scalene triangle
Acute triangle
Obtuse triangle
Right triangle
what figure/shape does your dream take.. ?
if you look at a circle or a square.. does it matter if you measure it for SIZE.. they both equal 360 degrees..
it matters of the application and the objective ? they can fit .. one within or around the other..
beyond the square.. each shape upwards, becomes 180 degree larger.. up to a maximum of 4 times 360..
could that be relative to the the 4 dimensions of life .. mind, body, spirit and inter-actuality .. implying that .. when inter-actuality engages.. the shape can change thus can increase the sum of the degree. ?
now add in the factor of another( person ) .. the variables become very complex .. but they have the common denominator of for sure.. 90 degree and/or 180 or 360 or 1440 degrees has a constant of 4 .. thus making 22.5 a very significant number. divide it by 4 enough times it becomes 4.
the WHOLE consist of 4.. ( the inside, outside, topside, and bottom side )..
Most constants, either in mathematical or physical, are mysterious, beautiful and fascinating.
A quote from English mathematician J. W. L. Glaisher (1915)
There are four human blood groups (A, B, O, A
There are four basic states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
# The Square of Opposition, in both its Aristotelian version and its Boolean version, consists of four forms: A ("All S is R"), I ("Some S is R"), E ("No S is R"), and O ("Some S is not R").
# Aristotle held that there are basically four causes in nature: the efficient cause, the matter, the end, and the form.
# Immanuel Kant expounded a table of judgments involving four three-way alternatives, in regard to 1. Quantity, 2. Quality, 3. Relation, 4. Modality, and, based thereupon, a table of four categories, named by the terms just listed, and each with three subcategories.
# Arthur Schopenhauer's doctoral thesis was On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
# C.S. Peirce, usually a trichotomist, discussed four basic methods of seeking to settle questions and arrive at firm beliefs: the method of tenacity (sticking to that which one is inclined to think), the method of authority, the a priori method, and the method of science. (See "The Fixation of Belief," 1877, Eprint.)
# Jonathan Lowe (E.J. Lowe) argues in The Four-Category Ontology, 2006, for four categories: objects, attributes, kinds, and modes (by "modes" he means property-particulars,
* Most vehicles have four wheels.
* Most furniture has four legs - tables, chairs, etc.
* Four horses (quadriga) is the maximal number of horses in one row for carriage.
* The four color process (CMYK) is used for printing.
* Four rules : addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
* Greek classical elements (fire, air, water, earth).
* Four seasons : spring, summer, autumn, winter.
* Four parts of a day : night, morning, afternoon, evening.
* Four cardinal directions : north, south, east, west.
* Four Temperaments : sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.
* Four Humors : blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm.
* Four Great Ancient Capitals of China
* Four corner method
* cardinal principles
* Four Evangelists : Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
* The four canonical Gospels, which are attributed to the Four Evangelists: (Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John)
* Four horsemen of the Apocalypse : war, famine, plague, death.
* Four suits of playing cards : hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades.
* Four US time zones: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern.
* The number of tines of most forks.
* Four nations of the United Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
* Noble Truths in the Buddhist faith.
* Four estates : politics, administration, judiciary, journalism. Especially in the expression "Fourth Estate", which means journalism.
* There are 4 theme parks that make up the Walt Disney World resort in Orlando, Florida: the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney-MGM Studios, and Disney's Animal Kingdom.
* Four Corners is the only location in the United States where visitors can be in four separate states at one time: Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
* There were four Superman movies starring Christopher Reeve.
* The Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and The Thing.
* The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo, Donatello, Rafael, and Michelangelo.
* Typically there are four movements in a classical symphony or string quartet.
* The Beatles were also known as the 'Fab Four': John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Paul McCartney.
* The Gang of Four was a group of Communist Party leaders in the People's Republic of China who were blamed for the Cultural Revolution.
* Gang of Four is a British post-punk rock band formed in the late 1970s.
* There are also four members in a quartet. See also List of musical quartets.
* The arcade game Pac-Man, the main character is constantly on the run from four ghosts named Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.
* Similarly, in the sequel to Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, there are four ghosts named Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Sue.
* No Doubt has four members: Gwen Stefani, Tony Kanal, Tom Dumont and Adrian Young.
* Four food groups (Meat products, dairy products, grain products, and fruits/vegetables). Note that this traditional model is falling out of favour, as fruits and vegetables became separate groups in the 1992 USDA food guide pyramid. Also, refined fats and sugars constitute another group (traditionally considered non-essential).
* Four rivers in the Garden of Eden:
= 4
1.Food ,
2. water,
= 4
to be successful in life... we have to engage , 1.mind
3. spirit,
4.individual effort. (self)
1. SET
4 divided by 4 = 1
Be 4 before trying to be 1
and 4, will make you 1 comprised of 4.
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