Friday, May 23, 2008

"the Loss"

what has happen to the world where male and female.. make meeting and greeting and getting together such a situation of self denials, by criteria s that are constructed denials, of not just other individual, but, of self.. and the same criteria bring the individual into a cycle of doubts, self test and test upon other..

we find nothing, but, the diminishing realism of a self

people are so fragile and frail, and claim to be so strong and so dominant.. We build walls, fences, and borders, we can neither cross nor can other cross them.. and the result is a mass of people .. in self consumption and self absorption that leads to cycles and rituals of self gratification.. and we further claim no one is worthy of us.. as if we have in our minds made ourselves, a God.. seeking to be worshiped and praised, and sacrifices of unknown madness, we expect to be made for the mere assocciation with us ..

We who have become to think that money, and status labels of any sort imaginable makes us feel we are to be given near life devotional submission by others.. simply to relate..

it has become so mad, that the nature of a face that will change with age, and the ass that will change with time and breast that will change with time.. and now .. male trips of size enhancement madness, because the bodies of people have become, desentisized by manufactured contraptions, of self pleasurization tool..

we as people, create mindset and hold these things as if we are to be paid for, and promises of every sort made, because of such.. or we retreat to the contraptions...and then surround it with a lie .. claiming we want to be known for who they are inside.. when we have in reality become addicted to artificial stimulations of contraptions, drink and drugs...
when what shows in our manner is, the inside made real.. of what we claim is something other than what is actually real.. and what is real is what shows.. and that's a standoffish person, one that is vain and egotistical and one that self elates ourselves, above the assocciation with others..

we lie and claim that looks don't matter, but the first word uttered out of our mouth, is how cute someone is, followed by what title of position or job they have before their name..

but the first rule to mate with anyone is .. Know thyself.. and many of us continually lie, and surround that lie with philosophical rhetoric, to make us look the delusion we live, but the lie about that, continues to reveal itself in our daily lives.... and we live the contridiction of saying what we don't believe, nor make effort to live..

we live within the confines of our selfish criteria.. which become as much an imprisonment of ourselves as it becomes a fortress against others.

when it's claimed we can't find anyone, it may be because we have lost ourselves in the criteria we have imprisioned ourselves within., the same judgment and expectations and condemnations, we are so eager to throw upon other..which as we do.. we simply subscribe unto ourselves.. and deny what we describe... but knowing it is us, and our fears we are actually speaking about.. so what we get.. is filled with doubts of every sort.. that make us want to test and re-test everything.. chasing a delusion of a guarantee.. because we are such fear filled individuals.. who mostly fear the lies we tell ourselves will be discovered by others.

we now choose mates for the elation of ego, of what our associates think about our mate, not what we think and how we feel, about the mate.. it matter to us .. more what other will think about our choice.

so we seek these labels, the bank account, and the imagery, which we think will invoke envy in others..

and we become fools unto ourselves..

and crying about being alone. when we made the choice in the details of our criteria.

" what do we really know" ??

and whom do we really think we are ??

the loss .. has become and is becomming more and more .. the matter of life...

and we walk in the darkness of self delusion, and find nothing but confusion in our choosing.. because we live in a cycle of programmed loosing.

Guess what... " it probably includes you too"

Now.. facing those things.. we still come to the point..

we judge and are judged by the company we keep..

maybe we should simply care that others, are not liars, cheater who make thievery upon others their mainstay, and be of much care to distance ourselves from people who choose to be devious and malicious in their relations with other..

and to have that as a basis.. does not mean other have to have money or titles.. it means they simply have to have integrity within the character of themselves.. to be of honest in their living..

if we can find that simplicity of reasoning , about whom we relate.... then, it would serve us much better than.. basing our assocciation on material assessment, being the criteria of how and whom we relate with..

we would probably find our lives more happy and more enriched.. with the diversity of the world ..

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