Friday, May 23, 2008

What is Loving ??

it's the simplest thing imaginable in this world, which we complicate with self importances and sometimes our own over elation of self importance.

you look, you see , you like, you invest time to share and, enjoy... you take the time to understand, and the effort to appreciate.. and before you know it.. " You're Loving"
( don't destroy it with a millions questions born of doubts or expecting someone to be obsessed over you and stop wasting time,seeking some delusion of a guarantee. ) just cut the trip.. and enjoy the realism of Loving. you might find, you like, Loving.

yes, appreciation takes effort.. the effort to look at people with thoughts to consider and be considerate, to look with the effort to see beyond the imagery of the situation and yes... the simple fact of being open enough to interact..

no matter how great you think you are, in this life, that's a up and down thing, and you result to be just a human being in the middle of that up and down cycle.. and you are a person, because you exist and your are personable becasue and if you make effort to be so.

if you get where you think you are so special that no one is good enough, you are probably far less than the person you delude yourself to be.. and when reality is acknowledged you may find that you are far too judgmental and possibly stuck up and maybe even more stuck on yourself to the point that you can't be free to relate or communicate with others. because.. the consumption with self importance.. has made your less important.. in what is loving and the ability to express and share it.

when you think that your possession make your more than a person who has few... you are unaware, that the person who may have few, may be freer than you, because the things you own, they too own you, because they command your time, even when you don't want to give it, because if you don't give it those things deteriorate, and in the deteriorated presentations, all it then represents is that you are a person who can't maintain the things they seek to possess..
and when those possession make you think, you are above others, you may stop and realize that they will go out of style, they will break down and they will not last forever as some new item.

that in no way means, don't get what you want and like and appreciate it.. that means.. you got to know that everything you own, owns a part of you..

and reality hold true that nothing is free, and the cost is always greater than the imagination has engaged to consider..

we are a people who alway say.. "we don't have time for this or that".. and we may or may not stop to consider what and why we don't have time, and when it's sometimes too late.. the things we always say.. we wish we had given more time.. is the people in our lives..

you may want to ask.. What is Loving,

and how am I giving it time to be Loving.

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