Months ago, I point out the price Oil would go, and I pointed out that after the election process it would fall.. and my target is right on time..
On matters of the economy.. things will stabilize, and the confidence will change... within the first quarter of next Year... this was the last year of an 8 year reign of instability, corporate erosion, and executives greed, and mis-management, and wild rides on hot shots playing rips and gain, and ride the ego, into squalor.. and the rest, gathered up their ill gotten gains, and started to exit the scene, and leave the collapsed balloon.. they rip and robbed in every means possible, while a nation was focused only on it's created war...
the next cycle will break down Executive pay and the wild packages that were one the glory grab of many.. it's over... the days of old, when during the 1940 and 1950, the people who created the companies actually ran them... and they knew the sweat it took to build it.. but so many of the past decade of CEO's were not owners, they were hired help, who were given keys to the vault... they did not sweat to build it, nor did they sweat through the challenges of what it took to build it.. and they become more in some sectors merely tools of Wall Street, mandated to the stock holder .. at the expense of the company... and by any means they would sell off, outsource and raid parts of a company to meet wall streets numbers... but that is now .. a era that is no more to have such .... companies will have to be ran by CEO' who have the same mindset as the orginator of a company.. they will have to value the company as if they themselves invested their own money to build it.. and they will not be so eager to sell off it's hard earned assets, or components. nor will they be so eager to outsource and put out of work the same people, it takes to work, to have the means to support buying what companies sell..
somehow, the mindset got lost in delusions.. as if a nation could be strong without it's people working.. and no nation can be strong without it's people working. we weaken America,.. by putting it's people out of work, and giving work to the people of China and it became strong, and then no one in American can afford to buy anything, because they don't have work... so it all collapses.. that the gross result of the mis-use of education... it became a badge of honor to have a degree, more than to have common sense. and common sense was tossed to the side for the egotism of the badge of a degree... and what do we see... the claimed degreed one's in the seats of a congressional nations body.. who can't make a decision, nor did they see the unfolding of what was evident to everyone else, and still they tried to deny it, until it came tumbling down all around them.. and now... they have little to say, and not ability to think beyond the sense of despair and desperation... "that is not the mark of education".. nor is it the resulting functional usage of it...
Many now hold jobs, simply by the holding of a degree, and many of such don't even work in the field their degree focused.. so they use a degree only to get employment, not for the processing of betterment of a society and it's components.. in some crazy sectors, they even let English literature degree, have positions to run corporate sectors.. not because they knew what they were doing, but their English gave them the usage of words, to play .. "political correct games" of how to not say what needs to be say, and how not to say it , in a way where they would not be held responsible...
Financial people following a scrip, and could not see the reality of the changes in world markets and natural resource commodity and tie the dots together enough to predict the rise and fall of the fuel.. I predicted it with pin point accuracy.. and to think.. the misguided mindset of the HR person who tried to insult me with his bigotry of objectivity, and claim me not good at written formulas, but then said.. I could verbalize the formulation summations.. and he knew not even what he was say.. was more the point of positivity, which he put forth as negativity.. because it .. any who can craft formula, but can't verbalize it and know what are the factors, not by the denotation of script, but the meanings that support and what impacts what is denoted.. then the construction of formula.. is nothing more than a show off of technical construction, of a formula.. they pay not attention to the variables with impact and effect and affect the formulation.. and such one's calculations will always be off the mark.. and they will "after the fact" craft out the impacting variables.. but at such point.. the losses have taken their toll.. life will never outwit common sense.. nor will the acts of man... because the world is as simple as it is complex to understand how complexity makes up what appears as simplicity..
Look for better days... 2009 will not be as the forecaster have said... they speak doom, because they live in a cloud of their own views of what years of glutton has shown,
the prudence of simplicity will invoke common sense, no matter how much many try and collude it with the intent to confound... the proclivity of nature, will alway resolve to balance itself... and those who are of honor and with honorable interest in motive, intent and actions.. will fare well. those who choose devise, and seek to support and promote devise.. will find their own forms of demise... no matter how much they grand stand, they will fall... if the present does not prove that point.. then the only matter to those who see not so now.. will be the ones who only see after the fact... and such.. is not .. the view of progressive minds..
the world has met with it's matters, and now the economies will find a different stand.. globally... so to any company that has been otherwise.. may care to review and rectify... and they will be poised to move into the generational change which is upon us..
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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