Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Future - Now

For Many years, we have been groomed to rely of corporations for our support and our lively hood, We have been driven and groomed to think we can't make it, except -only through the good graces of corporations.

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As a result, we have been lifted up and let down. We have lost far too much of that pioneering spirit, our creative motivations and become to find challenges confront us, without the habit of being and doing creatively for ourselves. Our reliance on the system of corporations, to give us means and motivation. As a result, we have lost much of the spirit which built this nation. It was individuals, with a dream, and the effort within desire to make it happen, "the small business owners", the people who turned home hobbies into business and built industry. and again it will take the same. To rebuild it into a better future for all

Unitil we regain that spirit, we will find many challenge to confront us, and we will find our lives moving more and more out of our control range; and we become simply parts of a corporate machine, designated by a number, without option or choice. The cycle has repeated itself over varied generations, and each time, what suffers is the people, the individuals and the communities. corporate buying and selling not just of the Industry, but the lives of people, careers crashed, and the hope of a younger generations, seeing less to be hopeful about.

As a result, we have not just a despaired economy, but a despaired people. Challenges which overcome and overtake the individual; Who has been groomed for generations, to rely solely on the corporation, but not to rely on themselves and their ingenuity and self driven independence of creative pursuits, as a result, their creativity, to invest in their own ingenuity, and to build on their spirit of creations of arts, crafts, business, education and many things, which can use the spirit of change, which lives only within the individuals. has been diminished. And we must regain that spirit of innovation, and believe again in the heart and soul of the small business owners, home business creators. This affords every person the opportunity and provide every person the ability to build their esteem from the inside out, and not attach it to status icons, but to the quality of their efforts to create and contribute to society. The hands which support Industry will always be available, and the same hands many some day, become the hands that support the business you build. If only you make the effort to be a builder- you contribute to the creation of a better tomorrow.

"The Equality of Us"

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We have to regain what made us great. We have to regain the pride in self, as self. Not based on the corporate name tag we wear on our uniform, but on the quality of character we hold within us as a person. We must again find and learn to over come, even the slighest bias, and know, beyond all things, and above all things, We are people. Equal in the Eyes of God, and no man can make that unequal, regardless of the ignorance mankind engages to try and justify such ignornace of self and life to assume any concept of inequality. Our Skin Tones, is lifes way to provide us variety in appeal, and variety in every manner , mode and variable of the human beings that can be desired and appreciated, as the nature of mankind. Love has not barrier other than the devise man conjures - and the more emotion man invest in his devise, the further man pushes himself from the Ideals of Gods masterful creation of a world of many variables, which affords mankind, the ability to have limitless choices within his desires engagment.

Each person, race, ethnicity and culture, brings something unique into the balance of the whole. When mankind finds fullness in self appreciation, it also inspire the openess to appreciate others, and the determination to respect others- and Unity is strengthened.

" The power within you"

Dream a desire, and put your effort into it's creations. and so shall it become yours.

We have been challenged by the likes of many major corporations, to think we have no chance, and opportunity has passed us by. But never in the reality of life, has there been a better time, and as with all times. It is the spirit of the willing, who meet the challenges, and meeting challenges bring change.

It matters not that a company is large and sells to many, there will always be a place for the creativity of the individual, to out pace even the major merchants, because the creativity of mankind, works with the pulse of the people, and the reality of daily living. Each person has a shopkeeper within them, each person has the artist within them, and many talents that are all inspired within the natural lives of individuals. embrace it.. and we together change the course of living, and take back unto ourselves the power to manage our lives.

One dream... and we rebuild the nation.

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Where opportunity exist for all persons

with equality of options to engage it.

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