Sunday, December 30, 2007
your buying power "2008"
if you eat snacks buy them in bulk, if you smoke mini cigars buy them in packs not wasting gas buying them one at a time.. if you buy gas.. why nit pick yourself with 3 dollars and 5 dollars.. either fill the car up or buy you 20$ of gas.. and then manage how you drive.. but you beat yourself to death with 2,3 5 6 dollars of gas... it's not even logical considering you will drive your car daily.. why buy gas daily.. it's a waste of time and a squander of your money and surely it's havoc on a home budget..
if you use debit cards.. then take out 20$ and have it available to get what you want, not using it to charge a pack of gum or soda and cigarettes.. you only cause the banks to charge higher fee's becase of the excessive usage..
people who buy phone cards.. figure out what you actually need, and how you actually use the time.. buying 15-20 dollars at a time, three times a month is much more than a regular service will cost you... MOST ALL OFF MANAGE YOUR PHONE USAGE.. not just talking just to talk.. it's not logical nor is it economical.. just to call people simply becase you have a phone..
if you are in a business.. get off the phone and conduct the business.. it makes you look crazed with a phone glued to your ear from the time you enter the store till the time you leave..
and PAY ATTENTION when driving, not lost in the usage of your cell phone.. the fad of the cell phone long played out.. it's now a tool, use it accordingly.. not as if it's some status item.. and the people with the bluetooth glued to their ear.. does not look cool.. there is nothing about your life that requires you to be readily available 24/7... it's a fake concept of importance and it cost you money to trip on it as such.
Ask yourself .. do you need the latest phone just becase it's been advertised and heavily promoted by the marketing agencies.. ??
think about the buying power you have and how you nit pick your money away.. spending a few pennies here and there.. and then wondering what happen to your money..
if you can't pay off your credit card within 3 months.. don't use it.. !!!!!!!!!!!
letting bills linger past 3 months become a negative to you and your credit .. becase it's communicate your inability to meet your obligations.. 3 months will help you establish good credit if you pay it in 3 equal payments as paid in full.. it gives you 1/4 with good payment track record.
shop for quality household products, not the cheap plastic stuff that requires replacement every month. Just be3case the dollar store sells it for a dollar.. do you really need it , will you actually use it, and will it last??
there are good products made in china but you have to learn to select between the good product and the fancy packaging and the loud colors and painted on chrome look... and if you want furniture, check it.. laminated particle board is .. not going to be worth anything if you try to re-sell it later to upgrade.. all you can do it put it in the trash or give it to some second hand store and they will pile it up as junk.. which no one wants..
Let's think people...
I would like to talk about property purchases. ( at another time).. and many may care to look into it when I discuss the positive aspects of what's available... you will find that you can afford to be a property owner.. and as a property owner .. it helps change your mind about the nature of the enviornment becase you have a vested interest in the city community..
Sunday, December 16, 2007
let's talk about "A crutch"
down and use it as a crutch every other day of their lives,
I don't like this comment for the reason you said. " crutch".. if you know what is racism and that it still exist and that it functions live and well in America and the world... I can't stand it when people say it's used as a crutch.. any and every time racist things are depicted.. that's like saying the racist stuff don't exist.. and we know DAMN well it exist..!!! calling the mention, reference or pointing out of it's existence is always thrown up as being "a crutch" ... I wonder if the comment of calling it a "crutch".. is other-ways of copping out and skirting the issue or the fact of the matter..
Racism found it's challenge of what it takes to remove it thru communication, not avoidance.. It found it's progress in its effort to over-come and work on removal, by and thru discussion, and conversational as well as debating the factors..
for understanding.. think deeply.. when the acts of segregation was alive and functiong at it's peak, none who uttered or implied and overtly exercised racism.. thought it was wrong nor did they give a second thought to how offensive it is, was and might be.. so now, when anyone of color point's it out.. it's always called.. using it as a "crutch"... Well that comment of implying someone is using it as a crutch, can very well be seen as other's not wanting to acknowledge they may be, or that they are being with racist demeanor in their actions.. and they rebuke being called to review.. so it's easier to just say.. another is using it as a "crutch", than to review self and consider how ones actions impact others..
Now further into the realism of the American brand of racism.. people may consider blacks to be this or that.. but even the historical commentary of how blacks, talk.. especially in regions of low economic's and rural sectors, they really don't talk any worst than many whites who are in the same conditions and circumstances of life... and it also is a fact that the poor language of the old era .. was taught to black by poor speaking whites..
the streets of life always go both ways.. and that crutch you mention seems to have potential to be used both ways.. I'd be careful before I say someone is using racism as a crutch.. unless I know what the situation, actions and issues that are being addressed actually contain..
Telling someone that it's used as a "crutch" ... is not much different than telling someone to "shut up, and don't question me" it's very arrogant and as if one has some irreproachable entitlment to do and be and act as they please against and upon another.. and that person .. has no grounds to say anything..
that's how racism finds its continuation in some situations..
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Punks by the 1000's and hood rats chasing them- "will they ever awaken to what is life" beyond their self imposed ignorance..
women have more power than they think.. if they ignore and refuse to talk to or date these saggin pants lowlife mentailty hoodlums who can't open their eyes to see life and see the reality of the enviornment.. and all they think as acting what they think is cool.. but really only shows them as a fool even unto themselves..
and many of them are violent to the woman.. becase they are weak.. they are so weak they wear their pride on their sleeve, which is why they are so eager to fight and kill... afraid someone may find out that deep inside they know themselves they "aint about sh*t".. !!!!!!!!!!!
a man who is a man... does not need to bully, thug, and act like some showboat idiot.. and they don't rush to fight ... and anyone who knows what self respect is.. is not too worried about someone "dissin" them because they know whom they are .. and respct their own self worth..
but these worthless .. lame physical images of male nature.. is not a man..
the difference between a man and a boy... is a sense of "RESPONSIBILITY" and that includes the responsibility to be a civil individual and a social respecter of others.. They don't need to wear.. stuff with that " look at me" neon light like" crap..
half of the one's faking and shaking... not only do they not own a home, they don't even know how to process the paperwork or engage someone who can process paperwork..
they wear what could have been a down payment for a house around their neck and in their mouth and name tag wasted money up and down the streets..
they try to identify with anything and everything but whom they are within.. they wear name tags outsied and upon themselves as their source of self idenity..
so when you see it.. you can see what of a fool ... you may be investing your time in... so... women.. you need to know the signs..
and take a stand and back away from this..
and for men.. if she looks like a thug, act's like a thug, and dresses like a thug, and talk like a thug.... then you probably should accept that she is a thug..
and a thug.. even if dressed in an evening gown, is still just a thug.. in an evening gown..
it's their mindset... which is thugged out... and no... you won't be making a princess out of her.. she is the only one that can transform herself by learning how not to be a thug and then working to not be a thug.
I see so many women accept this stuff in men... but you will not see a man who is trying to be a "man".. with a thug woman... he has not time for it... and you will not see a woman who wants to be and do something with life and even be a good mother.. will not be with a "thug man"..
but for some reason you see a lot of these couples.. where the thug hook up is visible.. now what women in her right mind would want to be with anyone who claims to be a man.. walking around advertising his butt, like he's a prision house pass around" .... and if you look at many of these.. they have a anal fixation.. and what you might be getting is a "closet ___ "
That's all these saggin people are doing .. is beneath it all.. advertising their butt, to other men... and they think the average person don't know.. they are into such.. but it's evident to anyone who pays attention... 90% of them will probably bend over .. in a corner... if they think no one is looking.. that's that prision mentality and prision habit that started the saggin... and butt exposing habit.
is it a man or what??
women have more power than they think.. if they ignore and refuse to talk to or date these saggin pants lowlife mentailty hoodlums who can't open their eyes to see life and see the reality of the enviornment.. and all they think as acting what they think is cool.. but really only shows them as a fool even unto themselves..
and many of them are violent to the woman.. becase they are weak.. they are so weak they wear their pride on their sleeve, which is why they are so eager to fight and kill... afraid someone may find out that deep inside they know themselves they "aint about sh*t".. !!!!!!!!!!!
a man who is a man... does not need to bully, thug, and act like some showboat idiot.. and they don't rush to fight ... and anyone who knows what self respect is.. is not too worried about someone "dissin" them because they know whom they are .. and respct their own self worth..
but these worthless .. lame physical images of male nature.. is not a man..
the difference between a man and a boy... is a sense of "RESPONSIBILITY" and that includes the responsibility to be a civil individual and a social respecter of others.. They don't need to wear.. stuff with that " look at me" neon light like" crap..
half of the one's faking and shaking... not only do they not own a home, they don't even know how to process the paperwork or engage someone who can process paperwork..
they wear what could have been a down payment for a house around their neck and in their mouth and name tag wasted money up and down the streets..
they try to identify with anything and everything but whom they are within.. they wear name tags outsied and upon themselves as their source of self idenity..
so when you see it.. you can see what of a fool ... you may be investing your time in... so... women.. you need to know the signs..
and take a stand and back away from this..
and for men.. if she looks like a thug, act's like a thug, and dresses like a thug, and talk like a thug.... then you probably should accept that she is a thug..
and a thug.. even if dressed in an evening gown, is still just a thug.. in an evening gown..
it's their mindset... which is thugged out... and no... you won't be making a princess out of her.. she is the only one that can transform herself by learning how not to be a thug and then working to not be a thug.
I see so many women accept this stuff in men... but you will not see a man who is trying to be a "man".. with a thug woman... he has not time for it... and you will not see a woman who wants to be and do something with life and even be a good mother.. will not be with a "thug man"..
but for some reason you see a lot of these couples.. where the thug hook up is visible.. now what women in her right mind would want to be with anyone who claims to be a man.. walking around advertising his butt, like he's a prision house pass around" .... and if you look at many of these.. they have a anal fixation.. and what you might be getting is a "closet ___ "
That's all these saggin people are doing .. is beneath it all.. advertising their butt, to other men... and they think the average person don't know.. they are into such.. but it's evident to anyone who pays attention... 90% of them will probably bend over .. in a corner... if they think no one is looking.. that's that prision mentality and prision habit that started the saggin... and butt exposing habit.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
Functional Family Planning
if you consider that when one finishes school at 18 and do 4 years of college, they are around 22.5 yrs of age.. they have their choice of education gains.. of direction .. and the gained skill to manage her employment if needed.
but then she can take the time out to have her family structure created..
if a woman has a baby at age 22.5 by the time she is 26 she can have
3 kids..
which means by the time she is 30 her youngest is 4.. and then
she can then be free do many things... and all kids are in pre-school and
above.. which gives her days free. she can either take a corporate position, pursue her masters degree, or higher, or many things which may be for her career choices.. and her family is at a age rage that can be managed without such closeness that a new born requires.
life has many systems... if we think or understand formulas that provide function and a nature of perspective about balance.... and
understand life processes.. and age frames.
but surely there can be many thoughts for and against this
.. but to see the logic in it .. it is functional for a woman who
wants a family but sill want to do things, be able to have a career if that's her choice..and not wait till later years ( 30 and so on )and such cause her to try compress herself with conflicting objectives... that cause her to be lost as to how much time to spend with the new babies or work..
22.5 is equal to the same age that one would graduate from
4 years of college if she entered college at 18..
so systematically the numbers work..
but so much stupid stuff tries to tell women.. they should be out playing the same games they played in high-school till they are near 30.. and you find more women playing "modified" high school
up to the time they are 30 or near to 30 and some play it even up to near 40... and want to act and expect people to treat them like some sparkle eyed teenager.. who has become terrified that she has to realize that she is older and can't be 17 again. but people are forever talking that stupid stuff.. of .. go have fun, you have not lived and etc.. and all it means it go screw around and test and tease anything and everything and delude yourself that you are hotter than you are ...
but many women find that their greatest joys in life are found in their kids and the nature of family life they create... but far too many... find it out too late, when they are too old to get down and play with their kids and do fun stuff with their kids.. more than sit on a park bench and watch the kids.. the younger mother's can actually interactively play with their kids.. and not have such a huge generation gap between mother and child.. and even when their kids get to be teens.. the mother still have nice shapely form and a youthfulness to do things with them.. instead of .. the way the corporate culture has tried to make people into working machines.. to the point.. by the time their kids get to be teens they are burned out corporate chasing mania.. who has a dysfunctional family... who has probably in many cases ran the husband off with their dire chase mentality of not being satisfied with anything and expecting the world...
people forget so much.. that we don't live forever... !!!! that reality of mortality comes to the awareness of people far too late in many instances... and the look back saying is what..
I should have done this when I was younger..
but these young mother,s ..not only get to know their grand kids, their grand kids even get to know who their great grand parents are..
now how many 40 year old new mothers can say their kids know or even have seen or remember their great grand parents..
it's really much more to think about .. than how many of the dating wheels, one has spun around on.. which is hollow pleasure.. that are gone.. once they are had.. but kids live on..
so it's much more than a thought to dismiss.
but... to each his own.. as we are most certainly individual who have many ways to see and do things.
I would hope that a writing as such would help women to think.. in terms to put things into perspectives so they can figure out ways to make their choices less of a turbulent thing.. and they may then become less with a dis-satisfied concept about their lives.. which many have so many broken relationships.. always thinking their lives should be more than it is.. to the point that so many let it slip by and even make it filled with contentions.. chasing dis-satisfaction to the point they are utterly dis-satisfied and then they make criteria that even unreal in and of their own lives and as a result many end up .. alone thinking it's the world but .. not knowing it may well be their manner of how they made their choices and how they made themselves unable to be satisfied with anything
Monday, December 03, 2007
we've got to learn a different way
maybe people should take a look at some of the crime shows and forensic shows.. just to get a glimpse, or actually just read the papers.. it's some of the most bazaar things imaginable .. that I would not even consider to allow my mind to contemplate doing.. and surely not have a drive to act it out..
so we can let go of the racial element being a thing... and put it into context.
In the City of Shreveport.. and this crime that we have.. which is crimes of ignorance.. by people who have no concern for anything but themselves..
that are too many as mentioned by Beeps and shortygirl
there are many dysfunctional families with drugs and alcohol and just lack of educational background.. and the "wanna be something" boaster in the neighborhood, seeking notoriety as being something, because they can't and don't see anything other to be , than what they idolize of ignorant characters.. and there are so many people in this material world WE ALL live in ... who equates material things with being somebody..
blacks kills for that delusion and whites kill for that delusion..
and thru education we all learn that it's the quality of one's character which makes one be somebody.. which is themselves... which is a person who respects others, life and the god given graces of the virtues of goodness.
We have a society that moved so far from religion principals .. when they first removed prayer from the schools, they even removed the pledge of allegiance from the schools.. all because of some fanatics.. and now we have fanatic running the yard.. of life.
even in this life.. our currency says.. IN GOD WE TRUST" but our kids can't say it in school... and humble themselves before the Lord and give thanks and praise and show grace... how sad and pathetic.
we let evil motivated people who despise god... direct us.. why and how.. by sitting on our butts and letting them pass such bills and legislation.. and they legislated god right out of the lives of our youth.. and our community and our educational realities..
and man has become wiser and wickeder... and too stupid in general to see it..
We need to back up... and get our affairs in order.. and the first affair needs to be to bring the children back to God and God to the presence of the environments where the children are gathered.
Protest the schools till they bring back the prayer.. as the churches to open their doors to let the teachers who would like to see prayer in schools to come to the 1000's of local churches in the neighborhoods and teach until they legislation allow prayer back in schools. and if this happens and people push to get a bill on the floor and support the bill for them to divert funds to these church schools who are supporting prayer in schools.. then people will wake up.. but it takes the whole of the mass in majority numbers to see, think and feel this way and then to act on it.
now how can the school board stop that if the majority of the parents support it. WE MUST NOT FORGET WE LIVE IN A DEMOCRACY.. WHERE THE POWER OF THE "MAJORITY'.. CAN CHANGE THINGS..
Sunday, December 02, 2007
Be "4"

how many sides does a dream hold.. ?
Regular polygon
Equilateral triangle
Isosceles triangle
Scalene triangle
Acute triangle
Obtuse triangle
Right triangle
what figure/shape does your dream take.. ?
if you look at a circle or a square.. does it matter if you measure it for SIZE.. they both equal 360 degrees..
it matters of the application and the objective ? they can fit .. one within or around the other..
beyond the square.. each shape upwards, becomes 180 degree larger.. up to a maximum of 4 times 360..
could that be relative to the the 4 dimensions of life .. mind, body, spirit and inter-actuality .. implying that .. when inter-actuality engages.. the shape can change thus can increase the sum of the degree. ?
now add in the factor of another( person ) .. the variables become very complex .. but they have the common denominator of for sure.. 90 degree and/or 180 or 360 or 1440 degrees has a constant of 4 .. thus making 22.5 a very significant number. divide it by 4 enough times it becomes 4.
the WHOLE consist of 4.. ( the inside, outside, topside, and bottom side )..
Most constants, either in mathematical or physical, are mysterious, beautiful and fascinating.
A quote from English mathematician J. W. L. Glaisher (1915)
There are four human blood groups (A, B, O, A
There are four basic states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.
# The Square of Opposition, in both its Aristotelian version and its Boolean version, consists of four forms: A ("All S is R"), I ("Some S is R"), E ("No S is R"), and O ("Some S is not R").
# Aristotle held that there are basically four causes in nature: the efficient cause, the matter, the end, and the form.
# Immanuel Kant expounded a table of judgments involving four three-way alternatives, in regard to 1. Quantity, 2. Quality, 3. Relation, 4. Modality, and, based thereupon, a table of four categories, named by the terms just listed, and each with three subcategories.
# Arthur Schopenhauer's doctoral thesis was On the Fourfold Root of the Principle of Sufficient Reason.
# C.S. Peirce, usually a trichotomist, discussed four basic methods of seeking to settle questions and arrive at firm beliefs: the method of tenacity (sticking to that which one is inclined to think), the method of authority, the a priori method, and the method of science. (See "The Fixation of Belief," 1877, Eprint.)
# Jonathan Lowe (E.J. Lowe) argues in The Four-Category Ontology, 2006, for four categories: objects, attributes, kinds, and modes (by "modes" he means property-particulars,
* Most vehicles have four wheels.
* Most furniture has four legs - tables, chairs, etc.
* Four horses (quadriga) is the maximal number of horses in one row for carriage.
* The four color process (CMYK) is used for printing.
* Four rules : addition, subtraction, multiplication, division.
* Greek classical elements (fire, air, water, earth).
* Four seasons : spring, summer, autumn, winter.
* Four parts of a day : night, morning, afternoon, evening.
* Four cardinal directions : north, south, east, west.
* Four Temperaments : sanguine, choleric, melancholic, phlegmatic.
* Four Humors : blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm.
* Four Great Ancient Capitals of China
* Four corner method
* cardinal principles
* Four Evangelists : Matthew, Mark, Luke, John.
* The four canonical Gospels, which are attributed to the Four Evangelists: (Gospel of Matthew, Gospel of Mark, Gospel of Luke and Gospel of John)
* Four horsemen of the Apocalypse : war, famine, plague, death.
* Four suits of playing cards : hearts, diamonds, clubs, spades.
* Four US time zones: Pacific, Mountain, Central, and Eastern.
* The number of tines of most forks.
* Four nations of the United Kingdom: England, Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland.
* Noble Truths in the Buddhist faith.
* Four estates : politics, administration, judiciary, journalism. Especially in the expression "Fourth Estate", which means journalism.
* There are 4 theme parks that make up the Walt Disney World resort in Orlando, Florida: the Magic Kingdom, Epcot, Disney-MGM Studios, and Disney's Animal Kingdom.
* Four Corners is the only location in the United States where visitors can be in four separate states at one time: Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, and Arizona.
* There were four Superman movies starring Christopher Reeve.
* The Fantastic Four: Mr. Fantastic, The Invisible Woman, The Human Torch, and The Thing.
* The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Leonardo, Donatello, Rafael, and Michelangelo.
* Typically there are four movements in a classical symphony or string quartet.
* The Beatles were also known as the 'Fab Four': John Lennon, Ringo Starr, George Harrison, and Paul McCartney.
* The Gang of Four was a group of Communist Party leaders in the People's Republic of China who were blamed for the Cultural Revolution.
* Gang of Four is a British post-punk rock band formed in the late 1970s.
* There are also four members in a quartet. See also List of musical quartets.
* The arcade game Pac-Man, the main character is constantly on the run from four ghosts named Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Clyde.
* Similarly, in the sequel to Pac-Man, Ms. Pac-Man, there are four ghosts named Inky, Blinky, Pinky and Sue.
* No Doubt has four members: Gwen Stefani, Tony Kanal, Tom Dumont and Adrian Young.
* Four food groups (Meat products, dairy products, grain products, and fruits/vegetables). Note that this traditional model is falling out of favour, as fruits and vegetables became separate groups in the 1992 USDA food guide pyramid. Also, refined fats and sugars constitute another group (traditionally considered non-essential).
* Four rivers in the Garden of Eden:
= 4
1.Food ,
2. water,
= 4
to be successful in life... we have to engage , 1.mind
3. spirit,
4.individual effort. (self)
1. SET
4 divided by 4 = 1
Be 4 before trying to be 1
and 4, will make you 1 comprised of 4.
Monday, November 26, 2007
do you care to make a worthwhile contribution and find success in doing so ??
and each of those maintain their guidelines, which does include character references, and public presentation.. liked or unliked .. that's fact.. and there is the procedure, and the meetings and they pay attention to everything, from how you dress to how you talk... unless you got a plan for the "new wheel" that will replace the conventional wheel... this process is in place.. and as blacks .. if we want to join that process.. we have to manage ourselves to meet not just the presentations standards, but there are character managment elements that are too involved.. communication manner and communication modes... without the concern for these .. then it's not much use of pursuing such backing and underwriting..
there are foundation by many of the nations wealthiest people.. and they are not just waiting to underwrite stuff.. they are out actively seek out things to underwrite.. they are out looking for the professionals and skilled who will go to the rural areas and build.. they are looking for the new entrants in many many fields they can support well laid out programs.. and they will fund it and provide the guidance as well as round up other resources.. but they have their rules and their guidelines.. and by right they should.. because it's their money and their will that can make other's ideas become reality.. and it must fit within a generalize mannerism of what is the ideal of america...
people may not know nor care about such.. but there is a culture of america that have one mission.. and that is to preserve the ideal of america and they have a caption of what that ideal is..
and to gain their help , support and their participation and contributions and backing.. then one... has to manage how they meet the standards...
They don't care about hip hop.. they don't care about being cool they don't care about who's tuff and who's not ... or any of the stuff the media has us labels with.. . but we have to make and represent the distinction of differences... they don't care if one comes from a broke family or the worst unit in a project.. they care about the meeting of the standards they set forth.. and build something that can expand to help the community of what is america...
they don't just sit back waiting with millions.. but they sit back with hundreds of billions of dollars.. and they will make the moves to meet the ideas that is well prepared and well presented and the character of the individual in equally well presented and represented..
and this is something that we as a people may very well care to consider..
now one can think what they want and claim they don't have to do this or that.. it's fine.. then they will struggle on their own and find many challenges that a bit of adaptations can remove in a flash..
there are people here in Shreveport who will support a good program.. the lady at the bank.. asked if she could have some investors contact me.. with an idea I discussed with her.. if I had not and did not present myself with a decorum.. not only would that offer not exist.. I could not have knocked on a thousand doors and even found a hint of an offer..
and I'll get my program laid out.. I'm working on one that is commercial at the moment but it has cultural elements all the way to the core of it.. but I also have some outlines for youth programs.. and I'm actively pursuing assistance within getting those on the table for discussion... within the people who are the principals that can make it real..
but I will not enter to meet with any of them without the suit and tie and my footwork as complete as I possibly can get it..
I'd love to meet with a investment and development firm in the city and share some thoughts.. and eventually I'll find one that can first hear the idea and if they like it they can reach the coordinating principals.. and then the idea has legs.. and can began to walk...
but we have to embrace process.. and non of us like the details of things .. that's just people nature.. we want it to just happen.. but the beauty of it's happening is built and brought forth thru the details and the love of the details..
I don't have many problems .. "yes" I have money concerns and needs just like everyone else, and after spending much of what could have been business related on trying to help family.. now I have to do work that I'm not the most driven to do.. while I work on building what I care to build that it may contribute .. but my biggest stress factor is " the stress to create and build something".. the stress of trying to find people that believe in a vision.. and running into people who are not inspired and have more doubt than optimism.. and dealing with people who are reluctant to get involved in anything. and then finding that.. if I want all the pieces put together I have to do it myself... I've learned building web site, studying RE and Notary and much else... but .. it's ok.. it's learning.. but what it won't be is it won't be a black business it will be "a people business" .. and I will seek out when it's blossoming "people" based on people who are self inspired and self motivated.. and self investing.. if not that.. then I should just stop and concede failure .. and that's not an option.
we all must start from some place and in some cases .. re-start.. and after nearly 30 yrs of working .. I have to start again.. and yet.. it's just a matter of living and doing .. to get something done.. and hold and have pride in what it becomes.
Learning as we Go... now let's understand as we grow
now the must discussion about the past is simply to say.. in 40 some years only some will succeed but not all and it's ridiculous to think all would have.. or could have.. we still have pockets that must first change..
many many white people have made a lot of change.. and they have made broad steps.. and whites are as a whole now driven to do many humanitarian things and they do them well. I've personally not met any prejudice on a personal level since I've been back in Shreveport.. people speak, people talk, people smile they laugh and the only thing that I did encounter that I found disenchanting.. is talking to someone and as long as they felt they were with superior knowledge the conversation was fine, when I spoke in response of my awareness and knowledgeable element of the subject the conversation then found the person ready to end the conversation.. but many many whites have offered to help with many things that I've presented.. and I think if more blacks take the time to put their presentations together and show interest beyond initial enthusiasm they will find they are received well. be willing to learn, be willing to not be quick to loose the inspiration and be willing also to be informed... and this is a two way street.. but if you are going to someone who is skilled in what they do.. you got to be willing to listen to them... they've already walked thru the pitfalls..
I think it's a matter of manner and conduct as well.. talk in terms that are mutually understood .. leave the slang at home.. and the hip stuff for the streets.. there is a time an place to inject such into the humor parts of communicating but talking in street codes.. is not only unprofessional it is not conveying what is the point and the facts of the discussion and not in a manner and language that is suitable for business. many whites.. like to be a part of causes and those who have resources like to champion causes... and there are too blacks that have the means who also care to champion and be a part of causes..
the old ways of the past.. are what they were.. but there were lots of whites who did not like the Jim Crow era.. and there were a lot of whites who did not aspire to the Jim Crow era.. and there were a lot of whites who distance themselves from even their family to get away from the Jim Crow era stuff..
but the point that is important for both black and white is to know .. that we as a people have come a long way in a mere 44 years... and that's a very short time to have moved so far .. so the blacks that one poster mentioned who did succeed, are symbolic and at the same time a rational % based on the short span of time.. but it also must be remembered that there were some blacks that did in small % have a base to succeed from the old natured black community models, the son's and daughter's of teachers, the son's and daughters of various people who had means and had stability in employment and some who had one sole mission was for their kids not to have the hardships they had.. but there are a great many who just did not have the push nor the vision and many many things.. but this is conversely true for many whites.. who just could not push their offspring's thru generations into the success path. But in truth of that..
we have to know .. not everyone is going to be a doctor, nor professional.. and we should not expect such.. someone will always be there who takes pride in being that cook, that janitor and that person who digs out the plumbing and many many things that are part of the skills needed to make a society and make a society function..
now days it's hard for everyone... black and white.. when I'm in the stores .. I see white people facing the same challenge as blacks.. and that's looking at the prices and feeling stressed.. wondering if their job will be there next week.. and wanting to give their kids the best they can.. and some can meet and face the challenge better than others..
I detest those who continue to write like white people are the only ones that work and want to work.. that's the biggest crok of sh*t .. ever posted on these sites.. yes we got black drug addict s just like they got white ones. and we got white theives just like black ones..
and there are whites that see hopelessness and there are blacks that see hopelessness. .. and if you look at faces when you are out.. you will see a lot of people with a semi depression.... this is part of the condition of america.. with our jobs sold out to foreign nations... our production facilities closed down and driving down our streets and seeing one closed store after the next.. As people we have to get to our politicians and tell them.. 'No more".. and how do we make that stick.. "we stop buying until these stores can match their shelves stocking with a balance of american goods.. Our society has relegated itself to stocking our stores as if to say.. every other nation can produce better than we can.. price does not matter except for the greed of corporate leaders.. Foreign nations have always paid more for our products, becase we made better products with better materials.. but we chose to make cheap products with cheap internal parts from low wage cheap material production.... and that is how we killed the economy of this nation... No one wants to go and buy a lawnmower with hard plastic wheels that fall of in a year.. when we had metal rim wheels with rubber on them that lasted long as the lawnmower lasted.. we take our scrap cardboard aand send it to China.. why are we not recycling it and sending them ready to use boxes.. that is work in the US to build those boxes.. but we just let them create work for their people building boxes... simple stuff. but real stuff.
We buy Japanese Television .. and walk right past American Television becase it's only a name and made in Korea or Taiwan and assembled in Mexico.. It's pure madness... no country is great without it's production and it's people being busy in being industrious..
we move young kids to top position just by name sake and who's family they are from or what school they graduated.. when we need to make them work their way to the top.. learn meaning, learn value, build integrity and build the dignity thru move thru the steps.. but they have no awareness of what it takes becase they are sitting at the top making decision that avoid the work.. and they do that by outsourcing and filling their pockets and running around flaunting their wealth in extravagant silliness.. which again exemplifies their lack of awareness of the great aspect of responsibility of being and making corporate decision.. all we hve is a spike and crash economy since this trend has been in process.. every area of our economy is riding a spike and crash cycle.. and the element is the same across the board.. young fresh out of college people.. chasing their ego and lost as to the depth of meaning and integrity of the people..
they strip and rip ... and the worker is left with nothing.. this is our down fall..
we have so much to think about.. and so much to re adjust that we need to get busy..
the poster who said that intergration was not a key.. is far and away unaware..... we are a diverse culture known as Americans.. and unless we intergrate as a united culture then why and how can we be Americans..
we see one ethnic country's excelling because they have unity... if we and as we are a mixed culture then we need unity and you get unity by integrating the diverse into a unity... united we stand... do you know what that means... and divided we fall.. surely you can see that reality every place..
it's bout us.. all of us as people being A people .. not them people and those people.. but "A peopl
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Unitl they.. Awaken to see themselves and what is the roots in their attitudes.. and how they act out that bias and racism .. in ways they accepted as NORMAL BEHAVIOR for themselves. thinking themselves superior and better than..
became such an ingrained normal manner .. they can't today.. see that
much of that still carries forth in their ways..
they may and do play off "as MINOR" .. rather than learning how to
themselves change.. and face the fact, they do need to think, learn and
Change. AND RE LEARN ... MUCH..

Even religion was abused..: to teach in their own church that gods wants them to have everything.. and want them to have it while they live..
in the black Church.. they only would allow.. teaching .. that god wanted blacks to suffer and be proud to suffer and that they had to wait till they die to get anything. other than a prayer ... and a hope... to die and get something.
Shall we show too.... the pictures of the Police blocking school doors.. with fire hoses, and attack dogs. people beat and imprisioned for even looking at a white woman..
No longer can the hidden fact of molesting young black boys be had.. so now it has come out in plain public view, that the molesting has turned to little white boys.. because they would stand out too much and be too visible seen approaching black boys in todays society..
the history is rife with the craving of their desire for the young just in puberty girls.. so now they have found a new path .. via the internet.. and it's wide spread.. only difference is the white mothers.. now complain because it's now their daughter.. that is the target.. before they took a blind eyes to it all. it's now their young boys.. who are being turned out.. in the 10,'s of thousands.. and their daughters acting out .. the girl chase girl acts now... where the history had it the women had black chamber maid girls.. but now no more.. so the table turns and it's now .. white girls seducing white girls.. they don't have the little black chamber maid anymore.. for such servicing..
yes.. that's the history no one wants to talk about.. of which existed.
so the truth comes to surface..... and now... it's a so called in their eyes.. an "outrage'.. but it was not so.. when they had black people to enact these things upon and with.. and then push them to the side .. till their abusive urges hit them ..
yes.. it's amazing the truths life tell. and the hell one invokes come back to be their own.

whites sit on their butts and got fat and lazy using and abusing black people.. wanting something for nothing.. and wanting someone to do everything for them... while they sit back and reap the gains.. but they are much too, driven to think they are entitled to this.. to even remotely see any wrong in it and to see the generations of wrong in how they groomed themselves in these ways to this very day...,
And now day they have the audacity to complain about blacks receiving any kind of assistance..
they want to pay slave wages to blacks to this day... while they sit home and reap the gains. or sit in offices patronizing each other.. but they can't see the evilness in that.. they are gloating on .. the delusion the dollar makes them better people.. and have sacrificed self integrity for such... and yet remain unaware.
their anguish.. at blacks for getting any kind of help.. when they have been the prime user's in the history of america of black people and their labor and skills for anything and everything... and even took out insurance to be compensated for any loss of life thier abuse actions, caused to blacks they can file a claim.. make the system pay them .. . but what they resent in anyone black being able to get the same assistance they ( themselves) have gotten and can and still do get get from the system... but it eat way at the core of their won butt.. to see blacks have access to it.... and for blacks to get anything and they can't get a profit off of it first... is to them the worst thing imaginable in this life.

Now.... all the medications that were tested out on unknowing blacks for centuries and decades.... and now whites use them.. they are coming down with ailments that have never been heard of in life.. and the side effects attack them in every way imaginable.. and the once guinea pigs they used blacks to be.... are not able to afford the medicine and thus don't end up with all these ailments.. as a result... "thanks for the denial of such slow killing madness".. we can only get the one's that have been proven over many years to not be dangerous... so .. in that regard, we may fare better..
Shall we too, post pictures of the massive ghetto complexes.. and the methods and manners and tools used to invoke racism and it's discriminating cycles..

Shall we show the pictures of hatred exercised in every imaginable way... for people to understand the heritage of evils they invoked and carry forth in mind, actions and thought patterns..
and people have the audacity to say black people want something for nothing.. we've never had nor asked for anything for nothing..
and the sad thing is anything that is allocated to help blacks.. may pass in congress, but then is eaten away by ear marked entitlements for whites until the program is left insolvent...not by blacks getting anything .. but by the rip off whites, earmarks do to the program.. long before it can even service black people and the cause it was designed for..
IF WE REMEMBER CORRECTLY " that has been the white way".. that was the nature of white's drive for slavery.. to Want a harvest FOR NOTHING".. TO WANT labor for nothing.. to want someone to do anything and everything for him.. THAT WAS HIS WHOLE MOTIVATION FOR SLAVERY... " TO WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING " SO MUCH SO... THEY KILLED, AND SLAUGHTERED AND ABUSED PEOPLE FOR 100'S OF YEARS .. IN THEIR 'WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING MINDSET...THEN DENIED THE PARTICIPATIN IN WHAT THE LABORS OF THE ABUSED BUILT...
NOW IF THAT IS NOT AN EVIL NATURE TO THE CORE.. IN EVERY IMAGINABLE WAY.. to the extreme.... they even ruined the credo of what is america by and thru.. making laws to cover his .. GET SOMETHING FOR NOTHING WAYS of the white process which has been by and thru Slavery, and killing and inhumane acts...".. and nearly kills him to see blacks now get anything even thru a government system to help blacks.. but they.. had and wanted every government assistance to help them .. keep slaves, pass laws to degrade slaves.. and anything and everything that is imaginable they wanted .. and passed many and very law they could to get help.. to insure they could USE slave and get something for nothing.
for everything the whites complain about blacks.. they are themselves guilty of such.. and have been guilty of such of hundreds of years.
they want something for nothing so much so.. they would make america unemployed trying now to get something for nothing thru using the Chinese .. and as a result DESTROYED THE AMERICAN ECONOMY..
the evilness has no limits and seeming no end.. to the extent of being in another country waging war.. trying to take their oil.. after murdering their leader theu a zoo court process.. then broadcast it on the media..
who has destroyed and sold out american industry.. "the same one's that sit at corporate tables' every kind of corruption that is imaginable, who's done it .. ?? every kind of destroy the symbols of the nations.. and the political machine ? they are forever busting them for corruption, lying, sexual deviancy and sexual abuses of every sort, rips off of the public trust and then paying themselves in the process and sending each other to country clubs easy life jails..for a few years.. while their money is managed by a broker.. and they come out richer than when they went it.. then they give them a book deal.. DOES ..Oliver North ring a bell, does Mark Furman ring a bell, even the house bum, Kato from the Oj chronicles.. Howard Dean... Cheney shoots his buddy in the face , Blackwater the hit squad pardoned.. and anything you can name... they just wait a few years and pay themselves again.. this list is endless..
who is it that leads the thrust to remove prayer from schools, the pledge of allegiance from schools and to now want to teach kids homosexual grooming in school.. THIS IS BEING DONE BY WHITE PEOPLE. EVERYTHING THAT HAS FALLEN APART IN THIS SOCIETY CAN BE TRACED TO THE SAME GROUP...
this is why the white man has made himself hated around the world.. and a target for the nations of the world to want to obliterate .. he is trying to take their natural resources as he did the "Indians who where the original inhabitants of what is now America.. and what happen to them???
they were slaughtered by the white man.. and nearly made extinct... and he thinks it was his right to do so.. and yet, does not see the wrong in such 500 years later.
I did not create this truth... I'm only writing about it... and people may see.. clearly what they have been seeing thru smoke screens.. the facts support themselves.. and you may investigate them to any extent that is satisfactory... but the point will come to be the same...
America was built on use and abuse, wanting something for nothing, human atrocities that are incaculable in the damages that were done. and are being done.. and the culprit is the same.. in each and every sector that one cares to look.... it's the same culprit.
a topic that can bring all of us to read, think and learn.. if we can face the challenge of doing so.
if we do so honestly.. we will grow... ( put on your long sleeve shirts if you got thin skin)
visit this posting on... "The Shreveport Times"... and "THINK"
if you aspire to that challenge .. the Think.. and learn and Re-learn .. how not to be ..a Racist..
it's a big task with a lot of ground that must be covered..
Saturday, November 17, 2007
a world review
Why are most African countries undeveloped?
11/16/2007 10:42 pm
I wonder whether this is a discussible
topic as some people may be afraid of being misunderstood
to be racialists although I don't mean that.
I was listening to a friend during lunch time. He told me
why the Chinese female athletes achieved more excellent
performance than the male athletes did. He thought it was
because strength were more important in sport but the Chinese
men were not good at this. Black people were good at this.
Therefore, track and field were mainly black people's
world. It's a matter of races.
This has me think, comparing with highly developed Western
countries, why most African countries are very undeveloped?
Is it a mere coincidence or a necessity?
You may say that there are less natural resources in
But let's do not forget
resources and land in
frequent in
has now become a developed country. Comparing with
I don't understand why African countries are so undeveloped
and there are countless people starve to death everyday
Now, let's review the history. There were four brilliant
civilizations that once were prosperous. For instance,
ancient Chinese civilization and Nilotic civilization.
However, I've never heard there were comparable civilizations
that were created by black people.
Is this because the reason that Watson remarked a few days
ago? James Watson, the 79-year-old scientific icon made
famous by his work in DNA and won a Nobel Prize in 1962, said
that he was, "inherently gloomy about the prospect
of Africa" because "all our social policies
are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same
as ours ?whereas all the testing says not really."
There were once at least four human races some one hundred
thousand years ago. Then except for our remote ancestors
Homo sapiens (Homo sapiens is called "intelligent
human" in Chinese), other races have been eliminated
through selection or contest. Later Homo sapiens evolved
four main races (white, yellow, brown and black). What
will these four races' future be? Will they mix with
each other into a single race or divide into more races?
Will some races be eliminated?
probably many reasons.. instability in government and plunders of sorts..
We see this on every continent.. to some degree. when people are pushed further and further to desolate lands, their progress is diminished as basic survival become the pursuit more than innovations and further pursuits of educational excellence.. and they hold to the tribal traditions which are meant to keep them safe as possible, at the expense of integrated advancements.
We can see a prime example of this in the amazon, as well as region of the rain forest .. and surely in current day situation like Maynamar.. The
We can look at south Africa as a prime example of what Apartheid did to that nations, of holding one people back while utilizing the labors of the people and taking the fertile lands for themselves, and doing so by force and the barrel of a guy then laws enforced by the power of the gun to imprison a nation of people by the invocation of fears of retributions of many sorts.
We have the same things that happen even in our major metro's within many so called advanced and civilized to the high education nations.. the divide of the Ghetto and the suburban life, " go look at a "PUBLIC" school in a ghetto, and a public school in a suburban area.. it's ALL TAX MONEY, but the schools are very different, not just in appearance but in what it offers and what it provides. so the micro symbolisms of what difference you see are everywhere.. the same in
so it's not a mutter of race.. it's a matter of the power brokers and not investing until they can dominate to their satisfaction and desire, until they have time to control and dominate and find their want of usage, they keep subjugated to feed their wants of cheaper labor pools.. and whatever other regions..
Poor areas produce windfalls for some of the power corrupt, they use them to create program and then they rip these program off before they ever reach the people whom they were designed to help support and prosper.
to investigate these kinds of topics people have to be willing to encompass more than a great many care to look at.. including the racism of people, the tribalism of people and the many many host of socialized prejudices that are a part of the general formation of societies... and how that has many many methods of exercise.
Racial and regional extinctions have been tried by many in the acts or efforts of diminishing a race, a tribal or ethnic groups down to insignificant numbers..
some by methods of vilifying it's leaders, exiling it's leaders, mass killings, ethnic cleansing; of which we saw in Rwanda, and this is created by outside influences, at one time for example the Dutch and other Nordic countries, would support one side and then shift their support to the other side, and during these shifts.. they have one people to usurp the other and dominate and subjugate.. We saw it in
We are not much different today than times back in ancient history, we as people just employ different means, The US invasion of Iraq, for Oil and claiming other reasons, but in the midst, it's occupation and the de-stability of the many 100,000's even millions that have had to flee to refugee camps.. and thus no one prosper in a refugee camp except the camp organizers..
so the subject matter is very broad, and it's filled with political drama of every sort, and prejudgments inferences of every sorts upon and about people and the propaganda machines that work over time to push the propaganda of their regime and agency.. and the masses of the people are lead and fed what they will believe and gives less than the first and hand full view of what is actually at play and what the actual motives are within the acts and actions.
let's look at
it was built up as a nation that was made powerful off of slave labor, but in it's process it held back, held down and created institutions of many sorts to degrade, down rate and uneducated the masses of black’s then it used the acts and actions of stereotyping and spreading of such by studies that were biased based on it's standards which it kept from exposure, involvement and interactivity, being withheld from the blacks, and assessed them by these same denied,educational pursuits and diminished quality in the segergated institutions, of it's masses whom were ALLOWED to freely obtain education, it imposed subjugation that penalty for reading and learning, it forbade acquisition and wealth gaining and holdings. and upon legal change it segregated and yet provided unequal in treatment, consideration and action, and thru laws it segregated again into poor structured communities became to be known as ghettos, where despair was a norm, that breeds violence, chaos and contentions, and then it further gave itself reasons to attach stereotypes by creating conditions that would justify their stereotypes.. and this process has not vanished..
systematic subjugation is a process formulations that has many forms of devise while it may care to portray itself as being other.. it perpetuates what it was intended to .. and that's a segregation of the masses..
an example.. union Jobs.. When mostly white males held Union jobs and made top salary, it was said Union jobs were the greatest thing ever, but when Union Jobs had to include blacks and women, it was then said, that Union jobs paid too much and was a burden to society, so they shipped out the jobs and busted the Unions.. This is just an outgrowth of the same prejudicial mindset that created
if it had continue to support the unions the same as it did when it was dominantly white male, then we would continue to prosper, but the curtailment to insure that the blacks and women does not prosper with the same balance as the white male.. is the downfall of
the laws say equality but the mindset of people cannot and will not embrace it with their heart .. and so
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
stop the violence and the public menacing disposition., black wealth and power come to the city and build.
no matter what is created this stupidity of young blacks fighting and making a mess of it is what curtails this city having and creating more things..
this is a city of people who care to live and have a civil life and to feel safe and be safe.. this gang ignorance has gone on far too long and black people of all ages need to speak up or get out of the way... and let the police lock up the fools and don't raise a fuss about it.. BECAUSE IN THEY LEARN TO COME TO PLACES AND HAVE A GOOD TIME AND GO HOME WITHOUT CREATING A MESS AND A RUCKUS, then not only will it be fun for blacks but fun for everyone ... DOWNTOWN IS FOR EVERYONE... AND PEOPLE FIRST OFF.. STOP BUILDING CLUBS THAT ARE ETHNICALLY DOMINANT.. BUILD CLUBS THAT EMBRACE PEOPLE.. AND MIX IT UP SO ALL PEOPLE FEEL COMFORTABLE COMING TO IT..
this 1960 mentality of .. black clubs and white clubs is insane in the 21st century... and these kids need to learn some sense of decorum.. you don't need to be on the dance floor to see who can act the biggest fool or which girl can get the closest to being naked and who can simulate sex as close to the act of what should be done in your bedroom..
acting like a mad house of fools is not party in public venues.. it's fools acting foolish..
and that's why they have to patrol it like a prison becase you go there and act like prisoners who have a week end pass to act a fool..
I'm black and I'm telling it like it is.. it's pathetic....
I see young blacks in the stores with all this fake crap in their moth, can't wear a hat on their head without two hats being worn, with the stocking cap under the other.. some lately i've seen who simply don't even take the time to comb their hair.. now what the hell is that all about..
if you don't fix your program and act like a part of society and learn to respect the laws and regulations that make a society .. then by right ,, it you get locked up.. your family should not leverage their house to get you out.. becase if you act civil and be civil.. no one care about you enjoying the things the city offer.. but if you walk around looking like a thug, and acting like a hoodlum.. no body got time for you.. and now body wants to be around you... YOU ARE AN EMBARRASSMENT TO THOSE OF US WHO WANT TO LIVE IN A CIVIL SOCIETY..
I FOR ONE AND TIRED OF IT.. AND HAVE HAD MORE THAN ENOUGH PUBLIC EMBARRASSMENT BY THE ACT'S AND APPEARANCE OF SOME OF THESE WHO DON'T GIVE A darn.. THIS' I'M " BAD" LOOKS STUPID AND PRESENTS YOU AS STUPID.. and each one that gets locked up for that same silliness then become whimpering babies talking about how they did not know and now they understand and now they want to change.. WELL BE SMART AND CHANGE BEFORE YOU ARE PUT IN A CAGE AND -FORCED TO CHANGE.. while sitting there begging someone to listen. THE PRISONS ARE FULL OF FOOLS TALKING ABOUT "" NOW I WANT TO REPENT AND I WANT TO CHANGE, AND I WANT TO DO BETTER'' you can't appreciate freedom until someone locks you up..
KILLING EACH OTHER TALKING ABOUT FOOLS RESPECT... as if to say respet me I'm more a buffoon than you... that's what it amounts to.. because if you wanted real respect .. you'd get educated..
ask yourself.. how many who can add their total net worth up.. based on a car, clothes and jewelry and stereo equipment".. ??? and that's their biggest asset pool..
what about property, what about investing in something that actually earn money..??? you can go on SHAREBUILDERS and even if you can only buy $5.00 of stock a week, at least you can buy that.. why not ry to partner with someone who has a struggling business... provide either labor or skill or something...
ask yourself why do the building of business in the black community look like ghetto shops with a million sign hanging all over the building.. but in white areas they have building that actually look like you want to go inside.. why.. they pay for advertisment, not hang sign all over their building and make it an eye sore.... THINK PEOPLE.. why do they choose color patterns that feel like respect.. when we have the eye sore yellow and eye sore blue and white or green and white that, you can barely stand to look at..
go to the black fish shacks and bar b que place why do they look like someone just threw it up.. because they won't do a business plan and get the loans and hire the people to build an image and model of their business.
THIS IS WHY WE ARE DOWN AND WILL STAY DOWN UNTIL WE CHANGE.. AND LEARN TO USE AND WORK WITH THE SYSTEM AND WITHIN THE SYSTEM... AND WHEN WE LEARN THAT.. EVERYTHING WILL CHANGE .. AND BE FOR THE BETTER. and you won';t have to worry about being disrespected or not acknowledgted.. you will be part of the system and the system acknowledge those who are a part of it and contribute into it.
This city offer's tax advantage to the media industry.. but why are no groups of the very powerful and rich black entertainers got together and decied to build their own studio and hire multi ethnic people.. why don't they have production companies here.. nope .. they don't do anything of the sort.. WHY.. why are not the black record companies here building recording facility or other media industry developments.. they have the money the connection and the pwoer but.. not the will nor the vision nor the care of concern to build from the ground up .. why are they not being like the whites who made their money in the industry and build other industry.. look at Dreamworks in Manhattan beach in California.. the white guys made their money in movies and built their own Studio but they emply everyone.. don't come here and build a black studio.. just build a Studio.. and for that it's black owners.. it's a studio.. and do it just like the rest of the world does..
but you know what.. The Asian and the Latin will come closer to coming here building a Studio before the black even get the thought to do it and then they will be bickering over who's the boss.. instead of making a prospering business. that's why they can't pool their power and influences and money to make that move to build here.
this is our own ignorance and downfall...
Look around.. between icon's .. Will Smith, Denzel and Samuel L and Wesley snipes.. they could build here as a joint project.. but they don't even entertain the concept.. WHY.. WHY WHY,... BUT some of the entertainer are in CA buying up old worn out houses just because they belonged to someone in 1920.. when they can build their own mansion here for 1/10 the cost and have everything they imagine.. but they can't see that far.. and it's pathetic. and everyone one of them can trace their roots back to the south if they try.
Wake up people.. wake up..............
The sad thing about this article is that the essence of it is true. The
truth hurts. I just hope this sets more Black people in motion towards
making real progress. Chris Rock, a Black comedian, even joked that
Blacks don't read.
Help prove them wrong! Read and pass on.
Please Note:
For those of you who heard it, this is the article Dee Lee was reading
this morning on a New York radio station. For those of you who didn't
hear it, this is very deep. This is a heavy piece and a Caucasian wrote
Dee Lee, CFP
Harvard Financial Educators
Dee Lee
THEY ARE STILL OUR SLAVES We can continue to reap profits from the
Blacks without the effort of physical slavery Look at the current
methods of containment that they use on themselves: IGNORANCE, GREED,
Their IGNORANCE is the primary weapon of containment. A great man once
said, "The best way to hide something from Black people is to put it in
a book." We now live in the Information Age. They have gained the
opportunity to read any book on any subject through the efforts of their
fight for freedom, yet they refuse to read. There are numerous books
readily available at Borders, Barnes & Noble, and, not to
mention their own Black Bookstores that provide solid blueprints to
reach economic equality (which should have been their fight all along),
but few read consistently, if at all.
GREED is another powerful weapon of containment. Blacks, since the
abolition of slavery, have had large amounts of money at their disposal.
Last year they spent 10 billion dollars during Christmas, out of their
450 billion dollars in total yearly income (2.22%).
Any of us can use them as our target market, for any business venture
we care to dream up, no matter how outlandish, they will buy into it.
Being primarily a consumer people, they function totally by greed. They
continually want more, with little thought for saving or investing.
They would rather buy some new sneaker than invest in starting a
business. Some even neglect their children to have the latest Tommy or FUBU, And
they still think that having a Mercedes, and a big house gives them
"Status" or that they have achieved their Dream.
They are fools! The vast majority of their people are still in poverty
because their greed holds them back from collectively making better
With the help of BET, and the rest of their black media that often
broadcasts destructive images into their own homes, we will continue to
see huge profits like those of Tommy and Nike. (Tommy Hilfiger has e ven
jeered them, saying he doesn't want their money, and look at how the
fools spend more with him than ever before!). They'll continue to show
off to each other while we build solid communities with the profits
from our businesses that we market to them.
SELFISHNESS, ingrained in their minds through slavery, is one of the
major ways we can continue to contain them. One of their own, Dubois
said that there was an innate division in their culture. A "Talented
Tenth" he called it. He was correct in his deduction that there are
segments of their culture that has achieved some "form" of success.
However, that segment missed the fullness of his work. They didn't read
that the "Talented Tenth" was then responsible to aid The Non-Talented
Ninety Percent in achieving a better life. Instead, that segment has
created another class, a Buppie class that looks down on their people
or aids them in a condescending manner. They will never achieve what we
have. Their selfishness does not allow them to be able to work together
on any project or endeavor of substance. When they do get together,
their selfishness lets their egos get in the way of their goal Their
so-called help organizations seem to only want to promote their name
without making any real change in their community.
They are content to sit in conferences and conventions in our hotels,
and talk about what they will do, while they award plaques to the best
speakers, not to the best doers. Is there no end to their selfishness?
They steadfastly refuse to see that TOGETHER EACH ACHIEVES MORE (TEAM)
They do not understand that they are no better than each other because
of what they own, as a matter of fact, most of those Buppies are but
one or two pay checks away from poverty. All of which is under the
control of our pens in our offices and our rooms.
Yes, we will continue to contain them as long as they refuse to re ad,
continue to buy anything they want, and keep thinking they are "helping"
their communities by paying dues to organizations which do little other
than hold lavish conventions in our hotels. By the way, don't worry
about any of them reading this letter, remember, 'THEY DON'T READ!!!!
(Prove them wrong. Please pass this on! After Reading it..)