Saturday, February 23, 2008

people need to think .. just a bit extra for understanding

our society is filled with situations, the accusation is more damaging than crimes that may not have happened.. especially anything sexually related..

and there are many people who have had their lives messed up and even been imprisioned for 20 yrs to find out the woman lied.. and then they never do anything to the woman..

so women know they have a situation they can persecute a man, and never have any consequence to befall her... because society has this concept of women as some innocent beings.. as people have a "mother complex" trying to assume every woman is like his or her mother..

AND THAT IS NOT THE CASE !!!!!!!!! there is no being on this earth that can be as vicious as a woman... and a woman out for revenge is more dangerous than an atomic bomb.. and they know they can destroy lives and never have to face anything but a mass of people speaking sympathetic words to her.. and some in some situation know they can make a fortune if the media decides to pay them to tell of their activity..

because first society is intrigued about anything remotely related to a woman and sex and thrist to her all about it.. this society is so silly .. it let women take down political figures becase she had sex with him and did not get paid what she wanted.. so she claims she was taken advantage..

but yet this nation says it does not support blackmail... but it's ok for women to do it to men.. after she did not get the pay in the form she expected after she got her thrills in bed..

but if this society is every going to progress.. it first better wake up to the reality of women... and stop giving them a free ticket and telling them that live is providing them a free ticket and that men are her servant who is suppose to pay her way thru life.. it's not the 18th century, where she can't work.. Nor is it right for a woman to come into a mans life as a "flat broke" person .. and a few years later.. want to leave and take what it took him years to build and earn and save... NO.. you only take what you brought , what you earned half of and what you contributed to .. if he has 20 billion dollars, and since he met her, they now have 25 billion.. well she only get's to share half of the 5 billion... minus, the interest his 20 billion earned..

but people better think... I don't think anyone should get married without a prenuptial agreement... because the business of life, and the contractual business of what is a marriage, which requires a "license" is no different in principal.. than a business in principal which "requires a "license"..

and it's because they love each other that they make the business of marriage.. but it's still a licensed contractual agreement.. beyond the love aspect.. so when the love is gone.. the contract remains, and you settle it as a business contract is settled... because it's no longer love that is bonding the agreement.. it becomes nothing more than a licensed agreement that people have chosen to dissolve.. Child care is a given and should be part of the settlement.. but alimony... unless the baby is a new born under 3-4 years old... then Alimony is considered only up to the age of 3-4-5... because at that point the child can go to school.. and during school.. the parent that has the child can work... so there is no need for alimony..
unless of course someone is just feeling generous and want to pay for the mate to sleep with someone else.. and cover bills while they spend their money to entertain their new bed mate... but people paying alimony .. for years and years and some paying it to women who have no kids. WHY??

the mate has declared they don't have a love relationship and chose to dissolve the marrige.. so why should they get an annuity ..

society has to get past this women worshiping mentality, and the being controlled by the whim and dictates of women with the on and off affection and the attacks when that manipulation don't work... and get back to simple people respecting of person to person.. and not one owing the other something for simply relating.. men should be tired of buying assocciation at every turn in his life.. he has to buy dinner to share company and buy this and buy that.. well.. it may be simpler to just buy it on a day rate and be done with it.. rather than to get into an arrangment that cost you for life long past the point that love is gone..

people may find their lives more enriched and respect for each other on a level of equality .. by assuming EQUAL RESPONSIBILITY...

so this whole concept of not holding women responsible.. has many many many underlying ramifications that interject many things that are out of balance with society..

people say its all about love.. but how many women leave men if he looses his job, or if he can't buy her this or that, or how many women get with men they can't stand simply because he is wealthy..

well imagine.. by chance what is "prostituting mentality".. then imagine what that means.. and how that invades relationships.. with the bargain the bedroom activity... based on favors and gifts and trinkets, or if a whim is met or not.. rather than sharing because they have the appreciation to share with their mate... if it was that.. people would not be laying in bed.. after a few years of marriage.. and having sex once a month.... which is two days after payday... and then it's nothing... till the next pay day that has a bit of spendable cash left over...

people need to think... and see reality.. and address... then you may have a chance to establish something that can respect what is love, and have something that has honor to what is love.. and it may just then be able to be a loving relations.. between TWO RESPONSIBLE PEOPLE.. who are held each .. RESPONSIBLE.

and this stuff which .. "HotMess" mention.. will have less of a chance of being a tool used by vengeful women...

( i'm not saying that is what happen between this issue or not because I don't know what the details are)..

but I am saying.. there is a way... society can change to diminish that potential of abuse that is so readily available to women to destroy men by such means.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

where is the knowledge base ??

what I'm saying is this stuff keeps happening .. there seems to be no way to pre screen the teachers and so many other things.. so how can the situation be fixed...???

we can't even get all people in this country to believe in God, we saw the Mormon situation of the people when they tracked down that leader, and we see these acts escalating ....

no one is trying to justify the teachers action.. but this certainly is a matter that I think some of the PhD, should be trying to figure out, rather than trying to figure out other stuff..

I saw a show on the Cspan, where they were studying, if babies had an age range where they stick everything they can find in their mouth.. and they even came to a conclusion to say.. that at a certain age babies movenment is unstable..
well hell..!!! every mother in the world knows this as common sense observation... but they have PhD and this kind of silly stuff they waste time studying..

why don't they study this stuff that is really affecting peoples lives...and use their gained knowledge to come up with something that better helps society..with this issue.. the church is not doing it, because they got it happening in the church too... and the law can only deal with those who are caught or exposed.. and the problem continues..

but they can't even study it because society is so inhibited that any time the word sex is mention.. it's a pull out the shotgun, and get the guilotine and publicly vilify and any other level of silliness .. rather than study and investigate and deal with the knowledge base behind what is human activity.

learn more about the youth culture in life

if teachers need students numbers for some form of contact.. maybe they need to have it so they call into to some centralized system and that system connects the call.. where the teachers has to state a specific reason for their act of contacting the student..

other wise.. contact the parents or go thru the principals office, or say what you need to say in class. and if it can't be said in front of the class, they can always ask another teacher to sit in during the conversation..

reality is .. life.. sex is something that has it's own influences in this life, we see it time and time again.. we say.. Oh people should have restraint, but we continue to see .. life just does not work with such order and adherence to such order.... sex and it's allure has been an element that has it's own reality.. it's happen to presidents, presidential candidates, husbands, wives, preist, nuns, ministers and countless other's that it has just never been addressed..

what does movies show, you barely can find a woman over 45 in a regular show as a leading figure, and in prime time TV if they are not trying to look like a sexy teen, they can't even get on the screen in a film project, all movies and shows depict men with women averaging 20 yrs younger, and some time 30 years younger.. this is an ingrained image that is pushed world wide.. and these girls see it.. and everyone else sees it.. and just like the slogan says.. sex sells.. and that's not just in the context of money exchanges.. but value exchanges of every sort.. it's pervasive the world over..

I don't know how society can deal with it, except on individual basis.. because the laws don't stop people until they are caught..or exposed for sex.. and as far as the laws and sex goes.. it even makes a mess out of consenting adults when it come to sex..between two people.. no matter what the situation .. it even invades people who are legal age, by making public scruitny of who's sex whom into a social disgrace, and ignores the fact of everything except they had sex.. ..

this is not advocating these teachers having sex with students.. this is saying that this society promotes sex, with every manner of temp and tease that it can in it's media and the condemn it in actuality.. these kids see this stuff everyday... they see people using sex for anything and everything imaginable... and when these girls start having their monthly cycle like any other female.. they by some logic find it easy to assume that if they have that monthly cycle then they have the same nature of impact on their body, mind and arousal nature as other females.. and the " just say no" is not working for sex nor for drugs.. now how do you fix it.. I have no idea..
maybe the laws may find themselves changing back to what they were 100 years or so ago.. when marriage age was around 15 or 16.. early america and the early world.. by those ages people were marrying .. but the industrialized society came and said.. Oh, no.. we have to groom them for industry longer.. but the fact is .. industrial grooming does not change nature.. nor the human development stages of nature and it's preparing bodies for reproductive realization.. and everything that comes along with one comes along with all.. and that's desire.. and people can't stamp out desire.. Constantine tried in back during the Roman times and nearly ran himself crazy... and even had problems accepting God because he could not rule out or overcome his natural inclination of being with desire.. so much so till he did not declare his stand for God as devotional until he was on his death bed..

so .. this problem is not diminishing it's increasing.. and the more that the media shows that these girls know this stuff.. as soon as they get their period and many know about it before ... even half society jokes that virgins are the rarest thing in the world no days and is very rarely found in 15 and 16 yr olds..

we got scientist and Phd, studying everything, but why are they not studying this ... and coming up with solution or pathways to better deal with this .. why are they not researching history and getting understanding of what was natural in a time before the industrial models impacted the change.. to make marriage not a option for the span as it once was, maybe they may learn something about human nature. because academia is our current day focus.. but there was life before academia and making money became our main focus in life and everything re tapered itself to be based on earning capacity.. the problem with that is... emotions don't require money nor academia.. emotions just exist... in people.. and now we call it a psychosis.. ???????

learning times of this life

I think everyone in one of my classes knew the teacher was doing this one cheerleader.. and nobody cared.. they'd even miss the same days from school.. and nobody said a thing.. she sat right up front, in her little cheer leader dress, or during that time the skirts as near mini as they could get away with in school..

years before that.. there was one lady teacher that was doing one of the Junior football stars, and everyone knew it.. but it was not even a item that was an issue.. no one ever said a thing.. other than laugh..

I think what people don't get.. is we all know it's legally wrong.. but it's been going on forever.. and it does not stop at school.. it's probably a common habitual practice on many college campuses.. too..

but the deal is people say.. two things.. now the legal issue is a big issue.. but the second is.. the Teacher Student integrity thing..

but when they say the Teacher student integrity thing, then why does that Teacher student integrity part "disappear" when the professor in college is taping the students..

we are a society that has mixed things blending in and we may never decipher the full nature of this ...

but one thing is .. human nature.. people are sexual.. and no one has ever figured out how to contain.. teen sex drives.. you contain it one way they just figure out another way.. that's what they do.. they are natural explores and will figure a way around any thing that society throws to them..

see here's a trip.. if the teen is a gymnasty, or a tennis player, they can become professional.. and people talk about how they can handle pressure and how mature they are and all this stuff, because they are earning money for playing.. but then they want to say how immature the other teens are and what they can't handle of pressure..

and that a mixed principle.. it is either or.. they can at that age be mature, and they can at that age handle pressures of life to successful degrees..

we see it so often in any sports activity.. they are hailed as being so capable and mature and so strong and determined.. but if they are not competeting for money or trophies in some sport.. society says they are immature and can't do this or that... with regards to life pressure..

society sends kids mixed messages.. and kids are determined to defy stuff if you tell them what they can't handle and they are not mature.. you only set in motion in that kids who is a teen.. on a path they develop in their mind the intent to prove you wrong.. and then any adult that gives them respect and listen to them.. they will gravitate to.. that's human nature.

I'm saying it again.. these dumb ass PhD who study everything but reality .. in these realms.. and some of the psychologist that are on some ego trip of trying to think in idealized concepts.. miss the boat, that's why these kids look at some the psychartist as if they think this person is nuts, with that appeasement tone, and that suck up attitude and patronizing commentary.. they only respect those professionals who talk to them as real people in a real world with real life issues and realities... to them their age does not mean they are not alive and dealing with the life that is surrounding them...

that's why some of them play that.. I'm so nice image at home and go straight to tell their friends how their parents piss them off... but the one's who have parents that talk to them like people who are able to see the world that is present around them 24/7.. those kids talk to their parents.. and they will even listen to them..

but most parents don't talk with their kids they talk to them barking instructions.. but the trick is .. you are not just your kids authoratraian figure, you are too their information source, and you got to have a friend relation's with them.. they know and they will let you know.. when and where not to get to friendly and when they expect and know you should be the authority figure.. it's a matter of skill in relating... we require it ourselves in life,, so how can we not think they do..

if you think kids can't think.. listen to some of the little kids they can make very intelligent comments about stuff... if you hold a conversation with them.. we've been sitting as a family watching movies, and some of the nieces make the most intelligent comments.. that are amazing, but they say it just like a flowing thought going thru their minds. ..

I think people forget .. these teens are people.. and most teens can get anything they want.. that's why they are able to have their own drug networks and what ever.. they know this stuff.. but they make their choices why not to do stuff and will tell you why they won't do stuff if you talk to them..

just apply thinking

it's just such a trip at the people who are vilified for sex, not just by the law, but even in communities and family commentary... as if sex itself is the biggest crime ever.. but it's the most natural function of the human being..

we forget the simple things.. of life is ..
Food , water, shelter and a mate..

everything else is a luxury or a convenience..

we get our food, and then if we want to try to get some, we may prepare special food and water or drink, and dress up our shelter.. and the objective is to live and "share getting some" with a mate.. with the optional that if kids appear, then set it up as a home.. and take care of it and the kids.

we got so strayed into seeking luxury and the system trying to control people sexually that we've become a pent up society.. that has more illness of every sort that might not even exist if people go get some..

all this depression drugs of every sort given to 50% of the population, because everything in society is condemning them for even the thought of wanting to go get a little bit..

we got now 80% of the women with toys, as their outlet to get a little pleasure.. they don't sell those toys as medical device, but instead of pills they may come out better to prescribe people two or three visit a week to a brothel.. or some venue where they can purchase a bit of action.. for men and for women.. to get what they want..

I know people read the Article about the Eurpoean women going to Africa on their get some pleasure trip and tours.. "google it , and read about it.

the women say.. it's their turn now to get in on the action.. they got tired of sitting home playing the image of the Iron maiden of morality which means self deprivation.. and claim is as being honorable, while they sit home and go stone crazy from the lack of physical emotional and passionate exchanges... these women figured it out.. they are old enough to know and choose what they want.. just like the men have been for 1000's of years.. and they come back home after vacation and go about their lives just the same..

they even have married people.. who have come to some point of once or twice a month and wonder what happen .. why now they almost can't stand each other.. when the simply matter is .. they are depriving each other by their trying to prove a point of how long they can go without it till the other submits to some whim or does some favor.. and they can get a little by playing the reward game...

I think as people we should be smart enough to know how to be discreet..

just like this guy.. he was not in a public park.. where people who were not into what he wanted were.. he went to a place of like minded people inside a privately owned establishment...

and the stupid police bust in .. interrupting consenting legal age adults for being adults who consented to be adults doing what they choose to do in as discreet a setting as they could find .. and they knew what establishment to go to..

right now if they opened a club in the city.. and it was quietly knows that it was a good "hook up point for discreet people".. and people did not come in judging each other.. there'd be less women sitting at home with their toys, "alone" ... and more people going out to hook up with people..

this city does not have a social climate nor even a gathering place where people can socialize and meet and mingle.. the board walk is dead.. because it's too much judgment of the people if they go there and make it a mingle community of discreet self managing people..

we don't even have a "walk street area for walk street shopping"... you go to Youree'.. it's park get out your car, go in the store, and go back to your car and drive to the next parking lot.. and people are afraid to even look at each other in the store, let alone say hello.. or do a little meeting and match up hook up meeting.. there is no place that people can do that..

all they have in here is church.. and everyone goes to church to judge each other on who can thump the bible the hardest and look more holy than the next.. at least until 1.30 pm... then it's rush out to eat.. and go home feeling stuffed.. and sit down and wait on the butt to spread wider..

but if people have some places and mindset that they can do their things.. this city might even be a more socially engaging place in general.. far and beyond the "get some" activity.. they may even just become social beings.

we almost act like we are the first society that invented sex, and we got to keep it a secret and not every one can have some..

Laughing Laughing it's near madness.. when you really look at it..

what in the hell do we need with police in a supposedly free country going in establishment trying to find out who's sex who?? is that any different than the religious police in Arab countries locking male and females up for interacting .. same stupidity here..

they say freedom of speech.. but they wiped out our earlier post.. it's free as long as you say what they have set aside for you to say... other than that there is no free speech..

we are nothing but a socialist society with a wider array of options than the standard socialism... but as to free.. it's not.. it's controlled.. they regulate everything.. and we are a country with the highest case of nut cases imaginable.. of people just angry, serial and such... maybe some of the so called PhD, should study this stuff.. but they are too busy trying to fit some mold of being stiff and stuffy and some pompus ass... they can't even be real.. and when truth comes out they are some of the biggest closet freaks imaginable.. but they claim anyone else who wants a little pleasure has a psychotic problem and they want to pump them full of pills.

learning life

you know in the 1940's and 50's women could get valium like buying asprin.. because society did not have a clue about female orgasm or female pleasure.. and society had that mindset of sex as a duty.. so they gave this stuff to women like lollipps.. trying to sedate and appease them.. Prior to that, they had available every amphetamine.. because they did not know what else to give her to passify her sexual nature... but then came the late 60's .. women say.. hey.. no more.. we like it too.. then came the pill and women were happy... they could then engage stuff..
so they went right back into another frame work of mental subjugation of women that now women have moved indoors to their toys, to escape yet another method of supressing their sexual motivation...

but yet they are told they are equal.. but there won't be equality till women can equally state and declare they have desire and want to express it without being called a wh*re and etc... now that's a very controversial point .. when it becomes to a social subject.. but among the world of women.. they know what they like and what they want.. and many have resorted to finding a girl playmate then can do a little pleasure making and they go back to their respective lives... and both keep their mouth shut.. to avoid being labeled..

people need to wake up.. virginity is no longer a requirement for marriage eligibility... and people don't reject women as wives because she is not a virgin.. but we have a long ways to go as a society to understand our own sexual proclivities in a male and female social reality void of condemnation upon each other..

some women still have to play that.. I'm so in love game , to get a little bit, and then they got to strain their brain of how to get rid of the guy without him labeling her.. and that process usually takes about two weeks.. and some women are scared to give a guy some, for fear he will fall so in love immediately that he will began to smother her..

now this is stuff no one talks about.. but it's as real as life.. there are women who want good friends who can do stuff and go about their business but not go with a disrespecting mindset...

women love to travel to other locations.. that way they are away from the scruitnity.. so if by chance they see a situation they want to engage they can do so.. and not have to be socially condemned.
as much as some would like to think.. that every woman want to be forever with the guy they do that things with... truth is.. not every guy that woman do that thing with .. turn out to be something that she wants on the long term..

but we are such a hard pressed society for a promise, that we can't even respect each other as people.. and appreciate each other as individuals... because on thing is certain.. love is it's own thing and when two people choose to love each other they do so because they feel like doing so.. and they make their commitments to each other because they want to..

and a woman love is just as real.. who are not virgins, as one that is a virgin... so if her having sex was meaning that her ability to love was less.. there'd be no potential for divorcee to ever love .. but they can love just as equal as the next woman or person...

we have a lot to get a grip on.. and then we can human beings and people..

have you ever noticed.. that when gang bangers find someone that they love and that loves them.. they find many of them ways to get away from that gang life..

it's a complex things but it's equally as simple.. and the simplicity is ..
respect each other and appreciate each other.. whether you are in a single person to person commitment or in a social engaging assocciation of respectful and appreciative relation...

but we need to get that "notch in the belt mentality and toss it in the garbage".. people are not game pieces.. everyone is a distinct human being who is a person and feel their lives are as precious as you feel yours is...and want the same discretion and appreciation that you want.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

people wake up

this thing about segregating the girls and boys in school and claiming it's about their learning ability... seems more like .. people are more trying to figure a way their teen kids don't cross date among ethnicities... more than it's about the education ability..

everything else in society is saying men and women are of equal ability.. now they come with this.. crap that they are unequal in their learning ability.. but they are allowed to go to the same school.. up to the point of the 7th grade when they make their dating selections..

but the matter may be more about controlling whom their daughter brings home as a date mate.... and that fear that their little girls may bring home someone of a ethnic make up they don't approve of.... so they figure if they don't let them go to the same schools.. they have less chance to meet each other.

the Bs.. seem to never stop..

but none has payed attention to what preceded this..

the article which said by.. 2050, that the whites would be a minority at the present rate of immigrants and other foreign ethnicities arriving and producing offspring's.. but what people also don't consider when the nature of conservatism is discussed.. there's a segment of this society who's main aim is to preserve the ways of what they call america.. of which is the was a way of one ethnic population being dominant, and there is no way that such a position is going to simply be relinquished nor will it just accept dilution...

people wake up.. Jim Crow was pushed on people with these same conceptual things of what was supposed better for this or that.. and devastated a who country. Georgia is in the middle of the south and is clan country to it's core.. in sectors... and they are not at all happy about their white daughter meeting, mating and making babies that are mixed race..

if you listen to the Klan's main premise is they claim they have to "protect white women"..

but what white women need is: "protection from the Klan itself " . they are the biggest group holding down white women, stacking them up with babies back in back woods shacks and some suppressing them in suburban imagery delusions.. then killing them, beating them, pumping in crystal meth and what ever else... at no time in society have there been so many white women with crystal meth rotted front teeth.. until these women can get away and get themselves together.. and when they do.. they are eager to tell of the compression and repression and the being kept in despaired situation. now truth is truth in the truism that are all over the landscape.. white women have always been able to blend and mix much better than the Klan men.. who can't grasp that this is a new day and age in the world... But the whites who are more enlightened have to be able to see things for what it is and take a stand against these groups and things... or they will infect their kids with it as well. But over time.. all they will succeed in doing is turning the women away from them, as they find themselves having to fight for equal rights all over again.. behind some idiot's attempts to segregate them for fear they may meet some male of a different ethnicity or cultural origin be it in this country or from immigrants to this country..

people need to not be so gullible... to refried and again tried, racist enactments.

Suburban Imagery

Suburban Imagery...... and the falling of mankind to know what is "compassions" ... and void of what is dignity...

people go about looking at neighborhood, their pretentiousness and their delusion between what is imagery and what is reality within that imagery.. and imagining the images of "idealized America" concepts.. and what we are seeing more and more is these kids from these regions, shooting up school killing the parents, plotting to blow up stuff and all sorts of crazed things.. and society wants to keep on with this.. delusion of.. "Oh this is America, of the affluent and the perfect life imagery".. they got the manicured home and garden, new cars and the parents have marquee jobs...

and what do we see.. we see nothing less than what is also in the ghettos and now sweeping the rural once upon a time farming communities.., crime and craziness... only in these so called " suburbans Images" they are dressed more conservative or high dollar fashion name place attire and resemble the re-creation of the TV depicted images that are pushed as the .. America Pie image.. and what is success and what is the model to imitate.

and places about the world, in every country, trying to emulate this media depiction with different slants .. driven by marketing executives .. who are driven to insure that people are not content beyond, their next line of products coming out the following season.." we call it innovation", but is it really, or just programmed destitution of spirit and humaneness, that is being bought and discarded by the seasons.. and what we find is these are nothing but many times, the situations of "masked madness of every sort"..
which many times can be seen as... "money and it's machine process controlling living, while killing the nature of compassion within the individual" by
creating nothing more than, a need for a continual money chase at all cost and beyond regard for anything and everything of human person to person regard... people killing mates because of insurance, people killing mates because they found a new love, and don't want to split the cash or possessions, people killing mates because they can't face the public scruitny of being divorced or left by another, people doing any kind of swindle to live this imagery, and now the truth of the maxed out credit, the over leveraged life and the "at all cost hold the image" type of crimes..

and at no time and no point .. is enough enough.. it's about who has the most millions.. which they can't spend .. because they can't loose their status as a millionaire.. or their life image is thus gone.. and they may just kill themselves and the family..if that happens.

some of these situation have the most dsyfunction families imaginable, they may buy everything they want but they have a material imagery situation of what is home.. there is no communication, and the constant lying and playing the politically correct model of not saying what they think, and trying to hold standard of pretense for public presentation.

people don't any longer learn how to grow up by taking on responsibilities and doing things, that were like years before, they are on a soccer team because it's the image thing to do, not for the fun of the sport, the kids are pushed to be the imagery model based on where they go to schoo, who are their friends and if they meet a status standard.

this is the results of the economic taking over our lives.. everyone wants to be a professional in a white collar job.. we don't provide services nor develop products that benefit people for the sake of being a provide of what benefits society.. it's only provide simulations of this and see who can become the most wealthy... and then snub anyone and anything that is not in that wealth circle.. and people wearing titles as if it's their sole idenity..

People don't even date because they like people, they first have to check out the income enviornment of each other, and how well does each fit into the economic status molds.. we can't simply care that people get educated and learn to basically communicate and be basically self responsible..

Kids now don't go out and walk with the dog, ride a bike or even go to the park, they play "kill'em grossly video games, they watch slasher and devil mongering mutants movies, or the teen movies of how's fancy, and who's seducing and being seducing tarts and playboys, in their fashion driven school imagery..

none of this stuff is real or attainable, and drives kids to like themselves less and less because no matter what they do they don't measure up and can't find a stable framework to fit..

so on comes the bazaar.. and lives are taken in the flash and headlines dramatize and sensationalize.. and the next act becomes more pursued to be even more bazaar... and then they come on and say.. "oh' they were not taking their meds".. well has it maybe come as a thought, the need for the drugs is a groomed process of negative grooming that is designed for dis-illusion and failure of human compassion and a sense of what is self.

people now so desperate for attention they will accept any kind, for any reason, for the popularity of being the next news story..

we see it in the so called entertainment icons.. and most of them are in and out of rehab or in some scandal of self insulting composure.. we got reality shows that are nothing but contention making competitions.. and the most absurd acts and pursuit of death making stunts. from the Arena fighting, as if we are back in the barbarian times of Roman theater.. to billionaire gluttons and all sorts of obsessions of materialism, and then comes who can be the most alternative life style of living to making babies in tubes because, men and women don't like each other.. and men wanting to be women and women wanting to be men.. and kids don't like the way natural appearance is, so plastic surgery has become the re-manufacturing of self imagery to meet some market driven marketing image.

Suburban Imagery... of pristine streets and houses lined up like a doll house setting.. and one neighbor don't know how to say a simple hello to each other.. without a material measurment of who's got what and how much of it do they have and who's the most pretentious politically correct, say nothing but utter what is for imagery appeal.. while they look with contempt and competetive denigration of each other.. and they have their kids to fall in line and play the same game.

we have lost the ability to just be real.. with each other... as if we are aliens to one another.. male and female. chasing nothing more than "..

Suburban Imagery

and we live on borrowed money to maintain it.. and as a result we have an economy that is near to crack at the center ... and people resenting more than at any time in american history .. to help one another.. and will fight if there's a program designed to help others.. we have a mad society.. driven by the "Suburban Imagery"... looking for opulence.. at the expense of others..

Suburban Imagery... and the medicated society.. medicated to keep them from going nuts on others.. and the pills keep flowing... to support

Suburban Imagery...