this thing about segregating the girls and boys in school and claiming it's about their learning ability... seems more like .. people are more trying to figure a way their teen kids don't cross date among ethnicities... more than it's about the education ability..
everything else in society is saying men and women are of equal ability.. now they come with this.. crap that they are unequal in their learning ability.. but they are allowed to go to the same school.. up to the point of the 7th grade when they make their dating selections..
but the matter may be more about controlling whom their daughter brings home as a date mate.... and that fear that their little girls may bring home someone of a ethnic make up they don't approve of.... so they figure if they don't let them go to the same schools.. they have less chance to meet each other.
the Bs.. seem to never stop..
but none has payed attention to what preceded this..
the article which said by.. 2050, that the whites would be a minority at the present rate of immigrants and other foreign ethnicities arriving and producing offspring's.. but what people also don't consider when the nature of conservatism is discussed.. there's a segment of this society who's main aim is to preserve the ways of what they call america.. of which is the was a way of one ethnic population being dominant, and there is no way that such a position is going to simply be relinquished nor will it just accept dilution...
people wake up.. Jim Crow was pushed on people with these same conceptual things of what was supposed better for this or that.. and devastated a who country. Georgia is in the middle of the south and is clan country to it's core.. in sectors... and they are not at all happy about their white daughter meeting, mating and making babies that are mixed race..
if you listen to the Klan's main premise is they claim they have to "protect white women"..
but what white women need is: "protection from the Klan itself " . they are the biggest group holding down white women, stacking them up with babies back in back woods shacks and some suppressing them in suburban imagery delusions.. then killing them, beating them, pumping in crystal meth and what ever else... at no time in society have there been so many white women with crystal meth rotted front teeth.. until these women can get away and get themselves together.. and when they do.. they are eager to tell of the compression and repression and the being kept in despaired situation. now truth is truth in the truism that are all over the landscape.. white women have always been able to blend and mix much better than the Klan men.. who can't grasp that this is a new day and age in the world... But the whites who are more enlightened have to be able to see things for what it is and take a stand against these groups and things... or they will infect their kids with it as well. But over time.. all they will succeed in doing is turning the women away from them, as they find themselves having to fight for equal rights all over again.. behind some idiot's attempts to segregate them for fear they may meet some male of a different ethnicity or cultural origin be it in this country or from immigrants to this country..
people need to not be so gullible... to refried and again tried, racist enactments.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
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