we forget the simple things.. of life is ..
Food , water, shelter and a mate..
everything else is a luxury or a convenience..
we get our food, and then if we want to try to get some, we may prepare special food and water or drink, and dress up our shelter.. and the objective is to live and "share getting some" with a mate.. with the optional that if kids appear, then set it up as a home.. and take care of it and the kids.
we got so strayed into seeking luxury and the system trying to control people sexually that we've become a pent up society.. that has more illness of every sort that might not even exist if people go get some..
all this depression drugs of every sort given to 50% of the population, because everything in society is condemning them for even the thought of wanting to go get a little bit..
we got now 80% of the women with toys, as their outlet to get a little pleasure.. they don't sell those toys as medical device, but instead of pills they may come out better to prescribe people two or three visit a week to a brothel.. or some venue where they can purchase a bit of action.. for men and for women.. to get what they want..
I know people read the Article about the Eurpoean women going to Africa on their get some pleasure trip and tours.. "google it , and read about it.
the women say.. it's their turn now to get in on the action.. they got tired of sitting home playing the image of the Iron maiden of morality which means self deprivation.. and claim is as being honorable, while they sit home and go stone crazy from the lack of physical emotional and passionate exchanges... these women figured it out.. they are old enough to know and choose what they want.. just like the men have been for 1000's of years.. and they come back home after vacation and go about their lives just the same..
they even have married people.. who have come to some point of once or twice a month and wonder what happen .. why now they almost can't stand each other.. when the simply matter is .. they are depriving each other by their trying to prove a point of how long they can go without it till the other submits to some whim or does some favor.. and they can get a little by playing the reward game...
I think as people we should be smart enough to know how to be discreet..
just like this guy.. he was not in a public park.. where people who were not into what he wanted were.. he went to a place of like minded people inside a privately owned establishment...
and the stupid police bust in .. interrupting consenting legal age adults for being adults who consented to be adults doing what they choose to do in as discreet a setting as they could find .. and they knew what establishment to go to..
right now if they opened a club in the city.. and it was quietly knows that it was a good "hook up point for discreet people".. and people did not come in judging each other.. there'd be less women sitting at home with their toys, "alone" ... and more people going out to hook up with people..
this city does not have a social climate nor even a gathering place where people can socialize and meet and mingle.. the board walk is dead.. because it's too much judgment of the people if they go there and make it a mingle community of discreet self managing people..
we don't even have a "walk street area for walk street shopping"... you go to Youree'.. it's park get out your car, go in the store, and go back to your car and drive to the next parking lot.. and people are afraid to even look at each other in the store, let alone say hello.. or do a little meeting and match up hook up meeting.. there is no place that people can do that..
all they have in here is church.. and everyone goes to church to judge each other on who can thump the bible the hardest and look more holy than the next.. at least until 1.30 pm... then it's rush out to eat.. and go home feeling stuffed.. and sit down and wait on the butt to spread wider..
but if people have some places and mindset that they can do their things.. this city might even be a more socially engaging place in general.. far and beyond the "get some" activity.. they may even just become social beings.
we almost act like we are the first society that invented sex, and we got to keep it a secret and not every one can have some..
what in the hell do we need with police in a supposedly free country going in establishment trying to find out who's sex who?? is that any different than the religious police in Arab countries locking male and females up for interacting .. same stupidity here..
they say freedom of speech.. but they wiped out our earlier post.. it's free as long as you say what they have set aside for you to say... other than that there is no free speech..
we are nothing but a socialist society with a wider array of options than the standard socialism... but as to free.. it's not.. it's controlled.. they regulate everything.. and we are a country with the highest case of nut cases imaginable.. of people just angry, serial and such... maybe some of the so called PhD, should study this stuff.. but they are too busy trying to fit some mold of being stiff and stuffy and some pompus ass... they can't even be real.. and when truth comes out they are some of the biggest closet freaks imaginable.. but they claim anyone else who wants a little pleasure has a psychotic problem and they want to pump them full of pills.
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