considering the nature of fashion, make up and the mixture..are not these designed for the element of allure, enhancements of allure, the designers design for the enhancements of sex appeal, the enticing of sensual enhancements.. even the distinction in mens wear and womans wear.. such as the skirt or dress .. designed for air flow as well as ease of access..
and the male trouser, with it's zipper and it's waist snap.. (multi purpose function)
are these not equally with design for not just the biological purpose of ease of natures call for one form of relief but a triple purpose of ease of access for triple purpose relief..?
then is it not strange that we are not a society of such sensual denial.. but yet.. more driven to emphasis the sensual appeal..
is this not a further confounding of the natural environmental nature of people.. and create such conflicting manner of what is perception and what is mental confusion.
all thru history and times.. life has been about relation and procreation and social inter-relation for both purpose and recreation.. we've had and engaged such capacity for the span of life..
the varied philosophy have many connections to these elemental aspects..
then we have.. manners and methods of controls that are many built within the natures of mankinds jealousies.. but trying to manage such nature of that.. we have the nature of claim staking.. and yet.. the element of cheating has been within mankind since the beginning of time.. even when faced with the potential of being peanalized to death for such.. it has still found a way to be done..
so .. how much drive is within the human being for the diversity of passion engaging, and variety in and of such ?
If we look at the elite of society.. of ancient times.. was not their main occupation leisure and pleasure.. and the working man providing elements and items for other to have such leisure.. but after the labors are done then every man sought too leisure and passion engaging.
we have many outlets and exercise of passion engaging from the arts of entertainment , and the sports of recreation..and other socializing aspects..
then are we not each pleasure seekers in the spectrum of our living..?
and beauty and sensuality is equally within such spectrum..
then should we run about seeking promises before we find we share harmony in our pleasures..??
or should we share in the engaging of our pleasure and build harmony that supports promises. is this any different from what is commonly called "dating"..
such a element of much..
then should we look upon love as the nature of appreciation and and in doing so sharing in the honesty of our inherent motivations.. rather than making it some captioned spectrum.. that is alluded to assume some element of eternal high stimulative bliss.. and just know.. it's a part and manner in living .. more than it is to size a relationship as if it's and object to be acquired.. and represented by a host of trinkets, jewels and rituals. if such was not the case.. then would we really be denying ourselves love based on all the condition and criteria that keep us so loveless.. and anguished from self denial of passions engagments of interacting.
beauty arouses and creates and enhances sensuality, and sensuality enhances and promotes the seeing and acceptances of the beauty within us and each other..
they are inter-linked..
then the question is.. why do women.get so upset because men seen them and become inspired and motivated and passion driven to engage such.
it is the nature of the presence that it reverberates.. and the element of the personal becomes of engagements when they communicate..
but somehow.. the reversal of this basic principal has somehow dominated the spectrum.. where the women want to be seen as the person before the beauty and the sensuality.. when it's the beauty and the sensuality that attracts the male and female.. into passion infusion.. and they become to know one to the other... in a cycle of such a circle..
for each man there are looks and types that exude a rawness of desire.. and likewise so for each woman.. such exist.. archetypes
An archetype is a generic, idealized model of a person, object, or concept from which similar instances are derived, copied, patterned, or emulated. In psychology, an archetype is a model of a person, personality, or behavior.
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