when we can drive and or walk thru neighborhoods and community sub division and the appearance does not become a distraction.. we may just be able to see the beauty of the city..
now if only we can get the youth to stop dressing like thugs and buffoons.. in costumes that detract from their personal character of being.. and began to show some integrity in appearance.. some dignity in their attire..and conduct themselves with social regard for land, business and people..
Crime would surely fall...
how did we become a society that let our homes look like massive junk yards.. some make theirs look like a 'wrecking yard" with broken down auto's and junk that they will never utilize stacked up as if they have a pack rat mentality.. and this is most certainly not ethnic specific.. it is people who have no concept of how to fit and present themselves in a community enviornment.
"for humor.. " what we need too is a "thug appearance" law..
on a more serious note:
but I think the property standards program.. will bring people to face what it is to live in a community enviornment.. and have some pride about their home and any other property ownership they may hold.. " Let the fines begin" and let the enforcement of them be sternly upheld.. don't just fine them and let it sit on the books for moths..
if they don't clean it up.. hire someone to clean it up and attach a lien on the property.. strong enough that it comes in right behind a tax lien before a mortgage lien. and enough liens .. can support a bond issue to regain the money the city spent to clean up these properties. and the liens carry a % of interest earning potential.. that makes it to the advantage of the property owner to resolve it as soon as possible or erode the equity in their property by the interest rate attached to the lien.
We see far too many homes nearly falling down with 30K vehicle parked in the front of them. and some with every type of recreation equipment from jet ski's to boats, mobile home and etc.. but they can't paint their house or clean their lawn.. and their carports look like a storage dump place.
such things.. do nothing but destroy the equity earning potential of other home owners who take care of their property.
come out blazing and strike firm.. on the violators
take a country Like Japan.. they have some of the cleanest neighborhoods and shopping areas in the world.. along with Singapore.. in many of their areas they do not tolerate litter, clutter and plain simple negligence to their environmental appearance.
Shreveport needs to stop building community with " ditches for drainage' and actually install the drainage and mandate that any community that wants to build a sub division have to provide proper drainage system..
the old days of the south.. with big ditches along the road.. is something you'd expect to see in 1920's.. and here we still allow it today.
business structures.. that don't have interconnected parking areas .. where you got to go back to the main street to get to a business right next door..
that is an element of very pathetic city planning and codes to avoid such from existing. we are no longer a ' COUNTRY TOWN.. WE ARE A CITY..
and construction needs to look like a city.. We don't need any more narrow streets with the shallow curbs.. that are built as if they have no regard for drainage..
there are areas that the proper guard railing are not in place.. and some areas that street lighting is the silliest design that is pathetically envisioned.. with street lights only on one side of the street.. and spaced so far apart as to be non effective. We have old power consuming yellow looking streets lights. when the new bright white halogen lights are more economical and provide better lighting..
but I wonder.. why those who are in charge of such things.. "do not follow technological improvements".. it's as if they are stuck in a 1950's mentality.. when it comes to investigating and implementing modern technology..
We have to wonder in some intersection why do we have 25 stop lights.. instead of looking at a different type of lighting system for traffic flow..
there are areas that exit and enter the freeway that have no lighting.. such as on Mansfield road..and 3132..
downtown the street sign are not uniform and are not large and clearly visible..
and some areas you can't even find a street sign to tell you what street you are crossing..
this is the blindness of previous administration .. who had very little concept of how to make a city a city.. and not a country town..
navigation is sad for resident and even worst for city visitors.. you got to actually know the city to navigate it.. and that is a deterrent from visitor revenue to be spread across the city..
Hopefully the over all administration does not take a attitude of " don't tell me how a city is suppose to be" I HAVE THE POSITION OF POWER.. that is such a backward and incompetent mindset for any in position to have.. and all that type of thinking does is try and quiet and quell intellect and avoid hiring creative intelligence.. which keeps a backward and outdated trend in place.
it does not take people with degree's to function in positive creativity within organizations.. it takes simply people who can and do think... so the city may care to not assume that there is not talent within it's ranks of the city population.. and push it not away with meaning criteria.. for position filling.. but find people who are pro-actively expressive and pro-actively engaging..
and get the tyrant mentalities out of position .. when they show no vision and no foresight.. but just ride on the fact they have been in a position for XX years.. it's a matter of knowing talent when it encountered.. and not being so egotistical to dismiss it becase one does not understand it or cant envision something different..
it takes a strong individual who can not fear .. the challenge of new ideas.
Our Mayor, Mr. Glover.. is trying to take us into the future.. if the department heads of his many divisions .. open their minds..and expand their concept.. they may be able to grasp his vision and put some proactive employment in place and embrace the thinking minds.. they can put some outlines in place.. and began to fix these things..
We have the resources and the city shops that can do the work.. for example fixing signs for navigation and identity of streets.. hire the people and get this done.. it does not take a act of congress.. not a debate of 20 meeting.. it takes a outline and presentation and implementation.. such is administrative excellence put to practice..
Mayor Glover.. can't do it alone but he can support and stand with those who have position who care to get it done.. people can no longer fear the vocal individual.. nor make efforts to attack such individual by seeking to find some way to use city process to shut up such individual.. that is acts of Tierney.. and we do not live in a system of Tierney.. we live in a open democracy.. with freedom of speech as a basic right as an American..
that is such an element that needs to be addressed.. if a department head get's exposed in being non performing and because something in their scope of responsibility has been neglected.. it's not a matter of call his friends and attack the person who brings light to such.. it's a simple matter that identifies that more vigilance of administration and action of their responsibility needs to be engaged.
I think the Mayor will support such an atmosphere of positivity and progressive realism.. and not a cut throat beat down the voices type of administration..that assaults the public in such ways.
We have a Mayor that is trying very hard to bring change to an antiquated system.. and a secular concerned system.. to become a universally open embrace system.. and he is starting at the core element which is establishing and bring the foundation up to come .. that we may progress in a pattern of uniformity.. If we can stand and support such.. we can move along swiftly and make the city a city that is like a spring rose in the beauty of it's bloom.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
there are some areas where people congregate on their front porch.. this would be fine .. if they clean up the front porch.. and come outside looking as if they want to greet the day and respect their neighborhood.
what is wrong with the back yard.. for such lingering when people don't want to take 10 minutes and make themselves look presentable.. and why make the front yard look like a disaster and then sit in the middle of it..
what happen to putting the kids swing set in the back yard.. and the 100 bright colored plastic toys not spewn across the front yard.. I won't say lawn.. becase they don't take care of it to be a lawn.. some sit on bucket under the side of a tree on the side of the yard and have killed all the grass.. and gather as if it's a hobo hang out.. and they forget it's a neighborhood enviornment..and they should respect it as such..
not try and re-create some 1920's.. era.... destitute enviornment..
Lawn chairs are very inexpensive. it takes maybe a half day to clean the area up and make it presentable..
and some of this conduct exist along major streets.. what an eye sore to any visitors to our city..
if a corporate executive came thru and had a thought to consider moving their business here.. that vision of such would be a sure deterrent to him further considering such.
people have to think about how they do things and what they do.. as to how it keeps jobs from coming to the city..
If I owned a corporation and saw such an appearance of such.. it is a sure sign not to bring your business there.. becase the appearance of such.. implies that the people don't have pride in what they do at home.. how will they have pride in a company enviornment..
everything matters.. YES "Everything"
including people who like to walk out to the side of the street and talk on the phone.. in their pajamas or pants hanging to their ankles with their underwear showing.. NO.. it is not cool.. and you do not look cool doing it.. you look 'FOOLISH, UNAWARE AND LIKE A PEACOCK"... and you run away opportunity from your enviornment.
simple things like grass.. it will grow naturally if you allow it and keep it maintained.. but some kill it like it's a plague.. and then their front area of their home looks like something uneven with ditches and trenches running across it.. which too becomes a safety hazard..
it takes thinking.. you have to wonder .. what do people see when they walk up or drive up to their home.. and why do they accept it looking terrible..
As to planters and flower pots.. some city areas are not country homes that one needs..to hang 30 different kinds of pots on every tree limb and wired to the side of the house and make it look like someone who has a unmanaged horticulture factory in their front yard.. why not take a few minutes and plan a design.. not just place some pots anywhere there's a open space.
people in this city hae no regard for a back yard.. they don't take time to design it.. nor make it attractive to the home.. it's just a piece of land behind the house.. that becomes a piece of land behind the house and in some cases it become their personal junk yard.. a snake pit and rodent gathering place.. that then becomes a hazard to even enter.. some take and tie dogs up to the back of the yard.. and leave them there regardless of the weather and think.. giving the dog water and food is caring for the dog.. they have no respect for that dog.. to treat it in such ways.. if it is a run away dog.. then think about it if you were treated that way you'd want to run away too. and the vicious dogs.. is the nature of the owner expressed in their dog..
the thug who walk around like gangster with pit bulls should have a legal mandate that requires a license with a requirement for liability insurance for the dog.. for them to have a dog of such.
ignorance must be met with the law.. since it won't seem to vanish on it's own by the use of thinking and intellect... or a simple matter of pride.
We can develop a 3 year marker plan and a 5 year marker plan.. to address these items..
and steps and stages.. we create jobs by creating the elements of process..
a city must sell bonds.. it must too borrow against it's equity gains.. if that is what it takes..
We have to know that in 10 years we will still be a city.. then the fears of becoming the best city takes the dare to reach to do to become..
I am working on a conceptual plan for re invigorating the downtown community.. so the city has a vigorous center base..
I can ask.. why don't we have a "China Town".. I have found the perfect location for it in the downtown area.. Are we not aware of the great expanse of the China Market and it's Hundreds of billions of US bonds that have been purchased by China that has our credit economy propped up. then we need to reach out to embrace China.. and attract that economic power house to our region.. forget the old 1800's prejudice and let's become a world class city. we don't dream we gain nothing and we will only sit back and complain what we can't do.. instead of looking at what we can do and using our energy in ways to get it done. Vision.. we have to have it.. and we have to look at the business of business of what is a city and then we feed the city in prosperous ways.
why are the old Jewish temple and the temple across from it not converted into museums for local artist and some of our community art directors put together such a program to attract art shows to these facilities..
surely there are fund programs to promote cultural development.. we need people with such expanse concept in economic development who can look outside the community and be creative in what they pursue for the city.. and there is a world of much waiting for an invitation to establish themselves.. the building are sitting there empty producing nothing.. then that is fact that any institution what would be interested thru the proper challenge can be granted usage for a non cost period of time that allows them to refurbish and develop them and given a time frame of no cost usage.. till it has strength to stand. We have to as a city know who own these building.. what are they using them for as tax write off, and have they exhausted their tax benefit.. so the building have a stature.. of either expense or non expense ,.. revenue generation for the city or non generation.. and those variables tell us what we can offer.. and how we can present the offer..
I would be very interested in working with the revenue development department.. in a pro vocal capacity.. that is supported to reach out for the city.. and go about and find the entities who can enhance our economic expanse as well as our cultural expanse..
but doing nothing is not the answer.. I'm somewhat disappointed with the status of the movie departments pursuits.. they have to bring all thing s relative on board.. and that pursuit is not expansive enough to envision the grasp nor the reach for such.. during the mayoral campaign.. when such individual was running they were communicable but they become as many do, non-communicable when given a position.. and that conveys volumes . now just how such should be interpreted is a great question..
We have a incomplete river walk area.. that's why it is not the economic beacon that it was first imagined.. the vision stopped short.. and had not the depth to expand.. so we have an " almost program".. that someone got their public plug from and became satisfied with their minuscule acclaim.. and things fell to the side.. into incompletion.
that's not hard to see.. the smallness of the mind.. that same mind that let the rest of the city fall apart..
rather than build things in all four sectors of the city's corners.. so visitors would move about our whole city.. and thus is how the income of visitor / tourist gains is spread about a city..
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