Education is such an ongoing process of development and changes.. modernizations of many things.. from reading of the achievement by Mrs. Tyler.. she is the right choice to move Louisiana to a higher level in the standing of the State and it's ranking within the United States of America.. she made her way of success.. it was not handed to her .. it was earned... thus she has pride that can benefit all of us.. in the acts of her continuing efforts at a level that she can truly reach higher in the vision.. to bring things to realism... in the everyday.. lives of students.
She has earned the stature of state position.. and will do well there becase the dedication is evident. this was no small accomplishment, becase we can be assured that the competition was with high levels of qualification and she stood out to be the choice.
when an individual work in a regional position and excelled with the internal contentions that are elemental to such position.. to move to a state level position.. then the programs can be administered with greater scope of cooperativeness and can progress with the rapidity that is of need for and within the State..
we have to give our support.. and continued dedication that is contributiry to her efforts .. to continue in her task to make this state a leader in education and all it's components.
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
1 comment:
has it been considered.. that no matter what program is in place.. when the concern for education does not start at home.. then the best minds in the structure of process.. will be blamed..
there are many many elements to the process of the position.. each group has to have a formidable and efficient program administrator in each category that implements the improvements that the person in charge presents.
Which not only means proposing funding and gaining the grant for such objective.. "successfully" at a state level.. they have to demonstrate performance..
Now.. it is very hard to demonstrate performance when parents allow their kids to quit school, or just show up and say. " present'.. Family accountability is a very key factor in the success factor.. as well as proactive interaction by and thru the student's ability and their willingness to put to action that capability.
We have much success in the fixed variable improvements by Mrs. Tyler, as well as programs that are progressive and professional in the scope and the implementation of such programs with qualified individuals..
but again it goes to the Student.. and that concerns the family of the student.. that become the " key factor that relates to public results of success rating.. but they may care to rate the two differently.. to give the credibility to the program. for what the program itself is.. and then rate the students willingness to apply themselves as a distinct and seperate category.. Therefore our system of rating has " collusion" and thus such creates confusion.. and that distracts for the base nature of the program.. and the supporting positive nature of the program..
Each person on here knows of people who have quit school, or has a lackadaisical mindset toward school and education in general.. This translates back to the family.. we lost a great deal when corporal punishment was removed, and then we lost even more when parents can't reprimand their children and exercise corporal punishment.. and child services invaded the home of what is discipline.. so the children run amok
, ready to claim abuse .. when it's a clear matter of discipline.
the measuring stick is out of whack.. the licking stick has been removed.. and the rod that deters the child from being spoiled.. has been replaced with the .. " time out" mentality.. and " johnny you can't play with you gameboy today.. and such soft tone elements that kids don't respect.. they take that as no consequence and no subsequences that will reprimand them in a manner and way they will regard as a deterrent..
this matter came into being when Integration was put in place.. becase of what are the remnants of " racism".. where the mind was to eliminate corporal punishment.. becase no whites wanted their kids spanked by black teachers .. no couch could take how his spanking board to any students.. and we are living with the results of the removal of such a component in the educational system.. and more so in the home..
a kid now has escalated to the point they will draw a weapon on their parents and so you know they think nothing of doing so against a teacher.. parents are even now afraid to spank their kids.. and with this " buzz word of " abuse" being used "like some silly politically correct.. """see I think I'm smart rhetoric """ as if they are so evolved.. to not reprimand the child as if that makes an evolved being.. but in reality it makes a spoiled brat, a young tyrant, and a young disrespect of parents and teachers and even other classmates and society in general..
again.. the late 1970's version of the Dr. Phil.. kissy goody crap.. when plain and simple >> that kids butt needs whipping".. Now the kids run the farm of life.. and the parents are reprimanded by the child.. with their guilt tactics and threats of calling protective services and intimidation by such services that threatened the parent with incarceration for the basic of reprimand of a child.
this sorry to say in this frame work.. but the yuppie pseudo whites and blacks .. in that.. be patronizing to johnny.. mentality.. now is seeing a rise in johnny.. killing up the whole family and shotting up the schools.. sucking down drugs.. and having a teenage sex fest.. that is played out by designer garbage and status items..
and we raise a society of ignorant children.. that become further ignorant adults .. and it has escalated ever year since the late 1970's..
so don't try and blame Mrs. Tyler for the .. pathetic grooming of children within the family structure.. and the undisciplined family model.. that supports and propagates the .. status and style mentality that make their kids act as if they are part of a class and cast system.. then shipped off to private schools that cater to them based on how much money the parents have.. and who made the biggest donation to the school program administrators..
and some of the private school students are nothing but a bunch of spoiled brats..that grow up with a " I'm better than you mentality.. which says.. don't mess with me or my rich daddy will have you fired..
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