and we have just the president to do it !!!
this country has moved itself back to the days of stagnation.. the only people who make a profit are the one's who's already in position to make a profit.. they have destroyed the creative spirit and assaulted the integrity of a nation.. and bankrupt the great social program that were designed to make this nation strong ..
This Administration has created nothing but infighting to help destroy what ever 911 left standing.. American industry is in a shambles.. the Unions that help build this country and was the backbone of workers rights.. has been destroyed by a man named Bush.. he was ill equipped to lead a nation and sure has not the mindset to see when to re adjust and change course..
like a little bull headed kid forging ahead when the danger signs are all around.. and trying to show daddy that he's the biggest bully in the neighborhood..
it's very sad.. His policies has turned America over to the corporate greed monsters.. and they do nothing but pay themselves for not doing the job.. but stuffing their pockets from the residuals and excess they gain from selling foreign products... at the expense of American Industry and the common citizens livelihood..
they are trying to make a two class society.. of the RICH and the devastated poor..
people don't see we have a war being fought by weekend warriors.. and the poor and under-privedledged are the one's who are loosing their life daily.. and other coming back with psychological problems that are astounding.. and when they do pull out.. He will import a million of the Iraq people back with them .. and not know who the hell they are bring in the bunch.. but they will bring back the same one's they have taught how to build bombs and other stuff.. and say ... the same thing they always say... We have to protect those who helped us in the war..
and it's those people and their offspring's that will internally blow up anything and everything they want.. within the next 10 years after he imports these sleepers in the midst of his program..
Bush can't stop the War.. because if he did it would show how much he does not know what he is doing.. and the economy will collapse.. he needs the military industrial complex.. booming .. to keep the attention off of the fact of just how bad he has scr_wed up this country..and it's economy..
now they are trying to close the gate after they've let all the sleeper cells in.. and it's just a matter of time.. before the fuse meets the powder..
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