The auto industry in the US has all but fallen apart.. so there is no need for the Oil industry to keep prices low..
this way the plan can move forward to have a Rich society and Poor society..
the rich will have private transportation and the poor will be forced to utilize public transportation.. as their basic form of transportation.. this frees up the high ways for the wealth to travel and be used for commercial purposes, it reduces the frequency of need for highway repair, and reduces the nations dependence on fuel for personal transportation and then it meets their low carbon goals..
they tried other ways.. first they tried to price the car beyond the average persons wage structure.. that did not work.. they stalled out on the minimum wage as long as they could.. but people still like to pleasure ride.. people still like the SUV with one person in the vehicle.. they built the homes further from the jobs, and they still managed to spend the money on fuel to drive the 40-60 miles one way.. so now they go after it in a different manner..
Regardless what public opinion is they will achieve their goal.. only the wealth will be driving luxury vehicles unless it's just for weekend usage by the average citizen..they will be forced to get an alternative fuel vehicle or a hybrid.. or use public transportation.. the house payment eats up the bulk of their pay, and fuel will eat up the rest if they try to continue as things are today..
it's a carefully orchestrated plan..
We may even have to wonder did the War in Iraq exist because the US was trying to pre-empt China, on trying to corner the Oil market.. but it backfired, because china can and did offer a higher fixed price not to fall below 50$ a bbl...
and the bidding started at that point.. so now it's a bidding war.. and the US does not have the capital to compete with China's vast production machine..and low cost structure and endless labor pool..
the US is afraid to pull out of the War, because China and India are standing right there ready to make a deal with the New Iraqi government whom ever it is for .. Oil reserves.. and the US knows this .. they are not worried about how many Iraqi's dies if they leave.. because they are killing more just by being there. it's about posturing .. and seeking strategic control of a natural resource..
People should get prepared for some changes.. as well as we may find that we are and have been in a economic war.. all along.. and we are fighting it on borrowed money.. with reservist..
and being beat in every " economic commodity battle" that exist.. the mighty America is no more.. look around your neighborhood, look around your city..all you see is despair, glut of homes on the markets, nothing but min. wage jobs.. frustrated youth whom are the future of this country, fat cats stealing in every way they can, corporate layoffs.. social programs that are no more, stripped away pension plans replaced by 401K's.. threat to privatize Social security and no national health care.. and the poor pushed further and further down the ladder, and then talked about because they don't have the economic means..
it's just another form of making this country a Slave nation.. but this time.. all the slaves won't just be black..
they are tapering a world for .. degree's and prominence.. you can have a degree but it must come along with an already prominent family backing.. or you must be at the top of the class.. not just a person holding a degree... if you are.. you will be no more than a spoke on the technician level of society.. but not in the leadership and managing sector of anything.
People don't see it because they are afraid to look.. but in ways they know it..
we will before long have electronic currency.. they don't need paper money anymore.. it's only a manner and method of exchange for the common man.. the wealth and elite don't use it.. they use lines of credit and drafts and electronic exchanges.. todays currency is nothing but something that gets you assaulted and or killed..
Now.. is the time.. buy land.. and buy it in the outer regions and try and get it where it creates the lowest tax liability.. then you can make the land productive.. in hard times.. and become a useful element within society.. otherwise.. there is nothing left but the ranks of the min. wage lifestyle and conditions of a project tenement society structure..
we simply need to pay attention..
most factories now operate with enough automated robotics.. that the work forces needed is 1/10 of what it use to be.. " now, do you see; the New World order...
# 181 "Lunch Time for the Cows"
9 years ago
1 comment:
I think if we look about at the rising tide of the homeless and then if we look at New Orleans.. as a prime example of mis construed politics.. this country let a major city... sit in ruins while it continues to pump 100's of billions of dollars to fight a war.. that is pointless other than big industry trying to seize control of oil reserves..
We have mid-western cities that have been ravaged by natural disasters. and the continuation of natural disasters almost becoming the US to take care of it's home turf.. but the ignorance of the administration can see only War.. the whole of the last presidential race was run based on fear and war propaganda..
We have a Presidential committee that is out of touch with the life of the people.. when the Justice Department and Attorney general.. maliciously fire judges because they want to put in puppets.. and there are scandals that are yet to be uncovered that will further rock the democracy at it's core.. in the months to come..
America is due for a rebirth.. and this is the cannon fodder that will trigger such.. it may be a 20 year spiral.. that becomes the winding it up for a metamorphosis.. and we will emerge a better nation in the long of it.. but a different nation in ways that many may not be prepared to perceive.. Life re-distributes wealth all the time..
let's take the computer for example.. MS has dominate the spectrum for 25 years or so.. but now .. Google.. is gaining very swiftly ground, and making platform that are internet intertwined which may take inter-connectivity within computing to a whole new level..
if we note the swiftness that the typewriter all but practically vanished.. look at how carbon paper is now a thing of the past.. and the hand crank copy machines are mostly found in museums..
so change is inevitable... it's people in the masses that must figure out how to adjust..
Fuel prices will now spur the country to do what it should have done in the 1970's.. and that's make smaller automobiles.. this country went crazy in the late 90's and early 2000's with the tank sized SUV's.. and back to the big box cars.. as if ignorance plagued them without concern.. they evn enticed Japan to make big vehicles.. mostly for use and import inot the US and exporting them to any other nation that followed the madness.. but they keep their vehicles fuel efficient within their country.. and manage what they import from the US of the gas guzzling big box cars..
but we are in the last phase of the 1960's engineer's hanging on.. and we are about to meet the 21st century engineers.. who grew up with teaching about efficiency and economy.. the corporate antiques are on their way out.. America can't afford their glutton anymore..
Homes will become more efficient.. as will the manners that they are powered.. wasting products and materials will be curtailed.. and this disposable consumption will become more of a nation that is thrift and conservation motivated..
it's really to be times of exciting development for the spirited minded who grasp the spirit of change.
we will see no more Presidents that are with the functional inefficiency as what we have today..
our political environment is in for a very long over-due change.. that can re-make what is Democracy into what is in practice a true functioning democracy... that is for all the people..
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