Friday, March 13, 2009

Learning Our System of Government - " Rebuilding A Nations Into Greatness"


We are in the process of becoming a full "Democracy" to return to being as the Founders designed " A Democratic Public"

( if you can ingest the understanding, you can endure the course through change )..

Learning how to be a true democracy is inclusive of learning the varying thin lines than can form within systems, and have blurred the clarity of democracy. then we find how to correct what has been bent in its forms over time.

" Public Office"

What do you think of public office?
Do you think it is responsive to the people who cast votes to put people there?

In some ways we as people may need to consider what we want and what we expect from public office - but first to understand more fully the various forms of government- to see how our government works and if it works to support the full scope of our democratic system.

Not just what people campaign about - but to be concerned if they are there to represent what they want, or if they are there to represent the public and what the public wants.
We as a public do not expect officials to be some genius- and neither should they care to pursue being a genius, but just people, who have position to support public concerns and interest. Because public office is always a representation of the public and should communicate with the public before they make decision that impact the public.

It is without a doubt a job that has many challenges we the general public may be unaware of, but when those challenge are faced, then should there be some disclosure in both reasoning and objective- in common terms for the common understanding of people.

Tools or Hindrances:

• "Should all elected officials have a blog" ?
• Should all public officials have a web site- where they field question, survey ideas and address ideas of the public ?
• Should they have a message board- which simplifies there communication, and let the public discuss topic in their district, where they can read and see what the people are thinking ?
Why do we not have these usages of technology as common tools within the localized public office holders.

Benefits or Not Benefits:

They can put up polls for things they plan, things they consider, and things many people may have addressed - and the polls give them public sentiment % figures - then they can make more informed choices and more informed decisions, which are representative of the people- for and of anything that is proposed.

Do you think this same process should apply to School Board Members ?

• Shouldn't the public know what they think on issues ?
• What are choices they consider ?
• What are area concerns they address?
• What changes in the educational system they support and what changes they oppose?
• This gives a public report card on their performance and how people feel they have performed ?

Not everyone will go to a School Board Meeting, but everyone's tax money supports the parish public schools system.

These Technological Tool are over 10-15 years old and they are not utilized by the city elected officials, nor by the educational system- to the extent it can become a benefit. Do you think it's needed?

Can we progress and do we show progress, without the use of technology being utilized in a world where information is king ?

There are many public complaints about Governmental Decisions, Why don't we have nor make use of the interactive platforms to take it to the next level of interactive steps ? Is it wanted ? Do we care to modernize our process to include it ? Are we happy with the current Model?

Much of the things which affect lives are happening long before it gets to the Senate Level- it happens on the city level, but if we have a consensus at the lower level, then we can hold the Senators to be accountable for decision, rather than to be subjected to some of the stands recently made by Senators in the Congress, which does not convey representation of the people as a whole, only a segment of the constituency.

The Public takes back control over government by being informed- and being interactive. then we won't be electing people who are non responsive- and have and show a pattern of ignoring citizens. And our government becomes stronger because they people are more unified about decision being made which impacts lives and lively hood, as well as community, city and state as too, the nation.

We don't elects Kings, nor Kings court - we elect "Leaderships Representation" in a democratic system - and we should not so quickly relinquish that over into any system which functions like an autocratic system.

[ we as the public have to understand the choices being made- and the choices support our interest and our concerns- else we become subject to a simulation of autocratic government ]

Autocratic - characteristic of an absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty; "an authoritarian regime"; "autocratic government";

Aristocracy is a form of government, in which a few of the most prominent citizens rule. This may be a hereditary elite, or it may be by a system of cooption where a council of prominent citizens add leading soldiers, merchants, land owners, priests, and lawyers to their number.
Aristocracies have most often been hereditary plutocracies . They sometimes include a monarch who although a member of the aristocracy, rules over it as well as over the rest of society.
The term "aristocracy" is derived from the Greek language aristokratia, meaning 'the rule of the best'

Types of Government

Dictatorship: Rule by a single leader who has not been elected and may use force to keep control. In a military dictatorship, the army is in control. Usually, there is little or no attention to public opinion or individual rights.

Totalitarian: Rule by a single political party.
People are forced to do what the government tells them and may also be prevented from leaving the country.

Theocracy: A form of government where the rulers claim to be ruling on behalf of a set of religious ideas, or as direct agents of a deity.

Monarchy: A monarchy has a king or queen, who sometimes has absolute power. Power is passed along through the family

Parliamentary: A parliamentary system is led by representatives of the people. Each is chosen as a member of a political party and remains in power as long as his/her party does

Republic: A republic is led by representatives of the voters. Each is individually chosen for a set period of time.

Anarchy: Anarchy is a situation where there is no government.
This can happen after a civil war in a country, when a government has been destroyed and rival groups are fighting to take its place.


A form of government which consists of rule by an elite group who rule in their own interests, especially the accumulation of wealth and privilege. Only certain members of society have a valid voice in the government. This can reflect (but is not limited to) economic interests, a particular religious tradition (theocracy), or familial rule (monarchy)

American History
Returning to the Roots
What the Founders Designed
The Framework
A Declaration of Independence
becoming and being
One Nation Under God
As a Democratic Republic

Learning how to be a true democracy is inclusive of learning the varying thin lines than can form within systems, and have blurred the clarity of democracy. then we find how to correct what has been bent in its forms over time.

We live in a democracy, with an autocratic, totalitarian, dictatorship, driven by a theocratic premise, monarchical racial dominance, and a parliamentary divide, by race and wealth, driven by a plutocracy based industry undertone, and a over-riding Theocratic inference - all of which was created and fused to support, engage and manage Slavery, and carried forth within existence of processions of segregation, and prior to we had a democracy that had a undertone of the forms, from one phase to the next upon a segment of the nation. when the nations began to pursue wealth of over equality of person as a human being.

Perform by Religion and race, and some segments performed by and upon one gender over another gender, and some segments form by religious monarchical affiliation- or religion dominating over others.

Rebuilding a true democracy, requires a review of regulations and a replacement of many regulations, and we see the process being engaged to return us back to a government of diplomacy where there is equilibrium within the process, where a democracy functions for all. contortions have been engaged over centuries, and we move in this 21st century to correct the distortion and return the nation to being a democratic republic.
Dismantling the autocratic systems within a democracy is a challenge because the power elite do not want to work within a true democracy.. and the elite want to function via corporations and other means as a plutocracy, and conservatism wants to function as a theocracy, and we've endured 8 years of a party functioning as a totalitarian system.. driven by a theocratic agenda, influenced by a plutocratic industry of corporate influences. and the power elite with a motive of monarchical now we have radio talk show and news media functioning like a parliamentary, and we send our military abroad to perform as the same of dictatorship as that we claim to seek to change into a democracy.

Political Science is such an under studied element in the general public, to know how to get back to being a democracy that functions with a real democratic process, that engages diplomacy in its ways both with party and from state to nation, and from nations to nation.

These are the contortions that disrupted a democracy in its infancy, when the advent of slavery was introduced. and it morphed with a duality until it fused .. And now we are in the process of breaking the components away, that allow us to return to being a true democracy that can honor its constitution.

and we will become again a great nations that is a true Democratic Republic - The United States of America.

The investment in our nation, is under way- to rebuild what has been broken far too long- and yet many factions of systems fight the changes, but with a strong progression of stand, we will transform into a democracy that meets its constitution in true spirit of unison.

Now we have a President
Who understand what the task is, and he is willing to make the changes...

Now if people understand what he is dealing with, then they will learn to work with the process and support him..

The job is huge, and covers every aspect of life.. if we want to return to being a true democracy as the founders planned and designed.
The Rebirth of a Nation into a True Democracy
America Will Stand as A great Becon in The Greatest Time of A People as a Nation
A True Democracy
The United States of America
On Nation Under God

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Learning - part II


Mandates in the educational system- a call to educators to be more expansive in their approach- a call to principals to consider modification, and a call to the School board to open unto change, and a call unto the superintendents to become more creative in their approach, and a call unto the State, to give them room to do so.

There are certain to come modification in how education is managed- because as the President said in his address - there is too much of pushing classes that have nothing to do with the career choice people aim to aspire unto once they enter college level education. A great change, to provide the young people and old alike, with a course structure that keeps them inspired and motivated about their field of interest and progress them along with expedient structure and cirriculum.

I think that is long over-due.. its like some colleges just put a curriculum together to manage the flow of students through the system, more than they pay attention to give them a class structure that focus on their particular field of study. and they neglect things that should be taught. Some go through school and never have a class of basic logic, or other critical thinking material study. What specifically and directional does college Algebra have to do with English Literature, or Art History. Equally so, why can a Tech school get a student qualified to perform in a field, but yet, two year colleges, only do re-cap work, that requires an additional two years to get to the course the student is aiming to gain competency ?

We have to take the corporation mindset out of educational institution and re- cast them as institutions of learning- not of the institution being a model itself of being a business that has global investments - but student tuitions continues to rise, while the universities hold billions of dollars worth of income producing assets.

How can Professional Sports make billions, with the same attendance that college sports gain, and make a great deal of money from not only advertising but attendance ticket prices, and yet the prices continue to escalate, and the tuitions continue to escalate and the viewer pool continue to increase. "this is a profit model" that does not go to support the university keeping its cost low, they still raise the tuition fees and then assess charges for anything and everything that students need. and many of these universities year upon year, gain additional million upon millions of endowments from its alumni. Universities make money year around, on every sport program it engages. it makes money from every department on it's campus that puts on a program of any type. Yet the students still have to pay a varying array of fee's.

Stanford had so much money a year or so ago, it finally used a minor portion to provide additional scholarship for a change.

Yes, it's true maintenance cost are expensive, but many of the universities grounds have no mortgage, they have been around for over 100 or more years, so the land is paid for, some new building are paid for by the endowment's from people and organizations, and they hold vast trust left to them by countless people over the years.

Nobody questions any of this massive money grasps that universities do.. because, people worship them, rather than apply the scrutiny that is should have placed upon it's financial standing. Every kind of research grant that exist if afforded to many schools, yet all the earned income goes to do what ? I'm yet to see a televised college sports games with a empty stadium- When LSU had its winning season, the first thing it did was hike up ticket prices for the next season.

Unfortunately, in our society because of moneys power to create corrupt and other things that relate to money and how people become about money.. almost always result to show collusive habits, when its finally explored. Universities operate like private cities, and maybe they need better oversight boards. and specific auditing that addresses it the same as cities have to continually audit and modify their process of operations.

If we have seen corruption in every institution in this country, from stock market, SEC negligence, political figures, corporate institutions, church organizations, then why would we assume that universities are exempt. anything that involves mass amounts of money, and man is involved, we can be sure it needs oversight and it needs regulations and it needs audits and it needs disclosure.

there is no reason within the logic of the financial structure of our society, that justifies why a student has to pay, more for one year of college at any university, that the poverty wage standard of the nation. It result to be like "selling jobs".. if you go to particular universities, then particular jobs are set aside for those from such universities. It comes down to "pay at the toll gate to a life of comfort and luxury, sanction by the universities standard of which levels of industry they dominate". and the 'grooming thru a cast system" becomes far too often, much of the process. systematic process of thought process is what becomes the separating factors.

Because life itself continue to function based on the common sense principle- supply and demand in any and all public consumables. far too many times, marketing matters distinguish the distribution flow, more than the true distinction of product quality.

We simply have to be a more discerning society of people, to get the reality perspective in check, and we become less susceptible to cost increase that have no justifiable foundation to support it.

Currently we have a mass of corporate executive who are hailed as the cream of the crop from the same elitist universities, and yet, they crashed the nation, with their contrived grasp for money and power- at the expense of a nation, it's people and its economy. their sense of 'bought entitlement" brings them to expect and to take from corporations and investors, the sum worth not just a king, but multiple kings paid to them yearly. to be an employee that has a job to do. They fail at the job, and pay themselves still. and we sit and say nothing, and fork over hard earned money.. and they send people checks for a few dollars a share.. when they make more than that, trading them, for the sake of profits gains of trade fee's until the value is depleted and the stock suffers loss, then people pay a fee, simply to rid themselves of the drain.

Somewhere our system took a wrong turn, when status of individuals became more important than the state of the union and condition and progress of the nation or the stability of its economic engine. and yet we remain unaware, and caught into worship mode of man.. being asked over and over to .. "overlook their fallacy, and give them another run around the track, and each time they carry a bigger collection plate.. with hand servants to tuck away the money, they drain off. They gather in and as a collective, and ask the public to give them another tax break so they can keep more of their ill gotten gains. and we as a people continue to fall for it, all being unaware.

so yes... Learn.. but take the time to Learn how to Learn.. and then one can learn how to look that they may be able to actually see.

We need to give validity to learning.. for the sake of of education as, "application competency" to make use of gained knowledge- and how to use it to explore

For the betterment of mankind as a whole and the improved conditions of life as human beings.

Our models have become all about, how to get wealthy without trying, and to fleece the people because they don't know any better, and declare oneself king, based on the money they rake from the system

and again,

We fall prey to title worship


Not educational excellence for the application competency - to make use of gained knowledge- and how to use it to explore to better life and make it functional on a level of equilibrium for human progress.

Now to be a doctor is so often driven as live luxuriously, not how great a contribution people can make to the health of individuals and countless parents speak and push their offsprings to be doctors and lawyers, not because of the value of the Oath and the what it purports, but for the sake of living a wealthy life. Daughters are pushed to seek out and pursue those in these fields, not to be a wife, but to live a luxurious life.

Our value systems perspective is skewed - to value money, more than life and the contribution we can make unto life.

By all means compensate people for their work... but in such fields compensation is always about more than personal gain, it is about the contribution one can make to society.

The value of a Fair and Caring world is far more of value to not only the living, but those who are to come within the future.


It is necessary in our society and the societies of the world- to get educated- to support the progressive developments we embrace in our lives.

k-12 is a basic and we all must strive to insure all people meet and get those basic's: I watched a speech about education, and it spoke of the importance of early pre school programs; when I was a kids, in the rural south - we did not have "pre-school" - in later years, it is understood what that benefit is: We only started school at the age of 6- but society has shown that by the age of 4, it is such a crucial learning stage- and the system in earlier timeds did not have this information: so we started school at the age of 6.

Today, various programs show kids as young as 2-3 learning to understand written words, and some even learning to read. Interactive elements introduced at a younger age- and the development of learning skills come early to this generation of children.

We as people learn by many ways, both during and after the K-12 years. many class studies both in college, on the job, and self help pursuits, We have to learn to value that in this current society; As many of the recently unemployed, have gained many forms of education both through their jobs, support programs that may be tied to their jobs, and their real life experiences.

The object of education is, "application competency" of gained knowledge- This in no ways diminishes the spectrum nor the need for institution groomed learning, but it should not discount other methods of gained knowledge. Our pools of today, range the full spectrum in age ranges, as it related to the current and future market of employees. some who have more than 20 years of high and qualify performance in a side variety of jobs, some who gained management experiences through many years of working in those fields, some who received their training within corporations and on the job performance. We must not discount this knowledge-

Learning is a life long process- We have in our society people who gained degree 20-30- years ago, who never returned to add to that education, Life changed, things changed and the world expanded- and many of those in such groups- re-learned through their on the job performances, their on the job seminars and training programs- but may not have returned to the college campus. Therefore, a great question arises- "how long does a degree hold its stature" ? If a degree is beyond 20 years past its point of being attained; How would the person who learned the same updates on the job, be less of a value in their gained knowledge. What this implies or seeks to provoke thought upon- is - "how do we value life gained knowledge" ?, "how do we value work learned on the job training knowledge" ?

These are very important questions, in these times- As our labor pools are full with people, who have vast capabilities, and unmeasurable knowledge about a wide range of fields, categories and segments of business and industry.

shall we place no less importance within and upon institutional education, but shall we also not diminish and disqualify, gained knowledge, and work experience application of on the job learned knowledge.

For if we do, do we take from society by default- should knowledge teach us in principle,- how to think and how to engage critical thinking, how to analyze and how to apply what has been understood- and the gain greater understanding in and through our applications of what has been gained.

Our world was turned over to people based solely on "degree" in our financial markets at very high levels, and given a simple mandate of "increase profits", and they applied formula learned in the classroom, but they had no real life pratical understanding of the impact on social cycles, nor of the life impact their decisions would make- they gambled without respect of the labors people invested to turn over their earning to be managed by industry. Years ago, people did not rise to those levels based solely on "degree', they needed work experience learned knowledge and understanding of how the industry was connected to lives- and they progressed as their real world wisdom grew,. those people learned better how to make use of the learned classroom formulas only through the time it takes to be certain of the value of the human element. Our industry now- Hails degree- far beyond it's valid distinction- and neglects the fact that all business functions with the purpose to serve people. the better is meets that objective, the more solid and stable that business will grow, and earn its gains in doing so.

We turned our world over to formula statisticians, who employed formula- for the sake of number crunchers, and then the human element became less important in every aspect of business- and each year, they fill the ranks with "degree', and each year, we see, the continual erosion of business stability. This should show us the value of gained knowledge, this should show us the value of on the job learning, and what it takes for people to learn, before they are entrusted with something so valuable as, the business of a nations, based solely on "degree'.

Take medicine- No doctors, became a doctor- to be entrusted with the lives of a patient, without first completing internship, and then they are put through a series of understudy processes, where they must by mandate confer with people who have gained experience, and on the job learning, before they can make any firm decision that impacts the lives of people.

Now how did we ignore this principle when it came to finance and the financial industry? How did we allow the classroom formulas become more important than the experience and gained knowledge that could understand when and how and at what point to use those formulas, and at what point the formula would not be an applicable options? As a result of ignoring this- we resulted to have created instruments, based of mathematicians- and such things as CDO's were created { Collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) are a type of structured asset-backed security (ABS) whose value and payments are derived from a portfolio of fixed-income underlying assets. CDOs are assigned different risk classes, or tranches, whereby "senior" tranches are considered the safest securities. Interest and principal payments are made in order of seniority, so that junior tranches offer higher coupon payments (and interest rates) or lower prices to compensate for additional default risk. : "Information on CDO"

yet, what did real world and work life gained experience say. A few academics, analysts and investors such as Warren Buffett and the IMF's former chief economist Raghuram Rajan warned that CDOs, other ABSs and other derivatives spread risk and uncertainty about the value of the underlying assets more widely, rather than reduce risk through diversification.

Let us as people always push for higher learning, but let us as people never become so unaware that we take credence from gained learning, through the work experience of our people of this nation, both in public, private and corporate America.

Many of the medicinal components today, were learned and gain, from people in a variety of different countries, who learned through their life and their passed along knowledge about various natural compounds, which provide relief and substantive cures for a wide range of the ills that plague the human being. Herbal medicinal products have always been in use by mankind, and animals alike. Our science explores the synthesis of these products, to extract and modify compounds for a specific application, but also produce side effects, they have no awareness how to limit or selectively removes- so we still must have reliance on the practitioners who use natural herbal medicinal products, who continue to perform with limits of side effects to treat a wide range of ills.

Learning never stops- its our life long process- to learn then to re-learn and the learn how to learn- and that changes with the applications we engage in a ever changing world.

Many principle taught by our elders, and their elders, who did not have an array of fancy wording to convey their point, and yet today some of those principles are as true today as they were when people used less unspellable terminology to speak of those principles.

Mankind can seek and will seek to understand what God has already created, and that is the nature of our discovery- is "understanding and learning to apply what we come to understand".

Yes.. let's " Learn" - and do so by all means of which learning can be gained, and let us respect the learning people have gained, by the variety of means they have gained it. and take nothing from learning, nor judge it by where its learned

Let's respect what has been learned, and the engagments which brought about what is learned.


We shall progress as a people, with respect of people as people, not based solely on "degree" alone.

Never by pass the opportunity to learn- by the means available to learn

be it on the job, or in the classroom and in life.

Monday, March 09, 2009

change the game

if the current administration can get this financial thing in check.. they will start whacking heads left and right.. but that may work at the top level to get the goons our, but there is a mass of the public who remain unaware.. and they vote the same greased idiots back in office.. there are senators who have been sitting there 20 or more years... that is the most insane thing imaginable.. and they play the "slick willy' games, and the pubic is so uninformed, they vote them back on pure name recognition. On a whole, the American General Public is not as smart as the image of the Nation wants to claim.. A lot of society, domestic and foreign.. live based on "mob mentality- of being incited by drama"

I remember duing the campaign.. the news casters kept saying, Obama did not give them enough controversial drama sound bites.. and they did not like it, so they played up everything attack that Hillary and McCain uttered.. and then the GOP got frustrated because they could not rile his feather and make him go into vicious mode, and he just kept on sticking to his points.. later the commentator, call him "No Drama Obama".. because through the process.. he talked to the people about his plans and their lives.. and people are not use to a campaign of that type.. but it won out over the mud slinging fest, that has been the mainstay of all the past races..

People don't get it.. but they know over 90% of corporate heads in this country are Republican Adenda people.. and just as the Senate stood and played a partisan game with the Stimulus vote.. the corporate heads are doing the same thing, by keeping these markets locked up.. they are playing politics.. because they don't care to see the administration succeed.. they will just as the Senate did, deny their own constituents assistance.. for the sake of making a party stand.. they only care to get the highest tax breaks, and to have no regulation on them, and the pay themselves high dollars with investors money..
but until this nation get people who are wise enough as investors to put a cap of executive compensation, then nothing will change, they will just find another way to steal.. The only thing that can reel this madness in, is very firm regulation, and compensation cap, including stock options. Pay them a fixed salary with a fixed bonus, based on incremental growth and productivity.. Because some how, these thieves forgot the money belongs to investors and the profits it earns does as well.. they are only suppose to get a management based salary.. it will stop them from the illegal trades..
and no new financial instruments should be used in any industry without investor approval for it to be used.. and they should be told how it will be used.. in terms they can understand. If they had that rule in place CDO's never would have existed like it did.. and no one even understand it, nor how its structured.. they just sold it because it made money..

but many of these banks, are broke because they over leveraged peoples money, and now they have high loss and huge interest payments where they even borrowed against the peoples money.. but people are so unaware, they have no idea of the collusion and corrupt structure of the markets. Madoff, proved that along with the massive size the past administration allowed these companies to become. they had no oversight, and they had no regulation.. its was a gang of thieves.. who saw how to rip an ignorant public.. and they did it, then they squander the gains.. trying to play impress me games among each other.

It's why Warren Buffet is as solid as a rock.. he does not play that delusion game.. he puts his people to work, and they can't buy anything without doing the DETAILED research first.. and they filter out the puff up stuff. and they only invest in things that have solid base value - with limited and managed leverage.. America became ignorant when it put its full reliance on educational degree's.. and it is people with degree's that crashed this world, because they don't function with common sense, they think those degrees give them right to steal by creating collusion and calling themselves smart for doing so..

Look at Japan, it was a stock market until they tried to emulate these fools in the markets here.. China got smart two years ago, and it put some of it's money in Gold.. and it began to self manage its capital, and only bought what was required of federal securities,simply to keep trade going. they saw the crash cycle coming.. and now, the only real problems China has is loss of export capacity which slowed down their corporation.. but they have cash reserve build up..
This country went bankrupt no less than 3 or so times under President Bush.. they borrowed so much they broke the debt clock..

now they want to expect President Obama to wave a magic wand and save their butts.. But he is doing the right thing, by making these same thieves pay to fix the infrastructure in this country, and making them stream line these corporations and take the BS game our of their programs.. It's going to take a while, because a few more of the greed masters have to get a bit broker, before they understand the game won't be like it use to be.. but right now they have not got the point.. so they are playing their power ploys, trying to force the Administration to yield to them.. but if the President keeps the pressure on, and make them sweat until they get the picture..

the power accumulated over the ages, is as evil as it was back in the early days.. and it will take some economic whipping to get them to face up to their own folly... If you listen to GOP, they never have anything to say, but "give me another tax break".. that is their whole song, they could care less about this country beyond what they can milk the people for... They hate with a passion to see regulation and management come into the system, and cut out the cancer of greed and evil mis-use of the peoples wealth and earnings..

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Version II - The Shut Down Syndrome

Probing thoughts, Provoking thoughts, evoking thoughts - and just things of a many assorted implications to inspire thoughts - simply to explore life- pursue expanded understanding, reach beyond- apprehension, and simply in the process's... just things of life, which have as many views as there are people .....

It has to be one of the most frustrating factors in living experiences - "People shutting down", when life engages the details of matters' - as if life should be a "one dimensional' surface level function. And it never is, it is always composed of the compounds of many factors, and the multiple variable and dimensional elements of each, any and all of those variables, all become part of the whole. Secular or Integrated in concept, it all becomes part of the nature of people, places and things.


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And so too, is it true within the expanse of "ideas" - yet. its always one step at a time, but we always find, the other components become relative unto each step. and so is the nature of details.

What comes next is prioritizing, but the order of objective shows its priorities, and within 'each priority", there are variables, that equally so must be prioritized - and that is where the integration of variables become of relevancy. and the focus must encompass what that is, or the bottleneck hinders the ongoing functions- that engage the original concept of idea.

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In simple terms... A car is the result of an Idea- but it is made up of many ideas, and each idea component, is important to the other components which make up the car.

  1. you can have an engine (that is an idea) and wheels (that is an idea), but then it needs a seat, ( that is an idea) it needs a steering wheel ( that is an idea) it needs a transmission ( that is an idea) and it need- an accelerator ( that is an idea) it need brakes ( that is an idea).. and etc... and etc and etc...

Each of those (ideas) are detailed constructions- so within any idea that is ccreated.. it took many ideas to compose the end result to meet the objective the idea aimed to accomplish. and each component- became a industry in itself, over time developing into precision craftsman, with marquee product line, and mass production products as well.

What if " The Shut Down Syndrome" had been engaged- these items may never had become the quality units they are, and the car may never have evolved in the first place, and it probably would not have changed its style from the first Model A. Yet, it continue to evolve, because people don't allow "the shut down syndrome" to diminish their ability to be creative and explore modifications and enhancements- they reviewed each detail, and thru the elaborations of many, it has evolved.

Why do so many of us, have so little regard for the details ? and oftentimes, we become people who simply take thing for granted far too quickly- never knowing nor considering all that goes into make it what it is. and then comes the massive "shut down syndrome" if any of it is discussed within any aim to consider the details. and the result is - the cop out is to say " oh' you are just rambling on".. because instead of listening and engaging to connect the dots.. people are focused on trying to depict "A" point, rather than to look at the multitude of points, and be inspired to simply "think".

Result is: We have a great many in society, whom are quick to say"what they don't understand".. and then take a prideful stand in their declaration of claiming they don't understand- even doing so as a put down -rather than using it as an uplift to seek understanding. There are countless people who immediately say ' Oh' it's too complex for me".. as their way of saying.. "they don't care"..

What do we often find? is many of the same ones, later overcome by the elements of life- or they make use of things, until they abuse it, and it simply falls apart in their hands, or blows up in their face.

Try to talk to some people about it, and the first thing they assume, is: that you've gone off topic, rather than looking to understand how the variable subject matters, all relate to the topic. and many, will tell you right away " you don't know what you are talking about" as their quick exist from engaging territory that challenges their mind, maybe it challenges their values, or even in some cases, they discount their ability to investigate, and learn how to re-learn things, with a different perspective.

and our society has become one- that is limited in it's pursuit of creativity - and if we can't find it on the store shelf- we take the closest substitute.

Social Relationships

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Sadly, this is the same nature people engage relationship- and Wonder, why do they grow apart, and how is it, they never know certain things about each other . Because the first thing people want to do " is fit each other in neat little boxed categories".. and then act shocked, when the individualism of the person shows to appear to be more than what another tried to cram into a box of their conjured mental concept of them, and many people, never took time to consider, the person, they tried to cram in a box, is as an individual - far more than what can be crammed into a box or put in a small caption perspective. and people dump people, and result to look for secure models they assume will remain in the box, rather than the learning more of and more about each other, or learning of people, places and things and how it impacts individual growth. Then comes the Master Shocker, when it comes to the reality of the sexuality of people- the delusions thickens to the points of absurdity. On comes the series of ... lying and denying, pretending, hiding and fear of discussions of what individuals, think, like and care about... and everyone wants to pretend to be "a Puritan" but , truth is, this nations spends more money on things relative to sexuality, than any other business on the face of the planet. and then if you add in the other items such as ,attire and what ever else, that is driven by a advertising market ,obsessed with appealing sexually to sell everything from dog food, to car mufflers..

The dollars spent,numbers are astronomical and if it does not have some sex appeal attribute, people don't even want it; but the public delusion of society pretending it is so non sexual, continues.. all in the so called name of being "politically correct".. with an immediate denial ready to be pushed forth, for the sake of social image, at the expense of their own self honesty. yet.. we claim to be mature adults people.

and so -- the judgements become the tool, for the containment of each other, into the many shapes and molds of self repressions, by social suppressions of every sort imaginable. and we then claim, we must be like clones of each other, or we become label, and presumed to be an outcast.. unaware god made each of us, as individuals.. with the ability to think and be creative in the usage of our minds.. but - we prefer the "shut down syndrome"... when faced with the real depth of the realities which are all about our lives.

Young People

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We have so many contradictions- for everything- if young people even at the age of 16 can earn money playing sports we claim them mature and rally about how mature they are and how much they can deal with life's challenges, but if they happen by some means to become pregnant, we condemn them, and claim what they can't handle.. Yet.. in history, many of us who live today, are from parents and grandparents who had our mothers and fathers and even some of us, at the age of such range.. Yet- we think we are no less of a person as a result, and we love them no less as a mother and grandmother - We may need to open our minds to what is life- because life continues to be life- respect the young people who make the choices that alter their pathway, and give them the opportunity to be responsible. Now, even where people figured toddlers could not talk, time has show they can read- if these things do not show us the amazing potential in people- then it is only because we continue to underestimate people and, downrate and deny the potential of the human being. People act amazed when a toddler calls 911, as if to assume the toddler to be a mindless being, which is simply not the case, they learn, just as all people learn. These things should tell us, to give more credence to the potential of the human being.

We have been told for centuries, mankind uses less than 10% of our mental capabilities, then if that is so, where does that leave any room to doubt human potential. If we stop trying to make people into babies, one they reach puberty and young adult hood, we may find they make great contribution in life, thru their efforts when their efforts are respected. - Just like the young tennis player, or the young pianist, or the young computer geniuses. But for some reason, people try and treat people and offsprings as if they are some toy, they can freeze in time, and keep them as if they will be a toddler forever. and life just does not function that way.

Family Matters

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At all ages from puberty to old age.. our parents are our parents, and they will or should love us as individuals, not judge and deny and even kick them out of the house, if they have a baby, but they can be a member of a gang, and remain in the house.. it's twisted logic. they can go out and rob a store, and still get respect at home, but if they happen to engage sex, they are outcast like they have committed a world sin that will destroy the world in an instance. More young women have been damaged by peoples attitudes, than they have been by the having of a child- the mental damage is worst than any challenge they may face in raising the kid.. Maybe we need to think about more than what we chase of public image, and simply learn to respect and appreciate, and most of all, learn to be understanding, and learn how to understand more than our own obsessive wants to control something. We might just become better people, and we might be able to think beyond the "Shut Down Syndrome"

Young Parents

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Today we have more single mothers graduating high-school and college in some areas than we have people who don't have children in some areas of this world and our cities and states.. so the old fables don't apply.. what matter is respect of the individual. and don't destroy the mentality of people and handicap them mentally with the insults and judgements of every sort imaginable. and then wonder why they don't progress. We as people beat people up mentally, and think nothing of it, and then condemn them because the mental damage takes longer to heal than a physical bruise. We have a society now, that more women, by at the age of 30, then began to accept themselves, it should not take that much time, but it takes so many, that long, to get to a point, to not allow the judgments of others to keep her captive from being herself.


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Even marriages, there are far too many, that in the mid to late 30, people come us saying, they got married for the wrong reasons, this would not happen, if people respect the thoughts of others, and allow the engagements of what others think, how they feel, what they aspire to and try and understand them more, instead of trying to put people into little mental boxes. Far too many people have to fight with themselves to break away from being controlled by their family once they are adults.. when all they want, is their families respect of them as being an individual. NO One will like everything anyone does, nor will anyone like everything about anyone, that is just life.. but what we can to is make efforts to understand, and impart what of wisdoms we think or know- and allow others to digest it in their own ways.


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How many people have spent 12 years in medical school, only to later find out, they really want to be a photographer,but they did the med school to satisfy the image their parents had, but they grow to the point they despise being a doctor, and in late life change to what they like. Each kids has their own dream, and each young person may modify their dream, and if they gain the support - they will excel to reach their dream.

Neighborhood Image

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We get so hung up in what the neighbors think of us, until that pursuit alone, cause more and more people, every day, to abuse their own families and offspring, even killing each other, trying to measure up to an image, for the sake of what the neighbors think.

Adults and Limited Sex Education

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This very day, there are mothers and Fathers all across this land, that are plain ignorant when it comes to the matter of sex and understanding anything of each other in such matter, and some cannot even discuss it as subject matter- yet they have engaged it and Made babies.. but they can't have a conversation about their simple likes and dislikes. all behind being hung up with a taboo mindset about something, that break up more marriages out of that kind of ignorance of even ones self.

Anguish- don't talk about this stuff

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Next- people will say... "you should not talk about that in a open manner"..

That's how closed minded we accept being-

The desperation cry is.. " I just don't understand what happened" ...

and then comes

"The Shut Down Syndrome"


Nature and it's Expanding Realism

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Mixed with The Creativity of Mankind

Produces Amazing Things

But, as time moves along we may evolve back to re-learn what we tried by every means to deny, and may well come to find out nature had as it related the human being.. its own time frames within life, and no amount of mans ability to try and alter it can do so.

Life will be life, as it was being long before mankind thought of his ways to try and control and regulate it.

We may be able to regulate and manage things, but not places, nor can man regulate and control people..

the power within the human being is far greater than mankind can comprehend, nor can contain, from being what it is..


No amount of "Shut Down Syndrome" will stop life..


We just as well put the engagements into pursuing understanding(s)

We just might find out how Amazingly Beautiful Life Truly is

"The Shut Down Syndrom"

It has to be one of the most frustrating factors in living experiences - "People shutting down", when life engages the details of matters' - as if life should be a "one dimensional' surface level function. And it never is, the compounds of factors, and the multiple variable and dimensional elements of those variables, all become part of the whole. Secular or Integrated in concept, it all becomes part of the nature of people, places and things.

And so too, is it true within the expanse of "ideas" - yet. its always one step at a time, but we always find, the other components become relative unto each step. and so is the nature of details.

What comes next is prioritizing, but the order of objective shows its priorities, and within 'each priority", there are variables, that equally so must be prioritized - and that is where the intergeneration of variables become of relevancy. and the focus must encompass what that is, or the bottleneck hinders the ongoing functions- that engage the original concept of idea.

In simple terms... A car is the result of an Idea- but it is made up of many ideas, and each idea component, is important to the other components which make up the car.

  1. you can have an engine (that is an idea) and wheels (that is an idea), but then it needs a seat, ( that is an idea) it needs a steering wheel ( that is an idea) it needs a transmission ( that is an idea) and it need- an accelerator ( that is an idea) it need brakes ( that is an idea).. and etc... and etc and etc...

Each of those idea are detailed constructions- so within any idea that is created.. it took many ideas to compose the end result to meet the objective the idea aimed to accomplish.

Why do so many of us, have so little regard for the details ? and oftentimes, we become people who simply take thing for granted far too quickly- never knowing nor considering all that goes into make it what it is. and then comes the massive "shut down syndrome" if any of it is discussed within any aim to consider the details. and the result is - the cop out is to say " oh' you are just rambling on".. because instead of listening and engaging to connect the dots.. people are focused on trying to depict "A" point, rather than to look at the multitude of points, and be inspired to simply "think".

Result is: We have a great many in society, that are quick to say"what they don't understand".. and then take a prideful stand in their declaration of claiming they don't understand- as a put down -rather than using it as an uplift to seek understanding. and there are countless people who immediately say ' Oh' it's too complex for me".. as their way of saying.. "they don't care"..

what do we often find, is many of the same ones, later overcome by the elements of life- or they make use of things, until they abuse it, and it simply falls apart in their hands, or blows up in their face.

Try to talk to people about it, and the first thing they assume, is that you've gone off topic, rather than looking to understand how the variable subject matters, all relate to the topic. and many, will tell you right away " you don't know what you are talking about" as their quick exist from engaging territory that challenges their mind, maybe it challenges their values, or even in some cases, they discount their ability to investigate, and learn how to re-learn things, with a different perspective.

and our society has become one- that is limited in it's pursuit of creativity - and if we can't find it on the store shelf- we take the closest substitute.

Sadly, this is the same nature people engage relationship- and wonder why they grow apart, and how they never know certain things about each other . Because the first thing people want to do " if fit each other in neat little boxed categories".. and then act shocked, when the individualism of the person shows up, and they never took time to consider, the person as an individual is far more than what can be crammed into a box or put in a small caption perspective. and we result to look for secure models, rather than the learning of each other, or learning of people, places and things.

People post blogs about things of thinking, learning they are immediately ignored, but you post one about entertainment and drama, and that is what people aspire to - We have a society that is motivated to seek entertainment over investigating life. And the over-riding result is America has fell behind in creative developments- we now rely on corporations to do it for us, while we seek out some entertainment.

I can be sure the blog posters, will quickly fill up the blog script, to bury this blog as quickly as possible- because it is not about entertainment- but about thinking- learning, and re-learning how to learn- and the nature of growth..

The Global community see us as a Good Time Jack and Jane Nation, that is spend happy of luxury stuff and then we have a gross habit of waste, and drama chasers, by whats in our media and then we tell our young people, they are in Play Land from the age of 15-26, and society is so unaware, that daily life shows over and over, that at the age of 16 people have the impact of nature, that drives their motivations, and society tries in vain to tell them what they can't do, when their mind and body simply finds a way to do what is natural to the human being.. and we as a society, think we can keep them toddler, and claim them incapable of things, simply because as adults we can't handle things, and yet, the youth seem to be more adaptable than the adults to finding ways to handle things, but society tell them, all they have to do, is play dating games, and then try to tell them who they can and who they can't date.. and the young people, look at the adults as the foolishness they speak.. while the young people see them, trying to hook up with anyone they want, yet thinking the youth are unable to know, they can also. so society goes on a mission of vilify and label and condemn, the same thing it is doing itself. but tells them, see how many of each other they can conquer, unaware that young women, are aware, that pregnancy is pregnancy, and it can happen with a 16 year old as well as with a 40 years old; and they see what... age does not matter, because.. you see as many older women and men having relationship trips, as you do young people, which simply means, age is not an answer to how to make a relationship work and it has nothing to do with how a relationship works.. "communication is what makes a relationship work".. but they are pushed to play this game far beyond the age when puberty has made them fertile, so they simply play the game of learning tactics and manipulations, and pretending, and how to lie and hide and deny even their own desires, then when they are near 30, we wonder why they can't stand each other. Then, between late 30's, they are ready to jump, dump and switch mates, because, when it comes to sexual reality of the human beings -that is the habit they learned between 15-26 , of how to lie, how to hide, and how to deny, and how to pretend, so that is what they do. and they got praised by how well they could lie, how much they could hide, and how well they could deny and pretend - now 65% or more of the nations is working on their 4th and 5th relationship.. carrying more baggage than a railway car, looking for any kind of diversionary way to live, and claiming it their new found this or that. We need to go back in history and learn- maybe we may know why in historical times, people were considered men and women at the age of 16, because it recognized their minds, make their own choices and they act on it without any provocation, but by their own will and wants. We have a nations of runways, and people having their lives tarnished because they made a choice to engage sex, and then society vilifies them and try to make them modern day outcast. and attach any negative label upon that, so the rest of society can sit back and pat itself on the back.. pretending it is better than others, because it is more inhibited, and lie and hide their own reality of their sexuality. and one minute before midnight, they are trying to chase down every means they can to exercise their pent up sexual desires, and hide it before the suns comes up. We got a society that is a liar unto itself.. it spends more money yearly on the Sexual trades of every sort, than any other business on the planet, and then want to publicly claim it is so anti this and anti that.. It's such a cycle of delusion of imagery pretense- that people are hypocrite's and claim themselves otherwise.

They are able at that age to work any job that anyone else can work, and they can give birth just like anyone else, and young men can be responsible like anyone else, given the opportunity to go out and work like anyone else. Many trying to control the natural process of life, has caused more problems than it has created any good. Man trying to contain life to fit his measurements, when God already put a natural cycle and process within each individuals. People have such a sexual hang up about life, they can't bear to look at the facts, for fear they think young people will have more pleasure than they themselves can chase down. social ignorance of the social sexual nature of the human being. People are so full of taboo, they can't even bear to talk about sex in an educational sense, and husbands and wives walk around each other, like its a new mystery they can't talk about. too unaware they only perpetrate more ignorance of each other. and they call it being politically correct.. which is nothing more than lying and denying the act and fact of honest communication.. for the sake to be appeasing to fit a delusion image of pretentious kindness.

Unaware that kinds only finds its way thru truth.- to be kindness that is born of understanding, consideration, and compassionate interchanges. This is the result of religious doctrines that spend more time trying to control the sexuality of reality, than to teach people to be honest expressive beings.

Now for Us as a nation...

We are not known any longer for creating things, we are known as the worlds larger consumer nation. We use to make the best Cars, the Best Television and the Best of many things, Now, no other nations is interested in buying much of what we make... and every nation simply sees us as a place to dump anything they create, from drugs to guns, to plastic products that are good for one use.. Yet we wonder why our system is failing, our economy is in demise, and our social structure shows reality shows, based on people killing each other, fighting and even our news, now is nothing more than people with ego attitudes, that gain rating from arguing with each other on national television, and calling it journalism - nearly every claimed new anchor- get's there by how much controversy they can stir up. and we pay them multi millions of dollars to entertain us, and we call it "news'.

Now we have a nations whining like babies, because we have to borrow from our own tax, to pay for things,and fix a broken down nations. And people say, Oh where is the money coming from.. they don't even realize, if they create the jobs, open the business and go to work, that is where the money comes from.. But they were happy as long as they could have a good time, and borrow from other nations, and not worry about how the same tax money would pay for it. but when they have to use the tax money to pay for our own fixing of a nation, they claim anything that does not directly benefit them, they call it pork barrel, but they don't consider what they support may be pork barrel to someone else.

But none of it matter, as long as we could run up a tab of nearly 12 Trillion of using other countries money, and waiting on the government to pay the interest on it. or we paid banks 300% and upwards for using it. and now the Cry is.. give me another tax break,.. and after the tax break, they claim.. Oh' there's no money to pay the bills of a nation.. Well- did it ever dawn on people, the money to pay the bills, is hidden in the offshore accounts, and the many other ways people avoid paying taxes, and not paying a decent wage, and hoarding wealth, trying to make others their servants, and other to worship and praise them as if they are gods of some sort. So commerce can recirculate money.. Instead, the mantra became pay the captain of industry a kings ransom, and every year pay them more. As long as we could live on the illusion, that we are more like kings and queens- that could go hang out for 8 hrs and cry for the weekend to hurry up.

and now the cost of it all is due... and we have a habit of "not thinking"... and live within "The Shutdown syndrome" of.. don't talk to me, my title is too high to talk with you, or my degree says I can't talk to you, and my claim of status says, "I don't have to listen to you" and my money says.. " don't bore me with details".. and another sector is saying.. I'm too sexy for anyone, and my face is too pretty to be worried about details of anything, " and the result is"... I'm pretty, I got money, I have a title, and I have status".. and who are you, and what right do you have to try to talk to me.

Result - We go down like the Greeks, We fall faster than the Romans and like the titanic.. the band keeps on playing, and the ship breaks and heads to the oceans floor. while the people in life boats fight off those who are in the water.. all the while History Records it all, showing us.. it is not unlike it has been before.. Empires fall.. and remain unaware until they are in demise.

The desperation cry is.. " I just don't understand what happened" ...

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Why? What? and When?

What of a nation are we, and what will we become as learning beings, not only in our personal lives, but business, professional and social ?


What will it take for us to re-learn, to respect the gains of the ages, which resides in the many people, within our society, whom the media images of fresh faces and exposed bodies - push us to reject and deny.

Our culture, our life and our history- contains many who learned many things, thru the daily works at their labors, and their individual pursuits of knowledge, information and application- to be able to perform the labors that are put before them- We must learn to not ignore this, but; to re-learn to embrace it. Many are multi skilled in their gained experiences - Yet, the more we ignore it, the more disconnected our systems of industry, corporation, and community becomes. We may need to awaken and consider , we have no disposable /throw-away people,

We have people who have contributed much in life and learned many things, and it was not all by degree, but by the degree of their effors and the actions of their labors- and it is invaluable.

During many many years of working, always the elders on the jobs and those within the community have provided invaluable input,
Which we now know,without it, many challenges would have been more difficult, and many times, not taking heed has equally so caused many unnessary challenges to be endured- if only the ears had been open and the mind open to engage.

A computer cannot do what is beyond the comprehension of mans objective- it is simply a tool, that allows a method of efficiency to be engaged- but the objective remains intact. No document can be created with a computer than man was not by some means able to produce long before the computer existed, to convey , ideas, thoughts and presentations of ideas and thoughts. The computer simply affords an efficient means to do it - with the ability to duplicate it, to limitless amounts. but even so, did man; not have a copy machine, many years ago- from hand crank to push button - and now to computer script; that allows the ability to select a volume and push a button. The objective remains the same;- construct, compile imformation, put it in a format, and dispense it for specific applications of objectives aims

Are we learning that education is a wonderful thing, and we all should get as much as possible by as many means as possible; but are we truly learning that education is gained by many means, not exclusively by college alone, but by life, and the works many have engaged. By all means, each person should pursue continually,to learn more by many means, and some of the greatest skills people have acquired, have been through the pass along information they gathered from the elders of their time. Classrooms teach with an objective of industry and corporations application- as a basis of premise, with a bit of human relations added in, but people teach each other, based on life and experence thru application - with a focus on value of life - and the human being related concerns, including the nature of humility value within mankind, to have goals greater than ones selfish aims.

Even our high schools over-look, the vital element, to explore what inspires youth, they are by natures, interested in the human element within learning, they will grasp the technical aspects, they thrist for the input and interactivity of knowing and feeling, how it connects with life- and when that is not forth coming, they bore with it. Our high drop our rate proves it. but our systems are caught in an antiquated process of academia, to the point it even removed the human elements from their cirriculum, music, civics, home 'economic", arts and crafts, These things are part of the human interactive components, which build creativity. cutting these programs purely ignored it. All in favor of grooming corporate minions, for assembly line performance. and we have as a resulting impact- break downs and value deterioation, which is bewildering in its current social and civic results; To the point - academic orchestrators have no idea which way to go, but they avoid bringing back the stable components, which infuse youth with culture such as, the arts, the crafts, and the civic related studies. The average school, has no debate team, no city based science fairs, and such things, and we wonder why -so much has eroded. yet we give so little attention. to began to invite our senior citizens to the schools to speak, to offer up their skills, their talents, and reach out to construct programs that involve them in the education of our youth.. the result is 'system lock out" of our greatest resource.. "people who have lived and gained with age and experiences as common citizens of community. these kind of things, NO One wants to hear it, and it bores people to even consider these point of relevancy...

so we move along with academia, relying on formulas to be the answer, unaware it is void of human valuations of persons.

Example: An accounting class can show 100 ways of manipulating numbers, but when man teaches man of value, they teach them of fairness and integrity in how to use those methods for the better of man, not for the better of simply increasing numbers. and that is how the systems before remained with integrity, honor and respect of people and person. Business then was about the concerns and care of mankind, now it is aimed at the increase of value of corporations, without the regard for it's impact upon mankind. Why?, What? and When?, will we relearn this valuable lesson.. is certainly the day, we move to not only heal our world, but improve the integrity of it's quality.

We have many in our population,who are well over 50, they may have no degree, but they have "learned skills, they have learned values" and they have the work ethics to back it up - Why are they denied jobs, of which, they are capable of doing, for the sake of degree, or claims of age knocking them out of options and opportunity ? Whatever happen to the idea of working your way up to levels of responsibility, that processs worked for this nations so well for so many years; until position started being dispensed just by the presentations of a degree. and we began to see more companies spike and crash, one behind the next, with each new generation of entrants, that were thrust to the top, based simply on having a degree. and yet we remain unwise to investigate and clarify this as being an issue of concern. Are we a nation that needs to rethink that process ? Are we a nation that needs to look again, at career paths and let degree work and earn the advancements in specified fields of business, from the process of working their way up ?

We went from an era of nepotism, to colloterial nepotinistic process- to status based placements by assocciation. and the result is- incompetence was and is rewarded, simply based on title alone, when companies are loosing Billions of dollars, of people invested money, from their hard earings. Will we awaken, and why are we so asleep ? -and what will it take to awaken us ? 40-50-100 billion or maybe a few 100 trillion dollars of losses. or simly more of the obsession to proclaim title, to be godlike, for the sake of title worship.

Even as an example, GM, lost 30 billion, just in a year, 1 year, yet the CEO was paid 14.5 million in compensation, all for the sake of title, status and our support of status and title, as our point to worship and claim no fault to be applied. Yet.. the result is Millions loose their jobs, their pensions, and collateral companies go bankrupt in the process.. the price of status is robbing and killing our future, and we worship it still. This cycle is happening from company after company, and we sit idle, unaware; waiting on our next drama fix, to incite us. Rather than pay attention, and correct this delusion of status worship, and title idolitry. and we pay dearly, to keep honoring it with our lives and the labors of our efforts. yet.. unaware that we put our trust in man, and not the value we claim each Sunday.

Does the teaching not say, { If thine own eye offends thee..... }, Matthew 18:9 / Mark 9:47 .. then why do we let corporate offenders remain, in position to further offend - at what points do we bring them to face their actions - by the voices of our unity- and ask of them to mend their ways ?

Or will we continue to give open door accessibility to the decision making of companies over into the hands, simply based of degree's, of which, have no actual work experiences, nor have faced the trials of the work place ? Will we allow the continuing of professor based theories, to run our companies, or choose people who understand thru their work, how the company truly survives, and know by interactions, what are its real people related elements. This is a colloboration effort, between the experience'd and persons with degree, which must be re-engaged or we continue to falter with spike and crash cycles.

Will we again look at and give value to ability by action and performance ? or will we only give options based on degree? unitl we understand the nature and need of this union, and the mutual respect that it requires - we will continue to have chaos and failure mouting by the cycles of peak and crash - systems- because it ignores the wisdom, to teach and share - how to sustain and maintain it's peaks.

Many Jobs listing ask for a Bachelors degree, or it says work experience- but does it really mean what it is saying, or is it based solely on degree, and experience only become of value as a last resort ?

We've witnessed company after company crash and burn, and at the helm, we continually find many who have great degrees, but have had no practical grooming to learn the ground floor of operations, they have by-passed learning of "what is employee relation", and "what are the daily challenges within the actual product and service development and delivery" . Instead they, crunch numbers and follow a script, and they try continually to force the process to fit into the script they were taught, rather than learning, how to modify the scrip, to make it effective and efficient for and "with" the work force. What this process has created is workforce, which are less motivated, less inspired and left to feel like a spoke on the wheel that is ignored, and the productive quality has diminished, and it reflects the results in a multitude of ways.

People don't bring forth ideas, they don't share their knowledge of what they find in their day labor and function - and "they are beat down if they have a voice" - This is how we came as a society to worship degree's to the extent, until we ignored people. and in this world, what matters is people and it will always be people that matter. "How did we forget this very important point and fact"

A degree gained based on 20 years ago schooling, is not a guarantee of being qualified in a changed world. where everything is different., therefore if a 20 year old degee is respected, then so too should the 20 year employee who equally has 20 years of experience. Each, has made themselves suitable for various level of responsibility, respective to their invested time learning thru their labors. This is where the need today is far greater than ever before to match people with degrees, with people who have learned by their work and the application of their will of gained expertiese, and use of common sense knowledge and know how. It is always a valuable commodity within the spectrum of value. These two groups need to MUTUALLY respect each other.. not one feel they should be regarded above the other. The Point of education is not to claim mere status- but to have learned a higher level of how to work with others, no matter what the field, if it does not at some point, teach that all things work together, then that education has failed to teach its most valuable lesson.

Look around, this country has hailed title to such a obsessive manner, CEO can head companies loosing 30 BILLION dollars, and yet he is paid a kings ransom, for the failing company, and the delusion of "Title worship", will not allow people the common sense to see, this is not the person who is a good manager of a company.

We became a society that worship, material things, status and title- and the result is - America lost its industry, it lost its ability to be innovative and it lost it's production capacity. and it turned and disrespect a nation full of skill and qualified people, who can do many varied jobs. The average person who has 20 years on any Job, has 20 years of gained knowledge, they know things about the business, school could never teach- but they also can respect the processes learned by the person with a degree, if the degree person, is wise enough to learn to listen and not come simply to dictate and expect to be worshiped like a kings.

Knowledge changes and life does too, and the people on the ground floor know of it in real time performance, they continually have to adapt the way the work, how they outline and plan their work, and how they accomplish its end result.

Will we become a nation that again learns to respect the value of that. or will we continue to crash and burn, by worshiping titles, and other labels- while ignoring people? If we are smart and open our eyes, we will again find out, the greatest inspiration that propels a nation comes from the common working people, not from the ranks of title and degree- innovation is found within doing the actual work. Ideas are born, and they are then transferred to the title and degree, and they then can go and figure out how to bring together resources to build the innovation of new things - and once its built. it goes right back to the hands of the actual workers.. who then increase their performance..

Now how did we loose the awareness of that simple but effective method of growth and stability in our work ?

Even in our City- State and Frederal systems, the voices of people becomes ignored, and if the person is with motivation in their voice, instead of being engaged, they are labeled and ignored- is that any different than an atocratic system, that functions like and aristocracy more than a democracy- which claims to respect the voices of many, as equally as respect the voice of the individuals. the often result in the process brings many ideas to be laid to waste. for the self parise of individuals, at the expense of many.

We need change.. to be more about the function and performance of function, than we are about worshiping title and degree. That does not mean do not pursue a degree, it means do not think that degree provides one an answer all godlike ability, "because all people have a viewpoint, opinioin, and thoughts about anything they encounter" Education is excellent, and it affords knolwedge to have additional formulas to engage. But common sense is equally so a good teacher, in becoming aware of additional ways to engage. But never will any of it attain anything, without the ability to work with and listen to the people who actually perform the work, or live life in the community, or function within the connected reality of our life systems.

We may need to see what matters, and we might find - the most important thing, is always "People" - WE CAN'T LIVE ANYMORE AS A SOCIETY WHICH ACTS LIKE PEOPLE ARE "DISPOSABLE", AND CONTINUE TO TOSS THE PEOPLE AWAY WHEN THEY PAST 50, AND FORGET THEY EXIST WHEN THEY PASS 60, AND THINK THAT WE CAN HAVE A CONNCETED SOCIETY, THAT PROGRESSES. Many of our citizens and neighbors, when they reach 70 are not only forgotten socially, even the programs we design, give them the least, when they have given us all they have for many years. and we tax them and give them a pittance, and relegated their lives to be below the poverty line, even in what we pay them as social security. And its alway young people making these decisions that ignore the needs of the seniors. Why do we have a poverty line of 18K years, and pay seniors sometimes even below 12K a year. When rent,,utilities and food alone can sometimes cost that much and more. They loose the ability to have a quality of life. and many are thrust into dire poverty and live in imporvised condition..

Are we so unaware, that societies are very much judged of their integrity, by how they treat, children, the aged and physically challenged, as well as we are even judged by the manner of treatment we give to our pets. it is not about how many cars, we have when we are young, or how big our house it, or how many houses we have. It is about our collective social conscience and how we treat each other, in stages of our lives.

far too much skill and knowledge is sidlined, and pushed to the side, discredited and ignored, because of age, and then people deny that is the reason, when it become their main reason within their denials.. and the result is.. years of gained knowledge, is under-utilized, and the systems of the community of city and state and corporation, continue to collapse as a result. and it still remains unaware.

Why ? What ? and When?

Will we relearn to respect the gained experience and knowledge of simply everyday people

Many of whom worked not to gain title, nor status, but they learn simply to do good work, have good work values and adapt to change in how work is done. they should never bediscarded due to age, but embraced for the gained knowledge they have to offer.

Why do we ignore it ? what brings us to disrespect it, and When will become wise enough to regard it.

I find myself continually, going to older people, to ask for information, to gain deeper understanding, and the learn and re-learn what they already have come to know.

We let media image of youthful caption,

Bring us to disrespect the faces and time aged bodies of many, whom hold more wisdom than any youth could imagine.

Longevity of many has increased, but at 50 we still have a system that denies opportunity at that point, when today people even work well into their 80's.

Many people who were once retired are now re-entering the job markets, let us not ignore them, but embrace them and gain from their wisdoms.

We re-connect life by embracing life and uniting with it