Saturday, March 07, 2009

Version II - The Shut Down Syndrome

Probing thoughts, Provoking thoughts, evoking thoughts - and just things of a many assorted implications to inspire thoughts - simply to explore life- pursue expanded understanding, reach beyond- apprehension, and simply in the process's... just things of life, which have as many views as there are people .....

It has to be one of the most frustrating factors in living experiences - "People shutting down", when life engages the details of matters' - as if life should be a "one dimensional' surface level function. And it never is, it is always composed of the compounds of many factors, and the multiple variable and dimensional elements of each, any and all of those variables, all become part of the whole. Secular or Integrated in concept, it all becomes part of the nature of people, places and things.


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And so too, is it true within the expanse of "ideas" - yet. its always one step at a time, but we always find, the other components become relative unto each step. and so is the nature of details.

What comes next is prioritizing, but the order of objective shows its priorities, and within 'each priority", there are variables, that equally so must be prioritized - and that is where the integration of variables become of relevancy. and the focus must encompass what that is, or the bottleneck hinders the ongoing functions- that engage the original concept of idea.

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In simple terms... A car is the result of an Idea- but it is made up of many ideas, and each idea component, is important to the other components which make up the car.

  1. you can have an engine (that is an idea) and wheels (that is an idea), but then it needs a seat, ( that is an idea) it needs a steering wheel ( that is an idea) it needs a transmission ( that is an idea) and it need- an accelerator ( that is an idea) it need brakes ( that is an idea).. and etc... and etc and etc...

Each of those (ideas) are detailed constructions- so within any idea that is ccreated.. it took many ideas to compose the end result to meet the objective the idea aimed to accomplish. and each component- became a industry in itself, over time developing into precision craftsman, with marquee product line, and mass production products as well.

What if " The Shut Down Syndrome" had been engaged- these items may never had become the quality units they are, and the car may never have evolved in the first place, and it probably would not have changed its style from the first Model A. Yet, it continue to evolve, because people don't allow "the shut down syndrome" to diminish their ability to be creative and explore modifications and enhancements- they reviewed each detail, and thru the elaborations of many, it has evolved.

Why do so many of us, have so little regard for the details ? and oftentimes, we become people who simply take thing for granted far too quickly- never knowing nor considering all that goes into make it what it is. and then comes the massive "shut down syndrome" if any of it is discussed within any aim to consider the details. and the result is - the cop out is to say " oh' you are just rambling on".. because instead of listening and engaging to connect the dots.. people are focused on trying to depict "A" point, rather than to look at the multitude of points, and be inspired to simply "think".

Result is: We have a great many in society, whom are quick to say"what they don't understand".. and then take a prideful stand in their declaration of claiming they don't understand- even doing so as a put down -rather than using it as an uplift to seek understanding. There are countless people who immediately say ' Oh' it's too complex for me".. as their way of saying.. "they don't care"..

What do we often find? is many of the same ones, later overcome by the elements of life- or they make use of things, until they abuse it, and it simply falls apart in their hands, or blows up in their face.

Try to talk to some people about it, and the first thing they assume, is: that you've gone off topic, rather than looking to understand how the variable subject matters, all relate to the topic. and many, will tell you right away " you don't know what you are talking about" as their quick exist from engaging territory that challenges their mind, maybe it challenges their values, or even in some cases, they discount their ability to investigate, and learn how to re-learn things, with a different perspective.

and our society has become one- that is limited in it's pursuit of creativity - and if we can't find it on the store shelf- we take the closest substitute.

Social Relationships

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Sadly, this is the same nature people engage relationship- and Wonder, why do they grow apart, and how is it, they never know certain things about each other . Because the first thing people want to do " is fit each other in neat little boxed categories".. and then act shocked, when the individualism of the person shows to appear to be more than what another tried to cram into a box of their conjured mental concept of them, and many people, never took time to consider, the person, they tried to cram in a box, is as an individual - far more than what can be crammed into a box or put in a small caption perspective. and people dump people, and result to look for secure models they assume will remain in the box, rather than the learning more of and more about each other, or learning of people, places and things and how it impacts individual growth. Then comes the Master Shocker, when it comes to the reality of the sexuality of people- the delusions thickens to the points of absurdity. On comes the series of ... lying and denying, pretending, hiding and fear of discussions of what individuals, think, like and care about... and everyone wants to pretend to be "a Puritan" but , truth is, this nations spends more money on things relative to sexuality, than any other business on the face of the planet. and then if you add in the other items such as ,attire and what ever else, that is driven by a advertising market ,obsessed with appealing sexually to sell everything from dog food, to car mufflers..

The dollars spent,numbers are astronomical and if it does not have some sex appeal attribute, people don't even want it; but the public delusion of society pretending it is so non sexual, continues.. all in the so called name of being "politically correct".. with an immediate denial ready to be pushed forth, for the sake of social image, at the expense of their own self honesty. yet.. we claim to be mature adults people.

and so -- the judgements become the tool, for the containment of each other, into the many shapes and molds of self repressions, by social suppressions of every sort imaginable. and we then claim, we must be like clones of each other, or we become label, and presumed to be an outcast.. unaware god made each of us, as individuals.. with the ability to think and be creative in the usage of our minds.. but - we prefer the "shut down syndrome"... when faced with the real depth of the realities which are all about our lives.

Young People

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We have so many contradictions- for everything- if young people even at the age of 16 can earn money playing sports we claim them mature and rally about how mature they are and how much they can deal with life's challenges, but if they happen by some means to become pregnant, we condemn them, and claim what they can't handle.. Yet.. in history, many of us who live today, are from parents and grandparents who had our mothers and fathers and even some of us, at the age of such range.. Yet- we think we are no less of a person as a result, and we love them no less as a mother and grandmother - We may need to open our minds to what is life- because life continues to be life- respect the young people who make the choices that alter their pathway, and give them the opportunity to be responsible. Now, even where people figured toddlers could not talk, time has show they can read- if these things do not show us the amazing potential in people- then it is only because we continue to underestimate people and, downrate and deny the potential of the human being. People act amazed when a toddler calls 911, as if to assume the toddler to be a mindless being, which is simply not the case, they learn, just as all people learn. These things should tell us, to give more credence to the potential of the human being.

We have been told for centuries, mankind uses less than 10% of our mental capabilities, then if that is so, where does that leave any room to doubt human potential. If we stop trying to make people into babies, one they reach puberty and young adult hood, we may find they make great contribution in life, thru their efforts when their efforts are respected. - Just like the young tennis player, or the young pianist, or the young computer geniuses. But for some reason, people try and treat people and offsprings as if they are some toy, they can freeze in time, and keep them as if they will be a toddler forever. and life just does not function that way.

Family Matters

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At all ages from puberty to old age.. our parents are our parents, and they will or should love us as individuals, not judge and deny and even kick them out of the house, if they have a baby, but they can be a member of a gang, and remain in the house.. it's twisted logic. they can go out and rob a store, and still get respect at home, but if they happen to engage sex, they are outcast like they have committed a world sin that will destroy the world in an instance. More young women have been damaged by peoples attitudes, than they have been by the having of a child- the mental damage is worst than any challenge they may face in raising the kid.. Maybe we need to think about more than what we chase of public image, and simply learn to respect and appreciate, and most of all, learn to be understanding, and learn how to understand more than our own obsessive wants to control something. We might just become better people, and we might be able to think beyond the "Shut Down Syndrome"

Young Parents

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Today we have more single mothers graduating high-school and college in some areas than we have people who don't have children in some areas of this world and our cities and states.. so the old fables don't apply.. what matter is respect of the individual. and don't destroy the mentality of people and handicap them mentally with the insults and judgements of every sort imaginable. and then wonder why they don't progress. We as people beat people up mentally, and think nothing of it, and then condemn them because the mental damage takes longer to heal than a physical bruise. We have a society now, that more women, by at the age of 30, then began to accept themselves, it should not take that much time, but it takes so many, that long, to get to a point, to not allow the judgments of others to keep her captive from being herself.


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Even marriages, there are far too many, that in the mid to late 30, people come us saying, they got married for the wrong reasons, this would not happen, if people respect the thoughts of others, and allow the engagements of what others think, how they feel, what they aspire to and try and understand them more, instead of trying to put people into little mental boxes. Far too many people have to fight with themselves to break away from being controlled by their family once they are adults.. when all they want, is their families respect of them as being an individual. NO One will like everything anyone does, nor will anyone like everything about anyone, that is just life.. but what we can to is make efforts to understand, and impart what of wisdoms we think or know- and allow others to digest it in their own ways.


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How many people have spent 12 years in medical school, only to later find out, they really want to be a photographer,but they did the med school to satisfy the image their parents had, but they grow to the point they despise being a doctor, and in late life change to what they like. Each kids has their own dream, and each young person may modify their dream, and if they gain the support - they will excel to reach their dream.

Neighborhood Image

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We get so hung up in what the neighbors think of us, until that pursuit alone, cause more and more people, every day, to abuse their own families and offspring, even killing each other, trying to measure up to an image, for the sake of what the neighbors think.

Adults and Limited Sex Education

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This very day, there are mothers and Fathers all across this land, that are plain ignorant when it comes to the matter of sex and understanding anything of each other in such matter, and some cannot even discuss it as subject matter- yet they have engaged it and Made babies.. but they can't have a conversation about their simple likes and dislikes. all behind being hung up with a taboo mindset about something, that break up more marriages out of that kind of ignorance of even ones self.

Anguish- don't talk about this stuff

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Next- people will say... "you should not talk about that in a open manner"..

That's how closed minded we accept being-

The desperation cry is.. " I just don't understand what happened" ...

and then comes

"The Shut Down Syndrome"


Nature and it's Expanding Realism

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Mixed with The Creativity of Mankind

Produces Amazing Things

But, as time moves along we may evolve back to re-learn what we tried by every means to deny, and may well come to find out nature had as it related the human being.. its own time frames within life, and no amount of mans ability to try and alter it can do so.

Life will be life, as it was being long before mankind thought of his ways to try and control and regulate it.

We may be able to regulate and manage things, but not places, nor can man regulate and control people..

the power within the human being is far greater than mankind can comprehend, nor can contain, from being what it is..


No amount of "Shut Down Syndrome" will stop life..


We just as well put the engagements into pursuing understanding(s)

We just might find out how Amazingly Beautiful Life Truly is

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