It has to be one of the most frustrating factors in living experiences - "People shutting down", when life engages the details of matters' - as if life should be a "one dimensional' surface level function. And it never is, the compounds of factors, and the multiple variable and dimensional elements of those variables, all become part of the whole. Secular or Integrated in concept, it all becomes part of the nature of people, places and things.
And so too, is it true within the expanse of "ideas" - yet. its always one step at a time, but we always find, the other components become relative unto each step. and so is the nature of details.
What comes next is prioritizing, but the order of objective shows its priorities, and within 'each priority", there are variables, that equally so must be prioritized - and that is where the intergeneration of variables become of relevancy. and the focus must encompass what that is, or the bottleneck hinders the ongoing functions- that engage the original concept of idea.
In simple terms... A car is the result of an Idea- but it is made up of many ideas, and each idea component, is important to the other components which make up the car.
- you can have an engine (that is an idea) and wheels (that is an idea), but then it needs a seat, ( that is an idea) it needs a steering wheel ( that is an idea) it needs a transmission ( that is an idea) and it need- an accelerator ( that is an idea) it need brakes ( that is an idea).. and etc... and etc and etc...
Each of those idea are detailed constructions- so within any idea that is created.. it took many ideas to compose the end result to meet the objective the idea aimed to accomplish.
Why do so many of us, have so little regard for the details ? and oftentimes, we become people who simply take thing for granted far too quickly- never knowing nor considering all that goes into make it what it is. and then comes the massive "shut down syndrome" if any of it is discussed within any aim to consider the details. and the result is - the cop out is to say " oh' you are just rambling on".. because instead of listening and engaging to connect the dots.. people are focused on trying to depict "A" point, rather than to look at the multitude of points, and be inspired to simply "think".
Result is: We have a great many in society, that are quick to say"what they don't understand".. and then take a prideful stand in their declaration of claiming they don't understand- as a put down -rather than using it as an uplift to seek understanding. and there are countless people who immediately say ' Oh' it's too complex for me".. as their way of saying.. "they don't care"..
what do we often find, is many of the same ones, later overcome by the elements of life- or they make use of things, until they abuse it, and it simply falls apart in their hands, or blows up in their face.
Try to talk to people about it, and the first thing they assume, is that you've gone off topic, rather than looking to understand how the variable subject matters, all relate to the topic. and many, will tell you right away " you don't know what you are talking about" as their quick exist from engaging territory that challenges their mind, maybe it challenges their values, or even in some cases, they discount their ability to investigate, and learn how to re-learn things, with a different perspective.
and our society has become one- that is limited in it's pursuit of creativity - and if we can't find it on the store shelf- we take the closest substitute.
Sadly, this is the same nature people engage relationship- and wonder why they grow apart, and how they never know certain things about each other . Because the first thing people want to do " if fit each other in neat little boxed categories".. and then act shocked, when the individualism of the person shows up, and they never took time to consider, the person as an individual is far more than what can be crammed into a box or put in a small caption perspective. and we result to look for secure models, rather than the learning of each other, or learning of people, places and things.
People post blogs about things of thinking, learning they are immediately ignored, but you post one about entertainment and drama, and that is what people aspire to - We have a society that is motivated to seek entertainment over investigating life. And the over-riding result is America has fell behind in creative developments- we now rely on corporations to do it for us, while we seek out some entertainment.
I can be sure the blog posters, will quickly fill up the blog script, to bury this blog as quickly as possible- because it is not about entertainment- but about thinking- learning, and re-learning how to learn- and the nature of growth..
The Global community see us as a Good Time Jack and Jane Nation, that is spend happy of luxury stuff and then we have a gross habit of waste, and drama chasers, by whats in our media and then we tell our young people, they are in Play Land from the age of 15-26, and society is so unaware, that daily life shows over and over, that at the age of 16 people have the impact of nature, that drives their motivations, and society tries in vain to tell them what they can't do, when their mind and body simply finds a way to do what is natural to the human being.. and we as a society, think we can keep them toddler, and claim them incapable of things, simply because as adults we can't handle things, and yet, the youth seem to be more adaptable than the adults to finding ways to handle things, but society tell them, all they have to do, is play dating games, and then try to tell them who they can and who they can't date.. and the young people, look at the adults as the foolishness they speak.. while the young people see them, trying to hook up with anyone they want, yet thinking the youth are unable to know, they can also. so society goes on a mission of vilify and label and condemn, the same thing it is doing itself. but tells them, see how many of each other they can conquer, unaware that young women, are aware, that pregnancy is pregnancy, and it can happen with a 16 year old as well as with a 40 years old; and they see what... age does not matter, because.. you see as many older women and men having relationship trips, as you do young people, which simply means, age is not an answer to how to make a relationship work and it has nothing to do with how a relationship works.. "communication is what makes a relationship work".. but they are pushed to play this game far beyond the age when puberty has made them fertile, so they simply play the game of learning tactics and manipulations, and pretending, and how to lie and hide and deny even their own desires, then when they are near 30, we wonder why they can't stand each other. Then, between late 30's, they are ready to jump, dump and switch mates, because, when it comes to sexual reality of the human beings -that is the habit they learned between 15-26 , of how to lie, how to hide, and how to deny, and how to pretend, so that is what they do. and they got praised by how well they could lie, how much they could hide, and how well they could deny and pretend - now 65% or more of the nations is working on their 4th and 5th relationship.. carrying more baggage than a railway car, looking for any kind of diversionary way to live, and claiming it their new found this or that. We need to go back in history and learn- maybe we may know why in historical times, people were considered men and women at the age of 16, because it recognized their minds, make their own choices and they act on it without any provocation, but by their own will and wants. We have a nations of runways, and people having their lives tarnished because they made a choice to engage sex, and then society vilifies them and try to make them modern day outcast. and attach any negative label upon that, so the rest of society can sit back and pat itself on the back.. pretending it is better than others, because it is more inhibited, and lie and hide their own reality of their sexuality. and one minute before midnight, they are trying to chase down every means they can to exercise their pent up sexual desires, and hide it before the suns comes up. We got a society that is a liar unto itself.. it spends more money yearly on the Sexual trades of every sort, than any other business on the planet, and then want to publicly claim it is so anti this and anti that.. It's such a cycle of delusion of imagery pretense- that people are hypocrite's and claim themselves otherwise.
They are able at that age to work any job that anyone else can work, and they can give birth just like anyone else, and young men can be responsible like anyone else, given the opportunity to go out and work like anyone else. Many trying to control the natural process of life, has caused more problems than it has created any good. Man trying to contain life to fit his measurements, when God already put a natural cycle and process within each individuals. People have such a sexual hang up about life, they can't bear to look at the facts, for fear they think young people will have more pleasure than they themselves can chase down. social ignorance of the social sexual nature of the human being. People are so full of taboo, they can't even bear to talk about sex in an educational sense, and husbands and wives walk around each other, like its a new mystery they can't talk about. too unaware they only perpetrate more ignorance of each other. and they call it being politically correct.. which is nothing more than lying and denying the act and fact of honest communication.. for the sake to be appeasing to fit a delusion image of pretentious kindness.
Unaware that kinds only finds its way thru truth.- to be kindness that is born of understanding, consideration, and compassionate interchanges. This is the result of religious doctrines that spend more time trying to control the sexuality of reality, than to teach people to be honest expressive beings.
Now for Us as a nation...
We are not known any longer for creating things, we are known as the worlds larger consumer nation. We use to make the best Cars, the Best Television and the Best of many things, Now, no other nations is interested in buying much of what we make... and every nation simply sees us as a place to dump anything they create, from drugs to guns, to plastic products that are good for one use.. Yet we wonder why our system is failing, our economy is in demise, and our social structure shows reality shows, based on people killing each other, fighting and even our news, now is nothing more than people with ego attitudes, that gain rating from arguing with each other on national television, and calling it journalism - nearly every claimed new anchor- get's there by how much controversy they can stir up. and we pay them multi millions of dollars to entertain us, and we call it "news'.
Now we have a nations whining like babies, because we have to borrow from our own tax, to pay for things,and fix a broken down nations. And people say, Oh where is the money coming from.. they don't even realize, if they create the jobs, open the business and go to work, that is where the money comes from.. But they were happy as long as they could have a good time, and borrow from other nations, and not worry about how the same tax money would pay for it. but when they have to use the tax money to pay for our own fixing of a nation, they claim anything that does not directly benefit them, they call it pork barrel, but they don't consider what they support may be pork barrel to someone else.
But none of it matter, as long as we could run up a tab of nearly 12 Trillion of using other countries money, and waiting on the government to pay the interest on it. or we paid banks 300% and upwards for using it. and now the Cry is.. give me another tax break,.. and after the tax break, they claim.. Oh' there's no money to pay the bills of a nation.. Well- did it ever dawn on people, the money to pay the bills, is hidden in the offshore accounts, and the many other ways people avoid paying taxes, and not paying a decent wage, and hoarding wealth, trying to make others their servants, and other to worship and praise them as if they are gods of some sort. So commerce can recirculate money.. Instead, the mantra became pay the captain of industry a kings ransom, and every year pay them more. As long as we could live on the illusion, that we are more like kings and queens- that could go hang out for 8 hrs and cry for the weekend to hurry up.
and now the cost of it all is due... and we have a habit of "not thinking"... and live within "The Shutdown syndrome" of.. don't talk to me, my title is too high to talk with you, or my degree says I can't talk to you, and my claim of status says, "I don't have to listen to you" and my money says.. " don't bore me with details".. and another sector is saying.. I'm too sexy for anyone, and my face is too pretty to be worried about details of anything, " and the result is"... I'm pretty, I got money, I have a title, and I have status".. and who are you, and what right do you have to try to talk to me.
Result - We go down like the Greeks, We fall faster than the Romans and like the titanic.. the band keeps on playing, and the ship breaks and heads to the oceans floor. while the people in life boats fight off those who are in the water.. all the while History Records it all, showing us.. it is not unlike it has been before.. Empires fall.. and remain unaware until they are in demise.
The desperation cry is.. " I just don't understand what happened" ...
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