Thursday, March 05, 2009

Why? What? and When?

What of a nation are we, and what will we become as learning beings, not only in our personal lives, but business, professional and social ?


What will it take for us to re-learn, to respect the gains of the ages, which resides in the many people, within our society, whom the media images of fresh faces and exposed bodies - push us to reject and deny.

Our culture, our life and our history- contains many who learned many things, thru the daily works at their labors, and their individual pursuits of knowledge, information and application- to be able to perform the labors that are put before them- We must learn to not ignore this, but; to re-learn to embrace it. Many are multi skilled in their gained experiences - Yet, the more we ignore it, the more disconnected our systems of industry, corporation, and community becomes. We may need to awaken and consider , we have no disposable /throw-away people,

We have people who have contributed much in life and learned many things, and it was not all by degree, but by the degree of their effors and the actions of their labors- and it is invaluable.

During many many years of working, always the elders on the jobs and those within the community have provided invaluable input,
Which we now know,without it, many challenges would have been more difficult, and many times, not taking heed has equally so caused many unnessary challenges to be endured- if only the ears had been open and the mind open to engage.

A computer cannot do what is beyond the comprehension of mans objective- it is simply a tool, that allows a method of efficiency to be engaged- but the objective remains intact. No document can be created with a computer than man was not by some means able to produce long before the computer existed, to convey , ideas, thoughts and presentations of ideas and thoughts. The computer simply affords an efficient means to do it - with the ability to duplicate it, to limitless amounts. but even so, did man; not have a copy machine, many years ago- from hand crank to push button - and now to computer script; that allows the ability to select a volume and push a button. The objective remains the same;- construct, compile imformation, put it in a format, and dispense it for specific applications of objectives aims

Are we learning that education is a wonderful thing, and we all should get as much as possible by as many means as possible; but are we truly learning that education is gained by many means, not exclusively by college alone, but by life, and the works many have engaged. By all means, each person should pursue continually,to learn more by many means, and some of the greatest skills people have acquired, have been through the pass along information they gathered from the elders of their time. Classrooms teach with an objective of industry and corporations application- as a basis of premise, with a bit of human relations added in, but people teach each other, based on life and experence thru application - with a focus on value of life - and the human being related concerns, including the nature of humility value within mankind, to have goals greater than ones selfish aims.

Even our high schools over-look, the vital element, to explore what inspires youth, they are by natures, interested in the human element within learning, they will grasp the technical aspects, they thrist for the input and interactivity of knowing and feeling, how it connects with life- and when that is not forth coming, they bore with it. Our high drop our rate proves it. but our systems are caught in an antiquated process of academia, to the point it even removed the human elements from their cirriculum, music, civics, home 'economic", arts and crafts, These things are part of the human interactive components, which build creativity. cutting these programs purely ignored it. All in favor of grooming corporate minions, for assembly line performance. and we have as a resulting impact- break downs and value deterioation, which is bewildering in its current social and civic results; To the point - academic orchestrators have no idea which way to go, but they avoid bringing back the stable components, which infuse youth with culture such as, the arts, the crafts, and the civic related studies. The average school, has no debate team, no city based science fairs, and such things, and we wonder why -so much has eroded. yet we give so little attention. to began to invite our senior citizens to the schools to speak, to offer up their skills, their talents, and reach out to construct programs that involve them in the education of our youth.. the result is 'system lock out" of our greatest resource.. "people who have lived and gained with age and experiences as common citizens of community. these kind of things, NO One wants to hear it, and it bores people to even consider these point of relevancy...

so we move along with academia, relying on formulas to be the answer, unaware it is void of human valuations of persons.

Example: An accounting class can show 100 ways of manipulating numbers, but when man teaches man of value, they teach them of fairness and integrity in how to use those methods for the better of man, not for the better of simply increasing numbers. and that is how the systems before remained with integrity, honor and respect of people and person. Business then was about the concerns and care of mankind, now it is aimed at the increase of value of corporations, without the regard for it's impact upon mankind. Why?, What? and When?, will we relearn this valuable lesson.. is certainly the day, we move to not only heal our world, but improve the integrity of it's quality.

We have many in our population,who are well over 50, they may have no degree, but they have "learned skills, they have learned values" and they have the work ethics to back it up - Why are they denied jobs, of which, they are capable of doing, for the sake of degree, or claims of age knocking them out of options and opportunity ? Whatever happen to the idea of working your way up to levels of responsibility, that processs worked for this nations so well for so many years; until position started being dispensed just by the presentations of a degree. and we began to see more companies spike and crash, one behind the next, with each new generation of entrants, that were thrust to the top, based simply on having a degree. and yet we remain unwise to investigate and clarify this as being an issue of concern. Are we a nation that needs to rethink that process ? Are we a nation that needs to look again, at career paths and let degree work and earn the advancements in specified fields of business, from the process of working their way up ?

We went from an era of nepotism, to colloterial nepotinistic process- to status based placements by assocciation. and the result is- incompetence was and is rewarded, simply based on title alone, when companies are loosing Billions of dollars, of people invested money, from their hard earings. Will we awaken, and why are we so asleep ? -and what will it take to awaken us ? 40-50-100 billion or maybe a few 100 trillion dollars of losses. or simly more of the obsession to proclaim title, to be godlike, for the sake of title worship.

Even as an example, GM, lost 30 billion, just in a year, 1 year, yet the CEO was paid 14.5 million in compensation, all for the sake of title, status and our support of status and title, as our point to worship and claim no fault to be applied. Yet.. the result is Millions loose their jobs, their pensions, and collateral companies go bankrupt in the process.. the price of status is robbing and killing our future, and we worship it still. This cycle is happening from company after company, and we sit idle, unaware; waiting on our next drama fix, to incite us. Rather than pay attention, and correct this delusion of status worship, and title idolitry. and we pay dearly, to keep honoring it with our lives and the labors of our efforts. yet.. unaware that we put our trust in man, and not the value we claim each Sunday.

Does the teaching not say, { If thine own eye offends thee..... }, Matthew 18:9 / Mark 9:47 .. then why do we let corporate offenders remain, in position to further offend - at what points do we bring them to face their actions - by the voices of our unity- and ask of them to mend their ways ?

Or will we continue to give open door accessibility to the decision making of companies over into the hands, simply based of degree's, of which, have no actual work experiences, nor have faced the trials of the work place ? Will we allow the continuing of professor based theories, to run our companies, or choose people who understand thru their work, how the company truly survives, and know by interactions, what are its real people related elements. This is a colloboration effort, between the experience'd and persons with degree, which must be re-engaged or we continue to falter with spike and crash cycles.

Will we again look at and give value to ability by action and performance ? or will we only give options based on degree? unitl we understand the nature and need of this union, and the mutual respect that it requires - we will continue to have chaos and failure mouting by the cycles of peak and crash - systems- because it ignores the wisdom, to teach and share - how to sustain and maintain it's peaks.

Many Jobs listing ask for a Bachelors degree, or it says work experience- but does it really mean what it is saying, or is it based solely on degree, and experience only become of value as a last resort ?

We've witnessed company after company crash and burn, and at the helm, we continually find many who have great degrees, but have had no practical grooming to learn the ground floor of operations, they have by-passed learning of "what is employee relation", and "what are the daily challenges within the actual product and service development and delivery" . Instead they, crunch numbers and follow a script, and they try continually to force the process to fit into the script they were taught, rather than learning, how to modify the scrip, to make it effective and efficient for and "with" the work force. What this process has created is workforce, which are less motivated, less inspired and left to feel like a spoke on the wheel that is ignored, and the productive quality has diminished, and it reflects the results in a multitude of ways.

People don't bring forth ideas, they don't share their knowledge of what they find in their day labor and function - and "they are beat down if they have a voice" - This is how we came as a society to worship degree's to the extent, until we ignored people. and in this world, what matters is people and it will always be people that matter. "How did we forget this very important point and fact"

A degree gained based on 20 years ago schooling, is not a guarantee of being qualified in a changed world. where everything is different., therefore if a 20 year old degee is respected, then so too should the 20 year employee who equally has 20 years of experience. Each, has made themselves suitable for various level of responsibility, respective to their invested time learning thru their labors. This is where the need today is far greater than ever before to match people with degrees, with people who have learned by their work and the application of their will of gained expertiese, and use of common sense knowledge and know how. It is always a valuable commodity within the spectrum of value. These two groups need to MUTUALLY respect each other.. not one feel they should be regarded above the other. The Point of education is not to claim mere status- but to have learned a higher level of how to work with others, no matter what the field, if it does not at some point, teach that all things work together, then that education has failed to teach its most valuable lesson.

Look around, this country has hailed title to such a obsessive manner, CEO can head companies loosing 30 BILLION dollars, and yet he is paid a kings ransom, for the failing company, and the delusion of "Title worship", will not allow people the common sense to see, this is not the person who is a good manager of a company.

We became a society that worship, material things, status and title- and the result is - America lost its industry, it lost its ability to be innovative and it lost it's production capacity. and it turned and disrespect a nation full of skill and qualified people, who can do many varied jobs. The average person who has 20 years on any Job, has 20 years of gained knowledge, they know things about the business, school could never teach- but they also can respect the processes learned by the person with a degree, if the degree person, is wise enough to learn to listen and not come simply to dictate and expect to be worshiped like a kings.

Knowledge changes and life does too, and the people on the ground floor know of it in real time performance, they continually have to adapt the way the work, how they outline and plan their work, and how they accomplish its end result.

Will we become a nation that again learns to respect the value of that. or will we continue to crash and burn, by worshiping titles, and other labels- while ignoring people? If we are smart and open our eyes, we will again find out, the greatest inspiration that propels a nation comes from the common working people, not from the ranks of title and degree- innovation is found within doing the actual work. Ideas are born, and they are then transferred to the title and degree, and they then can go and figure out how to bring together resources to build the innovation of new things - and once its built. it goes right back to the hands of the actual workers.. who then increase their performance..

Now how did we loose the awareness of that simple but effective method of growth and stability in our work ?

Even in our City- State and Frederal systems, the voices of people becomes ignored, and if the person is with motivation in their voice, instead of being engaged, they are labeled and ignored- is that any different than an atocratic system, that functions like and aristocracy more than a democracy- which claims to respect the voices of many, as equally as respect the voice of the individuals. the often result in the process brings many ideas to be laid to waste. for the self parise of individuals, at the expense of many.

We need change.. to be more about the function and performance of function, than we are about worshiping title and degree. That does not mean do not pursue a degree, it means do not think that degree provides one an answer all godlike ability, "because all people have a viewpoint, opinioin, and thoughts about anything they encounter" Education is excellent, and it affords knolwedge to have additional formulas to engage. But common sense is equally so a good teacher, in becoming aware of additional ways to engage. But never will any of it attain anything, without the ability to work with and listen to the people who actually perform the work, or live life in the community, or function within the connected reality of our life systems.

We may need to see what matters, and we might find - the most important thing, is always "People" - WE CAN'T LIVE ANYMORE AS A SOCIETY WHICH ACTS LIKE PEOPLE ARE "DISPOSABLE", AND CONTINUE TO TOSS THE PEOPLE AWAY WHEN THEY PAST 50, AND FORGET THEY EXIST WHEN THEY PASS 60, AND THINK THAT WE CAN HAVE A CONNCETED SOCIETY, THAT PROGRESSES. Many of our citizens and neighbors, when they reach 70 are not only forgotten socially, even the programs we design, give them the least, when they have given us all they have for many years. and we tax them and give them a pittance, and relegated their lives to be below the poverty line, even in what we pay them as social security. And its alway young people making these decisions that ignore the needs of the seniors. Why do we have a poverty line of 18K years, and pay seniors sometimes even below 12K a year. When rent,,utilities and food alone can sometimes cost that much and more. They loose the ability to have a quality of life. and many are thrust into dire poverty and live in imporvised condition..

Are we so unaware, that societies are very much judged of their integrity, by how they treat, children, the aged and physically challenged, as well as we are even judged by the manner of treatment we give to our pets. it is not about how many cars, we have when we are young, or how big our house it, or how many houses we have. It is about our collective social conscience and how we treat each other, in stages of our lives.

far too much skill and knowledge is sidlined, and pushed to the side, discredited and ignored, because of age, and then people deny that is the reason, when it become their main reason within their denials.. and the result is.. years of gained knowledge, is under-utilized, and the systems of the community of city and state and corporation, continue to collapse as a result. and it still remains unaware.

Why ? What ? and When?

Will we relearn to respect the gained experience and knowledge of simply everyday people

Many of whom worked not to gain title, nor status, but they learn simply to do good work, have good work values and adapt to change in how work is done. they should never bediscarded due to age, but embraced for the gained knowledge they have to offer.

Why do we ignore it ? what brings us to disrespect it, and When will become wise enough to regard it.

I find myself continually, going to older people, to ask for information, to gain deeper understanding, and the learn and re-learn what they already have come to know.

We let media image of youthful caption,

Bring us to disrespect the faces and time aged bodies of many, whom hold more wisdom than any youth could imagine.

Longevity of many has increased, but at 50 we still have a system that denies opportunity at that point, when today people even work well into their 80's.

Many people who were once retired are now re-entering the job markets, let us not ignore them, but embrace them and gain from their wisdoms.

We re-connect life by embracing life and uniting with it

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