I remember duing the campaign.. the news casters kept saying, Obama did not give them enough controversial drama sound bites.. and they did not like it, so they played up everything attack that Hillary and McCain uttered.. and then the GOP got frustrated because they could not rile his feather and make him go into vicious mode, and he just kept on sticking to his points.. later the commentator, call him "No Drama Obama".. because through the process.. he talked to the people about his plans and their lives.. and people are not use to a campaign of that type.. but it won out over the mud slinging fest, that has been the mainstay of all the past races..
People don't get it.. but they know over 90% of corporate heads in this country are Republican Adenda people.. and just as the Senate stood and played a partisan game with the Stimulus vote.. the corporate heads are doing the same thing, by keeping these markets locked up.. they are playing politics.. because they don't care to see the administration succeed.. they will just as the Senate did, deny their own constituents assistance.. for the sake of making a party stand.. they only care to get the highest tax breaks, and to have no regulation on them, and the pay themselves high dollars with investors money..
but until this nation get people who are wise enough as investors to put a cap of executive compensation, then nothing will change, they will just find another way to steal.. The only thing that can reel this madness in, is very firm regulation, and compensation cap, including stock options. Pay them a fixed salary with a fixed bonus, based on incremental growth and productivity.. Because some how, these thieves forgot the money belongs to investors and the profits it earns does as well.. they are only suppose to get a management based salary.. it will stop them from the illegal trades..
and no new financial instruments should be used in any industry without investor approval for it to be used.. and they should be told how it will be used.. in terms they can understand. If they had that rule in place CDO's never would have existed like it did.. and no one even understand it, nor how its structured.. they just sold it because it made money..
but many of these banks, are broke because they over leveraged peoples money, and now they have high loss and huge interest payments where they even borrowed against the peoples money.. but people are so unaware, they have no idea of the collusion and corrupt structure of the markets. Madoff, proved that along with the massive size the past administration allowed these companies to become. they had no oversight, and they had no regulation.. its was a gang of thieves.. who saw how to rip an ignorant public.. and they did it, then they squander the gains.. trying to play impress me games among each other.
It's why Warren Buffet is as solid as a rock.. he does not play that delusion game.. he puts his people to work, and they can't buy anything without doing the DETAILED research first.. and they filter out the puff up stuff. and they only invest in things that have solid base value - with limited and managed leverage.. America became ignorant when it put its full reliance on educational degree's.. and it is people with degree's that crashed this world, because they don't function with common sense, they think those degrees give them right to steal by creating collusion and calling themselves smart for doing so..
Look at Japan, it was a stock market until they tried to emulate these fools in the markets here.. China got smart two years ago, and it put some of it's money in Gold.. and it began to self manage its capital, and only bought what was required of federal securities,simply to keep trade going. they saw the crash cycle coming.. and now, the only real problems China has is loss of export capacity which slowed down their corporation.. but they have cash reserve build up..
This country went bankrupt no less than 3 or so times under President Bush.. they borrowed so much they broke the debt clock..
now they want to expect President Obama to wave a magic wand and save their butts.. But he is doing the right thing, by making these same thieves pay to fix the infrastructure in this country, and making them stream line these corporations and take the BS game our of their programs.. It's going to take a while, because a few more of the greed masters have to get a bit broker, before they understand the game won't be like it use to be.. but right now they have not got the point.. so they are playing their power ploys, trying to force the Administration to yield to them.. but if the President keeps the pressure on, and make them sweat until they get the picture..
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